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作品润格:【泰山画】【风水画】:15000-20000元/平尺【普通山水画】:8000-12000元/平尺泰山画家张伟明官方网站http://www.mt007.cn北京天地之合飞航广告有限公司书画艺术联系电话:13693168513收藏热线:13583857107张伟明1958山东泰安市生人笔名:乙泉,国家一级美术师,现任泰山画院【政府画院】、泰安市美术馆副院长,副馆长。【35岁任副研究馆员(副教授)40岁任研究馆员(教授)】.擅长画中国山水画【泰山画】【风水画】1988年《岭上白云多》(水墨画)荣获日.中美术交流展(日本)特别优秀奖1989年《山非极高水非深》(中国画)中国首届北京、台湾、香港《中国当代水墨"百人"奖》佳作奖(第32位)1990年《山外山》(中国画)等4幅被中国文化部门选送美国旧金山、泰国曼谷等地巡回展览  相似文献   

In October of 2006,"Treasures of the Chinese Nation,an Exhibition of Tibetan Culture"was held exclusively at the Capital Museum in Beijing.Over 200 exquisite Tibetan cultural relics and 100-odd Tibetan folklore images unveiled in the exhibition hall attracted endless lines of visitors.While monks were busy making Mandala,a painter was sketching Thangka in the hall.In conjunction with the traditional art show in the exhibition (?) the visitors were profoundly inspired by such unique demonstrations of Tibetan culture. (?)Tibetan man glimpsed in a corner,wearing Tibetan robe,magnetically (?)gged on a small carpet and boning up on drawing (?)ecious flowers and clouds on the (?)seten Namgyal.  相似文献   

In October of 2006,“Treasures of the Chinese Nation,an Exhibition of Tibetan Culture“was held exclusively at the Capital Museum in Beijing.Over 200 exquisite Tibetan cultural relics and 100-odd Tibetan folklore images unveiled in the exhibition hall attracted endless lines of visitors.While monks were busy making Mandala,a painter was sketching Thangka in the hall.In conjunction with the traditional art show in the exhibition (?) the visitors were profoundly inspired by such unique demonstrations of Tibe...  相似文献   

Summary. An important red-figured calyx-krater, today in Boston, is examined in order to show that on grounds of fabric, style and iconography it was potted and painted not in Athens but in Corinth during the first quarter of the 4th century. Other vases in Athens, Corinth and Perachora are attributed to the same hand. Evidence in the Beazley Archive shows that Beazley was aware of some of these vases and had named the artist the Dombrena Painter.  相似文献   

正On the eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,three great rivers running parallel to one another,the Jinsha,Langcang,and Nu rush thunderously through the fragmented cracks of the Hengduan Mountains straddling Sichuan,Yunnan,and Tibet.These are the"Three Parallel Rivers",forming one of the most magnificent sights of our planet.This area,with unique natural environment and culture,is known  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(2):131-142

The disciplinary mythology of North American archaeology grudgingly acknowledges Eli Lilly’s financial support for research. At the same time it systematically devalues and even deletes his role as a productive scholar, the author of original works on the prehistory of Indiana, the creator of an effective archaeological seminar on the prehistory of Indiana and the Eastern United States, and the guiding force in the establishment of several enduring archaeological institutions. This paper documents the scholarly contributions of Eli Lilly. It shows how his mind and management skills were even more important to the development of archaeological research in the Midcontinent than was his financial support for many important archaeological research projects.  相似文献   

<正>Last summer,the first Tibetan oil-painting exhibition in Beijing,titled"Charming Tibet", was held in Jiuxianqiao Ping Zhong Cultural Center of Beijing and pr...  相似文献   

Mr.Paldo is a famous person;not only is he gifted at studies in Tibetan music and recognized for his music monographs, but has had rich experience in Tibetan folk culture as well.In old Tibet,he worked for merchants as a team member of caravans to transport goods,perform on the flute,or even act as a soldier.This rich life experience has enabled him to be knowledgeable in Tibetan folk culture.  相似文献   

During our talk with Danke, he suggested enthusiastically that we interview another person: "You've got to talk to him. He's been working tirelessly in Yushu for quite a few years, planning the new Yushu and new projects for it. Danke was talking about Deng Dong, Director of the Urban Planning and Design Institute of the China Academy of Urban Planning and Design (CAUPD). The locals have given him the nickname "Mr. Nice of Yushu'.  相似文献   

Mr.Paldo is a famous person;not only is he gifted at studies in Tibetan music and recognized for his music monographs, but has had rich experience in Tibetan folk culture as well.In old Tibet,he worked for merchants as a team member of caravans to transport goods,perform on the flute,or even act as a soldier.This rich life experience has enabled him to be knowledgeable in Tibetan folk culture.  相似文献   

Going through the pass of Mt.Delhamo,which is about 4,900 meters above sea level,and then toward Zayul County in Nyingchi Municipality,the road zigzags all the way down into the heart of Zayul Township,where the altitude is about 1,600 meters.  相似文献   

