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祝曙光 《世界历史》2001,1(3):64-71
1872年建成的京滨(东京一横滨)铁路是日本第一条铁路,被誉为日本铁路之祖。从此以后铁路便在这个岛国迅速延伸,到1906年铁路总长度突破5000英里,形成了以南北干线为核心的铁路运输体系。而中国的第一条铁路——吴淞铁路(1876年建成)却被清政府拆毁,直到1889年清政府才将修铁路定为国策。两对比鲜明,令人深思。笔认为京滨铁路之所以迅速建成和建成后未遭拆毁的厄运,与幕末时期铁道知识在日本的广泛传播是分不开的。幕末时期铁道知识在日本的传播为京滨铁路的诞生作了舆论上的准备。  相似文献   

"铁路的终点……是我们走向荣誉和未知的大门."小说家E.M.福斯特写于1910年.那时候,火车旅行是人们的奢望.在火车旅行的黄金时代,东方快车公司力图在其火车服务上激起人们的热情,最著名的要属从巴黎一直行驶到威尼斯的"威尼斯辛普朗东方快车",还有一年才有一次的传统终点站伊斯坦布尔. 现在欧洲大陆上鳞鳞爪爪,恣意妄行的铁路线根系发达,欧洲火车通票(Eurai Pass)连接起欧洲各国铁路线,通往欧洲每一个枝蔓的角落.一路坐火车在欧洲大陆走南闯北,领略无数世界遗产,在风景中行进的快乐却是云中银翼怎么都比不上的奢侈.  相似文献   

Nikol'skiy's book on the geography of transportation of the USSR contains the most detailed freight-flow maps published by the Soviet Union since the 1930's. These maps are reproduced here with appropriate textual excerpts.  相似文献   

美国铁路与经济现代化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
顾宁 《世界历史》2003,(6):57-66
铁路既是美国工业革命和技术发明的结果 ,也是促进美国工业革命、技术发明和现代化的重要因素。“铁路时代”把铁路建设推向快速发展阶段。 1 888年 ,美国铁路里程已经超过全欧洲的铁路里程。在美国实现了现代化和进入后现代化时代后 ,这场规模宏大的运输革命证明 :铁路的修建带来了经济结构的变化、技术的创新、大企业的产生、政府对经济的干预、社会结构的变化、城市化的加快、农业的资本主义化、广告业的大发展、生产模式的转变以及美国经济在其他方面战略性的变化。铁路至今仍在美国经济生活中发挥着应有的作用  相似文献   

在中国近代的思想家中,梁启超较早地认识了开办铁路的重要性。戊戌变法失败后,梁启超流亡日本,此间他先后发表了很多直接论述中国铁路的章,而学术界对这一问题鲜有论及,本认为梁启超铁路利权思想的发展经历了三个阶段,其中不乏珍贵之处。  相似文献   

自粤汉路权从美国合兴公司赎回以后,粤汉铁路进入粤湘鄂三省分省合办阶段。鉴于广东绅商的集股办法存在弊端,张之洞一再强调和坚持官督商办体制,岑春煊提出广东官商"合力筹款"的思路,由官向商征收台炮捐、船捐、酒捐、盐捐等,由官收存,作为官款、公款,发给商铁路股票。这个思路和做法遭到绅商的反对,由此而出现官绅分歧,1906年(丙午)年初引发官绅冲突,是为丙午广东粤汉铁路风潮。岑春煊指责绅商阻挠路政,申述征收捐费属于"就地收捐",争辩本省人集款建本省路的合理性。绅商则指责岑春煊苛捐虐民,扰乱路政。风潮发生后,岑春煊和绅商分别采取相应的措施,绅商逐渐加紧了招股、收股的行动,并有初步成效。一直注重商权的岑春煊在张之洞和广东同僚的调停下表达了"但愿路事有成"的愿望,释放了被捕的黎国廉,颁布了同意商办的告示,铁路风潮得以消解,广东粤汉铁路的自办实现了由官督商办到商办的体制转型。风潮的发生和体制的转型是粤汉铁路自办进程中必然发生的现象,也是粤汉铁路筹建进展的结果和表现。在这个过程中,岑春煊和绅商都在探索筹款办法和体制问题,他们都不是阻挠路政或扰乱路政者,而是粤汉路政的推进者。  相似文献   

