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AStarlessNight¥//ZHAXIDAWANightresinneditsdominionoverasmallvillageonthebanksofmeJingshaBonfireslitbytheKambavillagersdottedt...  相似文献   

Q:“邮轮”之名的来历? A:当初固定航线的客运轮船把人们当作挂号信一样邮寄到目的地。所以是邮轮。现代邮轮是旅游性质的,就像是流动型的大酒店。船上娱乐设施应有尽有,是旅游目的地。这个行业目前在欧美规模庞大,有300到400条邮轮,每天带着大量游客航行于加勒比海,巴哈马,百慕大,阿拉斯加,夏威夷,墨西哥湾,地中海,北欧等世界100多个国家和地区。  相似文献   

InTibet,theNyingchiareaisreferredtoas"Gongbo,"andthePeopleofNyingchiasthe"GongboPeople."Nvingchi,locatedinsoutheastTibet,bordersQamdointheeast,Nagquinthenorth,Lhasainthewest,Shannaninthesouthwest,IndiaandMyangmarinthesouth.Nyingchiisonthemiddleandlowerrea…  相似文献   

Snowymountains,bluelakes,mountainousvillages,ancientmonasteriexAllofthesemakeNyingchiahappeningplacefortourists,mountaineers,scientistsandexplorers.WORLD-CLASSWONOER.NamjabarwaisaTibetanwordthatmeans"aspearthrustintotheskies."Indeed,thePeak,7,782metersabo…  相似文献   

ALOVESTORY¥OrdinaryBuddhistsoftenjointhemonksandnunsinlecturesatthemonastery.Theabbotgraciouslytoldusonestoryaboutthearrangem...  相似文献   

Richard Kirkendall's collection of essays, The Organization of American Historians and the Writing and Teaching of American History, examines the history of the Organization of American Historians (OAH) from its founding to the present, using that history to illuminate how the writing of American history has changed over the last hundred years. The book provides coverage of all the major dimensions of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association's (MVHA) and the OAH's activities, ranging from the work of its scholarly publications, the Mississippi Historical Valley Review and the Journal of American History, to its role in promoting the teaching of American history. Overall, the essays in the volume tell a story of the organization's progress toward greater inclusion and democracy, falling prey to a Whig interpretation of historiography. In doing so, the book is part of a larger tendency in the way that historians have approached historiography, which in turn reflects their ambivalence about their relationship to the historical process. Thus, even as the very enterprise of historiography is premised on the recognition of how historians are themselves the products of the historical process, historians have revealed the limits to that recognition in their approach to the subject. This essay shows how deeply rooted this duality has been in the study of American historiography and illuminates some of its sources by placing Kirkendall's book in the context of how the MVHA and the OAH have treated historiography over the course of the organization's history.  相似文献   

APOPULARTOASTSONG¥//ThefollowingsongispopularintheHuangnanTibetanNationalitytibetisapeacefulandhappyland.Everyonelivingonthis...  相似文献   

旅游A B C     
旅游ABCA、旅行装备应遵循三个原则精简原则。尽量少带服装是旅行轻松愉快的前提。即使你要保持一贯的风度和形象,也只能备一两套用得着的衣物,以减轻行李负担。美观原则。现在的旅行服饰已发展到讲究功能性、配套性和时装化,应注重美观与情趣。就是说,你应选带既...  相似文献   

Gorze:AUniqueCulture¥The"RoofoftheWorld"iswellknownnotonlyforitsbeautifullandscapesbutalsoforitsenchantingtraditionandculture...  相似文献   

Jean-Louis Schefer's study takes as its point of departure Uccello's predella, Profanation of the Host. The painting in question has generally been interpreted within the context of medieval anti-Semitism. However, Schefer argues that the meaning of the work, and of numerous other representations of this particular miracle, must be referred ultimately to the codification by Charlemagne of the dogma of the Real Presence. Uccello's painting in effect makes manifest the requirement that the profaned host should reveal its nature through the gushing of blood. This also involves a political significance, since the Carolingian theology organized around the consecrated host stands in direct opposition to the Byzantine theology of the icon. Schefer's argument leads him to make a thorough investigation not only of the many iconographic precedents, but also of some key Latin texts such as the Libri Carolini , which are published in a French translation. It also advances a methodology that is strikingly at variance with some of the more simple-minded attempts of historians to crack the codes of a complex visual tradition. One of its most original aspects is the new light that the overall thesis casts upon extremely well-known texts like The Merchant of Venice and Dracula. Thus the tendency to identify vampirism as an East European phenomenon, already discernible in Western sources in the eighteenth century, is shown to be closely linked to the historical extension of the myth of Profanation of the Host. In exploring the outcomes of this doctrinal split between East and West, Schefer has identified a deep fault-line in post-antique European history whose consequences are far from being understood at the present day.  相似文献   

A Third Way?     

Intheearly1990s,peopleofNarTownship,Xigaze,weremobilizedtoraisemoney.Altogether,228outof250householdsproduced3,228yuan,withtherichestproducingupto15yuanandthepoorest4yuanperperson.Alongwithfundsraisedthroughotherchannels,thevillagersamassed15,318yuan.OnNovember20,1992,thesepeople,whowerestrugglingforeconomicsurvival,setupaworkshopproducingwoolenrugsandcarpets.Atthattime,theso-calledfactoryhad31workers.Allwerethepoorestinthevillage.Inninemonths,theyproducedthefirstbatchofwoolenrugsandcarpets…  相似文献   

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