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The Middle Woodland period Newark Earthworks in Newark, Ohio, are the largest known set of connected, geometrical earthworks ever constructed. An analysis of available evidence (survey, topographical, statistical, and archaeological) shows that the geometry of this Hopewell complex and its relation to the surrounding terrain can be understood in terms of astronomical alignments to the Sun and Moon. The geometrical structure of the site is consistently aligned with extremes in the 18.6-year cycle of lunar standstills. An understanding of the topographical context is presented by identifying four hilltops connected by lunar standstill alignments to long linear features of the Earthworks and connected to each other by alignments to the Sun at the solstices. The number and accuracy of the alignments together with Monte Carlo studies showing the low likelihood of chance producing such results suggest that Newark was aligned with unprecedented accuracy both to regional topographical features and astronomical phenomena.  相似文献   

The recent identification of two original drawings of the excavated remains of the east end of St Hugh’s choir at Lincoln Cathedral adds new information to that first published in 1887. A review of this information and fresh survey of the site, which includes information from grave slabs, will enlarge our understanding of what was discovered, including the fact that the foundations had been badly damaged by grave digging. The drawings themselves are revealed to be part reconstructions rather than accurate representations of what had actually survived. Nevertheless, they do allow a more accurate plan of the remains to be drafted and a new reconstruction of the building to be attempted. This is the aim of this article.  相似文献   

Amazonian earthworks, which are an important testimony to ancient anthropogenic landscape modifications, have a significant variety of structures and sizes, and are found in different geographical and ecological locations that indicate separate time periods, distinct cultural affiliations, and diverse purposes. We introduce data from diverse archaeological earthwork sites, geoglyphs, mound sites, and walled enclosures situated in the interfluves of the Purus River in the Brazilian state of Acre and propose a type definition for these sites. The abundant anthropogenic landscape features and their associated material culture indicate considerable human-induced environmental alterations and diverse earthworking traditions that are characteristic of the region of eastern Acre from at least ca. 2000 b.p. onwards.  相似文献   

Mean hourly values of magnetic declination D, horizontal intensity H and vertical intensity Z observed at Italian stations have been analyzed to determine solar and luni-solar diurnal components, together with the corresponding terms O1 and N2 of the lunar tidal potential.The results, showing the variations of the first four harmonic components with season, degree of magnetic activity and annual sunspot number, are tabulated and discussed. Differences between the dependence of S and L on season and sunspot number are considered and tentative explanations offered. The oceanic tidal effect has been determined and it is apparent that this is more likely to show the influence of the Atlantic Ocean rather than the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to reproduce the counter electrojet (CE) in the equatorial dynamo by considering neutral winds with solar (1,–2), (2, 4), (2, 2) and lunar (2, 2) tidal modes as well as a constant electrostatic field (Ey). The daily variation of conductivity (σ) is assumed to consist of steady (average), diurnal and semi-diurnal components. An equation governing the relationship between jy (jetcurrent), Ey, σ and wind is given, and this equation is then used to describe diurnal, semi- and ter-diurnal variations of jy separately. It is found that: (1) the lunar tide is relatively powerful in affecting semi- and ter-diurnal components of jy; (2) such a possibility is a maximum for the afternoon CE near new and full moon and (3) the morning CE is likely to occur at lunar age between the new and full moons. From this theory, the seasonal characteristics and the solar activity dependence of CE are demonstrated to be predictable.  相似文献   

腊月是被人们有节奏的脚步踏出来的;腊月是孩子的鞭炮放出来的;腊月是生长喜剧的季节。我透过窗花,看茫茫的白色,闻到了腊月的香气,看到腊月风风火火地走来了。“小孩望过年,大人望插田。”腊月二十四的早晨,妈妈给我们蒸糯米饭,香喷喷软软的,粒粒可数。晚上,兄妹们围炉而坐,烤着黄橙橙的糍粑,一人一块笑着吃着。妈妈呢,忙着送灶房爷上天,祭拜完,妈妈给我们分供果,说吃了供果无病痛,保佑平安。后来我长大了,离开了母亲,妈妈仍然将腊月二十四拜的供果不是托人捎来,就是亲自送来。她老人家去世后,我就再没有这种享受了。二十四过,妈妈开始忙年…  相似文献   

