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The paper postulates that there has been a movement of port functions away from the city centre that has allowed that area to take on an urban orientation; thus separate and specialized areas of port activity and urban activity have developed in cityport waterfronts. The waterfronts of Saint John and Halifax for the period 1875–1978 are studied to illustrate the concept of separation and specialization of land uses. Reasons suggested for such developments relate to technological changes in transportation and cargo-handling and the declining dependency between the port and city.
La communication postule que les fonctions du port se sont éloignées du centre de la ville, ce qui a permis à la région de s'urbaniser; de ce fait, les activités portuaires et les aetivités urbaines des quais de ces villes-ports ont subi un développement propre et spécialisé. On a étudié le développement des quais des villes de Saint-Jean et d'Halifax pendant la période allant de 1875 à 1978, afin d'illustrer le concept de division et de spécialisation dans l'utilisation des différentes zones. Nous proposons que les raisons de ce type de développement sont basées sur les changements technologiques survenus dans le domaine du transport et de la manutention des marchandises, ainsi que sur la diminution de la dépendance entre le port et la ville.  相似文献   

全球城市是控制和影响全球政治经济文化的枢纽型城市。系统梳理中外全球城市研究热点、理论争论及研究领域演化,比较东西方全球城市研究视角提出新国际形势下全球城市研究前沿及其可能范式。研究发现:①全球城市被分为超全球城市、新兴全球城市及全球城市国家三类,重点探讨了全球城市的起源与概念、成长机理与类型划分、规模—网络—等级和专业化分工等;②中国学界从引介世界城市概念及其识别指标、形成机制等领域逐渐转向全球城市的功能与作用、比较与评价、培育策略等。③新全球化形势下全球城市研究应关注尺度(政治)与全球城市构建、动力、制度与培育实践导向三层次展望提出世界形势变革背景下全球城市研究重点。  相似文献   

This rich collection analyzes science in the archives over the past several thousand years. The chapters work together to tell stories of ambitious attempts to provide timeless data for science, which will be used for generations to come—ranging from ancient astronomy to geology to life‐logging and the development of web search. They also demonstrate convincingly that archives are powerful forces across the sciences—every science discussed has an archival base—which partly determine what kind of general knowledge claims can be made by future generations: it is hard to read an archive askance. The collection works best as a series of individual chapters, though some work is done to indicate where they speak to one another. It is a pity that there was not more input from archivists themselves in the project: their noninclusion means that some archival issues (especially what goes on with data after it gets into the archive—how it gets cleaned up, changed, reorganized) are treated somewhat lightly. The collection does provide a very useful set of tools for thinking about scientific archives. It is also an excellent introduction to the peculiarities of scientific archives—one that reflects back on the use of archives in history in general.  相似文献   

Since the first commercial planting of cocoa in Ghana more than a century ago, the production of cocoa has been a key factor in the redistribution of migrants and has played a pivotal role in the development of both sending and receiving communities. This process has been acknowledged in the literature for decades. However, how migration flows have changed in response to changing livelihoods dynamics of the frontier and how this has impacted on the development of the frontier has only attracted limited attention. Based on a study of immigration to Ghana's current cocoa frontier in the Western Region, this article aims to examine how immigration and frontier dynamics in the Western region are contributing to livelihood transitions and small town development, and how this process is gradually becoming delinked from the production of cocoa. The article focuses on how migration dynamics interlink with livelihood opportunities and strategies. It is argued that migrants to the current frontier can be divided into at least four different types based on their migration, settlement and livelihood practices. Accordingly, to understand how the cocoa frontier changes as well as its continuation beyond the frontier crop, there is a need for a broader understanding of the frontier concept, and how frontier transformation interacts with migration and livelihood dynamics.  相似文献   

The period from 1870 to 1914 plays a unique role in the history of natural resource exploration and extraction. This article analyses, from a Swedish viewpoint, the connections between two actor categories of special importance in this context: scientific-geographical explorers and industrial actors. The article examines their activities in three broadly defined regions: the Arctic, Russia, and Africa. We show that the Swedes generally had far-reaching ambitions, on par with those of the large imperial powers. In some cases, notably in Africa, Sweden was not able to compete with the larger imperial powers; but in other cases, such as the exploration of the Arctic – from Spitsbergen to Siberia – and the industrial exploitation of coal at Spitsbergen and petroleum in Russia’s colonial periphery, Swedish actors played a leading role, in competition with players from the larger European nations. Our paper shows that scientific exploration and industry were closely linked, and that foreign policy also influenced the shaping of these links. We distinguish different types of knowledge produced by the Swedish actors, pointing to local, situated knowledge as the most important type for many resource-based businesses, although modern, scientific knowledge was on the increase during this period.  相似文献   

