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In capricious climates,from multiple angles in the skyt and in difficult conditions beyond our imaginations,this man spent 18 years filming western China from the heavens.The result is over 100,000 aerial photos,which have become the backbone of a valuable photo library.The filming of inhospitable alpine zones in particular have filled a gap in the history of aerial photography in China and even the world at large.His name is Tian Jieyan,the renowned aerial photographer of western China.  相似文献   

正The bar-headed goose,one of the most common waterfowls on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,is named after the two black stripes on its head.A bar-headed goose looks quite stupid.Their images can be found everywhere,no matter whether they come from the Changtang Plateau in northern Tibet,the valley from midstream of the Yarlung Zangbo River in winter,the crop fields of the suburbs of Lhasa,or in the Dzongyab Lukhang Park downtown.  相似文献   

At 9 am, May 17th, 2013, we set out through heavy snow from the County of Honvuan forthe Xiaman Goat Husbandry Farm in Western Ruoergai. Along the way, we saw few humans but there were groups of yaks grazing with a quiet, masterful air on the snowcovered prairie. The road was uneven and our young driver, Tashi, seemed to like playing "dodgem cars" in this playground while trying his best to avoid every puddle along the way. Our SUVjolted up and down, splashing muddy water on the still falling white snow. In Secretary Norbu's car, and warmed by the heater, we arrived at tfhe Goat Husbandry Farm at ten thirty. Due to a power cut, that big farmyard was deserted but Tashi heated instant noodles for his breakfast in a pressure cooker on a wood stove. We were about 3500 meters above sea level so water boiled at only 80 degrees Centigrade. Half an hour later, a man rushed into the room, bringing the cold air with him from the outside wind and snow. He immediately extended his hand to us. "Welcome You are from the Southwest University for Nationalities Last year, President Wang helped us with monitoring and earmarking. We appreciated it very much." The "President Wang" just mentioned by Secretary Song Dingbin of the Xiaman Goat Husbandry Farm, was Wang Yong, Vice President of the Southwest University for Nationalities and Director of the Institute for Qinghai Tibet Plateau. He is tutor for the graduate students majoring in "Animal Genetic Breeding andPropagation", an expert who has made outstanding contributions in Sichuan. Privately, people would call him "Goat Wang". Jianzhou Big Ear Goat Actually, the name "Goat Wang" is not unique to Wang Yong. There is another "Goat Wang" in the school,Prof Wang Jie. Both "Wangs" study goats with considerable achievements, so both are given this excellent name. The difference is their respective ages. Professor Wang Jie has retired, so it is natural that Wang Yong is "Junior Goat Wang". For quite some time, our country has imported breeding goats from overseas. Secretary Song Dingbin said that in 1958 the state purchased some Merino sheep from Australia and New Zealand with gold, and established the Xiaman Goat Breeding Farm to produce high quality wool. As for meat production, the Boer goat has long dominated the market. Wang Yong, a Doctor in"Animal Genetic Breeding and Propagation", determined to change it. In 1998, supported by the Jianyang government, Doctor Wang Yong and his research team started to breed and cultivate the new "Jianzhou Big Ear Goat". They used the foreign Nubian goat to crossbreed with the local Jianyang goat. So a new population was produced and improved by crossbreeding and selection for the next generation by way of open herd breeding. The team employed a strict and complicated standard to select breeding goats. If any detail, no matter if it was appearance,  相似文献   

正Originating in China,tea is one of the symbols of Chinese culture.The impact of tea culture has reached all the corners of the world:it has become one of the most popular non-alcoholic beverages,consumed by over two-thirds of the world's population for its refreshing taste,aroma,and medicinal and mildly stimulating qualities.It is the second most widely consumed drink in the world after water.In history,tea was among the commodities which  相似文献   

Environmentalissueshavecaughtpublicconcerninrecentyears.InhisarticlecarriedintheQinghaiSocialScien"e(issueNo.2,2000),BaiDinaiuconcludesthattheenvironmentonthePlateauisbeingdamagedasaresultofchangesinclimateandinsuthcienteffortsmadetoprotecttheenvironment.First,waterlossandsoilerosion.Landexposedtowind,waterandicemakesup75percentofthetotal.SoilerosionisthemostseriousintheYellowRiverValley.lnQing-hai,sandcontentintheYellowRiverreach-es6,l4Otons.Second,desertification.Statisticsforl997show…  相似文献   

