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明清家俱因其用料贵重稀少、工艺古朴大方、沉稳。一直是深受民众的喜爱的收藏对象。本文主要阐述明清家俱的用料、制作工艺、装饰风格和手法、造型特征等,并对如何收藏和保养明清家俱提供一些方法和建议。  相似文献   

前后历时五年的"十二五"国家重点图书出版规划项目《中国民间收藏陶瓷大系》(12卷本)自2019年9月正式出版以来,在社会和业界引起了强烈的反响,也引起了海内外诸多著名专家学者极大的关注,并在通读了新书之后撰写书评,高度评价《大系》的学术价值和出版意义。中国古陶瓷学会会长、河南省文物考古研究院原院长孙新民表示,该系列图书的出版,使得我们大致了解了我国民间收藏古代陶瓷的概貌。近年来,民间收藏蓬勃兴起,非国有博物馆事业方兴未艾,其中陶瓷器收藏占据较大份额。在当今收藏界鱼龙混杂、泥沙俱下的大背景下,民间收藏有多少陶瓷真品、有无陶瓷精晶?相信很多人会有这样的疑虑,该书编委们通过反复斟酌和多次筛选,给了我们一个很好的回答和呈现。尽管多数是两省民间收藏合为一册,每省入选量也只有一百多件器物,估其量也只能是民间陶瓷收藏中的很少一部分,但编委们很好地把握了入选标准,从年代上说早晚都有,上迄新石器时代红、灰陶器,下至明清时期彩釉瓷器,基本涵盖了陶瓷器的所有品种。从地域上看,尽量选择本地特色产品,突出反映本地区古代陶瓷产业的主要面貌。由此看来,《大系》的出版实是国有博物馆陶瓷类展览和宣传的一种补充,为弘扬中华民族优秀的陶瓷文化做了一件大好事。受《大系》总编委的委托,本刊将独家陆续刊登相关专家学者的书评,以飨读者。  相似文献   

在广东省博物馆的陶瓷藏品中,石湾陶器与钧窑瓷器都收藏甚丰。这一南一北两个陶瓷品种,其中有着一定的承继关系。所谓广均,是广东古代著名的石湾窑主要产品之一,其窑址在佛山石湾。目前发现最早的窑址属于唐代,明清时最为鼎盛。其产品主要有器皿和陶塑两大类,特点是胎体厚重,胎色灰暗,釉层厚  相似文献   

本文对明清时期的瑶族向西南边疆及越南、老挝等东南亚国家的迁徙进行了探讨。认为明清时期,由于封建统治阶级的政治压迫和经济剥削,以及刀耕火种游耕生产方式、自然灾害等方面的原因,瑶族被迫从湖南及湘粤桂边界大规模向西南边疆及东南亚一带迁徙,并由此而引起瑶族人口和其文化中心的转移,形成新的文化特征,瑶族亦由此而成为跨境民族。  相似文献   

12卷本的《中国民间收藏陶瓷大系》(以下简称《大系》)有别于迄今为止出版的陶瓷资料集,它主要展示民间藏家的藏品——如总序中所述"以全国范围民间收藏的中国古代陶瓷为主体,以地域组合为基本框架,兼顾资料性和鉴赏性"。作为一个陶瓷贸易史研究者,笔者很惊喜地看到《大系》中收录的外销瓷资料之丰富,让我们看到了构筑明清外销瓷研究基础体系的希望。  相似文献   

任宝龙 《收藏家》2022,(10):47-54
明清外销紫砂作为中国陶瓷体系中一条卓殊的脉络,在陶瓷外销史上独树一帜。英国维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆(V&A)收藏有丰富的外销紫砂相关作品,本文即基于其完备的典藏体系论述明清紫砂外销欧洲的时代背景,并分析、阐述这一时期外销紫砂在中西多元文化交流互动中映射、互鉴的重要作用,从而进一步审视在其东西方陶瓷艺术史上产生的巨大文化影响。  相似文献   

