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Summary. Recent finds of hoarded silver in Cisjordan present new material for the consideration of the conceptual history of coined metals. When the fundamental concepts associated with coinage are abstracted from the various objects that express them, it is possible to see that a kind of coined metal existed in Cisjordan and other parts of the Near East prior to the traditional 'invention' of coinage by the Lydians and Greeks c. 600 BC. 1 Both hoards and written sources indicate that seals affixed to precious metals at times qualified them in a numismatic sense by guaranteeing weights set to standards as well as controlled composition. What has been characterized as the 'invention' of coinage was rather an adaptation of these same principal concepts. The frequency and size of silver hoards from Cisjordan point to a proliferation in the 'monetary' use of silver in that region during the Iron Age and suggest a relationship to the overwhelming preference for silver coinages among the Greeks.  相似文献   

李佳  赵亮 《旅游纵览》2009,(5):16-21
天津,"天子渡口"的本意,使其注定成为北京的一个影子。距京城不到150公里,即便身为直辖市,也无法摆脱与生俱来的附属感。除了马三立的相声、狗不理包子、十三街麻花,还有那口抑扬顿挫的天津话,这座城市似乎缺乏明显的标记。然而,由于特殊的地理位置,近代史上众多名流巨子、富商政客、文人大豪在京城遇挫后,或大隐于斯,或蛰居于此,留下很多历史痕迹。而数目庞大的名人故居,也成了一道亮丽的风景。  相似文献   

凌音 《旅游纵览》2016,(10):60-65
正"我再生利用那些被早期加州农民破坏浪费的山坡上的土地,我坚信土壤是我们坚不可摧的财产。通过收集畜禽粪便产生的绿肥、氮肥等有机肥料覆盖作物,轮换翻耕土地,以及排水灌溉系统……这些中国4000千年来的实践成果为我所用。"(杰克·伦敦写于1915年)  相似文献   

This article is a case study of the detailed contextual and scientific analysis of a single object, moving beyond a conventional object biography to consider flows of materials and shifts in meaning and value. The object is a simple triangular silver ingot from the Late Iron Age shrine site at Hallaton, Leicestershire, UK. Scientific analysis is used to uncover the biography of the ingot, and the raw materials from which it was created. The results suggest that the metal which eventually formed the ingot circulated through both Iron Age and Roman social networks, being reworked and transformed several times before it was deposited. Silver emerges as a material which mediated between the Mediterranean world and Iron Age communities in Britain, allowing translation and transmutation between different systems of value in conquest‐period Britain.  相似文献   

A series of silver coins was analysed for silver and gold contents by three methods—chemical wet analysis, activation analysis and X-ray fluorescence using a point source linear spectrometer (milliprobe). The results indicate that while the X-ray fluorescence technique gives better agreement with chemical analysis for major components the use of activation analysis with automated equipment results in a considerable saving of time and has a high sensitivity for some minor components.  相似文献   

<正>刘力扬在一首歌里唱道:你送的礼物,在此刻好体贴,陪我回忆,把过往走一遍……无论是旅行还是旅游,一个人到了陌生的城市,会买点什么留待将来把过往走一遍?或者送出点什么最能表达自己的心意,期许这个人能通过这个物品记住你们的交往?这个物件姑且把它称为城市礼品想必贴切!我要强调的是,城市礼品不是一般意义上的旅游纪念品。  相似文献   

<正>拍摄雪豹是我平生夙愿,经过4个多月的精心准备,终于在2019年7月27日成行,故事以时间顺序及图片详细地记录了拍摄雪豹捕食的过程及其他珍稀动物的精彩画面。7月27日一早,我与两同伴从成都双流机场出发飞往青海玉树巴塘机场,出巴塘机场见到了我们的藏族向导义西及他的侄儿,他们向我们献上了洁白的哈达并告知前往此行目的地雪豹之乡昂赛还有5个多小时的车程。昂赛乡位于青海省玉树藏族自治州杂多县东南部,面积1924平方千米,人口以藏族为主。为保护当地物种的多样性,自然保护区每年限制2000人次参加自然体验。坐着汽车自东向西几番波折后,昂赛乡独特的丹霞地貌逐渐展现在我们的眼前。该地区独特的地貌,是由近水平巨厚红  相似文献   

The white-lipped deer lives on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.As a creature of strength and cunning,it is both mighty and meek.Also known as"Shawa Quxa"by Tibetan people, the white-lipped deer has a large body,similar to a red deer or sambar. As a unique species on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,it has white fur around its lips and on its jaw,hence the name. In October of 2011,I was assigned to work in a remote place,a village  相似文献   