The Venice Train Depot is a case study for an archaeology of transportation, an examination of new places and more rapid travels over the modern period. The goal of this approach is to capture the dynamics of landscapes, agency, and movement. There have been productive discussions of transportation networks and national integration; methodological discussions have noted the need to account of the movement of things in the analysis of the material record. The case study exposes the dynamics of change for the Florida frontier in the twentieth century focused on the construction of a railroad line and station in Venice, Florida.  相似文献   

Canada’s Buxton Settlement National Historic Site is a striking illustration of the multi‐faceted conservation of a cultural landscape, from federal designation through to local action. Buxton is designated as a ‘continuing landscape’ distinguished by its establishment in 1849 as a 9,000 acre (3,600 ha) 1 [1] Imperial measures are given first in reference to the historic resource because the measurements are historically significant. terminus for black fugitives travelling north along the so‐called Underground Railroad, escaping the tyranny of slavery in the USA. A social experiment, in the form of a block farming settlement, waited for them at the end of their journeys. Over the intervening years inevitable shifts in agricultural practice and property ownership have transformed this rather ordinary but strongly evocative heritage resource. This is a case common to many other significant cultural landscapes—the management of the inevitable evolution that comes with a landscape that continues. This agricultural landscape confronts many of the challenges that are the focus of heritage studies today: how to give local people a voice while coordinating conservation across multiple scales of government policy.  相似文献   

Nile Green 《Iranian studies》2015,48(2):165-192
In view of the recent expansion of Indo-Persian studies, the neglect of the Sino-Persian nexus is a missed opportunity to place Iranian history on a larger Asian stage. While Iranian contact with China has continued episodically from antiquity to modernity, scholars have so far focused almost exclusively on the pre-modern phases of exchange. As a contribution to developing the field of Sino-Persian studies, this article situates two twentieth century Iranian travelers to China against the changing background of Chinese–Iranian exchange from the medieval to modern period. In so doing, it demonstrates the infrastructural and conceptual apparatus that enabled the modern Iranian encounter with China while asking how, if at all, twentieth century intellectuals were able to draw on a longer history of interaction to find meanings for Sino-Persian exchange.  相似文献   

Feminists have been crucial in challenging the gender-blindness of development discourse and practice. In the process, they have shaped the move from the feminisation to the engendering of development over the last three decades. This article explores this broad shift, focusing on the recent transformations within gender and development discourse and feminist approaches to development relating to diversity and representation, human rights, and the incorporation of men and masculinities within the development agenda, all set within the context of a globalising era. It highlights how women from the South have been critical in reshaping contemporary feminisms to celebrate difference and plurality and challenge Western hegemony. At the same time, feminists have also emphasised the commonalities among women in the name of addressing gender inequalities, evidenced in a recent upsurge in forging transnational alliances facilitated by the contradictory processes of globalisation.  相似文献   

The Right to Development as established in the 1986 UN Declaration on the Right to Development has now been recognized, through an international consensus arrived at in Vienna in 1993, as a universal and inalienable right and an integral part of fundamental human rights. That has not, of course, settled all the controversy regarding the nature and the content of the Right to Development, but the inter‐governmental debate has shifted more to the methods of implementation of that Right. This article reviews the nature and contents of the Right to Development by virtue of which every individual is entitled to a process of economic, social, cultural and political development in which all human and fundamental freedoms can be realized. It spells out a programme for implementation of the Right, step by step, through national efforts supported by international co‐operation. While the states are primarily responsible for realizing this Right for their citizens, the international community has the obligation of enabling the states to do so. A mechanism is proposed through international compacts to design, promote and monitor the process of implementation.  相似文献   

两个半月前,稻盛和夫先生亲自率领120多位日本企业家光临太湖之滨,在无锡市盛和企业经营哲学研究会开讲式上发表了《经营为何需要哲学》的精彩讲演,使我和研究会学友深受教益。今天,我能作为无锡市盛和企业经营哲学研究会推荐的代表在京都盛会上发言,感到十分荣幸。  相似文献   

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