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A preliminary statement of the energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence characterization of six spatially discrete rhyodacite sources of the Taos Plateau, New Mexico is presented. Geochemical characterization serves to determine the sources of an initial sample of 30 rhyodacite artifacts from three archaeological sites some 20–40 km distant from the sources. The initial results indicate that barium, strontium and zirconium are particularly effective in identifying and discriminating among the various northern Rio Grande-Taos Plateau rhyodacite sources.  相似文献   

The effect of initial migration of a household member on the subsequent migration of other household members is investigated. Previous research has documented the strong impact of migration experience in predicting future migration. This article builds on this experience by adopting a social network approach to explain the association between an initial migration from a household and the subsequent migration of other household members. Differentials in socio-economic characteristics of subsequent migrants and factors associated with the encouragement of subsequent migration by initial migrants are analysed. Longitudinal data from the Kanchanaburi Demographic Surveillance System, which allow for accurate modelling of the flow and pattern of subsequent migration, and which help to highlight the importance of household social networks on the migration decisions of left-behind household members, are used. The results indicate that the number of male and female initial migrants in the household, duration of initial migration, relationship to initial migrant, and number of migrants in the village are factors most likely to predict a subsequent move.  相似文献   

The evolution of the transport net within the BAM zone is examined in terms of three development stages. The first stage will involve the construction of the initial framework of the future transport net; aside from the BAM itself, it is recommended that consideration be given to the construction of a permanent motor road instead of the temporary construction road now envisaged. The second stage, in the author's view, should include the start of an extension of the Little BAM northward toward Yakutsk, as well as an oil pipeline (the author does not agree with the view that the BAM would replace earlier plans for a Trans-Siberian pipeline). The third stage would include a gas pipeline from the Yakutian fields to the coast; it is recommended that the gas line follow the alignment of the new railroads. No specific time frame is attached to the proposed three development stages.  相似文献   

A history of the development of shape indices, going back to some of the earliest formulas proposed by German scholars in the 19th century, groups the various measures in terms of the initial set of data used in their derivation. The author does not approve of indices derived from the perimeter and area of a figure (such as Chorley's lemniscate), linear dimensions and area (Gibbs, Haggett), inscribing and circumscribing circles (Penck, Krumbein), tangential contours and from radial vectors (Boyce and Clark). The author sees greater promise in approaches using the distance from elements of the figure to the perimeter, Bunge's inscribed polygons, and the distance from elements of the figure to the center (Thünen, Blair and Biss). Further work on shape indices is urged with a view to deriving measures that would reflect not only compactness, but also the degree of dissection and contour indentation. The problem is assuming greater significance in light of advances made in picture recognition and processing by computer.  相似文献   

When structural retrofitting of buildings is required due to seismic safety considerations, building owners or government officials are faced with a crucial decision whether to demolish and rebuild their buildings, or retrofit them. Simple decisions based on fixed proportions, such as demolish and rebuild if retrofit costs exceed 40% of the replacement cost, may be misleading. A financial analysis should be carried out considering all the revenues and costs of the building during its life time. A low-cost residential apartment building that has a construction cost of $140/m2 is selected in this study to represent the vulnerable buildings in developing countries under seismic risk. Life-cycle cost analysis approach is employed to value the rebuild or retrofit alternatives to compare economically. Economic assessment has been carried out for various parameters. It has been found that the age of the building and the retrofit ratio are dominant parameters among the others. The critical retrofit ratio (percent of retrofit cost to initial construction cost) varied from 25% for 40 year old buildings to 67% for 10 year old buildings. It is suggested that economical decisons should not be made simply by comparing the retrofit costs to initial construction costs.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to recover the initial geometry of earthen walls from the shape of wall remains. The original parameters of the walls have been estimated by fitting the field‐measured profiles with the theoretical shape predicted by the model. We estimate: (i) the initial wall height (between 2 and 3 m); (ii) their shape (vertical or nearly vertical); and (iii) the time for complete degradation (between 250 and 400 years, depending on wall orientation). We show that this approach yields the best results when the main degradation factor is the temperature gradient, as it is for south‐oriented wall faces.  相似文献   

