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Most accounts of the discovery of “pleasure” circuits in the brain begin with the observation by James Olds and Peter Milner in 1953 that electrical brain stimulation can condition operant responses in rats. Less well-known, pleasurable brain stimulation was previously observed in schizophrenic patients by Robert Heath. However, Heath failed to recognize the significance of this observation, at least in part, because of preconceived notions he held about the etiology of schizophrenia. This episode in the history of neuroscience illustrates the importance of sagacity in serendipitous scientific discoveries. It also shows that “mental preparedness” can be an obstacle to progress.  相似文献   

Most accounts of the discovery of "pleasure" circuits in the brain begin with the observation by James Olds and Peter Milner in 1953 that electrical brain stimulation can condition operant responses in rats. Less well-known, pleasurable brain stimulation was previously observed in schizophrenic patients by Robert Heath. However, Heath failed to recognize the significance of this observation, at least in part, because of preconceived notions he held about the etiology of schizophrenia. This episode in the history of neuroscience illustrates the importance of sagacity in serendipitous scientific discoveries. It also shows that "mental preparedness" can be an obstacle to progress.  相似文献   

Aerial screens     
This article traces a history of inflight entertainment in order to examine the relationship between globalization, the urban imaginary and contemporary modes of travel. I rely on the many meanings of the word ‘screen’ to launch my analysis of the role of inflight entertainment in post-World War II air travel. Rather than examine the material displayed via inflight entertainment technologies, I take the installation of these technologies on aircraft as signifying particular attitudes airlines had toward their passengers, as well as larger struggles and negotiations over the meaning of travel. These coalesce in a cosmopolitan identity that takes the world to be easily accessible and readily visible, the desire of airlines to keep their passengers mollified and calm, and an emergent conception of travel as effortless activity.  相似文献   

林新民 《旅游纵览》2017,(9):106-109
6月13日至14日,河北航拍学会组织全省20名航拍摄影师齐聚定州,进行了实地拍摄。定州拥有2600多年的建城史,是中山文化的主要发祥传承地。2006年被联合国地名组织命名为"千年古县",是河北省"十大历史文化名城"之一。定州境内名胜古迹众多,文化底  相似文献   

As aerial photographs are widely used in geography education, it is important to know how children's understanding of these representations develops through the school years. We review research that has addressed children's understanding of the content of aerial photographs, and we describe a series of studies in which children used information from aerial photographs to carry out spatial tasks in a large space. We demonstrate that using an aerial photograph can be an aid to subsequently using a map, and we discuss the educational applications of the research with aerial photographs.  相似文献   

2006年秋,我们随中国国家博物馆蒙古高原考察队,到蒙古人民共和国实地考察青铜时代至明清古迹。重点考察了以下遗址:(1)鄂尔浑河、鄂嫩河流域青铜时代、铁器时代遗址、墓葬和鹿石;(2)诺彦乌拉山、克鲁伦河流域匈奴古墓;(3)鄂尔浑河、土拉  相似文献   

贾伟杰 《旅游纵览》2017,(3):106-109
正1月18日,河北省航拍学会成立大会暨第一次会员代表大会在石家庄召开。正式会员代表、特邀嘉宾、企业代表约200人出席大会。大会首先由民间组织管理局局长郭百服代表省民政厅宣读《关于准予成立河北省航拍学会的决定书》,省科协学会部部长张锋代表省科学技术协会宣读了《关于接纳河北省航拍学会为团体会员》的决定,宣读了主席团成员的名单,由大会代表表决,代表主管厅局  相似文献   

王建华 《旅游纵览》2017,(6):106-109
<正>2017年4月28日,河北省航拍学会、河北省爱国主义教育基地协会、河北省旅投集团、西柏坡纪念馆、河北省国际经济文化交流中心在西柏坡共同举办了"航拍河北"启动仪式。来自全省航拍代表和嘉宾150多人,携带一批先进专业航拍设备驾车赶赴"新中国从这里走来"的"吉祥福地"西柏坡,  相似文献   


