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UNESCO’s 207 natural heritage World Heritage Properties are at risk from climate change, but risk varies widely among properties. I offer a global model based on multi-model general circulation model (GCM) ensembles, vulnerability and Human Influence (HII), producing the World Heritage Vulnerability Index (WHVI), a measure of relative risk among properties. Nineteen properties are most at risk (i.e. WHVI > mean + 1 SD). Those include islands (i.e. Vallée de Mai, Aldabra, East Rennell, Teide, Laurisilva of Maderia, Isole Eloie, Pitons Management Area, Morne Trois Pitons and Galapagos Islands), coastal properties (i.e. Everglades, Desembarco del Granma, High Coast and Kvarken Archipelago, Doñana, Brazilian Atlantic Islands, Ichkeul and the Sunderbans) and mountainous properties (i.e. the Pyrenees Mont Pérdu, Nanda Devi and the Valley of Flowers, and Mount Kinabalu). Three properties (i.e. Teide, Isole Eloie and the Pitons Management Area) are geologic, apparently relatively resistant to short-term climactic changes. The remaining 16 are likely to respond to climactic changes in the next 40 years; those changes may threaten their World Heritage status. Those properties are where society could most effectively invest in adaptation. I identify adaptive strategies and next steps for proactive climate change adaptation in the 16 natural heritage properties on the World Heritage List most at risk.  相似文献   

<正>各美其美美美与共人类社会之所以能够不断进步,很大一个原因是人类具备不断反思的本能。我认为,进入21世纪以后人类有两个重要的反思:一是反思人与自然的关系,另一个是反思人与历史的关系。过去人们不加限制地向地球攫取所需的一切,使得生态环境遭致破坏。在现代化浪潮的席卷下,文化进化论的影响和文化一体化的趋势使得越来越多的弱势文化在强势文化的侵蚀下处于灭绝或濒临  相似文献   

This paper explores a number of issues in regard to the world heritage listing of the World War II underwater cultural heritage sites located in Truk Lagoon. The destruction of the Japanese Naval Base at Truk was an important event in the American strategy to end World War II and it had a profound effect on the indigenous inhabitants. Divers from all over the world visit Truk Lagoon to dive the 50 shipwrecks and numerous aircraft. The paper investigates the significance of the sites in accordance with the criteria for world heritage listing, and in context with Pacific Island Nations requirements.
© 2004 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   


This article identifies the current state of knowledge in the literature regarding the possible impacts of future climatic change on archaeological sites and ensembles. Drawing on the literature review a matrix of potential impacts is collated to provide a simplified overview. This theoretical ‘menu’ is then tested by applying it to a vulnerability assessment of the World Heritage site of Skellig Michael in Ireland. The case study results reveal some knowledge gaps, particularly in regard to the impacts of climate change on buried archaeological remains.  相似文献   

This paper explores the imaginative spaces in which world heritage is constructed and consumed: on the one hand, as the landmarks of a 'global landscape' mediated through the virtual mobility of cyberspace, essentially freed from 'place' or location; on the other hand, as the place-bound focus of nation-building projects, where the narratives of 'destiny' of nationalist mythology confront the serendipity of modern state boundaries. The paper links these two aspects of 'World Heritage' to two contrasting models of citizenship, one of which is rooted in the ideal of an inclusive democratic world citizenry, whilst the other is tied to more exclusive notions of citizenship attached to membership of specific nation-states and riven by boundaries of ethnicity, religion, state and class. Taking the case of Cyprus, the paper examines the ways in which these discourses of the global and the national, of heritage and citizenship, are mobilised by different groups as symbolic resources in the politics of this divided island.  相似文献   

