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The tidal prism in the River Murray estuary has been reduced by over 85 percent since completion of the barrages in 1940 and regulation has diminished the rate and size of river flows through the estuary. Reduced fluvial flushing has emphasised the dominance of coastal processes at the river mouth. These are expressed in the accretion and stabilisation of a flood-tidal delta, the migration of the mouth, the erosion of Sir Richard Peninsula and the accumulation of new flood-tidal deltaic deposits. Inconclusive studies relating river flow to mouth migration indicate the importance of coastal processes such as littoral drift, tidal flux and sea state, particularly at times of low river flow, in explaining the position and morphology of the mouth. Previous management strategies have failed to consider coastal processes adequately.  相似文献   

This paper reviews Rwandan ceramic typologies and integrates these with recent regional ones through the consideration of four new ceramic assemblages dating to three distinct phases across the past 2,000 years. In addition to providing a synthesis of ceramic approaches as a research resource, it also suggests that ceramics previously termed type C might now better be understood as a transitional form of Urewe. In so doing, it both describes how previous accounts of Rwanda's archaeological ceramics reproduced a contested ethno-racial colonial construction of Rwandan society and suggests the replacement of these with non-ethno-racial explanations of material culture change proposed elsewhere for comparable circumstances in Great Lakes Africa. Finally, as the government seeks to reintroduce secondary school history teaching using archaeological narratives, it discusses the contemporary political significance of this and other research in post-genocide Rwanda, arguing that archaeology, whether framed in technical language or not, has contemporary political reference.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to present an experimental approach for studying the formation and transformation processes of archaeological fire structures. We present a synthetic review of our experimental project, which was developed in many different natural archaeological contexts. We report the results and problems associated with experimental fires lit on different kinds of soils and in different environments, followed by the observation of natural and anthropic transformations. Finally, we analyse the nature and significance of these results for the archaeological interpretation process, while describing some general trends and showing the complexity of the approach.  相似文献   

Assemblages of archaeological insect (mainly Coleoptera) remains from in and around Anglo-Scandinavian buildings at 16–22 Coppergate, York, were investigated in order to identify associations between pairs and groups of species, and to determine the significance of those associations as indicators of past human activity and living conditions. Following initial exploration, a pairwise measure of association was used to establish working groups of co-occurring species, which were then related to their likely habitats. Detrended canonical correspondence analysis (DCCA) was used to test the groups. Robust and consistent species associations were identified among the death assemblages. The groups defined by the analyses usually corresponded to the ecological preferences of species, although some groups of species would not be found together at the present day. Some groups probably represented complexes of habitats that occurred together in the past, and not single communities, and some may be peculiar to Coppergate and similar sites. It is suggested that the species associations are of value in assemblage interpretation, and that variations in associations among sites will reflect archaeologically significant aspects of the sites.  相似文献   

A relationship between behavioral variability and artifactual variability is a founding principle of archaeology. However, this relationship is surprisingly not well studied empirically from an explicitly “microevolutionary” perspective. Here, we experimentally simulated artifactual variation in two populations of “artifact” manufacturers, involving only a single behavioral difference in terms of their “tradition” of manufacturing tool. We then statistically analyzed shape variation in the resultant artifacts. In many respects, patterned differences might not have been expected to emerge given the simple nature of the task, the fact that only a single behavioral variable differed in our two populations, and all participants copied the same target artifact. However, multivariate analyses identified significant differences between the two “assemblages.” These results have several implications for our understanding and theoretical conceptualization of the relationship between behavior and artifactual variability, including the analytical potency of conceiving of artifacts as the product of behavioral “recipes” comprised of individual “ingredient” behavioral properties. Indeed, quite trivial behavioral differences, in generating microevolutionarily potent variability, can thus have long-term consequences for artifactual changes measured over time and space. Moreover, measurable “cultural” differences in artifacts can emerge not necessarily only because of a strict “mental template” but as the result of subtle differences in behavioral ingredients that are socially learned at the community level.  相似文献   

