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This paper examines the distribution of water and the location of physical and political boundaries in Central Asia, identifies indicators of the susceptibility of its various regions to resource and water-related conflict, and then applies those indicators to discover the potential for future water-based regional conflict. The dimensions of the problem are addressed not only in terms of the physical availability of water (or lack of same), but also water quality and regional social unrest as a consequence of migration from regions of environmental deterioration. 5 figures, 4 tables, 45 references.  相似文献   

A moisture cycle of 1800 to 2000 years has been established for the earth as a whole, and the present period represents a transition from a wet to a dry phase in which the amount of water in oceans is gradually increasing at the expense of water from the land surface. Runoff fluctuations on the land surface also follow cycles of varying duration. It has been established that wet periods in some sections of the earth's surface are always matched by dry periods elsewhere. A definite geographic localization of zones of synchronous and asynchronous runoff fluctuations can be used in long-range runoff forecasts, which are needed for water-budget and waterpower-potential calculations. Prospects for future elimination of the disproportion between water needs and water resources are suggested. Steps to overcome the growing pollution problem are also proposed.  相似文献   

The original author of the great Siberian diversion scheme defends his views at a 1965 conference on multipurpose use of the water resources of the Ob' basin. Noting the development of West Siberia's oil and gas resources, which was just beginning to get under way, Davydov says it would be a mistake to base the local use of water resources solely on the interests of the oil and gas industry. He also rejects objections of the fishery industry to the construction of hydroelectric stations, and contends that the diversion of Siberian waters to the heavily populated and developed southern regions of the USSR will be essential to insure adequate water supply by the year 2000.  相似文献   

QinghaiProvince hasrich tourist resourcesthat exercise a magneticpull on visitors. People ofthe Tibetan ethnic groupmake up the bulk of theprovincial population, andYushu is one of their prefectures.UNIQUE LANOSCAPE. Located at high elevation in the southwestern corner of Qinghai, Yushu coversa land area of 190,000 square kin.This frozen area is the origin offamous rivers including the Yangtze,Yellow and the Lancanjiang, whichhelps to create many unique scenicspots, such as:Xianggu S…  相似文献   

A leading water-resource geographer outlines a series of measures that, in his view, would assure mankind with an unpolluted water supply for many more generations. He opposes the view that inland waters are virtually lost to man as a source of water and that other sources such as desalting of seawater or melting of icebergs must be sought. The proposed measures envisage the gradual reduction and ultimately halting of the discharge of wastes and sewage into streams and lakes by the use of municipal sewage for irrigation of forage crops near urban centers and the provision of closed water systems within industrial plants, including treatment and reuse of wastes.  相似文献   

西安水环境的历史变迁及治理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过查阅大量的历史文献资料和进行实地考察 ,对古都长安水环境的历史变迁及当前的治理措施进行了探讨 ,认为西安水荒的原因是由诸多因素造成的。建国后工业的蓬勃发展 ,人口的猛增 ,以及不合理的利用和严重污染 ,很多水源断流、干涸 ,与昔日“八水绕长安”的状况极不相符。应及早采取有效治理措施 ,彻底根治西安周围水环境 ,实施山川秀美工程 ,使其早日成为山水园林化城市  相似文献   

流坑旅游资源的开发与经营   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
马智胜  郭跃  瞿杰 《旅游科学》2004,18(1):27-30
本文从分析流坑旅游资源的价值特色着手,深入探讨了流坑旅游资源的规划与开发,并从四个方面对流坑旅游资源营运的创新性进行了探讨:(1)如何定位;(2)投资者;(3)管理系统;(4)经营。文章同时就如何发挥传统旅游资源的优势进行了探讨。  相似文献   

旅游人力资源发展——21世纪的一项艰巨任务   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
重视旅游人力资源的规划,发展旅游业生力军,将是我国旅游业迈入新世纪的一项,艮巨任务。本就此分析了旅游人力资源发展的动因并提出对策。  相似文献   

A water-management regionalization and determination of marginal cost estimates of water resources over the next three decades (to about 2000) outlines a set of priorities for the construction of dams and interbasin diversion projects. The predicted water requirements are based on the assumption that irrigation needs will increase at a moderate rate (30 million hectares by the end of the forecast period). The resulting marginal cost estimates are expected to affect long-term plans for the location of water-intensive activities (irrigation, water transport, thermal power generation, chemicals, pulp and paper) for which water costs may represent 40 to 50 percent of the total cost difference between alternate locations.  相似文献   

Despite its analytic deficiencies and the doctrinaire purposes it has been made to serve, the rational choice approach to political analysis can have considerable explanatory value. Three examples are given of the utility of the sub-field of rent-seeking analysis in illuminating how public resources for agricultural development are allocated in developing countries: rural-urban relations, resource allocation among agricultural services, and irrigation policy.  相似文献   