Focusing on the work of a Canadian women's voluntary organization, this paper discusses the changing geography of the Canadian North in the period following World War II. The focus on the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire (IODE) as forgotten colonizers challenges exclusionary records of the past that do not account for the importance of domestic spaces in the colonial process. A new interpretation of the colonization of the North, which dislodges and complicates the process to reveal the connections, tensions, and ironies between national and imperial identities, is simultaneously offered. The spaces from which the IODE has worked to make the North a part of Canada have had everything to do with its shifting and contradictory place as a group of Anglo-Celtic, affluent, voluntary women.
Concentré sur les travaux d'une organisation volontaire de canadiennes, cet article porte sur la géographie changeante du nord du Canada pendant l'époque suivant la deuxième guerre mondiale. En présentant 'the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire' (IODE) comme colons oubliés, l'article remet en cause les documents historiques exclusifs qui passent sous silence l'importance des places domestiques dans le marche colonial, tout en offrant une nouvelle interprétation de la colonisation du nord qui reformule et complexifie le processus et montre les liens, les tensions et les ironies entre les identités nationales et impériales. Les membres de l'IODE ont travaillé fort pour faire du Nord une partie du Canada, et les membres de l'IODE ont été liées de près a la position changeante et contradictoire du Nord même si elles faisaient partie d'un groupe de Canadiennes Anglo-Celtique, riche et volontaire.  相似文献   

Subsequent to the end of the Cold War, analysts groped for an understanding of the overall structures of world politics that marked the emergence of a new epoch. As a result, the concept of empire became a major preoccupation, with the economic and military power of the United States considered sufficient for regarding it as an empire. Due to the proliferation of new microelectronic technologies and for a variety of other specified reasons, however, the constraints inherent in the new epoch make it seem highly unlikely that the U.S. or any other country can ever achieve the status of an empire. In effect, the substantial shrinkage of time and distance in the current period has led to the replacement of the age of the nation‐state that originated with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 with the age of the networked individual. It is an age that has developed on a global scale and that has brought an end to the history of empires.  相似文献   

奉系政治舞台的支柱——边业银行及其钞票   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡学源 《中国钱币》2005,9(2):62-67
奉系军阀是民国初年到“九·一八”事变前,中国社会一支不可忽视的政治力量。它从奉天起家到统治整个东北,进而将势力扩展到华北地区,纵横半个中国。作为这支强大政治势力的经济支柱———边业银行及其钞票,正是这段历史的见证。一、边业银行历史沿革研究边业银行的学者,习惯把边业银行划分为旧边业银行与新边业银行(或称东北边业银行)。旧边业银行是由西北筹边使、皖系军阀徐树铮“以开发边疆,巩固国防为名,呈准当时的北京政府立案”①而设立。旧边业银行成立于民国七年(1918),总行设在库伦,不久迁至北京。它以发展边疆实业为宗旨,列入徐氏…  相似文献   

Summary. This paper looks at how the process of acculturation can be detected in the archaeological record. It considers the specific case of acculturation in the Upper Rhine during the early Roman period and attempts to demonstrate how archaeological material can be used to evaluate social changes. Various aspects of the pottery assemblage, which relate to different aspects of pottery production and use, are considered such as production technology, style, and form. Many of the changes result from cultural changes which occurred as a result of interaction between the Roman and local peoples. Other works concerning acculturation are reviewed to determine what types of factors are involved in the process. These factors are considered, in relation to the Upper Rhine, in a discussion of the changes in the pottery and how they relate to social changes. Various explanatory models are proposed.  相似文献   

开疆文化在海南传播的方言印证研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
朱竑  韩延星 《人文地理》2002,17(2):70-73
虽然移民在新地久居之后,在社会生活、风俗习惯方面可能会受到新地居民的影响而变得一致或近似,但是仍然可以依循口语、基本词汇的称谓等方言方面残存的某些特征,追寻出这些移民的出发地,进而了解文化传播、扩散的相关规律。海南岛作为一个文化发展较为晚近的岛屿,其文化的外源性十分突出,即在黎族本底文化的基础上,由汉、苗、壮、回等民族文化,以及近代华侨文化、农垦文化、西方文化等多种文化的长期相互碰撞、整合生成的一种具有独特个性的文化类型。文章在界定海南文化是一种开疆文化的基础上,通过对海南方言的形成、特点、演变、地域分布等内容的分析,解释现存海南方言的存在系完全源自历史时期开疆文化的不断传播和扩散,从而对海南开疆文化的传播作出相应的印证。  相似文献   

前言卑路斯(457-484)是萨珊王朝中最不幸的一位帝王,他虽有想把国家治理好的抱负,可惜天灾人祸加上他对(口厌)哒的战争,不但没有振兴王朝反而使整个国家中衰,几乎遭到灭亡的命运。  相似文献   

Summary.   Despite much work on the frontier of Roman Britain, major questions concerned with society and settlement archaeology remain underinvestigated. Salient details of two major urban sites, Carlisle and Corbridge, both of which may shed further light on processes of settlement growth and decline, and which may ultimately contribute to a greater understanding of how the frontier worked, are summarized. At Carlisle, and probably also at Corbridge, settlement growth associated with forts was rapid and multi-tracked, but from the later second century AD changes took place associated, perhaps, with enhanced status and a growing sense of community.  相似文献   

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