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结合19世纪末华侨因为参与鸦片税收承包与鸦片走私成为社会舆论批驳焦点的史实,阐述和分析了爪哇鸦片的输入与鸦片包税制的确立、爪哇鸦片走私的兴起以及华侨鸦片包税商在走私中所扮演的角色及其原因。认为华侨并不是爪哇鸦片走私的唯一参与者,欧洲人、欧亚混血儿及爪哇本土人常常是他们的合作伙伴;无论鸦片税收承包还是鸦片走私,最终的受益者都是荷兰殖民统治者;华侨包税商在荷属印尼历史上所扮演的任何角色都是由荷兰殖民统治的利益所决定的。  相似文献   

芜湖为近代皖省的唯一通商口岸。在1877—1912年间,外国鸦片一直是芜湖海关进口价值最高的商品。在这种长期趋势下,外国鸦片进口数量具体呈现出三个阶段性的波动。在第一阶段,芜湖口岸开放,以及税厘成本的比较优势,刺激外国鸦片进口数量上升;在第二阶段,在财政安稳的考量下,官府对本土鸦片全面弛禁,替代作用进一步发挥,外国鸦片进口数量下降。在第三阶段,国内外舆论对中外鸦片的毒品性质进行抨击,促成中英签订禁烟条款,1913年,芜湖海关中外鸦片进口竞争的历史正式结束。可见,在近代中国,鸦片问题始终有着国际因素的影响和考量,是半殖民地经济的典型缩影,深刻地影响着国民的身心健康与经济发展。  相似文献   

This paper tracks the changes in the influence of Marx's celebrated opium thesis in China. Marx's view that religion is “the opium of the people” was first introduced into China through propaganda associated with the Russian revolution. It became very influential among Chinese intellectuals and dominated the religious policy of the CCP for a long period. However, as the revolutionary party became the party in power after 1949, it was obvious that the opium thesis alone would be insufficient to deal with the religious situation in a socialist country. Although the “five natures” of religion thesis was proposed to explain the persistence of religion in socialist China, the opium thesis proved more powerful politically and resulted in a general attack on religion during the Cultural Revolution. Not until the era of reform and “opening up” was the opium thesis questioned. After the release of a major document entitled “The Basic Viewpoint and Policy on the Religious Question during our Country's Socialist Period” in 1982, the opium thesis was viewed as too simplistic an instrument for understanding “the problem of religion.” Scholars have argued that religion contains important cultural elements and can make a positive contribution to a socialist society in certain respects. After lengthy discussion, a consensus was reached that Marxist views on religion should keep up with the times and that the opium thesis was no longer compatible with contemporary Chinese society. Although different voices can still be heard on the issue, religion is no longer viewed as just a “drug” but rather as a kind of “medicine.” Marx's opium thesis has been replaced in China by a new theory, one that emphasizes that religion should and can adapt to the needs of a socialist society.  相似文献   

In October 2001, the prime minister of Britain, Tony Blair, identified the destruction of the narcotics industry as a subsidiary but nevertheless major objective during the intervention in Afghanistan. Within 18 months of the intervention, the UK had launched a policy to compensate farmers for destroying their opium crops, assumed the role of G8 lead nation for counter narcotics and set an ambitious target to destroy opium cultivation within 10 years. However, other than the rather dismal results of British counter narcotics policy, very little is known about the decision-making processes that underpinned them. This article provides unique insight into British counter narcotics policy-making during 2001–2003, with a focus on the interdepartmental discussions regarding policy formulation. It reveals that Whitehall was divided over involvement in such a complex task, with officials close to the prime minister arguing that this was an achievable task and those within the Foreign and Commonwealth Office arguing that the policies adopted were doomed to failure. This article demonstrates just how and why the failure predicted by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office actually came about.  相似文献   

