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This essay reviews an exhibition in the National Technical Museum, Prague, from 30 September to 23 October 1994 to mark the visit of Queen Margarethe II of Denmark to the Czech Republic on 11–13 October 1994  相似文献   

TheInstituteonConservationofHistoricalRelicsatNanjingMuseumoriginatedfromthebeginningof60'sandthenorganizedandfoundedatthebaseoftheNanjingMuseumResearchLaboratoryforConservationofHistoricalRelic.Theprinciplesoftheinstituteadheretousingoftraditionaltechniquecombinedwiththemodernscienceandtechnology,conservingantiquitiesaswellaspossibleandso,prolongingthelifeofantiquities.Themaindirectionsofinstituteareconservationandrestorationtechnologyforthepaperandotherfiberqualityantiquties,theresearch…  相似文献   

2008年3月6日下午.刘东生院士仙逝的消息传来.深感悲痛。尽管深知生老病死的自然规律无法抗拒.然而仍久久不愿相信先生离我们而去的事实。确实.先生大智大慧、高瞻远瞩的大师风范,脚踏实地、精益求精的治学精神,淡泊名利、献身祖国的高尚品德.提携英才、甘为人梯的长者风度.科学登顶、誉满学界的光辉业绩,将永远留在我们心中。  相似文献   


The emerging science of enology is an interdisciplinary synthesis of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, engineering and sensory analytical science. Cbemistry analyses grapes, monitors progress of fermentation and assures that the wine is stable and in conformity with legal specifications. Knowledge of the enzymatically mediated reactions of yeasts and bacteria allows control through external conditions, thus yielding berter wines. Their production also demand modern engineering methods and materials. Wine is made to be appreciated with other foods on the basis of its smell and taste, hence sensory analytical methods can control its production. Basically grape growing and winemaking must be a very ancient practical art because it would have required centuries to develop the sophisticated state depicted in the earliest written records of the third millennium B.C. Louis Pasteur provided the scientific basis for understanding enology and since his time enology has gradually moved from a practical art towards the science of enology. It is hard to imagine how wines of the future will be better than those we now enjoy, the finest ever produced. Certain it is, however, that they will be still better.  相似文献   

Overthelast50years,Lhasahasexpandedinareafrom3squarekintosome50squarekm,andthepopulationhasincreasedfrom30,000to200,000.NEWSPAPERMARKETManynewspapersstandsnowmakearound1,000yuaneachpermonth."Inthepast,therewerethreenewspaperscentersinthecity,andmanyofthepapersavailablewerepublishedamonthorsoearlier,"saidWeidongoftheLhasaPostalandNewspaperCompany."NowthepeopleofLhasahaveaccesstosome5,000journalsandnewspapers.ThemostpopularjournalsareReaders,WomenandYouthDigest.Otherpopularjournalsinc…  相似文献   


The heavy ion research described in these reviews focussed predominantly on collision energies around the nuclear Coulomb threshold. To put this energy in perspective one could say that the relative velocity of two nuclei impinging on each other is small compared to the so-called Fermi velocity at which individual nucleons move inside the nucleus. As a consequence nuclear matter tends to be in or close to thermal equilibrium at all times during the nuclear collisions because the energy is quickly dissipated inside the nucleus through moving nucleons. However, one may anticipate a change in this situation if the energy of the heavy ion beams increases further. Then a nucleus smashing into another nucleus may cause shock waves or the same phenomena which are observed if an airplane exceeds the speed of sound. Furthermore, nuclear compression and heating might be considerable. At even higher energies, the heavy ion exceeds many thresholds, like the one for the production of pions and other strange particles like lambda and sigma particle and even antiprotons. At the end of such a process the nuclear liquid may be compressed and heated so much that nucleons with their three quarks in a bag lose their individuality, quark are deconfined and form an extended bag of many quarks and gluons, according to today's knowledge of the ultimate constituents of matter. And even the atomic physics may b taken to the extreme by depriving uranium atom of all electrons, leaving a tripped and naked uranium nucleus behind.  相似文献   

From the perspective of a scholar invested in understanding how racial politics influence the ways technoscientific artifacts, practices, and knowledge continually reshape multiple social configurations, I find Dr. Hofm?nner’s paper to be a welcome and important contribution. By moving beyond Robert K. Merton’s Matthew Effect and Margaret W. Rossiter’s Matilda Effect to interrogate the manner in which Western ways of thinking historically dominate flows of scientific knowledge production, Hofm?nner’s essay shifts and refocuses the collective analytical lens of Science & Technology Studies to acknowledge and accept the roles that Africa—materially, conceptually, and metaphorically—has played and will play in the production of regimes of scientific truth, authenticity, and expertise.  相似文献   


In honor of the bicentennial of the United States Constitution, a Congressional agency undertook an interdisciplinary analysis of the implications of new and emerging science-based technologies for constitutionally protected civil rights and liberties. Four areas of scientific research and development were identified as most likely to give rise to significantly new technological capabilities. Some of these could challenge established assumptions about individual responsibility, civil liberties, and the powers of government: information science, molecular biology, materials science, and social science, particularly as they find applications in communications and publishing, criminal justice, medicine, public health, and bioengineering. Constitutional precedents related to freedom of the press, open scientific communications, the rights of those accused or convicted of crime, due process, equal protection of laws, and individual privacy will have to be re-examined. Science is offering individuals new choices and forcing them to make new decisions, even as it brings into question some assumptions about free will and accountability.  相似文献   

在当今的器物学鉴定工作中,不少高科技的鉴定技术已经成功地应用于文物年代的分期断代和真伪鉴别上。但在古代书画鉴定工作中,由于其特殊性和复杂性,目前仍停留在传统的鉴定方法上。本文就运用一些必要的科学手段来证实鉴定结果进行了深入的探讨  相似文献   

东沟乡大庄村位于互助土族自治县东部,是一个典型的土族村落。全村总面积9.68平方公里,平均海拔2600米左右,年平均气温2—3摄氏度,年平均降水量550毫米左右。大庄村属于浅山地区,农业条件次于川水地区而优于脑山地区。该地区又宜于林业和牧业,且平大公路从村中通过,距县城仅5公里路,总体上是互助县经济发展状况比较好的村庄之一。其农业生产中的科技与宗教的状况对我们了解土族农村的相关问题是具有典型意义的。同时也可为学术界进行的关于科技和宗教关系的讨论提供一些个案支持。传统农业及相关的主要宗教习俗建国前,大庄种植的农作物主要…  相似文献   

20世纪末,我国的物保护科学技术基本形成了具有中国特色的完整的科学体系。在石质物、金属物、纸张物、竹木漆器物、壁画物、石窟物等的保护技术方面取得了多项科研成果,并且达到或接近世界先进水平,使我国许多珍贵的化遗产得到了抢救和有效地保护。  相似文献   

Over 40% of state science and technology programs are evaluating their results in some way. Programs have adopted performance measurement systems both for their own information purposes and to justify their activities to external audiences, usually legislatures. Performance measurement activities may have contributed to the evolution of these programs toward economic objectives, which can be measured in business activity. The most common performance measures are job creation and retention.  相似文献   

中国古代钱币与钱币科技考古   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一中国古代钱币是世界钱币之林中具有重要影响的一支,是东方钱币的代表,它有两个显著的特点:一是自始至终采用浇铸工艺而不用打制工艺,直至19世纪末西式机  相似文献   

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