2005年3月于温州景山发现的南宋赵叔仪夫妇合葬墓的墓葬形制与结构和出土遗物作完整的介绍,并以此对宋史相关内容及宋代的丧葬文化作一初步的探讨。  相似文献   


This short paper reports the recent discovery of an oyster shell containing paint, within the fabric of the ruined north aisle wall of the Norman nave of St Mary's church, New Shoreham. Microscopic paint analysis has identified the pigment as pure yellow ochre, and subsequent radiocarbon dating has shown the shell itself to be mid- to late Saxon in origin. The shell represents a medieval colour-dish, used as such by a 12th-century artist at the church, prior to the reuse of the dish as mortared rubble in the nave wall. On current evidence, this colour-dish represents the oldest dated example, and the oldest dish found in physical association with a building, from medieval Britain.  相似文献   

王兴中先生是我国著名的人文地理学家。他是中国新人文地理学的倡引者与践行者之一。他的学术思想集中体现在用现代新人文思想引领中国对空间对偶价值观结构的研究,创立了系统的"城市社会生活空间质量观"学理。具体表现在倡导探讨空间(或地点)社会-文化空间秩序的构成规律,引领对人文空间的社会公正与价值尊严结构研究的方向;在此基础上他力践中国新人文地理学在城市空间研究方面的社会空间基础、结构与解构及其规划的系统理念与原理。他的以上学术思想主要体现在现代人文地理学领域中的城市社会空间结构、城市生活空间结构、城市(商娱)场所微区位以及城市社区体系规划等四大领域的系统研究中。人文地理学大师吴传钧先生生前在王兴中先生的前三部代表性力作《中国城市社会空间结构研究》、《中国城市生活空间结构研究》和《中国城市商娱场所微区位原理》的序言中,赞称填补了该三大领域研究的空白,为我国城市社会地理研究提供了新范式。《城市社区体系规划原理》一书为城市空间规划提出了新思想。不仅如此,王兴中先生运用新人文思想对旅游资源景观和行为地理的研究,也取得了开创性的成就。王先生积极投身于我国人文地理研究,成为复兴人文地理学的生力军,通过他的具体工作,创办了我国唯一的人文地理学学术杂志《人文地理》,在我国人文地理学的复兴和发展中起到了重大的作用。特别是2001-2010年,在王先生的带领下,中国地理学会人文地理专业委员会暨全国高校人文地理教学研究会学术会议几乎年年召开,积极地促进了我国人文地理学的发展。王先生对中国人文地理学发展作出的杰出贡献,将载入人文地理学的发展史册。  相似文献   

张我一 《中国钱币》2004,(3):68-75,F008
陈铁卿先生为我国上世纪四十年代以降成就斐然的泉学学者 ,但泉界所知不多 ,笔者遂初有意动笔。今年适逢天津南开中学百年华诞 ,因先生出自南开 ,终于泉学 ,故促使我们以此为切入作深入探究 :是什么造就了南开学子陈钢和学者陈铁卿 ?本文将作实事求是的剖析。生 平  陈铁卿先生 (名钢 ,别号铁卿 ,离开南开学校后以别号行 ) ① 祖籍绍兴 ,1 892年 1 0月 2 0日生于天津 ,1 982年病逝 ,享年九十。先生早年就读天津南开中学 ,毕业即留学日本 ;1 91 8年因意外重病被迫放弃学业。返国后先生入地方政界 ,历任河北省政府科长、县长等职 ;1 936年…  相似文献   

一前言《陶记》是中国第一部有关陶瓷生产技术、管理及其行销等方面的论著,对其进行深入的理解和断代有益于中国陶瓷史、科技史的研究,故我国老一辈陶瓷研究学者傅振伦、陈万里、冯先铭等先生都对《陶记》给以关注,傅振伦先生在耋耄之年(1979年)还对《陶记》进行了译注。约与《陶记》同时期,伊朗人阿布尔·卡西姆于1301年著有《阿布尔·卡西姆有关陶瓷的论  相似文献   

Archaeological quantification is a recurrent issue in research about pottery, its typologies and its distribution. We accept the validity of other methods of quantification—sherd count, minimum number of individuals (MNI) or sherd weight—but the methodology that we have proposed for quantification of assemblages of archaeological contexts is the rims count, which has to be transformed into coefficients of reference through a correction using the modulus of rupture (MR). Such correctors are obtained through measuring the percentage of preserved rim of a significant number of sherds of each type and establishing the average of that percentage. This quantification method is easily applicable to all pottery types and it is also statistically reliable. Besides, it can be used in any study in which the gross number of rims is published. Finally, in the case of ceramic transport containers, a second correction can be applied by multiplying the corrected coefficient (number of rims × MR) by its average capacity (AC), another corrector that will allow us to gather statistics according to the litres of transported product. We believe that the rims count (the easiest part to classify) is a fast, relatively easy and very reliable method that needs to be corrected using the MR.  相似文献   

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