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杜文 《收藏家》2013,(8):55-58
2013年,北京故宫举办了"洁白恬静——故宫博物院定窑瓷器展",展出品除了唐至金代的定窑瓷器,还包括元明清时期的仿定窑白瓷制品,其中一件清乾隆时期仿定窑白瓷以奇特造型引起笔者兴趣,这件白瓷的全称是"清乾隆仿定窑白釉凸蟠螭纹兽耳活环四足方盖  相似文献   

在黑龙江省博物馆库房内收藏着一件雕白瓷观音像,为清初福建德化窑所烧制.历经几百年而传世下来,品像完好,是一件难得的传世珍品,具有较高的历史、艺术和经济价值.该白瓷观音像通高56厘米,胎质洁白细腻,瓷化程度极高,用手指轻轻扣击会发出金属般的声响.  相似文献   

福建瓷雕家陈仁海先生的德化窑瓷雕作品以精湛的工艺、优良的质地、独特的风格在2000年南京·德化名瓷展览会上吸引了众多收藏者。他的5件代表作品《金陵春晓》、《世纪吉马》、《葫芦献瑞》、《福寿如意》、《荷花女神》已被南京博物院收藏,成为该院首次收藏的德化窑现代艺术瓷雕作品。  相似文献   

王莉 《文博》2009,(4):74-78
明成化官窑瓷器成绩卓越,特别是彩瓷,为明永乐、宣德直至万历等八大时期之冠。鉴于对成化瓷的喜爱,仿成化款瓷自明正德一直延续至民国。历朝以仿作成化瓷为荣耀,以落成化款为时尚,出现了许多“大明成化年制”或“成化年制”的委托款瓷。人们对成化瓷的认识与仿作,随着时代的发展而不断地变化着。以致落成化款成为一种瓷的吉祥符、一种瓷的象征、一种追忆了。仿成化款瓷,展示了制作朝的制瓷水平,也反映着制作朝的审关与习俗。本文以四类七种十五件瓷器为例,着重探讨康熙仿成化款瓷的特征,为鉴定康熙仿成化款瓷提供一些范例。  相似文献   

韵味飘逸,形象生动──德化白瓷塑像的工艺特点和鉴定李知宴福建德化白瓷是德化窑系中较早的品种。北宋开始生产,南宋时与同窑的青白瓷都具有较高水平。经过元代的发展到明代生产一种猪油白,又称象牙白的白瓷,在中国白瓷中独具风采。德化白瓷在其发展过程中,出现了一...  相似文献   

<正>宋代以降,德化作为泉州地区最重要的外销瓷生产基地,无论是宋元的青白瓷、影青瓷,明代的白瓷,还是清代、民国时期的青花瓷,都大量销往海外,成为"海上丝绸之路"上最主要的输出商品之一。在品类繁多的德化窑外销瓷中,粉盒占有不小的比重,而从"海上丝绸之路"沿线各国各地区不断出土发现的德化窑粉盒来看,粉盒显然是当时备受青睐的一种日用瓷。  相似文献   

德化窑是我国古代南方的重要窑场之一,始烧于唐代,以白瓷著称于世。考古工作者曾于1953年、1966年、1976年、1987年先后对德化窑进行考古调查,采集了大量标本。特别是1976年4-8月,福建省博物馆、厦门大学与当地联合,对碗坪仑、屈斗宫窑址进行了考古发掘,为研究德化窑提供了重要的实物资料。佳春岭窑又称“家春岭窑”,位于德化县三班镇桥内村,靠近永春县,属德化窑系。其时代为宋元时期,主要烧制外销瓷。该窑址的窑炉坐落在两座小山中间的山坳里,遗址南面有一  相似文献   

正三、乾隆朝御窑瓷器的主要品种1.青花、釉里红、青花釉里红瓷器乾隆朝御窑青花瓷器系大宗产品,不但产量大,而且式样多。其最大特点就是生产逐渐程式化,而且费尽心机去体现当时高超的制瓷技艺。其中既有承袭雍正朝御窑青花瓷器遗风的仿明代青花瓷器之作,也有独具本朝特点的创新之作。雍正朝盛行的仿明代永乐、宣德、成化朝等青花瓷器,影响了乾隆朝很长一段时间,不署款识的作品很难区分哪是雍正朝,哪是乾隆朝。乾隆朝仿明代永乐、宣德朝青花瓷器造型见有无挡尊、梅瓶、玉壶春瓶、玉壶春式执壶、锦纹壮罐、折沿盆(图21、图22)、撇口碗、松竹梅纹盘、把莲盘等。这些仿品在青花色泽方面,  相似文献   

