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金陵大学附属中学难民收容所是南京大屠杀期间规模较大的收容所,其存在时间也较长。由于位于安全区边缘且缺乏西方人士驻守保护,这个收容所频繁遭受日军侵扰。在南京安全区国际委员会的帮助下,收容所所长姜正云带领管理人员与义工采取了一系列行之有效的方法,为难民争取生存空间。他们为难民安排住宿、施放米粥、实施医疗救助,积极开展难民救...  相似文献   

1938年3月8—10日,金陵大学医院威尔逊医生,带着一些手术器械和材料,前往栖霞山休假,实际上也是一次巡诊。他目睹了栖霞山劫后景象,所见所闻印证了此前中外人士关于日军暴行的记载。威尔逊去了江南水泥厂难民小医院,并为栖霞寺难民提供医疗咨询。这也是辛德贝格离开南京前,联手威尔逊,为栖霞山难民们实施的又一项人道救助。  相似文献   

日军占领南京前夕,来自美国、德国等20余位西方人士冒着生命危险自愿留在南京,发起成立南京安全区国际委员会,收容、保护和救济了20余万南京难民,在人类文明史留下了光辉灿烂的一页。在20余位西方人士中,来自奥地利维也纳的机械师哈茨(Rupert R.Hatz)在南京大屠杀期间同安全区其他外国人士一起,不仅多次出手勇敢阻止日...  相似文献   

<正>民国初期,各宗派基督教在广州快速发展。抗战爆发后,1938年10月21日,广州沦陷并爆发大规模的难民潮。24日,即广州沦陷第四天,香雅各博士(Dr.James M.Henry)率领教会人员成立广州难民区委员会,组织开展难民救助工作。他们在战火中尽可能地为广州难民提供战时的安全、食物、医疗、教育,成为社会救助中的一股力量。但由于战时社会的动荡,这方面的原始记录很少,所以今天我们能找到的相关记载也仅有只言片语。为了还原更多的历史事实,我们走访多地,在卓稚雄先生(广州市公安局退休)提供的线索下,对曾经的一位白  相似文献   

王学礼 《史学集刊》2022,(3):119-130+144
受“焦土政策”和“间谍恐惧症”的影响,一战期间俄国疏散了大量难民。大规模疏散难民不仅使前线附近地区数以百万计的居民流离失所,而且使本已严重赤字的战时俄国财政雪上加霜,造成了粮食、住房、交通、公共卫生等多重危机。俄国政府和社会组织为疏散和救助难民采取了多项措施,在疏散途中为难民提供了基本的食品和医疗救治,多数难民在较短时间内被疏散到了后方。政府层面有关难民事务的最高领导机构是隶属于内务部的难民安置特别会议,负责难民疏散和救助的社会组织主要有塔季扬娜委员会、全俄地方自治联盟、全俄城市联盟以及民族救助组织等。然而,短时间内难民人数的激增给疏散和救助工作带来很大困难,难民疏散和救助常常处于无序和混乱状态。难民疏散和救助中存在的主要问题是疏散难民的交通工具严重不足、缺少组织性和计划性以及疏散途中医疗卫生条件欠佳所导致的传染病泛滥。  相似文献   

南京大屠杀时期的日军当局与南京安全区   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在南京大屠杀期间,留在南京的20余位西万人士成立南京安全区,对南京难民进行了人道主义的保护与救济。日军当局在攻占南京之前拒绝承认南京安全区,在攻占南京初期,又默认了安全区的存在,但其后不久日军便认为南京安全区的存在妨碍了他们对南京“新秩序”的建立。因此,日军当局对南京安全区便采用各种手段进行压迫,直到扶植“自治政权”以取代之。可以说。由于西方人士倡议成立和管理的安全区违背了日军当局的战略意图。南京安全区被迫解散的结局实际上早已注定。  相似文献   

王卫星 《民国档案》2005,2(4):101-108
1937年南京沦陷前期,留在南京的一些外国人士,不顾个人安危,毅然决定留在南京,并参照法国神甫饶家驹在上海设立南市难民区的成功经验,发起设立了南京国际安全区,以保护无辜的平民免遭战火的蹂躏。安全区设立的过程较为复杂,不仅需要中国方面的同意,而且还要征得日军当局的认可。这些外国人士克服重重困难.终于在南京沦陷前成立了安全区,开始发挥保护平民的作用。  相似文献   

