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本文坚持作者长期主张的"从游牧社会发现历史"的研究路径,从表象史的角度对卫拉特蒙古在清代前期的政治地理空间观念进行探讨,从各种侧面的文献的言说缝隙中捕捉其被强势话语所遮蔽的某些微弱声音。作者认为:作为游牧民族的准噶尔人的疆域观具有自己持续强烈的思维定式,游牧社会中原始的地点漂泊不定与"非地域化"现代性不可同日而语。划定旗地在蒙古社会历史乃至整个东亚历史上具有至为深远的意义,对蒙古民族的疆域空间观念的变化具有深刻的影响。  相似文献   

正迭部属于青藏高原型游牧文化区域。目前生活在青藏高原的游牧民族主要是藏族以及门巴族和珞巴族。迭部是藏族聚居区,具有独特的藏传佛教的宗教地域文化。迭部民间工艺迭部境内的民间工艺主要有壁画、酥油花、木偶、泥塑、木刻等,而且主要集中于佛教寺院。壁画各佛教寺院经堂的内壁、  相似文献   

<正>在中国辽阔疆域内生活着众多民族,边疆地区尤其是陆域边疆地区既是中国疆域的外围组成部分,同时也是少数民族的集中分布区。就北部边疆而言,这里是以游牧见长的诸草原民族的主要分布区,历史上,这些草原民族在与中原王朝交流互动过程中,推动了中国统一多民族国家与中华民族共同体的形成与进一步发展。一、历史渊源。中华文明或者说中国历史是由中国疆域内的所有民族共同缔造的,此处所说的所有民族是包括历史时期出现在中国疆域之内,但后来消亡或远徙他地的民族在内的。  相似文献   

关于早期游牧人文化研究中的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从多瑙河到长城地带的欧亚大陆草原,自古以来是诸多游牧和半游牧民族活动的舞台。 分布于这一广阔地域内的青铜时代晚期至早期铁器时代的文化遗存,具有鲜明的草  相似文献   

林岗:《从古地图看中国的疆域及其观念》(《北京大学学报》[哲学社会科学版]2010年第3期)历史上存在两个关于中国疆域的观念系统:一个是"禹迹图"系统,另一个是"一统图"系统,古地图有"本部中国"和"周边中国"观念系统的分别。这种历史上既有联系又相互区别的两种关于中国疆域的观念,反映的正是农耕世界和游牧  相似文献   

外贝加尔和萨彦诺—阿尔泰古代和中世纪居民的历史命运有极大的共性。自古以来,它们就同中亚发生经济、文化、政治、军事方面的密切联系,在同蒙古草原上的游牧民族的直接接触中,在不同程度上受到他们的影响。因此,在外贝加尔和南西伯利亚的文化中,在某个历史时期及更广阔的地域上能够区分出一系列具有源于中亚的共同特点。例如,在发达的青铜时代和早期铁器时代的外贝加尔、图瓦及阿尔泰,分布着“科列克苏尔”和“鹿石”文化。在公元前第1千纪末的这些地域内,匈奴的遗存广有分布。在中亚、在突厥人和回纥人游牧国家存在时期,更北地区的居民也受到了他们的影响。在此着重指出,物质文化方面的影响,其中包括已被确立的物品类型的传播比之游牧国家疆域的扩张、地域更为广阔。  相似文献   

新时代中国边疆学理论和学科体系的构建应当从厘清与界定符合历史语境的基本概念入手,立足农耕与游牧两大文明体系的互动关系,把握前近代多民族国家疆域形态演变与形成的基本特征,从学理上阐明中国现有疆域的历史合理性与当代合法性,建构具有自身特色、风格与气派的话语与理论体系,并在此基础上与国际学术界展开平等对话。  相似文献   