朱移山  陈涛 《安徽史学》2015,(1):141-149
1932年皖北宿县因烟捐引发民变是20世纪30年代国民政府治下乡村危机频发的侧影。民变前,国家政权与乡村精英结合掌控乡村,而精英间为争夺乡村权力展开派系斗争,官民矛盾、绅民矛盾和绅士间矛盾尖锐。皖省政府依靠乡绅课征烟税,劣绅借机盘剥农民,绅民、官民矛盾激化。民变发生后,关系各方展开利益博弈,政府交替运用武力与怀柔之策控制民变,但无助于化解官民矛盾、绅民矛盾、官绅矛盾和乡绅不同派系间的利益纠葛,反致乡村危机在政府控制下被雪藏。乡村危机是国家政治、经济和社会等多元因素交互作用下产生的,并非如学界过往所认同的经济单线性诱致之结果。  相似文献   

This paper surveys the history of American support for Iranian counter-narcotics policy between 1945 and 1989. In particular, it explores the general failings of Tehran's attempt to ban the domestic production and consumption of opium. The significance of this period is two-fold. First, this essay argues that American-backed efforts to combat the opium trade in Iran highlighted the detrimental effects narcotics had upon both state and society in Iran. Second, it suggests that the Iranian ban upon narcotics helped to stimulate a rise in Afghan opium production before the Soviet invasion of 1979.  相似文献   

This article explores the process leading to the Afghan government's decision to implement a prohibition and eradication of opium in the northeastern province of Badakhshan. It explores why Daud chose Badakhshan, the impact of the opium ban on the people of Badakhshan and the future of opium production and trade, as well as the evolution of drug control in Afghanistan under the Musahiban dynasty. Ultimately, the ban was launched because it allowed Daud to garner international praise and financial support, while enforcing eradication in an area inhabited by ethnic minorities ensured that the Afghan government's coercive strategy would not generate resistance from rural Pashtun tribes historically opposed to these types of state intervention.  相似文献   

鸦片税收与清末练兵经费   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘增合 《史学集刊》2004,2(1):34-42
晚清鸦片税厘的财政意义随着土产鸦片泛滥而日渐凸现 ,日俄战争以后 ,清廷亟亟以编练新军为急务 ,洋土药税收大量用于新军编练 ,军费赖其支持甚大。 1 90 6年鸦片禁政开始实行 ,尤其是 1 90 8年下半年各地实行缩期禁烟政策 ,土产鸦片税收缩减甚巨 ,练兵经费的筹措面临危机 ,各省与中央、度支部与陆军部等因军费筹解困难而迭生矛盾 ,政争不断。鸦片禁政本属良政 ,却因此造成财政和军事经费的困境 ,其影响之复杂可见一斑  相似文献   

This article analyzes China’s attempts to participate in and use the negotiations about reforming the international opium control system in the interwar period. China had a contentious relationship with the international opium control system from its creation in the International Opium Convention of 1912 through the League of Nations opium control system of the 1920s and 1930s. The Chinese government wanted to gain acceptance for China as a modern state no longer in need of tutelage from the international community. They also wanted to portray the Chinese people as a modern race as a way of undermining colonial opium monopolies, which made a disproportionate amount of their profits from sales to Overseas Chinese. While they were not fully successful in either of these efforts, China did manage to win some support, drawing the United States into closer agreement with China’s positions. Engagement with the international system also had a considerable impact on China’s domestic opium politics and its broader diplomatic relationship with the major powers.  相似文献   

鸦片不仅榨干台湾民众的钱财,更腐化了台湾各界的抗日精神,戕害台湾民众身心健康。日本通过在台湾的鸦片专卖,进一步强化了在台湾的殖民统治,也系统总结出一套治理殖民地鸦片问题的经验,这种经验不仅影响了台湾,也影响到中国大陆和美国的属地菲律宾。  相似文献   

邓廷桢与广东禁烟问题   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1836-1839年两广总督邓廷桢在广东的禁烟活动,与鸦片战争前中英关系的演变具有直接联系。邓廷桢在1836年一度拥护许乃济提出的弛禁鸦片贸易的建议,并为此作了积极准备。在清廷决定实施严禁政策后,邓廷桢怀着犹疑、观望的态度执行道光帝的谕令,对冷仃洋鸦片趸船打击不力,但在切断内地鸦片贩子与鸦片趸船联系方面的努力却收到可观的效果,使持续多年的鸦片贸易模式遭受重创。这一结果却使得外国鸦片贩子加速寻求向中国东、北部沿海贩卖鸦片,并导致广州内河鸦片走私活动的复活,鸦片问题在总体上显得更为严峻。受到政治压力的邓廷桢利用因义士贩烟事件,迫使广州外侨总商会和英国驻华商务监督义律与其达成禁止广州内河鸦片走私的协议。但这一协议因清廷决定派遣林则徐赴粤采取更为严厉的禁烟措施而告终结。  相似文献   

