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历史·比喻·想象——海登·怀特历史哲学述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
怀特的理论作品始终围绕历史、比喻、想象三个概念展开论述。怀特希望在真实与虚构之间确立一个话语连续统 ,借助比喻理论寻找想象与历史之间的合理联系。这种比喻理论揭示出历史表现中语言的重要作用 ,它不仅在认识论的基础上为我们提供了分析历史实在与历史真实的新方法 ,同时也为我们思考史学的意义 ,构建旨在服务于“人类利益”的思辨历史哲学提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

This article inquires into the difference between philosophy as a universal practice and philosophy as a cultural product; its aim is to establish a case for there being Canadian philosophy. Philosophy as a practice can exhibit a dialectical framework. The practice can pursue both universal truths and cultural variations in expressions of those truths. Each philosophical endeavor requires the other to be meaningful. No matter how abstract a “truth” may be, an example always creates cultural relevance. The article introduces the example of an early Canadian philosopher, whose work is documented in the book by Leslie Armour and Elizabeth Trott, The Faces of Reason: An Essay on Philosophy and Culture in English Canada, 1850-1950. John Watson (1847–1939) was the most prolific and well-known contributor to philosophy in early Canada, pursuing universal questions and yet responding to the circumstances of his new home in developing Canada and, in doing so, contributing to Canadian cultural interpretations of philosophical questions. This article uses his example to conclude that the study of philosophy in Canada must include Canadian philosophy.  相似文献   

张燕萍 《华夏考古》2005,(4):107-110
《中原古代冶金技术研究》和《中原古代冶金技术研究(第二集)》是李京华先生在冶金考古方面的研究专著,第一本出版于1994年,第二本出版于2003年,前后历时近十年。第一本主要内容为:铜铁冶炼与熔化技术、铸造技术,农具冶铸技术,冶铸技术的起源与演变,冶铸业管理与职官,冶铁技术的传播,彩色金属渣与高温彩色瓷釉起源的关系等。如果说第一本是对冶金考古的考察探讨阶段,那么第二本已完全进入研究并提出自己主张和阐释观点的阶段。在第二本中,李京华先生就冶金考古学中的有关理论问题、先商及商代青铜器和冶铸遗址、周代青铜器制造技术、周代青…  相似文献   


This survey reviews the growing role and presence of China in the Island Pacific. As the late Professor Ron Crocombe remarked, in the Pacific a major transition is under way from a range of European to Asian influences. Many Western observers have viewed this rise of Asian, and specifically Chinese, influence with alarm, but Crocombe saw it as offering Pacific Islanders new opportunities. This paper first analyses the diversity that can be masked by terms such as ‘China’ and ‘the Pacific’. Then it surveys recent literature on China in the Pacific and scholarship concerned with longer Chinese histories in the region that most recent commentators ignore and which question a number of their assertions. Finally, it suggests possible future directions for historical research on this topic.  相似文献   

The oil refinery/petro‐chemical complex at Grangemouth has played an important part in the rise of the United Kingdom petro‐chemical industry which has been one of the most dynamic elements of the nation's manufacturing sector.1 The complex has a special significance within Central Scotland in view of the contrast between its rapid development and the declining fortunes of the traditional industrial base. This paper analyses its structure and development and also examines its role as the focus of official attempts to promote Grangemouth/Falkirk as a ‘growth centre’.  相似文献   

利他之心——稻盛和夫经营哲学的真谛   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘荣 《日本学论坛》2001,(4):12-14,62
当代日本著名的大企业家稻盛和夫先生在其《新经营·新日本》一书的“关怀同情之心———我的人论”一章中 ,对利他之心进行了精辟透彻的论述 ,并且以此为他的“以心为本”的经营哲学奠定了坚实的伦理、道德基础。概括起来 ,可以从下述几个方面加以认识 :第一、只有抑制利己之心 ,才能实施“以心为本”的经营。这里所说的经营 ,是广义的经营 ,不仅指企业 ,而是泛指人生、各种事业、国家、国际社会等的经营。关于抑制利己之心 ,在东西方哲学、宗教、道德等著作中有许多至理名言 ,有的是作为人类一种纯粹的理想 ,希望书于竹帛 ,有的只限于个人…  相似文献   

J. R. HARRIS. Industrial Espionage and Technology Transfer: Britain and France in the Eighteenth Century. Aldershot and Brookfield: Ashgate, 1998. Pp. xvii, 655. $110.95 (US). Reviewed by John Money  相似文献   

A HOARD of fifteen iron and two copper-alloy artefacts was discovered near Nazeing in Essex in 1972. The nature and condition of the arte facts suggest that the hoard, consisting mainly of scrap metal, was that of a metalworker. A date of deposition in the nth century is probable.  相似文献   

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