德化窑是我国南方著名的非官窑窑场之一,主要以烧制白瓷为主,同时兼烧青釉瓷及釉下彩。其烧制瓷器的历史源远流长,但真正形成自己独特烧制瓷器风格当属宋代以后。在此时期,德化窑在不同朝代的不同地区虽然都烧制白釉瓷,但不同阶段烧制出的白釉瓷的瓷胎、釉层的质地和颜色均有细微的不同。文章主要以已发掘的德化窑址及出土器物标本作为对象进行研究,总结德化窑瓷器胎釉原料、窑炉及窑具的发展和演变规律,以揭示宋代以后德化窑瓷器发展的科学技术内涵。  相似文献   

明代后期瓷塑工艺具有杰出的艺术成就,当时福建德化窑、江西景德窑都有出色的作品。这些瓷器塑像具有各种不同的精神形象和表现手法:有单纯简括的、也有精雕细琢的,互有优长。德化窑传说以嘉靖万历年间瓷工何朝宗所制瓷塑最好,传世德化窑瓷像的座垫往往用海水作为装饰,以及其他仿铜器作风的器皿,这与万历景德窑的某些作品相类似,但其表现手法,各有特点。德化窑系白釉,瑩润如玉,素静淡雅。景德窑多用色釉衬托,神采奕  相似文献   

The raw material used largely determines the type and quality of porcelain produced. Twenty-three raw materials used for making Ding, Xing, Gongxian and Dehua porcelain bodies were studied using principal component analysis. Results show that for Dehua wares, only one raw material was used. For Ding wares, although there were many possible raw materials, the use of one alone is unlikely. Lingshan clay was the main raw material but it has to be mixed with other raw materials: Pinjiawa clay, quartz, feldspar and dolomite. The Xing pieces can be divided into three groups and Gongxian wares into two groups, which are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

More than one million shards of ancient Chinese porcelain were excavated at the Maojiawan pit in Beijing in September 2005. Among these shards, four types of ancient Chinese white porcelain were identified. The ages and provenances of three of these types of porcelain were accurately determined by archaeologists based on typology. However, different archaeologists interpreted the other/fourth type differently. According to the colour of the porcelain body, it was easily identified as the product of the Jingdezhen kilns of the Ming dynasty (1368–1644 AD). However, based on the vessel shape, this fourth type of porcelain was also identified as the product of the Cizhou kilns of the Yuan dynasty (1271–1368 AD). In order to determine the provenance of this type of ancient Chinese white porcelain, 131 shards comprising the four types of white porcelain identified at the site were selected as experimental specimens and analysed by Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). After the processing of experimental data by principal component analysis and geochemical analysis, the results show that the provenance of this type of ancient Chinese white porcelain is the Jingdezhen, not the Cizhou kiln.  相似文献   

福建闽南地区古代陶瓷生产概述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郑东 《东南文化》2002,(5):56-62
闽南陶瓷产品享誉海内外,具有代表性的品种有:末代同安窑系“珠光青瓷”、明代德化窑“猪油白”、明末清初平和窑“克拉克瓷”以及“吴须赤绘”、“交趾烧”和明清漳州窑“米色釉”等诸多品种。  相似文献   

The Xing kiln, which is located in Xingtai, Hebei Province, is famous for white porcelain production, especially translucent white porcelain. However, the translucency, as the most important characteristic of translucent white porcelain, is rarely mentioned. In this study, eight samples including translucent white porcelain and non‐translucent white porcelain excavated from the Xing kiln are quantitatively analysed by a transmittance tester. The study points out the defects of the previous concept of translucent white porcelain based on light transmittance and proposes a new definition based on translucency. Translucent white porcelain is not deliberately thinned fine white porcelain, but a special kind of fine white porcelain with a body of excellent translucency. Further analysis reveals that all transmittance values of translucent white porcelain are more than 0.01% with a body thickness less than 6 cm, which is higher than that of non‐translucent white porcelain by about one or two orders of magnitude. The absorption coefficient for translucent white porcelain is close to ?0.82, while that for non‐translucent white porcelain is much closer to ?1.87. This research will serve to further studies on subjects such as the classification, colouring mechanism and firing technology of the translucent white porcelain of the Xing kiln. Moreover, it is expected to set a new stage for discussing the translucency of ancient porcelain.  相似文献   

