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This paper analyzes Dutch and indigenous adaptation processes of foodways in the colonial Dutch East Indies, using seventeenth to early nineteenth-century archaeological evidence from Banten, Java. Banten was a global trading center and the focal point of the expansion in Asia of the Dutch East India Company (VOC). Its cosmopolitan and multinational society was already apparent when the Dutch arrived in 1596. Our research suggests that the Dutch in Banten adapted to using locally produced utilitarian earthenware instead of importing European vessels or having European-style cookware made in Banten. Banten’s pre-existing market-oriented urban society made many of the basic necessities available for the VOC garrison in Banten. Perhaps equally important in facilitating Dutch adaptation to local foodways was the presence of local women and Asian cooks in their daily life.  相似文献   

Previous efforts to determine how many inhabitants of Pennsylvania and other states were of German descent at the taking of the first Federal Census in 1790 have produced estimates that vary greatly. This study presents an improved procedure for using surname analysis to calculate the German stock in post-Revolutionary America, and it offers new data describing the distribution of that group throughout Pennsylvania and the rest of the United States. The revised estimates show that German-Americans were not only the predominant ethnic group in Pennsylvania, but also were dispersed more widely among its counties than had been thought. The study then employs the same methodology to identify localities in other states inhabited by sizeable German communities, in order to trace patterns of internal migration by Pennsylvania Dutch emigrants, and also to provide more accurate information about the group's contribution to 18th-century population growth and frontier expansion.  相似文献   

The article examines a number of pieces of early French and Dutch writing about the South China coast. The first is the journal of a Swiss mercenary named Ripon, who was employed by the Dutch East India Company and ventured in the East from 1617 to 1627; the second is a group of journals by Isaac Titsingh, Andreas Everard van Braam and Chrétien-Louis-Joseph de Guignes, describing their embassy to Emperor Qianlong in 1794–95; and finally there are a series reports by Dutch Protestant and French Catholic missionaries from the mid-nineteenth century onwards. Such Western sources can be an important supplement to the often scant Chinese sources for certain periods. Sources recording the same event but written by different authors and in different languages can provide an informative range of perspectives and serve to complement each other. And a range of different sources in different languages may combine to produce a fairly full historical picture of a given topic.  相似文献   

A number of blocks of resinous materials were found in the cargo of a 12th‐ to 13th‐century shipwreck, discovered in the late 1980s in the Java Sea near the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Java and excavated in 1996. These well‐preserved blocks presumably were trade materials used for religious, medicinal, cosmetic, decorative or practical purposes. Such materials, derived from plants and termed exudates, generally include frankincense, myrrh, ‘gum benjamin’, liquidambar, dragon's blood, dammar, copal and amber. The source of the cargo resin could not be determined from the site. Investigation by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has revealed that the molecular structure corresponds to that of modern resin from the plant family Dipterocarpaceae, known in trade as dammar and closely resembling Group B copal and amber. Other molecular classes of exudates are excluded. Such materials are not present in the Middle East, which then cannot be their source. The NMR spectra differ from those of Group B samples from Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, but resemble those from India or Japan. The spectra indicate that the saline environment had a similar effect on the molecular structure to heating and aging.  相似文献   

The Colonial Revival was a major movement in twentieth-century American domestic architecture. The Dutch Colonial house, one of many Revival styles, provides a useful index of Colonial Revival popularity, which was greatest between 1905 and 1940. This popularity was based upon a nostalgic idealization of the nation's colonial past, and was apparently tied to white Protestant dissatisfaction with urbanizing, industrializing America. The persistence of Colonial Revival styles in the landscape throughout this century and a recent resurgence in their popularity suggest that the idealization of colonial America continues to be an important feature of American popular culture and cultural geography.  相似文献   

A major problem confronting effective urban development is posed by conflicts which often emerge between environmental policy and land use planning. Environmental control seeks to reduce pollution and limit its intrusion on other activities, often separating pollution sources from environmentally sensitive areas. Land use planning commonly seeks to combine multiple uses in the same area to minimizg travel distances, often favouring compact urban development. When those two sets of objectives clash, working out a balance between them is important although difficult. This paper is about the Dutch experience with mapping several kinds of pollution spillover from manufacturing activity, and where these effects cause hindrance or are detrimental to health, acquiring housing and moving residents if it is not possible to mitigate these effects at source. The experience is of international importance, because it is based on an integration between environmental policy and spatial planning. Referred to as integral environmental zoning (IEZ), this programme is announced by the internationally well‐known Dutch National Environmental Policy Plan. The IEZ programme is being tested in several pilot projects. The aim is to fill in Chapter 6 of the Dutch Environmental Management Act, called ‘Environmental Zoning’, based on the results of the IEZ programme. Up to the present the results are shocking!  相似文献   

<正>即使不知道日惹,你也一定听说过爪哇国;即使不知道有个伟大的建筑叫做婆罗浮屠,你也一定早已熟悉与它同为东方四大奇迹的金字塔、吴哥窟和长城。爪哇国并不是一个莫须有的国度,它实际上就是千岛之国印尼所属的爪哇岛。爪哇岛是印尼第四大岛,也是印尼的政治经济文化中心,印尼首都雅加达也位于此。爪哇岛曾是经声佛号不断、黄袍耀日的佛国,著名的婆罗浮屠佛塔虎踞在爪哇岛的高原上。中国古代的僧人法显和义净曾漂洋过海来到爪哇国,为了信仰九死一生。  相似文献   

<正>皮影戏是我国民间的传统艺术,也是世界非物质文化遗产之一,深受民众的喜欢。而在印尼的爪哇岛上,也有一种皮影戏在当地广为流传,成为了一种具有宗教色彩的戏曲形式。它表演起来娱乐性和仪式感兼备,别有一番特色。爪哇皮影戏的剧情具有极强的宗教色彩,里面的人物也多为当地的神明或鬼怪,在台前看不出门道的我,只好到后台看看热闹,一睹爪哇皮影的真容。这里的皮影造型比较夸张,正面人物有着尖尖的鼻子、细长的眼睛和苗  相似文献   

<正>皮影戏是我国民间的传统艺术,也是世界非物质文化遗产之一,深受民众的喜欢。而在印尼的爪哇岛上,也有一种皮影戏在当地广为流传,成为了一种具有宗教色彩的戏曲形式。它表演起来娱乐性和仪式感兼备,别有一番特色。爪哇皮影戏的剧情具有极强的宗教色彩,里面的人物也多为当地的神明或鬼怪,在台前看不出门道的我,只好到后台看看热闹,一睹爪哇皮影的真容。这里的皮影造型比较夸张,正面人物有着尖尖的鼻子、细长的眼睛和苗  相似文献   

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