考证南京难民收容所   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对南京大屠杀期间国际安全区的研究,历来是南京大屠杀研究的重要课题之一,多年来,由于资料的缺乏,对这一课题的研究还不够深入细致。譬如,对南京安全区委员会所辖难民收容所的研究就很粗浅,甚至不能全部弄清难民收容所的名称、数量和难民收容人数。近年来,随着《拉贝日记》等一批西方人士有关南京大屠杀的重要史料的陆续发现,为史学工作的深入研究提供了可能,并越来越多地引起有识之士的关注。  相似文献   

张连红 《民国档案》2007,(4):103-111
侵华日军攻占南京之后,为"恢复社会治安,矫正难民依靠欧美的弊风,确立自立自治的规范。"日军当局决定成立南京市自治委员会以取代由西方人士组成的安全区国际委员会,从而建立亲日自治傀儡政权。在日军当局的操纵下,南京市自治委员会通过全面侵蚀安全区国际委员会的行政、治安和救济权力,迫使国际委员会更名为"国际救济委员会",从而使其成了一个纯粹的民间救济机构。尽管南京市自治委员会在救济难民、掩埋尸体、清扫城市卫生等方面做了许多工作,但却无法改变其"汉奸"和"二鬼子"的形象,更无法取代西方人士在难民心中的"活菩萨"地位。  相似文献   

在南京大屠杀期间(1937年12月13日-1938年1月)留在南京,亲历南京大屠杀的外籍证人(不包括持日本国籍人士)究竟有多少?长期以来,一直是个谜。弄清这一问题,对于进一步收集证人证言资料,加强南京大屠杀史学研究,深入揭示侵华日军的暴行,以及客观公正地评价外籍人士基于国际人道主义,救助和保护中国难民的义举,都有着重要的价值和作用。笔查阅诸方面资料,在分析考证的基础上,初步揭开了这一谜团。  相似文献   

Jinling University, or the University of Nanking, was created in 1910 from the merger of three Christian missionary schools in Nanjing (Nanking). After a period of smooth development in the second decade of the twentieth century, the University of Nanking had to face huge challenges in the 1920s when nationalism and revolutionary movements gained momentum in China. After the Nanjing Incident in 1927, the university was forced to deal with all the serious challenges of running a new school. Within two years, the University of Nanking underwent comprehensive reform, which included the reorganization of the school administration, the establishment of a board of directors, the accession of the university’s first Chinese president, and the completion of a process of government-mandated registration. All this ultimately led the University of Nanking into a new era. The university reacted to the registration requirement and the internal administrative reshuffling in a process of gradual, interlocking responses. This process reflects the general nature of relations between church universities and the Chinese government during this important historical moment, though the unique characteristics of the University of Nanking’s own experience are also apparent.  相似文献   

The grand spectacle of Britain's return of Hong Kong, its colony since the 1842 Treaty of Nanking, to Chinese sovereignty in July 1997 served to dramatize to a global audience the end of imperialism in its most overt political form. Beginning with China's defeat in the First Opium War in 1842, Britain and other European powers came to exercise varying degrees of forcible dominion, wrapped in a confusing array of legal guises, over parts of this proud but endangered country. Known to the Chinese ever since as the "unequal treaties," these agreements progressively infringed on China's sovereignty, administrative and legal integrity, and economic viability. Extraterritorial rights exempting foreigners from Chinese justice, treaty ports where administration was in the hands of foreigners, and foreign control of extensive portions of Chinese bureaucratic administration, including even the country's ability to collect revenue through the Maritime Customs Service—all became part of the elaborate edifice of extraordinary rights and privileges that the powers created for themselves in the name of the "great game" of empire in China.1  相似文献   

Information on emigrant doctors and university teachers of medicine from Austria is rather poor up to now. This article is a preliminary sketch to give a first impression of the problems, quantity and quality of the doctors' emigration. First, there is made a distinction between different groups of emigrants, who emigrated at different times owing to the political changes in Austria (civil war and ?Anschluß”?). Then the emigration prior to the political set-ups during the thirties is discussed. The assertion is made, that the reasons for emigrating during the twenties are very much the same than in later years. Hostility against Jews, socialists, democrats and foreigners made living and working conditions increasingly unbearable. Concerning the influence of emigrated scientists on science and learning in immigration countries some theoretical and clinical sub-specialties of medicine are examined, e.g. social medicine, internal medicine, pharmacology, orthopedic surgery and child psychiatry. Whereas in some cases the influence is minimal, e.g. social medicine, other disciplines have been influenced enormously, e.g. child psychiatry. Finally there follows a short examination of the organisations of Austrian doctors and medical scientists in the United States and Great Britain.  相似文献   

