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回顾我国的古建筑维修,是从修缮走向维修。修缮实际是指以传统方法补修阙漏,主要的目的是解决古建筑的结构安全和形式完整。也就是当古建筑由于年久失修或者遭受损失时,使其恢复基本的安全形态。这一时期的修复,按照历史的惯性进行,大家并无专门的准则。很多古代的木结构、砖石结构的建筑物都曾在这种精神的指导下进行了修缮。对这类的修缮,主持者多是熟悉和了解传统古建筑的建筑师或者工程师,也有一些是匠师。  相似文献   

地震是砖石古建筑主要破坏原因之一,如何选择合适的抗震加固方法是减少砖石古建筑在地震中破坏的主要措施。本文首先在总结了地震中砖石古建筑的震害特点和现有的加固方法的前提下,对几个已经加固的砖石古建筑的加固方法进行了分析研究,并针对砖石古建筑的抗震加固方法提出了几点建议。本文的研究成果将对砖石古建筑的抗震加固提供一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

古代砖砌体建筑由于材料劣化、环境影响,材料特性及力学性能均受到不同程度的影响和损伤,为了保护历史文化的载体,结合古建筑材料获取原始且必要的数据,系统总结了古砖、传统灰浆的制备工艺和材料性能,简要归纳了古砖、传统灰浆和古砖砌体基本力学性能及其测试方法,对比分析了单砖和砌体抗压强度的差异以及古建筑砌体材料力学性能研究现状。并对今后古砌体如弹性模量等力学性能、古砌体材料及结构的损伤机理等的研究提出了展望或建议,可为砖石古建筑的修缮保护提供参考依据。  相似文献   

数字化技术的应用为古建筑修缮过程中的数字化记录和保护提供了新的手段和思路。文章分析研究了数字化记录在大悲殿古建筑修缮中的应用,探讨数字化记录在古建筑修缮中的意义和作用,更好地理解数字化记录在古建筑修缮中的价值,以期为以后的古建筑修缮工作提供参考和指导。  相似文献   

庞俊 《风景名胜》2020,(3):0315-0315
园林古建筑的修缮与保护不仅是古文化的一种重要载体形式,而且通过这些园林古建筑,能够实现对古时期政治、经济等各方面内容的了解。本文针对园林古建筑的修缮与保护进行分析,在具体修缮保护措施落实时,必须要遵循适度性以及原真性的基本原则,同时还要加强对相关管理制度的制定和落实,实现对这些园林古建筑的保护和传承。  相似文献   

试论中国古建筑保护理念   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
中国古建筑在世界建筑中独树一帜,具有极高的艺术成就和科学价值,古建筑保护修缮的目的就是要最大限度地保存其历史、艺术和科学价值,以现代科技手段与传统工艺技术相结合,在保护古建筑本体的同时,解决好古建筑原来的建筑形制、建筑结构、建筑材料以及工艺技术等问题,并在保护修缮过程中全面深入地认知中国古代建筑的精髓所在。  相似文献   

古建筑修缮工作对古建筑艺术文化传承具有重要价值影响,在修缮技术的选用和实施中,需体现科学性、专业性特点,并同步落实可靠的工程管理措施,提升工程管理水平,消除不良管理隐患,以保障获得良好的古建筑修缮效果。  相似文献   

古建筑的维修应严格遵循修缮原则兼论直隶总督署修缮工程柳淑巧我国历史悠久,源远流长,文物古迹众多,但绝大多数古建筑破旧不堪,急待维修。然而,古建筑的维修应以什么为原则呢?我国现行的古建筑修缮原则又是什么呢?在古建筑的维修中,我们是如何遵循这一原则的?下...  相似文献   

本文紧密结合北京历代帝王庙保护维修工程的实践,谈论了在古建筑文物保护工程中贯彻《中华人民共和国文物保护法》和《中国文物古迹保护准则》中各项原则及规定的具体做法;阐明了我国古建筑在建筑形式、结构特点、材料技术、构造做法、损毁规律及维修方法等方面与西方古建筑的诸多区别,揭示了我国古建筑保护修缮的特殊规律。明确提出对西方国家先进的文物保护理念应当认真学习,但对他们的具体做法绝不可原样照搬。作者主张紧密结合我国文物保护工作的实践,不断总结经验,逐步确立有中国特色的文物保护修缮的理论体系和实践体系,并在这个体系的指导下做好我国文物古建筑的保护修缮工作。  相似文献   

历次地震表明,大量的砖石古建筑在地震中遭受到了严重的破坏,对破损的古建筑进行合理的评价对古建筑的加固方案的选择起到了重要的作用;现阶段对震后古建筑的破损状态评价方法往往采取了单一指标的判定,为了提高震后砖石古建筑损坏状态评价的准确性,应用集对分析理论与方法。以地表变形的倾斜变形、水平变形与结构的最大层间位移角为评价因子,建立了损坏评价的集对分析模型,提出了基于集对分析理论的震后砖石古建筑损坏评价方法。该方法将各待评定的样本值与分级标准形成对子.逐个比较其共有特性、相反特性及差异特性,从不同侧面刻画2个集合的联系与关系,从而较为准确的评价震后古建筑的破坏状态。并对经历地震破坏的古建筑进行分析,验证该方法的合理性与科学性。  相似文献   