广东石湾窑是中国岭南地区著名的民窑,形成于唐宋,繁盛于明清,至今仍流传使用。其早期产品因种类丰富、精巧实用而广受市场欢迎,明清后因善仿钧釉和名窑产品,并生产出大量以人物、动物等为造型的艺术陶塑,不仅扩大了陶瓷生产的领域,还提升了陶瓷艺术创作的空间,在中国古陶瓷史上占有重要而独特的地位。  相似文献   

汉代是我国历史上封建集权制国家初步巩固,封建经济迅速发展的重要阶段。一方面,由于两汉前期统治阶级实行休生养息政策,采取了一些恢复和发展生产的措施;另一方面,也由于铁农具的普遍使用,牛耕的推广,农田水利的兴修等原因,在广大农民的辛苦劳动下,汉代农业生产呈现出空前繁荣的局面。农业发展的同时,封建国家及官  相似文献   

4月25日,芷兰雅集艺术月谈第62讲邀请资深陶瓷鉴赏家和佛教艺术鉴赏家梁晓新先生主讲犍陀罗艺术的收藏与鉴赏。梁晓新先生毕业于伦敦苏富比艺术学院,为前伦敦苏富比艺术学院中国首席代表,资深中国古代艺术品鉴藏专家,专业专长为中国明清陶瓷和佛教艺术。  相似文献   

景鸿堂夏季艺术品大拍将于7月23日在青岛丽晶大酒店开槌。展望今年的青岛夏拍,精品纷呈,具有“三多”的特色:一是官窑精品多。上百件明清官窑系列确实是一个庞大的队伍,组成了景鸿堂夏拍的重头戏。随着国内外收藏层次的提高,一些藏家已经开始由收藏清代瓷向收藏明代瓷发展。明代官窑器在国内由不太认识向开始认识发展,价格也在提升。本次拍卖会推出的明永乐青花大扁瓶,高度。全国各省市的藏友把民间的元青花藏品陆续集中到景鸿堂一起进行研究鉴赏。经过反复比较、研究推敲,去粗取精、去伪存真,民间的元青花珍品大器逐渐崭露头角,正在一步步…  相似文献   

Neo in Oceania     

Between 1790 and 1830, Hawaiian chiefs built, purchased or otherwise acquired a fleet of Westernstyle sailing vessels which they used to transform various aspects of Hawaiian culture, including military engagements, tribute collection, inter-island commerce and status competition. A list of 41 such vessels with known names is presented, but historical records point to the existence of dozens of other such ships whose names have not been identified. These data allow for the estimation of economic investments made by chiefs in the purchase of ships, and document a trend in which the earliest Western-style vessels were built locally, only later to be replaced by a tendency to buy foreign vessels. Issues pertaining to power, agency, colonialism and indigenous self-determination in the transformation of Pacific cultures are discussed.  相似文献   

鲁北—胶东盐业考古调查记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对鲁北莱州湾和胶东半岛16个县市和出有盔形器的遗址进行了调查,对盔形器的形态演变、分布区域、使用功能等进行了初步研究,并与国内外有关遗址和类似器物作了比较分析,确认菜州湾沿海包含大量盔形器的遗址是商周时期的制盐作坊,而盔形器则是制盐的特殊用具.  相似文献   

A hoard was discovered at Mariesminde near the centre of the Danish island Funen in 2003 during trial excavations. A pot containing 27 bronzes was later excavated in the museum laboratory. The bronzes were stacked disorderly, with a large piece of sheet bronze at the bottom. The objects consisted of broken rings, several so-called ‘Hohlwulstringe’ or hollow rings, a socketed axe, plus 13 casting cakes and three casting runners. No less than four rings are types new to Scandinavia and reflect connections with the Italian peninsula and further away. The hoard's mixture of broken objects, casting runners and cakes classifies it as a scrap hoard. It is dated to the Bronze Age period VI (Montelius), prominently indicated by the hollow rings. The findspot of the hoard was only c. 200 m from the well-known period IV hoard Mariesminde I with the largest collection of gold vessels from Funen. The metal analyses open new perspectives and indicate an origin in the Alps or the Erzgebirge for most of the collection.  相似文献   