As heritage research has engaged with a greater plurality of heritage practices, scale has emerged as an important concept in Heritage Studies, albeit relatively narrowly defined as hierarchical levels (household, local, national, etcetera). This paper argues for a definition of scale in heritage research that incorporates size (geographical scale), level (vertical scale) and relation (an understanding that scale is constituted through dynamic relationships in specific contexts). The paper utilises this definition of scale to analyse heritage designation first through consideration of changing World Heritage processes, and then through a case study of the world heritage designation of the Ningaloo Coast region in Western Australia. Three key findings are: both scale and heritage gain appeal because they are abstractions, and gain definition through the spatial politics of interrelationships within specific situations; the spatial politics of heritage designation comes into focus through attention to those configurations of size, level and relation that are invoked and enabled in heritage processes; and researchers choice to analyse or ignore particular scales and scalar politics are political decisions. Utilising scale as size, level and relation enables analyses that move beyond heritage to the spatial politics through which all heritage is constituted.  相似文献   

International Trade Fairs and Global Buzz,Part I: Ecology of Global Buzz   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the importance of temporary face-to-face (F2F) contact and the physical co-presence of global communities in establishing a particular information and communication ecology during international trade fairs, referred to as “global buzz”. International trade fairs bring together agents from all over the world and create temporary spaces for presentation and interaction. Within a specific institutional setting, participants not only acquire knowledge through F2F communication with other agents, but also obtain information by observing and systematically monitoring other participants. The fact that firms do not necessarily have to be in direct contact with a specific source of information to get access to this knowledge makes participation in these events extremely valuable. International trade fairs have become important expressions of new geographies of circulation through which knowledge is created and exchanged at a distance. This paper analyses the constituting components of global buzz and aims to dismantle the complexity of this phenomenon in a multi-dimensional way. When applying this concept to Internet trade fairs, the question arises whether a similar information and communication ecology, or virtual buzz, can be established. We explore similarities and differences between both forms of buzz, using the same classification scheme.  相似文献   

International trade fairs bring together agents from all over the world for a limited time period. They create a dense ecology of communication and information flows, referred to as “global buzz”. Global buzz associated with face-to-face (F2F) communication is extremely important for agents participating in these events as it generates access to developments occurring in different parts of the world. It helps to maintain and intensify existing networks, establish new networks or “trans-local pipelines” and support the development of shared attitudes and understandings. This paper aims to provide empirical evidence about the significance of global buzz in its manifold forms. Our research emphasizes the benefits that result from four sets of closely interrelated practices: (i) global knowledge exchange based on F2F interaction, (ii) exploration of market trends, (iii) problem solving and idea generation and (iv) network generation and pipeline-building in interpretative communities. The paper argues that practices of acquiring information, networking and dealing with competition differ substantially according to industry, firm and product characteristics. Our analysis of global buzz practices draws from more than 460 semi-structured interviews, which were conducted between 2004 and 2006 at seven national and international trade fairs in Frankfurt/Main, Hannover and Nürnberg, Germany.  相似文献   

纵观1978年以来《世界遗产名录》的变化轨迹,可以清晰地看到世界遗产事业发展所走过的道路:从精英阶层的遗产到平民百姓的遗产;从人类征服自然的杰作到人与自然和谐共生的产物;从单一文化的代表到文化交流和交融的成果;从单点小规模遗产到跨区域跨国境巨尺度遗产;从古代遗产到现代遗产;从静态遗产到活态遗产.这种发展还反映在全社会对遗产关注点的变化,即:从关注遗产点的时代断代到关注遗产点在整个历史进程中的地位、作用及影响;从关注文化到关注文化与自然的互动;从关注物质遗产到关注物质与非物质遗产共生:从关注物质遗存到关注物质遗存与社会和人的关系;从关注利益相关者的权益到关注全民参与保护,保护惠及民生的实践.这种认识上的发展体现了"以人为本"的精神,也体现出遗产保护与当地社会发展的和谐共进.  相似文献   

曹福然 《东南文化》2021,(1):181-190
世界遗产的政治化引发学界更多地从批判性视角解构和重构文化遗产,并逐渐发展为聚焦遗产话语的跨学科研究范式与研究视角.英国世界遗产铁桥峡谷是工业遗产话语变迁的典型案例,其显示出工业遗产话语经历话语离散、话语聚焦和话语绑定三个阶段.其变迁原因有三:迎合UNESCO的权威遗产话语体系,契合英国城市复兴和社区文化需求,获得社会资...  相似文献   