During the Great War, millions of aerial photographs of the frontline and area behind the trenches were made by the combatants. Such aerial photographs (APs) are a major source for the study of Great War heritage. Studying the APs required a new methodology, involving the processing of APs in GIS models to produce a detailed inventory of war traces. This approach provides reliable digital and analogue maps on which all visible traces are minutely recorded. Through this, we hope to meet the growing necessity of a professional and scientific archaeological research of the Great War.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to make a contribution to current debates concerning the dislocation in landscape research between experiential approaches and quantitative techniques of landscape analysis. It focuses upon a group of archaeological sites that are caught in the centre of this divide: plough-levelled sites recorded as cropmarks on aerial photographs. The application of experiential landscape analysis to plough-levelled sites is explored, along with the value of incorporating information derived from the study of the aerial photograph. It is contended that richer, more rounded, interpretations of landscape are possible when combining aspects of quantitative and qualitative landscape research.  相似文献   

Modern intertidal foraminifera were investigated in a mangrove‐lined microtidal distributary channel of the Barron River Delta (Cairns, Queensland, Australia). A monospecific assemblage of Trochammina inflata characterises saltmarsh environments (Biozone 1), whilst the more regularly inundated tidal flat is dominated (≥55%) by Ammonia beccarii (Biozone 2). Within the tidal flat environment, two foraminiferal subdivisions can be recognised; a high tidal flat assemblage (Biozone 2a) characterised by ≥70% Ammonia beccarii and low diversity, and a low tidal flat assemblage (Biozone 2b) with 55–65% Ammonia beccarii and high diversity (due to the settling out of small allochthonous species transported into the estuary from shelf environments). Foraminiferal distributions are also compared with tide levels estimated in the field. It appears approximately that Biozone 1 occurs between High Water and Mean High Water (MHW), Biozone 2a between MHW and Mean Tide Level (MTL), and Biozone 2b between MTL and Low Water. From this preliminary study, it is concluded that foraminifera possess significant potential in palaeoenvironmental studies of tropical Australian estuaries as indicators of intertidal environments, and also tidal levels.  相似文献   


Aerial photography is playing an important role in the mapping of archaeological sites both terrestrial and under the sea. New systems of photography variously combined for search, survey, and recording are proving to be an effective and valuable aid to archaeologists.  相似文献   


The Finnish Civil War (1918) has received very little attention from the archaeologists until recently. This paper describes the first archaeological investigation of a Civil War battlefield in the Karelian Isthmus, nowadays northwest Russia. The battlefield of Ahvola, which saw one of the decisive battles of the war, was surveyed briefly in November 2007. With relatively little subsequent landuse, the general landscape has remained roughly similar to that of the early twentieth century, and the remains of field fortifications have been preserved unexpectedly well. Thus the fields of Ahvola hold high potential for more widespread archaeological studies in future. The present survey, along with two earlier surveys of Finnish Civil War battlefields, provides important base data for future research on the subject.  相似文献   

On February 6, 2015, a local magnitude (ML) 6.6 earthquake struck southern Taiwan, devastating the Tainan area. A field investigation was conducted by a survey team from the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering immediately after the earthquake. This paper summarizes the observed geotechnical damage features caused by the earthquake, including liquefaction, slope sliding, levee failure, and dam performance. Several liquefaction sites were observed despite the intensity of ground shaking being moderate (peak ground acceleration, ~0.2 g). Most of these sites were originally old ponds that were backfilled during different periods in the last three to eight decades. Two significant types of damage to the levee of the Tseng-wen River were observed. At the Jianshan site, a typical type of levee damage was observed, in which the level crest subsided and the side slope developed several cracks. At the Rixin site, a flow-type of failure caused tremendous loss of levee (~400 m in total) at three adjacent locations. The levee embankments had “flowed” up to 60 m into the river.  相似文献   

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