本文主要从不同时期的疆域分布状况和观念变化等方面对古代中国疆域的形成过程进行了梳理。认为"中国"一词并非单纯的地域或文化观念,也有丰富的政治含义,其中围绕"中国"形成的"中国"为"天下"中心且据之可以成为正统王朝的观念对古代中国疆域的形成产生了重大影响。正是众多民族尤其是汉和北疆民族建立的王朝或政权不断争夺"中国",在导致现实中疆域分布格局不断出现分裂和统一反复交替的同时,直至清代理想中的以"中国"为核心大一统的"天下"和现实中的统一多民族国家终于实现了重合,古代中国的疆域也由此完成了凝聚的过程。  相似文献   

西周时期,今山东地区、南方的淮河—长江流域,太行山东侧的冀北平原和西部的泾河、渭河上游等四个地区构成西周外缘疆域。考古发现揭示,西周疆域的形成有以下策略与规律,即:分封建国、以点带面,最大限度占有领土,并通过王室与诸侯国的配合或诸侯国的自发行为进行领土的扩张;注意自然地理环境的特殊性,分封边疆地区诸侯国,以占据极为重要的战略地带,集中防卫力量于最有效的部位,保障西周王朝核心地带和王室的安全;武力征服之外,加强先进文化影响力的辐射,将土著族群吸纳进西周王国的政治体制之中,实现疆域的拓展。  相似文献   

在中国历史上,“边疆”是一个在很长的历史时期形成的概念。它最初只是泛指相对于中原地区的“四夷”,其地域并不确定。以后由于中国疆域的逐步拓展,边疆的概念才逐渐明确,至清代,一个清晰完整的中国边疆展现在世界面前,并给中国和世界的历史带来巨大的影响。本文围绕清代疆域的形成和边疆的统一、清中央政府对边疆地区的施政等问题进行探讨。;一、清代疆域是对中国历代疆域的继承在清代,谈到边疆的统一,往往称之为“拓展边疆”、“开疆拓上”,请人昭裢说:清朝“三载之间,拓地二万余里,天山雪窟,无不隶我版图”①。清人云之“…  相似文献   

Contemporary New England villages arose as nineteenth-century central places. The emergence of these commercial places reflected not the creation of something new out of whole cloth but an elaboration of an existing settlement system, a legacy of the colonial period and a manifestation of long-standing cultural habit. Town centers, more or less equally spaced and comprised of little more than a meetinghouse and a tavern, served as foci for town activities, as auxiliary central places. Most of the considerable localized economic exchange that characterized the colonial period occurred at dispersed places. The emergence of true central places about colonial town centers in the federal period marked a shift in scale or a general and widespread development of extra-local exchange, division of labor, and provision of centrality—the ability of a place to provide goods and services beyond the needs of its residents. Central places became accretions of full-time nonfarmers, of storekeepers, artisans, and professional people. Moreover, these places were interlinked to form a system of central places and, although a sorting process took place, the system was both a material manifestation of contemporary economic experience and an elaboration of the colonial settlement system.  相似文献   

周晓光 《安徽史学》2010,(5):73-78,121
学术文化中心地是指有具体地理位置、存在一定时间、对周边地区产生一定影响的学术文化聚散地.清代徽州传统学术文化中心地包括三种不同层次的类型,即第一类型紫阳书院、不疏园所在地,第二类型府、县学所在地,第三类型其它书院所在地.它们在存在时间、人才凝聚力和学术影响力等方面,有明显的差异.三类中心地共同构成了徽州传统学术文化中心地的层级网络,该网络具有每一层级的中心地数量,从最高层级往下依次递增;而每个中心地的影响力,则由最高层级往下依次递减的基本特征.就徽州传统学术文化中心地空间分布而言,它具有广泛性、差异性以及分布格局的时代性等特征.  相似文献   

A variety of mapping techniques are used to establish regional differences in the settling process in Irkutsk Oblast and to measure the process in general terms. The most dynamic area, with urban and rural population growth, is the Middle Angara valley, where industrialization has been combined with the development of rural nonfarm places based on resource development and construction. Both urban and rural decline is typical of old mining districts, such as the coal district of Cheremkhovo and the gold area of Bodaybo. In most of Irkutsk Oblast, urban growth has been associated with rural decline. An important factor in the rural settling process has been a reduction of the number of places and an increase of the mean size of places, with remarkable stability in the 200–300 population class of rural places. Analysis of the settling process yields a map that distinguishes population growth, decline or stability in combination with a predominance of particular population size classes among rural places. A previous paper by the author on the mapping of the settling process appeared in Soviet Geography, December 1969.  相似文献   

