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胡瑾 《神州》2013,(34):163-163
Media with the Politics
It' s not fresh news to anyone of us that the politics can use the media as an efficient strategy to present themselves and their political views. With the rapid development of the mass media and communications, it offers political figures to employ the strategies of symbolic construction with the purpose of presenting and promoting themselves in front of the audience (Schlesinger and Tnmber, 1994). With the purpose of keeping public orders and reduce the crime rate, the media plays a very important role in .'broadcasting' the 'advertising' for the government,  相似文献   

This welcome new collaborative volume tells a story that has not been investigated adequately:the rise and spread of literacy in ancient China.While there is a large bibliography of studies of the writing system itself,few scholars have addressed the question of literacy,that is,how writing was used in society,how people were taught to read and write,and how the practice advanced both geographically from the center to the periphery,and socially from the elite to what one of the contributors calls "the lower orders." Feng Li and David Prager Brarmer are to be applauded for bringing together eleven engrossing articles representing the finest scholarship in English and immensely clarifying these crucial phenomena.Constraints of space preclude consideration of each chapter in this long and carefully annotated book;1 in what follows,I shall attempt to sketch what the book accomplishes and the evidence on which it relies.  相似文献   

In Chinese Modem history, Weng Tonghe is a man of importance. People often talk about his life, his experience of being the imperial teacher twice, and his artistic achievement. Moreover, he was an important connoisseur at that time, who not only appreciated and collected many precious antiquesin his lifetime, but also made further research on the antiques. He played an important role in the Chinese connoisseur and appreciation history.  相似文献   

This article explores the of certain elite women during late little-known public philanthropic activities Qing China. By examining contemporary newspapers, it traces the new development of women's philanthropic engagement and further analyzes two cases, one on disaster relief and the other on women's education, to illustrate the issues, controversies and achievements that went along with women's philanthropy. It demonstrates how philanthropy, a traditionally-sanctioned field for women's activism, legitimatized women to move out of domestic seclusion and reposition themselves in the public sphere in a crucial transitional era when for "good women" to appear in public was something hotly debated, and how through philanthropic opportunities some were able to engage with political affairs. The broad social impact of their initiatives suggests the continued importance of traditional elite women during China's transition to the modern era; it challenges some of our previous notions, which often unthinkingly accepted the verdict of "New Women" that those who did not embrace their path to modernity were parasitic, unproductive, and backward. By looking carefully at philanthropy, the article reveals fascinating issues and rich details of women's public activities that previous historical narratives have often overlooked. It helps to understand how reconfigured traditions became essential components of modernity in the development of modern Chinese gender roles. It also adds a gender perspective to the burgeoning historiography on Chinese philanthropy.  相似文献   

正May 12,2008,is a day that surely lives on in infamy in the minds of many.The story of the Wenchuan earthquake,however,did not end when the rumbling stopped.People from all walks of life and all over China came together as one,doing everything necessary to provide assistance and rebuild the county from the rubble.At that time,Wenchuan was the epicenter of not only an earthquake,but also of the Chinese heart,and like a seed  相似文献   

Langmar Hall is a "Tibetan KTV". As in other cities like Lhasa, it is a very crowded place and also a big draw card for tourists. Different from KTVs in the mainland, Langmar Hall does not charge admission. It makes money from beer consumption, so the waitresses are happy to open beers for customers. They often stand beside you, raise your glass and propose a toast to you. Friends from the mainland are not aware of this trick, and believe it is required etiquette, so they are happy to drink as much as they can. People in Lhasa make fun of this and say that the  相似文献   

At the turn of the 18th century, the Kangxi emperor initiated a large project to map the vast territories of the Qing. The land surveys that ensued were executed by teams of Qing officials and European missionaries, most of them French Jesuits first sent to China in 1685 and actively supported by the French crown. Early 18th century Jesuit publications foster a much-heralded claim that these missionary-mapmakers drew on their status of imperial envoys during the surveys to locally advance the position of the Catholic church. This article strives to explore the format/on of such local networks by these missionaries as they passed through the cities and towns of the Chinese provinces. On the basis of archival material, details emerge of contacts with local Qing administrators and Chinese Christians, and of attempts to purchase and recover local churches. This is then discussed against the background of the Rites Controversy, in an attempt to evaluate how such local networks relate to the rivalry between missionaries of different orders. The article emphasizes that there was (and perhaps is) no such thing as "pure science" by underscoring that important technical achievements such as the Qing mapping project are often shaped by complex networks and historical contingencies.  相似文献   

As a primitive breed unique to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the yak is an important means of production and source of livelihood for the people living in the plateau area. In our country, there are about 14 million yaks, 92 percent of the total world population, distributed mainly over alpine grassland of about 157 million hectares on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Since the end of the 1950s, with Professor Cai Li as a representative, a group of scientists from the Southwest College for Nationalities have conducted scientific research on yaks. They also examined the scientific and technological development of yak production in the alpine pastoral area at more than 4000 meters above sea level. They have achieved important outcomes and won acclaim from all over the world. In 1987, The Southwest College for Nationalities was the first in the country to recruit post-graduates to study "yak genetic breeding" in order to produce new generations for our yak studies. After 20 years the students have already made outstanding contributions to the development of the breed.  相似文献   