Two distinct types of rock glaciers occur in southwest Yukon. One results directly from glaciation, with the production of abundant debris over glacier ice. The other forms during and after deglaciation, when instabilities develop in deposits and when ice included in these deposits responds to climatic change.  相似文献   

Summary.   This paper is the biography of a single piece of pottery found in a tomb in Sardinia. The form is one that is common in Levantine sites in the Mediterranean in the Early Iron Age, but this single vessel, its history, context, and form, allows a greater story to be told: it points to a second wave of Levantine exploration and colonization – probably Tyrian – that built upon a Euboean–northern Phoenician initial phase in the eighth century BC.  相似文献   

Summary. The appearance of spacious and well-equipped houses in the towns of Roman Britain from the mid second century, following an initial period of resistance to urban dwelling on the part of the wealthy, requires explanation. Various possible motivating factors—the increasing prosperity of villa owners, the desire for security, official pressure coupled with renewed imperial interest in urban development, the availability of cheap building land, the example of the coloniae and the promotion of towns to higher rank—are considered. In many cases a combination of these factors will have applied, but the growing prestige of the towns themselves seems to have been a powerful attraction.  相似文献   

Special attention is devoted to Vavilov's use of detailed maps for (a) recording initial results of field work in the study of local agriculture and ranges of domesticated plants in travels across several continents; and (b) presenting information about a large number of processes and phenomena in a concise way, affording the basis for their critical analysis and comparison. He was involved in programs to map Soviet and world agriculture (translated by Jay K. Mitchell, PlanEcon, Inc., Washington, DC 20005).  相似文献   

The effect of purifying, mixing and firing of clays on trace element concentration was systematically investigated using instrumental neutron activation analysis. Eight different clays from two sites in Crete were used together with sherds found around several kilns near the sites. Trace element analysis showed that the extent to which the concentration changes after purification and firing depends on the initial particle size and chemistry of the clay. The calcite concentration plays an essential role in this. An application is made using roof tiles found at the excavation of the ancient city of Pella in Macedonia.  相似文献   

Niagara Falls (Figure 1) merits discussion on at least three points: its role in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century controversies about the age of the earth and the origin of valleys, the response of the gorge to regional deglaciation, and as an illustration, perhaps atypical, of the dynamics of waterfall recession.  相似文献   

In his critical response to our skeptical inquiry, “Does Culture Evolve?” (History and Theory, Theme Issue 38 [December 1999], 52–78), W. G. Runciman affirms that “Culture Does Evolve.” However, we find nothing in his essay that convinces us to alter our initial position. And we must confess that in composing an answer to Runciman, our first temptation was simply to urge those interested to read our original article–both as a basis for evaluating Runciman's attempted refutation of it and as a framework for reading this essay, which addresses in greater detail issues we have already raised. Runciman views the “selectionist paradigm” as a “scientific”“puzzle‐solving device” now validated by an “expanding literature” that has successfully modeled social and cultural change as “evolutionary.” All paradigms, however, including scientific ones, give rise to self‐validating “normal science.” The real issue, accordingly, is not whether explanations can be successfully manufactured on the basis of paradigmatic assumptions, but whether the paradigmatic assumptions are appropriate to the object of analysis. The selectionist paradigm requires the reduction of society and culture to inheritance systems that consist of randomly varying, individual units, some of which are selected, and some not; and with society and culture thus reduced to inheritance systems, history can be reduced to “evolution.” But these reductions, which are required by the selectionist paradigm, exclude much that is essential to a satisfactory historical explanation–particularly the systemic properties of society and culture and the combination of systemic logic and contingency. Now as before, therefore, we conclude that while historical phenomena can always be modeled selectionistically, selectionist explanations do no work, nor do they contribute anything new except a misleading vocabulary that anesthetizes history.  相似文献   

The history and procedures of the Smithsonian–NIST programme in the application of instrumental neutron activation to the study of archaeological materials are reviewed. Statistical processing of the resulting analytical data is a major focus of the programme, with attention called to processes of initial group formation. Specific areas of current research emphasis are presented, which build upon the strength of accumulated databases.  相似文献   