A joint study by population geographers and medical geographers of the expanding oil industry of the Middle Ob' valley in Western Siberia seeks to establish a set of recommendations for regulating the influx of population from various parts of the Soviet Union. The recommendations, based on an evaluation of medical-geographic contrasts between places of origin and places of settlement, are intended to minimize the adaptation problems resulting from great regional contrasts.  相似文献   

The relative significance of the natural and migrational components of population change are analyzed for urban places of the Belorussian SSR using a graphic analytical technique proposed by J. W. Webb (Economic Geography, 1963, No. 2). A total of 59 out of 204 urban places in Belorussia are found to have a net out-migration, most of them being places of 5,000 population or less, with few employment opportunities. In 26 places, natural increase is inadequate to compensate for the outflow, resulting in a population loss, and three other places combine an excess of deaths over births with net out-migration. All 28 places of 20,000 population or more combine natural increase with net in-migration, with the natural component predominating in six places and the migrational in 22. In Minsk, the republic capital, and the five other oblast centers, the migrational component represents 70 to 75 percent of the population increment.  相似文献   

As contemporary society is increasingly structured around highly diverse flows of people, goods, and information, mobile populations will contribute more and more to the economic, environmental and social performance of their destinations. However, planning is largely focused on residential populations and their contribution to the performance of places and hardly pays attention to the implications of people on the move for these places. In this study, we propose an alternative approach towards the assessment of the performance of places by comparing mobile and residential populations. An empirical analysis of the Netherlands National Travel Survey suggests that planning could profit by analysing mobile populations and exploring the desirability and feasibility of influencing their decisions.  相似文献   

韩光明  王兴中 《人文地理》2006,21(4):13-19,6
零售业及其附生-衍生的营业性娱乐场所是城市居民日常生活(闲暇娱乐)行为的四大场所之一,零售业中附生-衍生的娱乐场所的类型、结构与空间模式是揭示城市社会-生活空间质量的重要方面,本文从城市社会地理学以及人类文化生态学等多学科的研究角度,分析与总结国外学者对零售业及其附生-衍生的营业性娱乐场所的研究现状、内容以及其在城市中的空间作用与(社会)空间关系。  相似文献   

Passenger traffic between places is assumed to be a function of distance and of the population of corresponding places. Formulas are derived to compute passenger flows between places both on scheduled bus routes and occasional means of conveyance. The calculated results are checked against actual passenger traffic along the motor roads of Gorno-Altay Autonomous Oblast, a major civil division in the Altay Mountains of southern Siberia. The calculated values were generally confirmed by actual passenger counts. Discrepancies were associated mainly with differences in location of places. Places along roads with a high traffic intensity were found to have scheduled passenger flows below the calculated magnitudes, presumably because of the greater opportunities of obtaining rides on occasional passing vehicles. Places on secondary roads were found to have scheduled passenger flows somewhat in excess of the calculated values.  相似文献   

唐代宦官的籍贯分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文详细地统计了唐代宦官的籍贯情况,论述了宦官籍贯的分布规律。认为唐代宦官北方籍的人多于南方籍,在北方尤以关内道人数最多,并分析了形成这种分布状态的原因,指出所谓闽、岭为宦官区薮的传统说法,并不符合历史事实。  相似文献   

In order for an urban region to learn and develop, it is necessary for its development network to learn. In this article, Ikujiro Nonaka's learning model, which emphasizes the significance of tacit and explicit knowledge interacting in a spiral process and thus enabling creation of new knowledge, is applied to learning in a development network. Nonaka and his colleagues have also conceptualized specific places ( ba ) to correspond to every phase of knowledge conversion. Favourable conditions or places can also be developed for knowledge conversion in a development network: this article presents some potential ba for the development network including practical examples from Tampere Urban Region (located in Finland).  相似文献   

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