张从军 《民俗研究》2002,(4):121-128
一、法国西部民俗资源的保护和利用 法国西部的布列塔尼大区位于大西洋东岸,是法国海岸线最长的一个地区,当地起伏的丘陵又是农牧业的重要基地.传统农牧业生产方式的长期存在,保留了大量的民俗资源.有一些典型的村落和城镇直到二十世纪六十年代中期,才因为城市化的冲击而逐渐衰落和废弃.为了保护和利用这些资源,法国政府从七十年代开始,以建立生态博物馆的思路,对一些典型的民俗资源进行保护,并逐步将其开发成社会教育基地和旅游资源.其具体做法是:  相似文献   

For research on regional estimates of the water balance and future water-resource planning, it is important to determine the amount of water leakage downward across the base level, i.e. from the upper layers of the earth's crust drained by streams to the lower layers. The author presents a methodology based on water-balance equations that shows such leakage to be negligible in terms of the margin of error of precipitation and evapotranspiration records. It can therefore be assumed that the groundwater discharge into streams is practically identical with the recharge of groundwater reserves through percolation.  相似文献   

The water supply of range lands involves two Important problems: the availability of mineralized groundwater and the need for providing water to a large area with limited consumption at each watering point. Although the practice was long discouraged, herders have successfully supplied animals with water having a salt content of up to about 15 grams per liter, other water-supply possibilities, aside from the freezing method, Include the collection of rainwater in natural underground reservoirs and the tapping of lenticular freshwater strata discovered in sandy deserts.  相似文献   

张群 《中国土族》2007,(2):31-33
互助旅游资源概况互助土族自治县是全国唯一的土族自治县,它位于青海省东北部,是中国南丝绸之路和蒙藏两地藏传佛教文化圈交流沟通的重要通道,也是夏都西宁市的“后花园”。县城威远镇距青海省省会西宁市40公里,距兰州市240公里。全县总人口37.5万人,有土、汉、藏、蒙古、回等11个民族,  相似文献   

This article addresses the future of freshwater resources in the Palestinian West Bank through a discussion of contemporary issues that each plays a vital role in determining the long‐term sustainability of freshwater reserves, such as water resource availability, trans‐boundary water issues, water reuse and conservation, changes in land use, and the potential impact of climate change on long‐term water management. Climate change and changing land use patterns are already altering this region's water resources. Future predictions regarding the long‐term effects of these changes are complex and therefore inherently uncertain. However, the consensus among most studies on this subject indicates that currently water‐poor regions such as the Middle East will experience even greater water stress in the future. Nearly all of the freshwater consumed in the West Bank is obtained from local groundwater supplies that are suffering overdraft as well as decreasing water quality. Climate change will exacerbate water stress by increasing overall temperatures, decreasing and fluctuating precipitation, and reducing overall aquifer replenishment. Expanding urbanization will continue to strain freshwater supplies by negatively impacting the quality and quantity of available freshwater. Water management in the West Bank is further complicated by total Israeli control over water resources, which often causes water delivery to Palestinians in this region to be marginalized. This article finds that Palestinian and Israeli water managers must plan for future water crises, which will likely be a result of the combined effects of increasing urbanization and climate change coupled with exponential population growth.  相似文献   

历史时期塔里木盆地的水系发生了明显的变化 ,前期水系变化最剧烈的地区主要分布在昆仑山北麓地带和塔里木河下游地区。后期变化剧烈的地方主要分布在塔里木盆地的北部地带。本文从塔里木河水系的演化过程入手 ,在分析塔里木河水系变化各种因素的基础上 ,认为整个塔里木盆地水系变化的主要因素分为两段论。在清乾隆以前 ,水资源调控的主因为自然环境本身的变化 ;而清乾隆年间以后 ,水资源调控的主因变成了人类活动的本身。  相似文献   

城市民俗旅游资源开发利用断想--以济南和青州为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶涛 《民俗研究》2002,(4):145-149
一 民俗风情是观光旅游资源的三大组成部分之一(其他两部分为历史文物和山水风光).我国作为东方文明古国,历史文物在整个旅游资源中占据首要位置,山水风光次之,民俗风情只占末位.但民俗风情在旅游资源开发中却有它无可替代的优势:1、民俗风情旅游具有投资少、见效快的优势;2、民俗风情旅游具有动态性强、适宜于游客参与的优势;3、民俗风情旅游具有资源丰富、可运作性强的优势.  相似文献   

体育旅游资源开发及营销   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
体育旅游是近年来国内外旅游研究中的新兴课题。本文简述了体育旅游研究的产生背景,从营销角度探讨了大型体育赛事的旅游功效评价;在尝试对体育旅游进行类型划分的同时,分析了这些类型划分对有关体育旅游发展战略的影响。  相似文献   

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