金沙遗址玉器的材质来源探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成都金沙遗址是迄今为止我国发现玉器最多的遗址,通过对其中551件玉器材质鉴定的结果发现,最主要的材质类型为透闪石集合体构成的软玉。通过对软玉型玉器的宏观特征、显微特征、玉器和石器的矿物及岩石组合特征研究,以及与四川汶川龙溪玉、新疆和田玉特征的对比,并且采用ICPMS进行主要玉器类型和玉料的微量元素特征的研究,同时结合现代资料和古代史料,认为金沙出土的玉器主要的材质应该来自于汶川的龙溪玉,与新疆和田玉、良渚玉器没有关系,但同时也存在其他地区玉料甚至是玉器交流的可能。  相似文献   

Hopewell bladelets represent one of a handful of standardized blade industries in prehistoric North America. In the past 25 years, archaeologists produced a great deal of published research on Hopewell bladelets. Yet much remains to be explained about this lithic tradition. This project presents the results of functional analysis of bladelets from two sites near the Stubbs Earthworks along the Little Miami River in southwest Ohio. Results indicate that bladelet use at these sites largely focused on bone/antler processing. This is in contrast to the generalized function of many of the artifacts in Ohio bladelet assemblages and provides researchers with another piece of the puzzle in examining the variation in bladelet function between sites and across regions.  相似文献   

本文对二十世纪有关殷卜辞月食资料的研究背景、资料整理及所取得的成果做了认真分析,尤其注重鉴别研究方法的得失。  相似文献   

Kernel‐based, smoothed estimates of spatial variables are useful in exploratory analyses because they yield a clear visual image of geographic variability in the underlying variable. In this paper I suggest an approach for assessing the significance of peaks in the surface that result from the application of the smoothing kernel. The approach may also be thought of as a method for assessing the maximum among a set of suitably defined local statistics. Local statistics for data on a regular grid of cells are first defined by using a Gaussian kernel. Results from integral geometry are then used to find the probability that the maximum local statistic (M) exceeds a given critical value (M). Approximations are provided that make implementation of the approach straightforward. Future work will address several other issues associated with local statistics that have been defined in this way, including edge effects, and the effects of global spatial autocorrelation on the choice of critical value.  相似文献   

马世之 《中原文物》2007,2(3):26-29
郑州大师姑城址是一座夏代晚期古城。其性质既不是夏都斟寻,也非夏王朝东部的军事重镇,更与韦、顾等方国都城无关。根据考古资料和文献记载进行综合考察,我们认为它很有可能就是昆吾之城。  相似文献   

蒲城店二里头文化城址若干问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
依据考古层位学、年代学研究,蒲城店二里头文化城址的使用年代大致为二里头文化一期或其较早阶段.由二里头文化南向分布态势可知,这时期该城址正处于夏王朝统治区的南部边缘.结合中原与南方文化之间悠久的碰撞、冲突与征服关系的历史,推断蒲城店城址当是以政治军事目的出发建立的重要设施,即很可能是夏王朝在其当时的南土营建的军事重镇.  相似文献   

月份牌最早印刷发行的时间分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
月份牌最早印刷发行的时间是1876年1月3日,而不是1884年2月2日;月份牌这一名词和发行时间也不是源于1896年的《沪景开彩图》,更不是来自20世纪初期用擦笔水彩画法绘制的月份牌年画。月份牌的印刷发行与19世纪中叶照相石印技术在中国的传播与发展有密切的关系。  相似文献   

浅谈巴中石窟观音菩萨造像   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
巴中石窟中的观音菩萨造像窟(龛)多达100余处。巴中石窟可分为四期:即隋末初唐期、盛唐期、中晚唐期和宋及以后时期。初唐、盛唐时期观音菩萨造像多为一佛二弟子二菩萨二力士二天王组合及"西方三圣"和"西方净土变",药师、观音、地藏等组合形式,观音菩萨单身像龛还很少。但是到了中唐以后,观音菩萨的单身像以及以观音菩萨做主尊的造像就多了起来。唐代是巴中石窟观音菩萨造像内容最丰富、数量最多的时代,特别是中晚唐时期,观音菩萨造像达到了鼎盛。  相似文献   

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