Through the assistance of trace element and petrographic analyses on 14 samples of mortar aggregates from Roman monuments, including the Porticus Aemilia, the Temple of Concordia, the Temple of the Dioscuri, Temple B and other structures of the Area Sacra di Largo Argentina, and the Villa di Livia, we establish the source area and we investigate the chronological employment of the volcanic materials used in ancient Rome's masonry. In contrast to previous inferences, the petrochemical data presented here show that systematic exploitation of the local ‘Pozzolane Rosse’ pyroclastic deposit has occurred since the early development of concrete masonry, at the beginning of the second century bc , through the early Imperial age. Subsequently, exploitation was extended to the overlying Pozzolane Nere and Pozzolanelle deposits. Only during the early phase of development of the concrete masonry in Rome, volcaniclastic sediments outcropping near the construction sites were mixed with the sieved remains of the tuff employed as the coarse aggregate, to produce the fine aggregate. The results of the study on the investigated monuments suggest the possibility of establishing the chronological identification of three different types of mortars, as a function of the composition of the volcanic material employed in the fine aggregate, which, when implemented by future studies, may contribute to the dating of monuments and archaeological structures.  相似文献   

The Roman and Byzantine monuments at Sabratha in northwest Libya represent cultural heritage of remarkable global significance. This report describes the weathering damage of calcarenites, the most dominant stone type used in the construction of monuments in the ancient city of Sabratha. Stone loss, particularly alveolar weathering, notching and breakout of compact stone fragments, dominates deterioration phenomena. Other weathering forms include stone detachment (granular disintegration into sand) and fractures. Most of the studied monuments are also severely affected by biodeterioration, due to microorganism colonization that appears as biofilm. Both the low durability of the calcarenites and the marine environment with characteristic humidity and salt-rich marine spray are the important factors contributing to stone weathering. The results obtained in this pilot study may be used as a guideline for future restoration works.  相似文献   

Hagia Sophia is one of the oldest and most complex existing monuments. Many unanswered questions are still open on the historical and constructive evolution of this monument. The boundaries between the different construction phases and the details of the masonry and materials used in the various phases are still not defined with precision.

The thermographic survey, carried out inside the monument, made ??it possible to answer some of these questions by specifying the exact location of the past interventions and the variability of the materials employed allowing a better understanding of the constructive history of the monument. The technique was applied at a great distance and in normal environmental conditions, taking advantage of the high thermal sensitivity of the instrumentation. The results achieved confirm the validity of the technique in the study of ancient buildings.  相似文献   

The characterization of lime mortars has become of primary importance in order to obtain information about the raw ingredients and building technology of ancient masonry structures. Five different samples from Anhui province, China, representing two types of lime mortar-based materials: joint mortars between the bricks of the city wall and lime mortar sealing a tomb coffin, were collected for analysis. Archaeological information about the samples was reported and studies into the microtextural features and mineralogical compositions of those mortars were performed via a multi-analytical approach. The joint lime mortars between the bricks of city walls, including Mingzhongdu city wall, Mingzhongdu Xihua gate foundation, Zhengyangguan city wall and She county city wall, were found to be aerial lime mortars. The lime mortar from Nanling Tieguai Song dynasty tomb was analysed and found to be a pozzolanic mortar consisting of lime, clay, sand and cocciopesto-like materials. The analytical results serve as a critical reference for the maintenance and restoration of ancient city walls in Anhui province, and as a starting point for searching for ancient Chinese pozzolanic mortars and technology for making those mortars.  相似文献   

Syracuse has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2005. Notable for its visible traces of the ancient Greek city, the inscribed sites are mainly located on the Ortigia Islet and in the Neapolis Archaeological Park. In this park, in addition to monuments of global significance such as the Greek theatre carved into the rock in the fifth century bc, wild flora of great interest are preserved. Some species may have been introduced in the classical period. In 2013, significant maintenance interventions of green areas were made, aimed at safeguarding the monuments and the most relevant flora present. This activity provided an opportunity to create, through an interdisciplinary project, some guidelines for the management of the green cover, and has also created new opportunities for the use of the site through thematic routes.  相似文献   

One of the most famous monuments of the ancient Kingdom of Saba is the first-millennium BC Awam Temple in Marib, Yemen. Despite its fame, almost nothing has been published about the building and ornamental stones used in its construction, or the quarries that supplied these stones. This paper presents the results of the first geological study of the Awam Temple and its stone quarries.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to characterize the original concrete from Roman buildings for public spectacles, theatre and amphitheatre, from Emerita Augusta, Mérida, Spain. An advanced knowledge of the Roman concrete composition is required for a reliable restoration and preservation of these ancient monuments. The concrete was studied through mineralogical (optical polarized microscopy and X-ray diffraction) and petrophysical (bulk and real density, open porosity to water and Hg, mechanical strength and ultrasonic velocity) analyses. With this work, it is possible to fill the gap that exists in this field and the characterization of the materials used in the Roman concrete from these two buildings, never previously studied, despite the significance of this archaeological ensemble, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1993. The results allowed us to determine the composition of the Roman concrete and to infer the provenance of the aggregates used in these monuments.  相似文献   

中国大遗址保护的问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
今天这个会议就是一个主题,即要保护好大遗址。出席本次会议的代表来自考古学、保护规划、科技保护、文物行政和考古文物出版等方面。且都是当前的文物考古界各个方面的主力军,有些还担任一定的业务行政职务。本次会议由学术研究和出版单位发起、组织和主办,这么多领域的人员出席,来  相似文献   

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