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From a superficial glance, it might be thought that men of science are barely represented in Westminster Abbey, among the kings, courtiers, naval and military men, poets, statesmen and heroes of Empire. This is not so. One of the most splendid works of sculpture of the 18th century is the monument, adjacent to his grave, to Sir Isaac Newton. Many Fellows of the Royal Society are there as well, though this might be coincidental as they were also bishops or deans. Not all might be buried in the Abbey, but physicians, astronomers, and engineers are commemorated by marble statues or tablets, in stained glass, by monumental brass, or, like the Herschels, only by their gravestones. It is true that some have had to wait a long time for a memorial: Edmond Halley's stylised comet appeared only four years ago. These are, however, in good company, for even Shakespeare (buried at Stratford-on-Avon) had no memorial in the Abbey until well over a century after his death. Nor should men of science feel that they have been overlooked, because of all the country's architects, only one or two are represented, and only one painter is commemorated, and he is not John Constable.  相似文献   

This article is divided into three parts. The first part outlines the cultural and political leftist revolt of the 1960s and 1970s in Denmark by presenting the different periodizations linked to various aspects of the revolt and by introducing a variety of perceptions of its causes, course and impact. In the next section, apart from pointing out some of the important lacunae, I provide an overview of the genres and topics that characterise the historiography. Studies of social movements and political parties, for example, are heavily overrepresented. In the third and concluding part, I propose that the thematic and methodological distinction in the historiography between the cultural and political aspects of the revolt should be blurred and deconstructed.  相似文献   


Much of our present technology can be traced to the great discoveries at the beginning of our century, particularly relativity and quantum mechanics. This is our heritage. Based on these, reasonable extrapolations can be made for our future, and are here exemplified by microelectronics, lasers, molecular biology, new material, aviation and nuclear energy. But often the unexpected development is the most important, here compared with non-linear equations in mathematics. Man's great future will arise from such non-linearities and the space telescope may bring a new field theory, redundancy in computers may give us thinking machines and finally the discovery – or the proof of absence – of extra-terrestrial life will bring the greatest of all non-linear changes. It is concluded that human imagination is unlimited, that imagination lets man grow to transcend his limits and to fulfil his dreams.  相似文献   


Dr George L. Mallen writes about his introduction to computer simulation in the early 1960s and his work with Gordon Pask, founder and director of System Research Ltd, a convergence point of cognitive science, computer technology and art. In 1969 Mallen co-founded the Computer Arts Society and helped to organize Event One at the Royal College of Art which brought computers into the art school. In 1969 he formed System Simulation Ltd and in 1970 developed ECOGAME, a system dynamics model of a hypothetical national economy, implemented at the First European Management Forum, the predecessor of the World Management Forum. Some of the ECOGAME technology was also used by Stafford Beer for the government economic decision room he designed and implemented for the Allende government in Chile in 1972–1973.  相似文献   

Seit geraumer Zeit wird das Thema Innenstadt kontrovers diskutiert. Neben dem Niedergang der City und der Konkurrenz zur „Grünen Wiese” werden zugleich die europ?ische urbane Stadt heraufbeschworen und zahlreiche Aktivit?ten zur (Re-)Vitalisierung unternommen. Von privaten Initiativen, H?ndlergemeinschaften über public-private-partnership-Projekte, wie z.B. „Ab in die Mitte” in Nordrhein-Westfalen, bis zum st?dtischen City-Manager und Landesf?rderung für Innenstadtprojekte reicht das Repertoire. City-Management ist dabei ein wesentliches Instrument. Wie City-Management in Deutschland aussieht und wie es sich entwickelt, zeigt der folgende Beitrag.  相似文献   

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