Located on Dongshan Island,off the coast of Fujian province,is a typical rural village called Tongbo.On May 10,1950,147 men were abducted by the KMT army on its way to Taiwan.Since a majority of the men were already married,overnight,their wives became "widows," and most would remain so for the rest of their lives.Consequently,Tongbo village became more widely known as Widow Village.The first objective of this paper is to document the tragic experiences of men and women in Tongbo village,focusing on these forced separations in 1950,the possibility of reunion after 1987,and the struggle to cope with the difficulties in between.The second objective of this paper is to argue that while heartbreaking,the experiences of this village are not extraordinary in the context of the Chinese Civil War.What made the men and women in Tongbo extraordinary is not their collective suffering,but how these villagers suffered less,not more,than in many other places,because of the actions of three key figures.  相似文献   

In the study of socio-economic development in Tibet, one tends to stress the role of non-economic elements, especially the role of humans and social background.Of these, the role of religious culture is regarded as the most important. However, there are basically two approaches to the issue: First of all, although religion exerts a varied role on economic growth, legal construction, public welfare and ethics, one tends to each only a general judgment. Secondly, study of the role played by religion focused on the religious doctrines held by monks, and monks themselves. Although many point out the fact that religious power over people varies, it roots in the rural areas and among the folk at large is still neglected.Hence, there is the need to study individual cases.  相似文献   

The meadow on the highland is as broad as an ocean, yet it is also as quiet as a painting, without the limitation of a frame. It seems more natural and lively than a painting. It is as simple as the clear eyes of a Tibetan sheep, reflecting the rippling green grass and the scent of the soil as carried by the breeze. This scent followed me all the way as I followed spring's progress across the highland and as we drove deeper into the wide prairie in the County of Hongyuan. A Tunnel Enclosure in Camouflaged Clothing On average, Hongyuan is more than 3600 meters above sea level and is mainly involved in animal husbandry. It is the only county largely inhabited by Tibetans in the Prefecture of Aba. There is a vast area (777,200 ha.) of lush native grassland, 91.8 percent of the whole county. "Tashi Delek, welcome my reporter" said Tsepudan, Chairman of the Karlama Village Committee in the Township Village of Achok in the County of Hongyuan. He greeted me with smiles. He looked tall and strong in his traditional Tibetan robe, with a large-screen cell phone at his waist. "What's the fence for" I asked in curiosity. Before me was a huge fenced paddock. "A tunnel enclosure, they helped us build it," said Tsepudan, pointing towards our companions (Professor Li Jian, and Professor Tang Cheng from the Southwest University for Nationalities, as well as Mr. Liu Gang from the Sichuan Prairie Institute). Made of steel, the tunnel enclosure is shaped in a hexagon, 10 meters long. At first sight, it seems to be without any technical content. Actually, it contains a certain delicacy in its awkwardness. It saves a lot of labor and time when it is used to give an injection or medicine, or shear sheep, weighs something, or transport yaks and sheep. The Southwest University for Nationalities, the Sichuan Prairie Institute and local herdsmen produced it together, including its design, site selection and construction. Eight national  相似文献   

Li Huaiyin's new book deals with the dialectic and competing processes ofwriting the history of "modem China" in China during the past century. Li presents the writing of history as a literary genre that has produced multiple narratives in different periods, narratives that corresponded to or were instigated by particular socio-political (especially political) circumstances of the protagonists of his story. In general, Li depicts these narratives as "romantic," "optimistic," or "pessimistic," based on two major conflicting paradigms (or "grand narratives"--Li often uses "narrative" and "paradigm" interchangeably): "modernization" and "revolutionary."  相似文献   

On hearing several times that there is a thousand-year-old walnut tree in Nyamo Town in Shigatse, I was curious, as I had never heard of a thousand year old tree in my life, except for cypress and ginkgo in my hometown. I have not had a chance to have a look at it but heard lots of both legends and true stories about this tree. In awe and expectation, I paid a visit to see the thousand-year walnut tree. I remember in my hometown there is an old tree which people referred to as the "divine tree". Every time 1 visited this divine tree, my heart was always in awe. I even dared not to get too close and only watched it from a distance because I was afraid of giving any offense to the holy tree. People say every divine tree would change to another kind. But in my memory, since I was a child, I did not see any trees change species, which I actually found disappointing.  相似文献   

While David Pankenier has since the early 1980s made outstanding contributionsto the scholarship of ancient Chinese cosmology, astrology, and their politico-cultural consequences with his many fruitful articles, this is his first single-authored monograph incorporating major discoveries and insights accumulated over the decades. The book is groundbreaking, not only in the sense that the particular topic is examined with unprecedented intensity and profoundness, but also because it provides "an introduction to diverse aspects of an understudied field" (p. 5), making the frameworks, terminologies and sources of early astral sciences in China more accessible.  相似文献   