试论建国初期河北省的禁烟禁毒斗争   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建国前 ,由于帝国主义侵略和封建主义的黑暗统治 ,河北省种植鸦片和吸食毒品的问题十分严重 ,影响了社会经济的发展。中华人民共和国成立后 ,河北省开展了大规模的禁烟禁毒斗争 ,仅仅用了三年左右的时间 ,就基本消除了省内延续上百年的种植、贩运和吸食毒品的现象 ,解决了旧中国历届政府无法解决的烟毒泛滥问题 ,树立了“无毒省”的形象。河北省禁烟禁毒获得成功的主要原因在于 :领导重视、组织保证 ;制定了一系列法律法规 ;深入开展宣传教育 ,广泛发动群众投入禁烟斗争 ;禁烟禁毒工作与清除其他社会病害配合进行 ;各部门协同行动 ,综合治理  相似文献   

包世臣对鸦片之害有较为深刻的认识,早在嘉庆二十五年(1820),他就论述过鸦片引起的社会问题.就他对鸦片问题的认识来看有两点值得重视:一是他最早认识到鸦片泛滥造成的白银大量外流是引起银贵钱贱、物价上涨的重要原因;二是他虽然主张通过"撤关罢税"严禁鸦片,但他并不主张断绝与外国的一切往来.他也是鸦片战争前当朝野上下都还做着"天朝上国"的美梦时极少数留心夷务、关注夷情的思想家.鸦片战争爆发后,他积极为当局出谋划策,承认"英夷"有"战舰"和"火器"的"长技",并先于魏源提出了类似于"师夷之长技以制夷"的主张.他还主张利用人民群众的力量来抵抗英军侵略,反对签订丧权辱国的《南京条约》.鸦片战争结束后,他对中国失败的原因进行了总结,认为既不是船炮,也不是军民,而是那些愚昧无知、自毁长城的清朝统治者应对战争的失败负责.  相似文献   

印花税系晚清时期由西方国家传入中国的一大税种,在财政困绌、赔款筹措和洋务新政等因素的促动下,朝野人士多有论介,间或付诸实施,也因民间反对甚力,不免虎头蛇尾,成效未具.1906年鸦片禁政推行后,鸦片税厘开始缩减,为了抵补洋土药税收,度支部匆忙之间筹划研究,短时间内制定了印花税实施的有关章程,希图依靠该税筹措经费,达到抵补鸦片税的目的.无奈清末中央与地方财政关系复杂,民间反对甚烈,印花税不得不日渐式微,成效不大.  相似文献   

Alongside military conquest which characterized great part of globalization during the 19th century, the globalization of markets no doubt was its main manifestation. Addictive consumption goods played a leading role during this process, as observed in the case of China, tea and the opium trade had the largest impact. Owing to the importance of Britain’s growing demand for tea and its concomitant tax revenue, Anglo-Chinese trade became the dominant trade that Britain had in the East. To make up the trade deficit with China, Britain took advantage of its Indian colony and did its best in expanding its opium trade. Within this triangular trade scheme, Britain was the master, India was the instrument, and China was the ultimate victim. Confronted by the irresistible trend of globalization, China was ill prepared when facing this challenge leading to a complete failure in both military and commercial warfare and later on to an overall crisis in the 19th century.  相似文献   