The character of demographic processes (population growth, natural increase, migration, age-sex structure) is analyzed for cities of Moscow Oblast both by size classes and by their location in three concentric rings around Moscow. The demographic indicators tend to be particularly negative in cities of the outer zone of Moscow Oblast, mainly one-industry textile towns, in which the high female component of the labor force tends to create an unbalanced demographic situation. Positive demographic processes are most evident in middle-size cities (20,000 to 100,000) in the green belt and suburban zone around Moscow that arose or developed mainly during the Soviet period. They are largely associated with heavy industry and scientific research and development. The analysis suggests the need for greater development of outer-zone towns, which have been lagging in growth, and a need for avoiding the existence of one-industry towns, even as part of a cluster of places.  相似文献   

Among the critical issues for the management of estuarine fish resources is the need to adequately identify the extent of use by recreational fishers, and the allocation of the resource between recreational and commercial users. Recreational anglers in estuaries often target a similar range of estuarine fish species to commercial fishers. Prior to the declaration of ‘recreational fishing havens’ (estuarine waters closed to commercial netting but remaining open to recreational angling) in many New South Wales (NSW) estuaries in May 2002, the estuary of the Manning River on the central NSW coast supported the tenth most productive commercial estuarine net fishery in the State. To quantify the recreational angling effort in the Manning River estuary, progressive counts were made of shore‐based and boat‐based anglers from a small power boat from June 2001 to May 2002. Sample days (eight per month) were chosen in a stratified random fashion, taking into account the proportions of weekends, public holidays and school holidays in each month. The total recreational angling effort exerted on the estuary for the 12‐month period was 144 892 ± 3248 angler‐hours, indicating a low to medium effort compared to other NSW estuaries of similar size. Over half of the effort was exerted in the section nearest the northern entrance at Harrington. There was relatively little variation in shore‐based angling effort throughout the year, whereas boat‐based fishing increased markedly in summer. Months that coincided with NSW school holidays were most popular, especially January. More recreational fishing effort was exerted in the afternoons than in the mornings during winter, but this trend was reversed in summer. Although daily effort was much higher on weekends than weekdays, the total cumulative effort was generally similar, due to the greater number of weekdays in the year. Pilot studies of catch per unit effort indicate that the recreational catch in the Manning River estuary is probably small compared to the pre‐closure commercial catch. Therefore management strategies aimed at limiting the recreational catch are likely to have minimal impact on fish stocks in the estuary when compared with regulation of the commercial sector.  相似文献   


In situ preservation of archaeological sites is becoming an ever increasing trend as a means of preserving our cultural heritage. In connection with this the environmental conditions, such as water level, dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH and water chemistry, of a site are often monitored. It is generally agreed that a waterlogged and anoxic environment is essential for optimal preservation conditions but the set-up and maintenance of an environmental monitoring programme can be costly.

This paper discusses the design and use of a system whereby modern samples of wood can, with a minimal disturbance of the soil, easily be deployed and retrieved from archaeological sites. The system was deployed in an unsaturated environment, an environment with fluctuating water levels and a fully saturated peat bog. The samples were assessed after two years using microscopic, physical and molecular biological methods, and the types of wood-degrading organisms seen were compared with the results of environmental measurements. Modern wood samples were used, as the microbial ecology of wood-degrading organisms in these different types of environments is relatively well documented. Preliminary conclusions show that the deterioration processes of modern wood samples in these environments act as a good proxy indicator of the environmental conditions and biogeochemical processes ongoing at a site.  相似文献   