从现实来看,遗产与旅游关系密切。其一,遗产的潜在价值将是最直接的旅游资源,这可从蜂拥而至的大众旅游看出;其二,遗产旅游的独特性可能会使规划者依据需要选择遗产地的一些文化特质,一方面适应于全球化的模式需要,另一方面则凸显其地方文化特色。这一观点呈现出遗产地村落面临遗产旅游而可能发生的两种现象:去地方化与再地方化。本文将以武夷山城村古村落为个案,在重新审视世界遗产保护模式的基础上,考察村落共同体在遗产保护中的文化变迁与调适,以期说明去地方化和再地方化现象是地方(村落、民众等)应对当下遗产运动所做出的表述,由此强调遗产的地方性主体的文化自觉对遗产保护的重要意义。  相似文献   

吴其付 《旅游科学》2010,24(5):25-31
世界文化遗产已经成为许多旅游目的地的核心吸引物。我国的世界文化遗产数量居于世界第三,主要分布在黄河、长江流域,从遗产项目入选的时间看呈突变型、渐变型和平稳型三阶段特征,入选项目以符合世界文化遗产遴选标准第Ⅱ项和第Ⅲ项的居多,且以佛教文化遗存为多。目前我国比较重视对线性文化遗产、工业遗产、文化景观等的保护。本文认为:下一步开展申报时,要重视目前还没有世界文化遗产的部分省市,以体现文化的权力与利益平衡;在竞争性和选择性语境中,要宽容地对待各种历史文化遗产。  相似文献   


This paper explores the case of the Khami archaeological site, whose degradation by the local communities in recent years was as a result of socio-economic problems caused by the collapse of the Zimbabwean economy combined with the inability of the Zimbabwean government to support the site. We argue that the negative attitude by the local communities towards the management of cultural heritage sites is embedded in the colonial history of the country, and has been driven by the socio-economic difficulties emanating from the collapse of the Zimbabwean economy in recent years. We begin by explaining the history of Khami, its architecture, and the local communities residing around it. We then show and assert that the subsequent degradation of Khami and the landscape around it by the local communities is linked to the socio-economic problems of the country and poverty, which emanated from the collapse of the Zimbabwean economy. In the end, we contend that the economic constraints are part of the reasons why the local communities have from time to time failed to respect the importance of protecting cultural heritage sites in the country.  相似文献   

刘容 《东南文化》2012,(2):16-22
东方主义思维正借全球化浪潮在世界文化遗产保护领域蔓延。东方文化遗产保护除匆忙应对来自西方的质疑外,当务之急应根据东方文化遗产的特征和保护实际联合建立世界文化遗产保护的东方立场。东方文化遗产除应保护以《威尼斯宪章》为基础的国际惯例中强调的有形文化遗产物质基础外,还应更加突出保护文化遗产蕴含的人类集体记忆、文化基因、文化认同、文化凝聚力等精神内涵。建立世界文化遗产保护的东方立场,有利于通过保护东方文化遗产,继而保护面临西方强势文化同化危险的东方文化。  相似文献   

世界文化遗产保护绝对不仅只是为了以赚钱为目的的旅游或娱乐,而是对历史记忆的学习重温,是国民素质教育的重要内容。文化遗产涉及国家的文化身份认同,从社会学的意义上说,它们被视同为共有的信仰和情感,是维持社会秩序的文化角色和身份,是国家或城市的核心情感和象征。  相似文献   

李燕 《东南文化》2005,(5):76-79
苏州古典园林和南京明孝陵被列入世界文化遗产名录,这两处世界文化遗产的保护,由以传统方式的文物保存上升到对世界文化遗产的科学管理和保护。  相似文献   


A failed attempt to produce a Management Manual for World Heritage Archaeological Sites and Monuments brought together a body of experts in 2002 at Ma'agan, Israel. This paper aims to make the general recommendations of the Ma'agan meeting more widely known among those concerned with the management of archaeological sites. The paper summarizes the outcomes of the meeting, including ideas on the structure of a management plan, the planning process, team building and public participation, site significance, conservation, monitoring, maintenance, presentation and interpretation, tourism and action plans; and includes a select bibliography.  相似文献   

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