青藏高原"渐进阶梯式"旅游模式探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
青藏铁路建成通车,众多游客纷纷涌向西藏,极大地推动了青藏高原的旅游业发展。而青藏高原的高海拔既是旅游业发展的独特之处,也是青藏高原旅游业发展的瓶颈。由于高海拔自然环境的极大差异和人类对不同海拔高度的不同生理反应以及不同自然环境对社会、经济发展的制约,从而导致在不同海拔高度的地貌区域游客的生理反应、接受的服务程度以及旅游环境容量都有极大的差异性,因此,本文通过分析认为海拔在2000—3000m为高原旅游游客的生理适应区,并得出西宁—兰州区和昆明区是高原旅游的最佳适应区;而3000—5000m为青藏高原的常规旅游区,>5000m则为青藏高原的特殊旅游区。从而提出青藏高原“渐进阶梯式”旅游模式的架构。  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is a story written by Huang Weiwen, a Paleolithic archaeologist.What is discussed here are stone artifactsunearthed from Siling Co site in northern Tibet,which, according to radio carbon dating, is 24,000Years ago. This moves up the years of humanoccupation in the plateau by 20,000 years.The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is a mysterious landknown as the "third pole in earth." Archaeologists have interest in that part of the world alsobecause of its relations with the …  相似文献   

Highway traffic is lifeblood of the social and economic development in Tibet. Due to the historical and geographical factors, Tibet didnot have a formal road or a civil car before 1950. The economic exchanges relied on the backs of porters and horses.  相似文献   

Since the COVID-19 outbreak in China,all-out measures have been taken to prevent and control the epidemic across the whole country.In this war without smoke,people from all walks of life in the Tibet Autonomous Region and the Tibetan-inhabited areas in Sichuan,Yunnan,Gansu and Qinghai provinces unite with one heart and make their own contributions to the fight against the epidemic.  相似文献   

<正>In Tibet,people often give alms to the pilgrims who get down and give a kowtow every three steps,by which they place their will to pay pilgrimage to them so as to comfort their own sense of loss that they cannot make by themselves.Getting the alms,no matter more or less,the pilgrims usually do nothing but give a smile  相似文献   

<正>蔡国庆个人小档案姓名:蔡国庆民族:回族生日:9月17日星座:处女座身高:1.78米血型:B型籍贯:北京最喜欢的季节:冬季最想去的国家:印度最难忘的事:异国相恋最幸福的事:等待做父亲那一天最想做的事:周游世界对自己最满意的地方:仁爱,真情最欣赏的人生格言:顺其自然,来日方长  相似文献   

薄荷 《旅游纵览》2009,(6):38-39
<正>张德志《旅游纵览》杂志社总编国际旅游摄影俱乐部执行主席特级摄影师中国摄影家协会会员中国长城学会会员当苍鹭飞快地掠过天空,作者用镜头捕捉到了这精彩的一瞬间。然而它的生命却并未因此定格,或许它将在枝桠上停栖,或许它会在浅水里捕鱼,或许它也经历过轰轰烈烈、风风雨雨,可那些都不会羁绊住它前行的脚步,成为它停止不前的理由。只有亲身去挑战,才知道山究竟有多高、谷到底有多深,勇敢者的生命应该在不止的奋斗中绽放。  相似文献   

In areas in which 46 million Soviet citizens live, official statutory time is not observed. Most of these areas lie in the western part of the third Soviet time zone and date from 1930-31 when the Soviet Union adopted Daylight Saving Time on a year round basis. When an additional Summer Time was announced in 1980 (beginning in 1981 from April 1 to October 1), putting the clock two hours ahead of standard time for the summer, it was also announced that local deviations from statutory time would be terminated. In 1982, however, continued local deviations were noted, and some, in fact, permitted by the state. The explanation offered is that citizens and local readers in these areas wish to be on the same time as Moscow.  相似文献   

Von Thünen's classical model of agricultural location was published in the Soviet Union in Russian translation in 1926, a hundred years after its original publication in Germany, but was soon denounced as a bourgeois theory seeking to optimize location from the point of view of minimizing production costs or maximizing the profit of the entrepreneur. The view that the von Thünen model was not applicable to Soviet conditions was stated as late as 1966 in Vol. V of the Kratkaya geograficheskaya entsiklopediya [Short Geographical Encyclopedia], pp. 196, 525. A Moscow University agricultural geographer, in reassessing the von Thünen model, now points out that its objective of determining optimal production systems for a given set of physical (land quality) and economic (market) conditions is shared by anyone who seeks the most highly cost-effective form of agriculture in a particular setting.  相似文献   

Andicrafts are much in vogue in the world today, and the pottery unique to Taba Uillage are famous for their unsophisticated style. If it is possible to find an appropriate pattern of products, such as pottery jars in ancient China or local potteries in Africa, trying to follow the trend of selling international traveling craftwork arts, maybe it will be an outlet of Taba Uillage.  相似文献   

Qamba Zunzhub is the board chairman of the Lhasa Caiquan Liming Handicrafts Co. Ltd, principal of the director of the Lhasa Caiquan Welfare and Recuperation Clinic. He is indeed a man absorbed in work day by day. But, in the eye of numerous business people along Barkor Street in Lhasa, he is none other than the "shoe king." In fact, they say, about 60 percent of Tibetan shoes created as Tibetan tourist souvenirs that are on sale in Barkor come from Qamba Zunzhub. When this writer met h…  相似文献   

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