The mineral components of the sediments that accumulate in an archaeological site constitute a potentially rich source of information on the diagenesis, and in turn the archaeology of the site. This detailed three-dimensional study of the mineral assemblages in mainly the Mousterian sediments of Hayonim Cave incorporates more than 2100 infrared analyses performed on-site during the excavation, as well as diverse analyses in the laboratory. Three major mineral assemblages are identified: the calcite-dahllite (CD) assemblage, the assemblage comprising mainly montgomeryite, leucophosphite and siliceous aggregates (LMVS), and a highly altered sediment in which the clays have broken down and silica was released. The boundaries between these assemblages were mapped in detail. The overall picture is one of extreme heterogeneity with sharp variations occurring over distances of a few centimetres. The relation between the CD and LMVS assemblages shows that it is a product of post-depositional diagenesis, whereas the altered clay assemblage formed beneath an erosional unconformity. The CD and LMVS assemblages were derived primarily from an accumulation several metres thick of ash deposits produced by humans. Ash is thus shown to be a major component of the sediments of this cave. The distribution of the CD assemblage reflects to a large extent the locations of two active springs/seepages in the cave. The distribution of the CD assemblage also faithfully maps the distribution of bones in the cave, showing that their distribution is a function of preservational conditions and not human activities (Stineret al ., 2001). The conditions that produced the erosional unconformity, also resulted in severe alteration of the clays and other mineral components of these sediments. The erosion process and the fact that the thickness of this altered zone decreases towards the centre of the cave, indicates that the diagenetic driving force was probably climatic. The three-dimensional distributions of the mineral assemblages have a direct bearing on the dating of the cave by thermoluminescence and electron spin resonance.  相似文献   

Soviet economic regionalization has traditionally focused on the concept of the areal-production complex (or territorial-production complex), representing the aggregate of economic activities within a particular area. These complexes may range in scale from a local group of interrelated activities all the way to the national economic complex of the USSR. A Soviet economic geographer specializing in the Northern Caucasus now introduces the concept of the “sectoral-production complex” as a subdivision of the areal complex. The sectoral complex contains one or more sectors of production that are linked by a common resource base and common economic relations; for example, the agricultural complex, comprising farming and agricultural processing, rests on agricultural resources; the metallurgy and machine-building complex, combining metallurgy and metal fabrication, rests on a common ore-resource base. According to the author, the concept of a sectoral-production complex must be differentiated from N. N. Kolosovskiy's concept of “energy-and-production cycles” [see Journal of Regional Science, 3 (1961), pp. 1–25] on the ground that Kolosovskiy's cycles are based on a common basic technology, while the sectoral complex involves common resources and economic relations.  相似文献   

路德"因信称义"说之于民族国家的意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在使徒时代,耶稣的门徒之一保罗最早提出"因信称义"这一神学思想,其目的在于反对犹太割礼派排斥外邦人接受福音教义.16世纪,德国宗教改革家马丁·路德通过研读<圣经>元典,以教父神学家圣奥古斯丁和英国宗教改革家约翰·威克里夫的神学主张为依托,结合自己多年的宗教体验,"发现"并重新解释了"因信称义"说.如果说,保罗的贡献在于首倡因信称义,反对因律称义,推动了原始基督教脱离犹太教而独树一帜,促进了基督教教义的形成;那么,路德的宗教贡献则在于,他把因信称义说当做批判教皇权和否定罗马天主教制度的武器,不仅借此创立了新教(路德宗),而且唤醒了处于长期沉睡中的德意志民族,进而为欧洲民族国家的形成提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

Climate change may accelerate the degradation of archaeological sites in the Arctic and lead to a loss of important historical information. This study assesses the current preservation conditions and the processes controlling the physical and chemical stability of the Qajaa kitchen midden in western Greenland. Currently, the site is well protected by low ground temperatures, permafrost and a high water/ice content, keeping the deposits anoxic. Based on 5 years of monitoring data, degradation experiments and model simulation, our results suggest that the combined effects of permafrost thaw, thermal and hydrological erosion and oxygen exposure may lead to substantial loss of archaeological evidence before the end of the 21st century.  相似文献   