北宋时期当阳峪窑大规模盛产陶瓷,绞胎瓷因其独有的特色成为当阳峪窑的代表之一.本文通过探寻当阳峪绞胎瓷的历史,从绞胎瓷的特点入手,将其归纳为绞胎、纹理、人文三个方面,针对仿古绞胎瓷的制作工艺进行了实例分析,提出绞胎瓷工艺传承重要性.  相似文献   

As an example of Chinese arts and crafts, porcelain is an important element of Chinese culture. In ancient times, when transport and communications were extremely backward, the continuous flow of porcelain items between Han Chinese and Tibetans played an essential role in their material and cultural life. Put specifically, the close relationship between porcelain and Han-Tibetan cultural and artistic exchanges can be observed as follows:  相似文献   

贺云翱 《东南文化》2012,(1):91-98,127,128
"贡瓷"及与其相关的"官窑"制度是中国古代瓷业生产中的重要学术问题。文物考古界一般认为,中国的"贡瓷"制度开始于唐代,烧制优质"贡瓷"的"官窑"制度则始于晚唐或宋代。然而,近年来在湖南湘阴窑和南京发现的"太官"、"供奉"、"上府"铭瓷器标本证实,"贡瓷"制度最迟开始于南北朝时期。湘阴窑址出土的刻有多种瓷业工人姓氏及"官"款的窑具资料可能还把中国烧制"贡瓷"的"官窑"制度开始的时间提前到南朝或隋代。  相似文献   

GUO YANYI 《Archaeometry》1987,29(1):3-19
This is a review of the raw materials used for producing ancient traditional porcelains in the famous kiln areas of north and south China. The relation between the use of porcelain stone and the invention of Chinese porcelain is described. The characteristics of porcelain stone and kaolin and their important role in the development of southern porcelains are discussed. As porcelain stone, which mainly consists of quartz and sericite, occurs widely in south China, the ancient southern porcelains were of a highly siliceous nature. From the beginning of the Yuan through to the Qing Dynasty more and more kaolin was added to the bodies to improve the quality of Jingdezhen porcelain. The glazes in south China were prepared from a mixture of porcelain stone and grass-plus-wood ash or glaze ash, here defined as the ash made by calcining limestone with plant material. The raw materials used in the north for making porcelain bodies were mainly various kinds of clay minerals. Feldspar, quartz and dolomite or calcite were used for northern porcelain glazes.  相似文献   

卢引科  李绪成  李开  刘雨茂  易立 《文物》2011,(7):7-21,1
2005年4月,在四川省崇州市万家镇发现一处明代窖藏,出土器物49件。器物按质地分为瓷器、锡器、铜器三大类。其中瓷器44件,另有锡执壶3件、铜盆1件、海螺杯1件。瓷器以青花瓷为主,另有少量青釉、白釉、白釉褐彩等品种,器形包括碗、高足杯、碟、执壶、壁瓶、炉、人像等,绝大多数是景德镇民间窑场的产品,其年代为明代晚期,即万历中后期至崇祯年间,下限可能到清初。这批窖藏瓷器中,青花"赤壁赋"文碗、青花山水人物纹高足杯、青花桃果枝叶纹碟、青花团花竹石纹壁瓶、青花蕉叶人物开光纹执壶、仿宋官窑青釉三足炉等制作精美,为研究明晚期瓷器提供了重要的实物资料。  相似文献   

近年来,杭州出土了一批白釉瓷器残片,特别是一些具有定窑风格的白瓷样品引发了众多考古工作者和古陶瓷爱好者的关注与浓厚兴趣。为探究其制作年代和产地,采用热释光技术和X射线荧光无损分析技术相结合的方法对一批杭州出土具有定窑风格的白瓷样品进行了检测分析。测试结果表明,这批白釉瓷片样品制作年代约处在北宋末年到南宋早期,胎的化学组成中Al2O3含量较高,最低24.78%,最高达33.06%,具备北方瓷器特点;胎中微量元素Rb、Sr、Zr含量的比例以及钙镁碱釉的特征与河北曲阳定窑极为相似。综合文献及其它人文考证,这批杭州出土的白瓷应该为北宋晚期至南宋早期产自于河北的定窑瓷器。此分析结果也将为研究宋金贸易及文化提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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