唐高力士墓发掘简报   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
Gao Lishi is the most celeberated eunuch in China‘s history. He served the emperor Tang Xuan zong(Li longji) all his life, and gained almost the first rank official position.At 762 A.D.,he was died in his 73, and was buried near the emperor‘s mausoleum named Tai Ling next year, which located at Shanxi village, Pucheng county. The tomb composed of a vamp, four narrow patios-like spaces, three passages, six niches, a brick corridor and tomb chamber, simple murals were painted on the both side of the ramp, the corridor and the chamber wall, but most of them were destroyed. Fancy patterns were carved on the surfuces of the stone tomb-gate and the stone coffin bed. More than two handred pottery statues were found in the miches, including housemen, servants and animals such as horses, pigs, camels, dogs, rabbits and so on. Some bones found in the coffin bed have been authenticated that belong to a man older than sixty. It is unusaal that the epitaph stone is vectangular. The epitaph narrated Gao‘s original name, ancestry, feats, official positions and his fanmily,ect. Excavation of this tomb provide valuable date for the research of Tang dynasty history, and we can see that Gao Lishi was down and out at his death from the tomb structure and the relics.  相似文献   

An examination of how a focus on the reading of traditional Confucian texts as a spiritual exercise can enable us to deal productively with modern understandings of the divergences among different ideals of human excellence.An investigation of such ideals has often focused on virtue discourse,but that discourse generates understandable suspicions in many people.A productive approach to these suspicions is to examine both the idea that new virtues (such as spiritual regret) are needed,and the notion that three distinctive modern emphases must play a central role in any contemporary consideration of the relationships among diverse ideals.After considering two kinds of principled opposition to this approach,we turn to Walter Benjamin's exemplary account of the huge gulf between modern and traditional understandings,and the possible aid some texts may offer in bridging it.Focusing on the distinctive operation of specific forms of presentation in the Confucian tradition,we conclude by investigating the idea that reading Confucian texts can be seen even today as an illuminating kind of spiritual exercise.  相似文献   

At 9 am, May 17th, 2013, we set out through heavy snow from the County of Honvuan forthe Xiaman Goat Husbandry Farm in Western Ruoergai. Along the way, we saw few humans but there were groups of yaks grazing with a quiet, masterful air on the snowcovered prairie. The road was uneven and our young driver, Tashi, seemed to like playing "dodgem cars" in this playground while trying his best to avoid every puddle along the way. Our SUVjolted up and down, splashing muddy water on the still falling white snow. In Secretary Norbu's car, and warmed by the heater, we arrived at tfhe Goat Husbandry Farm at ten thirty. Due to a power cut, that big farmyard was deserted but Tashi heated instant noodles for his breakfast in a pressure cooker on a wood stove. We were about 3500 meters above sea level so water boiled at only 80 degrees Centigrade. Half an hour later, a man rushed into the room, bringing the cold air with him from the outside wind and snow. He immediately extended his hand to us. "Welcome You are from the Southwest University for Nationalities Last year, President Wang helped us with monitoring and earmarking. We appreciated it very much." The "President Wang" just mentioned by Secretary Song Dingbin of the Xiaman Goat Husbandry Farm, was Wang Yong, Vice President of the Southwest University for Nationalities and Director of the Institute for Qinghai Tibet Plateau. He is tutor for the graduate students majoring in "Animal Genetic Breeding andPropagation", an expert who has made outstanding contributions in Sichuan. Privately, people would call him "Goat Wang". Jianzhou Big Ear Goat Actually, the name "Goat Wang" is not unique to Wang Yong. There is another "Goat Wang" in the school,Prof Wang Jie. Both "Wangs" study goats with considerable achievements, so both are given this excellent name. The difference is their respective ages. Professor Wang Jie has retired, so it is natural that Wang Yong is "Junior Goat Wang". For quite some time, our country has imported breeding goats from overseas. Secretary Song Dingbin said that in 1958 the state purchased some Merino sheep from Australia and New Zealand with gold, and established the Xiaman Goat Breeding Farm to produce high quality wool. As for meat production, the Boer goat has long dominated the market. Wang Yong, a Doctor in"Animal Genetic Breeding and Propagation", determined to change it. In 1998, supported by the Jianyang government, Doctor Wang Yong and his research team started to breed and cultivate the new "Jianzhou Big Ear Goat". They used the foreign Nubian goat to crossbreed with the local Jianyang goat. So a new population was produced and improved by crossbreeding and selection for the next generation by way of open herd breeding. The team employed a strict and complicated standard to select breeding goats. If any detail, no matter if it was appearance,  相似文献   

曾红 《东南文化》2001,(10):42-47
Sheng Mao was an important landscape painter in the late period of Yuan Dynasty, learning from Dong and Ju. His style was minute and delicate, gaining great reputation at that time. However, his position was shaken since four maters of Yuan Dynasty grew up later. Anyway he is a great painter with unique style. The author draws an instructive opinion on his painting.  相似文献   

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