浅析移动学习的特征及应用模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高毅  崔向平 《丝绸之路》2009,(24):104-106
移动学习是继数字化学习后出现的一种新型的学习模式,是教育技术领域研究的又一个新热点。本文提出了关于如何正确理解移动学习的几点看法,分析了移动学习的特征、物质技术条件和软件条件,并对移动学习的应用模式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

杨谦 《东南文化》2016,(1):39-45
后过程主义考古的兴起促进了考古学家对礼仪问题的关注,礼仪研究的首要步骤是对相关考古遗存进行有效的甄别。目前学界使用较多的甄别方法是根据礼仪独特的礼仪成分和逻辑结构,从形形色色的考古遗存中甄别出与礼仪相关的遗存。以商代为例,用这种方法可以有效地甄别出占卜、葬仪、祭祀等礼仪遗存。然而,在甄别的实践中依然存在一些无法克服的困难。考古学家在进行礼仪研究的同时,也应理性地认识到这些缺陷。  相似文献   

Guernsey and the other islands in its Bailiwick have been visited and settled by people arriving by sea for thousands of years. Guernsey Museum manages the display and interpretation of this maritime heritage and, in conjunction with the Receiver of Wreck, administers the legal protection of historic wreck. Over the last 25 years a considerable amount of research has been undertaken on many aspects of the islands' maritime past. Museum displays and media presentations have been made to disseminate information about the islands' maritime archaeology to the wider world. This paper will highlight the various aspects of maritime archaeology in Guernsey and illustrate how Guernsey Museum manages this rich archaeological resource.
© 2004 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   

中国古代漆器款识风格的演变及其对漆器辨伪的重要意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对考古发掘出土和传世具款漆器的详尽梳理,根据漆器款识的发展规律,将中国古代漆器款识风格的演变划分为三大阶段,并对各阶段不同历史时期的款识特征进行了归纳和总结,同时对漆器的生产和管理制度等相关历史问题进行了探讨。此外,还就漆器款识风格的演变于漆器断代和辨伪的重要性发表了自己的看法。  相似文献   

岱海位于内蒙古中南部的凉城县境内,处于内蒙古高原的南缘。以岱海为中心,形成一个内陆封闭性湖盆。在岱海湖盆的西部,以舒缓的、最高海拔达1400米的山体为界,另有一个属于黄河水系的盆地,因盆地西部坐落有永兴镇,称作永兴盆地;盆地内最大的一条河流南沟河,发源于板城村东北深沟内,经永兴镇政府驻地东南流入和林格尔县境内,注入黄河的支流浑河。两个分属于不同水系的盆地以前习惯上被通称为岱海盆地,实际上它们的地形特征彼此间还有所差异。永兴盆地与岱海湖盆相比,面积相对较小,北部的蛮汉山山峦高大绵延,山前多为坡地,而岱海北面则多有平…  相似文献   

The UNESCO 2001 Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage represents a significant move forward in the global protection and management of underwater cultural heritage. This paper reviews the Convention’s most basic tenets, such as in situ preservation, refusing commercial recovery, encouraging the cooperation of States also beyond territorial waters, and the creation of international standards for underwater archaeology. It also discusses the Scientific and Technical Advisory Body and highlights the Convention’s current status as an important tool to preserve and protect an international maritime heritage.  相似文献   

The manufacturing techniques of two PPNB plastered skulls each from Jericho, Kfar HaHoresh and Beisamoun were studied by a series of different and complementary analyses. These revealed that all share a common general technological background, and yet marked intra-site details of fabrication can be identified. All appear to have been locally produced. Similar conclusions are reached on the basis of iconographic features. Thus, although the artisans shared general concepts of the objects to be created and their means of manufacture, strong site-specific traditions were displayed. This conclusion is further reinforced by recent information concerning plastered faces from Ain Ghazal, as well as the preliminary reports on skulls from Ramad. Accordingly it is suggested that, while broad pyrotechnological and ritual information was most likely disseminated by oral communication, the artisans producing the plastered skulls were locally based and working within the framework of powerful on-site traditions.  相似文献   

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