Summary. The routine analysis of twenty-two silver rings revealed that in some Roman rings brass had been added instead of pure copper. These alloys had formed corrosion products during burial, which meant that the results of surface XRF analysis had to be used with caution. Destructive analysis gave accurate interior compositions, which are used in comparisons with similar material from other authors.  相似文献   

This article discusses the role of the neighbourhood in an era of increased mobility. It explores the consequences of the “new mobilities paradigm”, which argues that the growing importance of flows – of people, goods and information – results in a deterritorialization of social practices. Rows thus gain prominence in comparison to places like regions and neighbourhoods. At the same time, however, neighbourhoods continue to play a role in the actions and imaginations of people, neighbourhood organizations, and government policies. People still live in neighbourhoods, and governments still try to solve often severe social problems through neighbourhood policies. We argue that the neighbourhood has to be re‐imagined as a collection of hybrid nodes connecting a multiplicity of flows that bind actors and objects in order to understand the potential effectiveness of these policies. From this new mobilities perspective, we make suggestions for future neighbourhood research.  相似文献   

阜阳出土一组宋代银铤   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
阜阳博物馆收藏一组宋代银铤,均扁平束腰,两端呈弧形,正面有戳印铭文,背部密布蜂窝状铸孔。这组银铤均为出土于阜阳境内的窖藏品,依其铭文不同可分七式,现介绍如下。Ⅰ式:长161、腰宽64、两端各宽85、厚17mm,重1950克。铭文“聂□□”,字迹漫漶不清。体表粗糙呈暗灰色(插四图1)。Ⅱ式:长123、腰宽43、两端各宽67、厚15mm,重980克。右侧上部铭文“朱雀门外马安铺”,右下部铭文“真花□银”,第三字左边金字旁,右边模糊难识,疑为“钱”字。该铤左边上部铭文“马安铺”,左下部铭文“出门税”。体表灰白色、正面光滑细腻,周缘有水波纹边栏(插四图…  相似文献   

<正>有这样一群人,他们喜欢读文学作品,喜欢看文艺电影,喜欢收藏一些看起来挺文艺的东西,在这些人中,也有很多人喜欢摄影,喜欢玩LOMO。什么是"LOMO"?就是"Let Our lives be Magic and Open",翻译过来就是"让我们的生活开放、有魔力"。这是一种新的摄影取向,Lomographic Society一直都在寻找自然的、即兴的美学。不要想,只管拍!拿起相机,去寻找那些充满文艺范儿的行摄地……  相似文献   

We present a full-sequence radiocarbon-based chronological system for the Iron Age in the Levant, anchored on the dating of ten destruction layers for the years 1130–730 BC. We establish the sequence using two methods – the 'uncalibrated weighted average' and the Bayesian modelling. Utilizing four dating tools in combination – radiocarbon measurements, field stratigraphy, pottery typology and ancient Near Eastern historical records – facilitates solutions to chronological problems that are far beyond the resolving power of 14C dating alone. The results shed light on disputed issues related to biblical and ancient Near Eastern history, such as the expansion of the early Israelite polity from the highlands to the lowlands; the nature of the Shoshenq I campaign to Canaan; and the evolution of the conflict between northern Israel and Aram Damascus.  相似文献   

This article deals with the image-making of Swedish monarchs in the decades preceding and succeeding the Swedish Revolutionary Year of 1809, a year witnessing the dethronement of a king and the composition of a new constitution. In this era, the monarchies of Europe faced a great challenge in accommodating conflicting ideals of the Ancien Régime and of emergent bourgeois civic society. In dynastic ceremonies and court culture, the Swedish monarchy made use of various resources in its strive for legitimacy by representing continuity as well as discontinuity, attempting to reconcile the old and the new, the ‘traditional’ and the ‘modern’. In addition to material culture and spatial practices, practices with an immediate relationship to bodies constituted an available resource. Ceremonial deportment and the regulation of bodies and embodied practices (such as manners of dress) thus became a major concern in the endeavoured reconciliation of contradictory themes surrounding kingship in an age of revolution.  相似文献   

Summary.   The Early to Middle Bronze Age transition period has often been interpreted as involving a move to 'rational' food-producing societies. More recently, models have been advanced which have highlighted the presence of ritualized practices within Middle Bronze Age society. However, many of these interpretations have largely been based upon evidence from excavated settlements in central southern England. This paper examines the need to consider the transition period at a more localized level and presents the evidence from south-west England.  相似文献   

前言卑路斯(457-484)是萨珊王朝中最不幸的一位帝王,他虽有想把国家治理好的抱负,可惜天灾人祸加上他对(口厌)哒的战争,不但没有振兴王朝反而使整个国家中衰,几乎遭到灭亡的命运。  相似文献   

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