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Trading post personnel maintained records of natural and cultural phenomena, including data on fish and fishing. The Hudson's Bay Company posts on the north shore of Lake Superior developed a diverse fishery based on a rather complex association of species and stocks, especially lake trout, whitefish, and herring. In part learning from the Indians, the fishermen gained a fairly sophisticated understanding of the seasonal and spatial occurrences of fish aggregations. These are here summarized in text and table form and provide baseline data for fisheries which since the 1800s have been degraded and changed.
Les employés des comptoirs consignaient régulièrement les divers phénomènes culturels et naturels, y compris ceux qui relevaient des poissons et de la pêche. Les comptoirs de la Compagnie de la Baie d'Hudson au littoral nord du lac Supérieur ont développé une industrie de la pêche diversifiée basée sur des rapports assez complexes entre les espèces et les stocks de poissons, surtout de touladi, de grand corégone, et de cisco de lac. Tirant leurs connaissances en partie des Indiens, les pêcheurs ont réussi à bien comprendre les détails des occurences spatiales et saisonnières des aggrégations de poissons. Les données de leurs observations se présentent dans ce travail sous forme de textes et de tableaux, et fournissent les renseignements de base pour les pêcheries qui, depuis le 19e siècle, subissent des transformations et tiennent aujourd'hui une place moins importante dans l'industrie de la pêche.  相似文献   


In tandem with a recent surge in interest in lynching in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, researchers in a number of fields have begun to use lynching data in new ways for a wide range of empirical investigations. A limited number of historical national lynching data series are available, have well-known flaws, and are nonetheless used. This article analyzes and compares these series, summarizes recent efforts to address their shortcomings, and identifies extensions that could aid in the construction a national database of confirmed lynching victims, whose broader applications are just beginning to be explored.  相似文献   

二十世纪《尔雅》研究文献述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纪聂 《文献》1998,(4):101-113
《尔雅》研究,在我国学术史上占有重要的位置.据笔者所知,有关方面的著作大约有150种.  相似文献   

The Lavras do Abade research is a historical archaeological study about a gold mining village in midwestern Brazil that was destroyed by an environmental conflict at the end of the nineteenth century. This article concerns the history and archaeology of Lavras do Abade and consists of a post-disciplinary intersection of documentary and material sources about the site. In addition, only this type of reconstruction of a long-term event permits the scientific analysis of all the possible causes and consequences of this ecological contention. In this way, historical archaeology can be used to transpose a simple narrow view of the reconstruction of the past and offer insights into understanding similar unrest and group conflict today and in the future.  相似文献   

白纯 《民国档案》2007,(2):106-112
抗战时期,盟国空军对台湾实施了战略轰炸,许多企业损失惨重;战后绝大多数日籍员工随日俘日侨一并遣返回国。因此,战后台湾很多工矿企业已大量减产或被迫停工,整个经济处于百废待兴的状况。1946年5月国民政府资源委员会接办台湾工矿事业后,在调查研究的基础上,制定了一整套恢复重建的措施。这些措施成效显著。它使各工矿企业的生产迅速恢复和增长,为战后的台湾经济注入了活力;使台湾经济走出了对日本严重依赖的阴影,为台湾初步建立了现代工业体系。从总体上讲,战后台湾经济恢复重建的水平走在全国的前列。  相似文献   

Edward Hawkins 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):111-130
The remaining gatehouse of Rye House, or Rye House Castle, in Hertfordshire—part of an originally much larger complex—is an early dated example of brick building in this country and possesses a number of interesting and significant features, notably in its very early employment of moulded bricks for various decorative features. Despite this fact, the building has never been fully described or discussed, and it is the object of the present paper to fill this lacuna. The paper is the result of a survey and study of the site carried out during 1972 with exemplary help from the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority, the present owners of the site.  相似文献   

Sadhana Naithani 《Folklore》2013,124(2):183-188
Women are the principal informants in the modern oral tradition of Hispanic balladry, th e romancero. This fact conditions the point of view, ideologies, and perceptions expressed in the ballads. Critics often state that the romancero contains a feminine voice, but the nature and characteristics of this voice have not been studied in any detail. The present paper attempts to reveal the ideas and beliefs that women express in their rendition of one such ballad, La Bastarda y el Segador , and show how their renditions differ from those of men.  相似文献   

崔惠萍 《丝绸之路》2009,(16):34-38
北石窟寺是陇东地区早期规模最大的一座佛教石窟寺院,是佛教艺术的精品。它有着千年历史,是人类历史的瑰宝。本文从多方面梳理了北石窟寺建所以来的主要研究成果,以期对社会各界研究、保护北石窟寺有所帮助。  相似文献   

1945年9月,中华民族终于取得抗日战争的伟大胜利,同时也标志着日伪在华奴化教育的历史性终结,完全收回日本帝国主义战时在中国沦陷区攫取的教育权及其机构设施成为当务之急。武汉市档案馆所藏这份档案,即是对国民政府当局在收复区接收敌伪统治下各级教育机构,并采取各种调整方法与特别措施,力求清除日伪奴化教育遗毒之情形的一个反映。  相似文献   

Nineteenth century Cape Town – Mother City of a ‘Christian’ colony within the British Empire – became the home of an expanding Muslim community which, at its peak, numbered a third of the town's population. Islam had arrived at the Cape by a variety of means. Most of those who were attracted by that faith were slaves or, post-emancipation (1834) and apprenticeship (till 1838), the descendants of slaves. The slaves' exclusion from legal marriage until shortly before abolition had profound consequences for family life – notably, respecting out-of-wedlock births – which the state and the Christian churches attempted to address. In that environment the Muslim family, though on religious terms a thing apart, was often perceived as a model of stability; less acceptable were Christian-Muslim interactions when they entailed the formers' apostasy. This article investigates Cape Town's post-emancipation underclass through the lens of Christian-Muslim unions. It focuses on family life and the status of children born of marriages which, though binding on the parties thereto, did not legitimise their offspring. Equally it traces steps whereby an urban populace, which had been deracinated by slavery, forged new identities. In that development, the manner in which Muslims and Christians mingled, yet remained discrete, played an important part.  相似文献   

The discovery in 2007 of the remains of a late nineteenth- to early twentieth-century communal toilet block within the Block E excavations at Hungate, York, has delivered an important insight into the development of the Hungate area across this period. Re-contextualizing this discovery, from the local to the global and back again, challenges the official historical narratives of Hungate and the dissimilar archaeologies of the modern city.  相似文献   

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