Relocation costs are a form of sunk costs because they are relevant to new entrants, not to agents at their existing locations. With sufficiently high relocation costs, initial (historically given) locations and other conditions determine the equilibrium assignment of agents to locations. Comparative static results depend on initial conditions, i.e., history matters and historical persistence can be characterized. The model suggests empirically-relevant results which can be tested by collecting data on relocation and transportation costs. For example, appropriate levels of these costs imply that suburbanization always occurs with the entry of new firms. Sequential entry strategies may be adopted by existing firms which earn pure profits. This may be contrasted with traditional NUE models which predict changes in the boundaries of central zones.  相似文献   

中国已经形成或正在形成的类似西方大都市带(Megalopolis)的都市连绵区(Extended Metropolitan Region),一直是国内外地理学者感兴趣的研究对象。本文简要回顾了在中国典型都市连绵区(EMR)定界、空间结构分析与机制探讨方面已取得的成果,在此基础上,对中国典型大都会区与都市连绵区形成机制从历史与现代两大角度进行分析,提出了从劳动地域分工和工业生产组织的角度探讨中国典型大都市区形成基本原理的初步看法。  相似文献   

兰州市CBD的界定与发展规划研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
CBD是城市发展到一定阶段的产物,是城市商业和商务繁荣的标志。目前国内许多城市在建设规划过程中提出CBD的概念,并盲目跟风,不管城市的规模和实际需求而建设CBD。试图使用目前CBD研究中最具影响力的CBI法,对兰州市的商业区进行研究和测算,用定量的方法研究兰州市CBD是否已形成,以及规模的大小。在得出了兰州市并未形成一定规模的成熟CBD的结论后,又进行了该区域内企业以及事务所的调查,从而探讨兰州市商业发展的阶段,以及形成CBD的条件。  相似文献   

双核结构模式与淮安区域发展   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
陆玉麒  董平  王颖 《人文地理》2004,19(1):32-36
对于一个理论模式,仅仅限于现象发现及机理分析是远远不够的,将之运用于区域空间结构的实证分析中并能为其未来空间结构演化提供科学决策依据,才是理论模式提出的根本目的。江苏省由于位于沿海和沿江的交汇地带,故成为双核结构模式用于指导城市空间结构演化的最为理想的区域。本文通过对淮安市行政区划调整前后双核结构模式不同运用效果的分析,对未来该市组成淮安-连云港双核结构模式的必要性与可能性进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

叶琴  曾刚  陈弘挺 《人文地理》2017,32(1):116-122
多维邻近性成为学术界研究创新网络演化的新视角。中国学者的相关研究侧重分析地理邻近的作用,对其它维度邻近性的作用机理讨论较少。本文基于1985-2013年东营市石油装备企业申请专利与合作专利数据,以及东营市17家石油装备企业访谈调查的分析,探讨了多维邻近对东营市石油装备制造业创新网络演化的影响。根据主导邻近性的差别,将东营市石油装备制造业创新网络发展划分为起步阶段、稳定发展阶段、跃升阶段。起步阶段,市场环境相对封闭,形成了以胜利油田企业为主体的创新网络;组织邻近起主导作用,但过度的组织邻近限制了创新网络的发展。稳定发展阶段,民营企业网络地位快速上升,中国石油大学(华东)成为网络新节点;组织邻近和认知邻近共同推动创新网络发展。跃升阶段,民营企业和学研机构对创新网络发展的作用逐渐增强;认知邻近起主导作用,促进创新网络规模快速扩张。相比于地理邻近,组织和认知邻近对内生型产业集群创新网络发展的驱动作用强。依托亲友圈、朋友圈、师生圈等关系,能够促进认知邻近的发展。  相似文献   

T he employment prospects for graduates in different disciplines have recently been the focus of attention for many pessimists.1 Surveys relating to this problem have been made in a number of countries over the past few years.2 In Canada, the Canadian Association of Geographers established a Careers Committee in 1970, under the chairmanship of Professor R. Paquette. The initial task of the committee was to survey the fields of employment into which graduates have moved in the past.  相似文献   

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