During the First World War in Britain, women were exhorted to rally to the nation's need and to train as doctors. A number of the London medical schools opened their doors to female students for the first time. After the war, several of these schools reverted to their former status as exclusively male institutions. This article looks at these events in some detail, focusing on the controversies over co-education in medicine and attempting to unravel some of the issues and politics involved. It is suggested that the gender politics which characterise these debates illuminate our understanding of the social history of work cultures and masculinity in the period.  相似文献   

南京民国建筑调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民国建筑是指民国时期建设的,具有一定历史文化价值的建筑物。民国定都南京,从1912年算起是38年,从1927年算起是23年,其中有8年迁都重庆。正是在这二三十年时间里,留下了900多万平方米有特色的建筑,其中有代表性的建筑不下200座,使南京成为一座规模宏大的“中国近现代建筑历史博物馆”。“汉唐建筑看西安,明清建筑看北京,民国建筑看南京”,已经成为广泛的共识。民国建筑是南京历史文化名城特色的一个重要组成部分。  相似文献   

西晋永嘉之乱以后,产生了大量的流民,并形成了严重的流民问题。流民的大量产生,以及流民势力的迅速发展,迫使两晋之际的统治设法解决流民问题。流民所引起的震动,使残破的西晋政权能够控制的力量更加弱小,从而加速了西晋政权的灭亡。北方流民的大量南下,使南方的政治、军事力量迅速增强,从而为东晋的建立提供了必要的条件。流民聚集而成的政治、军事性集团如京口集团等,是东晋政权的支撑性力量。东晋政权与流民的关系至为密切,而统治对于流民问题的处理方式与程度,亦直接地影响着当时的政治变迁。  相似文献   

Refugees often find themselves in challenging positions regarding their familial relations while seeking asylum. Whereas transnational human rights agreements and institutions identify families as units of protection and sources of care with variable compositions, many immigration policies and humanitarian practices regard familial relations also problematic and interpret refugees’ rights to family life narrowly. This leaves refugees’ attempts to draw from and manage their transnational family lives poorly recognized and supported. In result, refugees may end up in paradoxical subject positions of having to give up and take responsibility for their families, with their own experiences and understanding of familial life remaining secondary. These contradictions are heightened when familial concerns are among the reasons for seeking asylum, involving caring and uncaring relations. In this article, we analyze familiality as a form of mundane care politics in refugee situations, based on our study with asylum seekers and refugees in Finland.  相似文献   

民国时期南京建筑师群体是中国近代建筑发展中重要的力量,其形成及执业活动状况一方面呼应了中国建筑师职业和近代建筑发展的大背景,另一方面又不同程度地受到南京城市地位和环境的影响,具有鲜明的地域特殊性。  相似文献   

Throughout the twentieth century doctors in most western countries strongly resisted government attempts to intervene in private medical markets. The support for privatisation that has developed during the current economic recession is welcomed therefore by the medical profession. In several countries campaigns have been staged for a full or partial return to market forces in the health care field. This article traces the course of one such push in Canada where doctors and other advocates of privatisation demanded a larger role for the private sector in the funding and management of Medicare, the national health insurance system. The policy outcome is contrary to the general privatising tendency in many countries: after a period of intense controversy the federal government passed legislation to preserve and strengthen the public aspects of the scheme. The normally powerful medical profession lost its campaign for an infusion of private funds into the health system and for the retention of the right of doctors to set their own fees. Consumer and other non‐producer groups, which have not traditionally played a central role in health policy, mobilised in defense of Medicare and were able to achieve most of their aims.  相似文献   

The beginning of the seventeenth century marked the start of a scientific revolution, which had consequences for medicine. Vesalius in anatomy, and Harvey in physiology, were important figures who gave the Hippocratic and Galenic traditions new impulses. In this period of change in medical thought, Nicolaas Tulp (1593-1674) wrote his 'Observationes Medicae' (Tulp, 1641). A controversy existed in The Netherlands, concerning the circulation, with many doctors still adhering to the Galenic tradition. The following analysis discusses some of the neurologic cases from Tulp's book, seen in the light of modern medical thought.  相似文献   

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