Large ceramic vessels used as burial urns occasionally have been found in Late Mississippian/protohistoric contexts in Alabama and Mississippi. Ethnohistorical documents suggest that large vessels were used for cooking in a domestic context. A systematic examination of three urns from east-central Mississippi shows multiple uses prior to their final deposition with burials. Vessel size analysis of a temporal sequence of sherds from midden contexts used sherd thickness and curvature data to show that large vessels became more common. Three explanations are examined to better understand the use of large vessels during this time: bet hedging, costly signaling, and changing technology. The results confirm the use of burial urns in domestic contexts before their final use as interment containers, making technological change the most viable of the three hypotheses.  相似文献   

为配合基建,河南省文物考古研究所新郑工作站于2001年4月至7月对新郑市摩托城工地进行了发掘,清理出唐墓10座,且出土了一批较为精美的唐代陶、瓷器,为郑韩故城的唐代考古提供了重要的资料。  相似文献   

藏、汉两地佛教经典及佛学之传播,直承印度晚出之大乘佛学,但罗汉信仰却在两地佛教中均占一席之地,尤其是于汉藏两地家喻户晓的十六罗汉(后演绎成十八罗汉),不仅与佛和菩萨一样成为信徒崇拜的对象,而且以之为题材的绘塑作品更是广泛流传,及至帝廷内苑亦多有供奉收藏。清乾隆时期为安抚蒙藏势力而极力推崇藏传佛教,此信仰尤以宫中为盛,帝室庋藏、绘制及供奉有大量藏风浓郁的十六或十八罗汉唐卡组画,其名称、图像特征、排列顺序乃至绘画风格等与清官旧藏的内地各派罗汉图相比,同中存异。乾隆帝及藏传佛教大师们在对藏密佛像进行大规模系统化与规范化的同时,也涉及了汉藏两地十分流行的十六、十八罗汉,并在此基础上逐渐形成了具有乾隆时期清宫特色的十八罗汉图像标准。  相似文献   

The site of Combe-Grenal is arguably the reference site for the Mousterian of southwest France. Bordes excavated the site over a period of 13 years and generated a large collection of lithics and fauna from a deep series of 64 Lower and Middle Paleolithic levels. Though Bordes only partially published his work at the site, its long stratigraphic sequence and particularly its collections have been subjected to numerous studies over the years and have figured prominently in several long-running debates concerning the Mousterian. Recently, the authors undertook a project to inventory and analyzed these collections along with the documentation of their archaeological context. In so doing, however, a number of serious problems became apparent with the collection in its current state, problems that cannot easily be resolved given the state of the available documentation. These problems have important implications not only for results of studies based on these collections, but more generally, they also point to problems in terms of how archaeological collections are curated.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a project to 3D laser scan and digitally model 14 watercraft from the Qatar Museums collection, comprising a range of regional vessels: most had not been surveyed previously. The project used the resulting point clouds generated 2D naval lines and orthographic records of the vessels in their current condition, and photorealistic 3D digital models for gallery display. This case study provides illustrative examples of the intermediate stages and final outputs. It assesses the pros and cons of 3D laser scanning as a survey technology for nautical scholars in terms of the time, cost, and skillset, as well as logistical considerations. It also compares the accuracy of traditional hand survey methods.  相似文献   

The water supply of range lands involves two Important problems: the availability of mineralized groundwater and the need for providing water to a large area with limited consumption at each watering point. Although the practice was long discouraged, herders have successfully supplied animals with water having a salt content of up to about 15 grams per liter, other water-supply possibilities, aside from the freezing method, Include the collection of rainwater in natural underground reservoirs and the tapping of lenticular freshwater strata discovered in sandy deserts.  相似文献   

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