Nixon's self-declared war on drugs has been underway for over five decades. Not all aspects are well known, and many voices of those touched by the campaign were and remain unheard. In the early 1970s, the Turkish republic faced a political crisis. The military installed a post-coup leadership that acquiesced to longstanding American demands to halt all cultivation of the opium poppy. This was the first sustained battle in Nixon's war, and it had socio-economically devastating consequences for Anatolian peasants who had for generations farmed the crop for licit and illicit markets. To many Turkish citizens, the ban was the result of a new stage in Western imperialism and a direct consequence of their own leaders' failure to protect the country's rural poor majority, on the one hand, and their surrender of national sovereignty, on the other hand. Farmers' voices were rarely heard on this issue, apart from brief quotes in newspapers and in domestic and foreign governmental studies, but their plight attracted sustained popular attention due in part to the proxy geopolitics articulated on their behalf. Before the recently disenfranchised parliament that did not permit sustained discussion or debate of the poppy question, MPs nonetheless rendered impromptu testimonies protesting the ban, its impacts on farmers, the suppression of democracy, and nation's loss of sovereignty. Through an analysis of Turkey's parliamentary record and other contemporary sources, I approach this crucial episode in the histories of intoxicants and the war on drugs. In so doing, I demonstrate the potential and seeming success of proxy geopolitics echoed on behalf of a marginalized people and why engagement with such sources is essential in the wider practice of critical geopolitics.  相似文献   

This article investigates British attitudes towards Qing China as a consequence of their early encounters from the Macartney embassy to the opium crisis. Examining this medium-term time span, to which previous scholarship has paid inadequate attention, shows the continuity and change in these attitudes through different historical contexts. With its focus on war-related discussions, this article reveals how the idea of war against the Chinese empire was developed and debated on the basis of these changing ideas. The First Anglo-Chinese War, to a great extent, could not have developed into the form and scale it did without these developments.  相似文献   

This article shows how the musical references in Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray are important to the identity of the dandy, especially in relation to the literary-critical work of Matthew Arnold, whose guiding presence in Wilde's oeuvre has traditionally been somewhat underestimated. Wilde's male characters, although famously fond of music, reveal ‘disinterestedness’ in earnest musical pursuits, similar to the ‘Indian virtue of detachment’ outlined by Arnold in his exploration of ‘The Function of Criticism at the Present Time’ (1864, in Arnold, Culture and Anarchy and Other Writings, ed. by Stefan Collini (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993), pp. 26–51). Furthermore, the critical attitude of the dandy–aesthete intersects with the implications that we can read into the posture of the lounging opium smoker. Extensive scholarship has already established the relationship between the East and opium in fictional works by Thomas de Quincey, Wilkie Collins, Charles Dickens and Oscar Wilde. Music is an essential ingredient to this literature, too, both in terms of its narrative presence and because it is a key element in an ongoing, nineteenth-century British exploration of how stylistic innovations could be represented as ‘music’. After disclosing the close connections between dandyism and those nineteenth-century composers whose lives and works were often represented as dandyish (Berlioz, Chopin and Schumann), the essay builds from the tradition of opium-inspired fiction. It suggests Wilde's debt to Dickens's The Mystery of Edwin Drood (1870), while also showing Wilde's innovations in making shifts in character and narrative voice into indicators of narcotic consumption.  相似文献   

In much of the academic literature drug prohibition is often described as an American, or at least a Western, construct. This paper shows how prohibitions were enforced in Asian countries while the United States and Western Europe were routinely trading opium. The concept of prohibition being a distinctly American construct is, therefore, flawed. Furthermore, Western missionaries to China are often credited as important actors in the formulation of Western prohibitions. These missionaries may, however, have been influenced by the prohibitionist ideals of the peoples they were trying to convert to Christianity. This paper does not dispute the importance of American pressure on the global spread of prohibition but rather seeks to add balance to its historiography, by elucidating how Western prohibitions were pre-dated, and possibly influenced, by Eastern prohibitions.  相似文献   

This study examines India and Turkey as case studies relevant to the Senlis Council’s ‘poppies for medicine’ proposal. The proposal is that Afghan farmers are licensed to produce opium for medical and scientific purposes. Here it is posited that the Senlis proposal neglects at least three key lessons from the Turkish and Indian experiences. First, not enough weight has been given to diversion from licit markets, as experienced in India. Second, both India and Turkey had significantly more efficient state institutions with authority over the licensed growing areas. Third, the proposal appears to overlook the fact that Turkey’s successful transition was largely due to the use of the poppy straw method of opium production. It is concluded that, while innovative and creative policy proposals such as that of the Senlis proposal are required if Afghanistan is to move beyond its present problems, ‘poppies for medicine’ does not withstand evidence-based scrutiny.  相似文献   

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