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In an area of 400 sq km in the south east Grampians including Glen Esk, Glen Clova and part of Glen Muick the limits of former corrie glaciers, valley glaciers and a plateau ice‐cap with associated outlet glaciers have been mapped. The limits of the former corrie and valley glaciers are often clearly defined by end moraines, boulder‐strewn ground, the down‐valley termination of hummocky moraines and/or the limits of meltwater channel systems, while in suitable locations outwash terraces usually occur. The glaciers are considered to have formed during the Loch Lomond (pollen zone III) Readvance, when new glaciers developed in upland sources following complete ice‐sheet decay. The readvance was accompanied in granite areas by the formation of large solifluction lobes, these lobes being found only outside the mapped ice limits. The interpretations presented are not in accord with those recently given by D. E. Sugden for the western Cairngorms.  相似文献   

《Irish Studies Review》2002,10(1):75-78

生活在不同历史时期的北方各民族 ,其丧葬形式极具特色。这也是不同社会发展阶段、不同生活环境与生产方式的反映 ,从中体现了一个民族的信仰与习惯。同时 ,由于各民族间的相互影响 ,在丧俗上也有一定的共性。  相似文献   

瓷器大量出现以前,陶器在古代人民生活中占有重要地位,是人们日常生活中不可缺少的用具。本文所说的陶器仅指生活用具中的器皿,不包括陶俑及模型。陶器皿的造型及装饰反映了其生活时代的  相似文献   

楚鹏 《旅游纵览》2012,(12):26-30
<正>澳洲的北领地与南极、亚马逊森林、落基山脉等同被列为"地球上最后的处女地"。在我心目中,北领地是一片粗犷、古老、神秘而又与世隔绝的土地。神奇的远古岩画,迷人的河滨风光,迥异的野生动植物等等关键词,为北领地勾勒出一种遥远而陌生的气息。这里是自然之旅的天堂,是回归自然、感受原始、追逐狂野的首选。  相似文献   

New finds relating to the jewelry of the Alakul people are described. The analysis of molds indicates a much greater variation of ornaments compared to that implied by funerary items. The technology of jewelry is reconstructed. Personal adornments may have been made not only of bronze but of precious metals as well.  相似文献   

张乃辉 《丝绸之路》2010,(20):13-15
北石窟寺北朝、隋代造像数量众多,风格独特,窟龛形式多样,特点鲜明。北石窟寺现存窟龛86个,是陇东地区佛教发展的缩影,其中北魏165窟是其精华所在。总体而言,北石窟寺造像内容丰富,洞窟气势宏大,石雕艺术精湛,为国内所罕见。  相似文献   

十九世纪中期皖北的圩寨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
19世纪中期,皖北出现了大量的圩寨。本文试图通过对皖北圩寨的具体考察,展现皖北基层社会发生的深刻变革及国家政权为重建统治秩序做出的努力,并从中透析中国基层社会的演进道路。  相似文献   

THE EMERGENCE OF FORMAL CEMETERIES is one of the most significant transformations in the landscapes of 1st millennium ad Scotland. In eastern and northern Scotland, in the lands of the Picts, square and circular burial monuments were constructed to commemorate a small proportion of the populationperhaps a newly emerging elite in the post-Roman centuries. This paper presents the results of a project that has consolidated and reviewed the evidence for monumental cemeteries of the northern Picts from Aberdeenshire to Inverness-shire, transcribing the aerial evidence of many sites for the first time. In addition, the landscape location of the cemeteries is assessed, along with their relation to Pictish symbol stones, fortified sites and settlement landscapes of the 1st millennium ad. Two particular elements of the burial architecture of northern Pictland are highlightedbarrow enlargement, and the linking of barrows through the sharing of barrow/cairn ditches. Both of these practices are suggested here to be implicated in the creation of genealogies of the living and the dead during an important transitional period in northern Europe when hereditary aristocracies became more prominent.  相似文献   

Early Sarmatian ceramics from the Southwestern Urals are analyzed using the approach set forth by A.A. Bobrinsky. Pottery production among the early nomads was based on an original technology. The results of the analysis are used to reconstruct the ethno-cultural history of the Southwestern Urals.  相似文献   

Although the literacy of miners lagged behind county and national averages, there was educational progress in the Northern coalfield before 1870. Progress came partly from the private adventure schools and the Sunday schools, which originated in the colliery communities and which have been underestimated by historians. Evidence from parish registers shows that the private adventure schools that proliferated in the collieries, especially from the 1820s, helped to maintain and raise literacy rates in some villages, but were unjustly criticized by educators who favoured state public elementary schools. The colliery Sunday schools, particularly those of the Methodists, were also important in developing the ability to read. The spread of Methodism amongst miners gave an important stimulus to literacy, which resulted in greater support for adult education in the coalfield. The growth of mechanics’ institutes, reading rooms and mutual improvement societies testified to a growing enthusiasm amongst miners for education before 1870. Despite the extraordinary population growth, especially in Durham, and extensive migration of workers in the coal industry, educational progress in the coalfield is evident particularly in the late 1850s and 1860s.  相似文献   

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