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汤菁 《风景名胜》2011,(3):12-15
“我住在这个城市,却向往着另一个国度的生活。我入住一间又一间酒店,以此找寻不同文化喧来的激情感受。”当不能身处异国感受异域风情时候,酒店成了最好的选择,入住一家酒店,体验一回不一样的文化风情。  相似文献   

<正>想去欧洲旅游,去看看地中海的风光,体验一下西方的异国风情,这一直是我的一个愿望。怀着对欧罗巴的美好遐想,在2013年的清明节期间,我和夫人踏上了前往欧洲的浪漫旅途,了却了多年的夙愿。这次欧洲游,前后13天,我们走了8个风情各异的国家,看到了比利时的中古风貌,法国的名胜古迹,瑞士的秀丽风景,奥地利的浪漫怀古;感受到了意大利的古罗马风尚,梵蒂冈的政教合一文化,捷克起伏的丘陵和德国的独特景致。整个行程安排得十分紧凑,一路上精彩纷呈。难忘的13天,我们不仅欣赏了欧洲的绮丽风光,也了解了西方的宗教、历史、艺术和文化,  相似文献   

<正>想去欧洲旅游,去看看地中海的风光,体验一下西方的异国风情,这一直是我的一个愿望。怀着对欧罗巴的美好遐想,在2013年的清明节期间,我和夫人踏上了前往欧洲的浪漫旅途,了却了多年的夙愿。这次欧洲游,前后13天,我们走了8个风情各异的国家,看到了比利时的中古风貌,法国的名胜古迹,瑞士的秀丽风景,奥地利的浪漫怀古;感受到了意大利的古罗马风尚,梵蒂冈的政教合一文化,捷克起伏的丘陵和德国的独特景致。整个行程安排得十分紧凑,一路上精彩纷呈。难忘的13天,我们不仅欣赏了欧洲的绮丽风光,也了解了西方的宗教、历史、艺术和文化,  相似文献   

This paper examines the c. 250 'exotic' Celtic coins found in Britain, defined as coins originating beyond Armorican and Belgic Gaul. The coins are considered in relation to their typology, their contexts of discovery and their distribution. Several key themes emerge: the occasional import of early continental staters, perhaps in the third century BC; the arrival of fine copies of Massiliot bronze issues during the second century BC, leading to the development of British potin coinage; and, from the first half of the first century BC, the importation of an increased number of exotic coins, mostly from central Gaul, primarily to Chichester, north-east Kent and the territories north of the Thames.  相似文献   

An extensive range of plant remains was recovered from seven Roman sites in London where waterlogged conditions had resulted in good preservation. In the majority of cases the “artificial” nature of urban deposits precludes any objective ecological interpretation, since the allochthonous origin of the plant remains cannot be satisfactorily established. However, the presence of exotic plants in dated deposits is of both botanical and archaeological significance and is here artificially treated as an autonomous group. This varied group of plants (excluding carbonized cereals) is arranged according to their use and put in archaeological and botanical perspective. Species such as cucumber (Cucumis sativa), gold of pleasure (Camelina sativa), peach (Prunus persica), olive (Olea europaea) and millet (Panicum miliaceum) have not been recorded from Romano-British sites before. For many of these plants their status, either as introductions or imports, is uncertain. Whichever is the case, it is clear that a wide variety of economic plants was available in Roman London.  相似文献   

宝鸡市纸坊头、竹园沟西周早期■国墓集中出土一批铸有东土族氏铭文的晚商铜器。其中,史父乙铜盉、铜豆原属之史族,活动在今滕州前掌大一带;子■(就)方鼎应原为子■(就)家族所有,其领邑"■"大致在汶水上游至泰山东麓范围内;覃父癸铜爵原属覃族所有,该族活跃于今山东章丘附近;■犬册甗所属之■族,居地应在今淄博市东南淄川区一带。此类东方异属铜器,可能是■国通过参与周初东征而获得。根据器物原属国族分布,可知周公东征从商奄到薄姑所走路线,应是由汶水而淄水,这一线路在沟通鲁北与鲁西南方面承担重要交通功能。  相似文献   

乾冬冬 《丝绸之路》2010,(20):64-65
梅西安作为引领20世纪法国音乐的先锋音乐创作家、演奏家,他一生致力于研究与众不同的钢琴演奏音响,虔诚地追寻着大自然中最真实、最自然的音乐,并用鸟鸣谱记录下来,其代表作〈异国鸟〉向我们展示了生机勃勃的大自然景象.  相似文献   

Isabella Bird Bishop's Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan is presented as an objective picture of Persia, purportedly reflecting eye-witness accounts. Setting the narrative in its historical context and employing the concept of exoticism, this paper aims to unearth its subtle imperialist underpinnings. It argues that Bird's portrayal of Persian women and their mores and manners as exotic is an effect of a mode of representation which depicts and constructs difference based on a British-oriented system of evaluation, in line with its imperialist interest in Persia. As such, the exotic representation of Persian women in need of British benign tutelage and a chivalric mission could be interpreted as lending implicit support to Britain's colonial intervention in and imposition on Persia.  相似文献   

This article considers why and how locality influenced feminists' perceptions of colonised women. It does so through an analysis of how militants and novelists linked with the Union Française pour le Suffrage des Femmes (French Union for Women's Suffrage, UFSF) perceived the Arab and Berber women of colonial North Africa. The organisation had branches in North Africa, and thus feminists in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia are compared to those in France. Where these women lived shaped their understanding of French women's roles in the colonies, along with their opinions regarding the rights to which colonised women could lay claim. Tensions among UFSF members are traced here through the literary figure Elissa Rhaïs, articles in the feminist newspaper  La Française  and correspondence among UFSF members. These sources indicate that while all these French women positioned themselves as mediators of colonialism and women's rights, their precise interpretations of that mediation were consistently influenced by local concerns.  相似文献   

Fourteen glass beads and one glass fragment from Khami‐period (ad 1400–1830) sites of Danamombe, Naletale, Gomoremhiko, Nharire and Zinjanja, in Zimbabwe, were analysed by pXRF and Raman spectroscopy with the intention of correlating the results with associated radiocarbon dates. The results show that Zinjanja and an earlier part of the Danamombe stratigraphic context had Khami Indo‐Pacific beads (15th–17th centuries) corresponding with Torwa occupational layers. Other European beads and one bottle fragment [high‐lime, low‐alkali (HLLA) glass] dating from the 16th to the 19th centuries were confined to the top stratigraphic layers of Danamombe and Naletale, which coincide with the later Rozvi occupational layers. Gomoremhiko had one Mapungubwe–Zimbabwe bead series (13th–15th centuries), which suggests that it was probably earlier than the other sites. All European beads are made of soda–lime plant‐ash glass with high alumina, which makes them comparable with glass produced through the Mediterranean traditions in Southern Europe.  相似文献   

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