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两宜  王动  张琪 《风景名胜》2009,(4):50-57
山不在高。虞山不过长十里,高百米。虞山的精彩之处在于,它能让每一位过客在这里找到内心的共鸣。你可以去辛峰,怀想先贤怎样传下吴国江山,怎样播散江南文脉:你可以去兴福寺,探寻怎样的园林配得上曲径通幽的唐代绝旬;你可以去山巅的剑门,体会登高望江南,虞山、尚湖、常熟城一体的感觉;你可以去宝岩生态观光园,在山上采杨梅采得累了,就坐在竹林深处喝一杯新茶……  相似文献   

苏联援华抗日政策评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈九如 《民国档案》2001,8(4):95-98
中国的抗日战争自1931年“九一八”事变起至1945年“八一五”结束,长达14年之久,在中国人民旷日持久的抗战中,北方的近邻苏联是中国抗战的有力盟友,苏联出于自身利益和安全的实际需要,支持中国的抗日战争,谴责日本的侵略行为,在道义、人力、物力上给予中国大力援助。纵观苏联援华抗日政策的始终,苏联的援华是以服从于苏联本国利益作为基点的,无不蒙上一层“民族利己主义”的阴影,在援华的同时,又损害了中国人民的利益,伤害了中国人民的感情,给中国革命留下了深刻的教训。  相似文献   

在非物质文化遗产研究和保护中,无法回避的问题有:作为人类社会历史发展产物的非物质文化遗产,它的生态是怎样的?我们应该保护怎样的非物质文化遗产?能否科学回答这些问题,不仅会影响到人们对非物质文化遗产本质的理解,而且会影响到人们对非物质文化遗产保护原则和方法的选择。  相似文献   

Sara Holiday Nelson 《对极》2015,47(2):461-480
This paper brings autonomist Marxist analyses of post‐Fordist transition together with the geographical literature on ecosystem services to argue that the rise of the ecosystem service economy was central to what Paolo Virno has called the neoliberal counterrevolution. By analyzing the discourse of environmental crisis in the 1960s and 1970s, I demonstrate that early efforts to account for the value of environmental functions were a response to the instabilities faced by globalized capital in the postwar era. The rise of the ecosystem service economy is central to what autonomist Marxists describe as a post‐Fordist mode of production in which the activities of social (and, I argue, ecological) reproduction become direct sources of value. The paper suggests the need to revise the autonomist analysis to account for both the ecological dimensions of Fordist crisis, and the importance of the ecosystem service economy as a means whereby the counterrevolution was accomplished.  相似文献   

居住在互助土族自治县龙王山下的土族儿女,每年都要举办一次民族特色浓郁“的青苗”盛会来迎接春天的来临。互助东沟乡大庄村是土族聚居区之一,这里山川秀美,民风淳朴,堪称土族传统文化的艺术之地,不仅保留和继承了许多远古遗风,民俗乡仪,而且民间神话传说、舞蹈歌谣、体育竞技  相似文献   

贫困是一种与人类发展进程相伴生的社会现象,是当今世界发展面临的最大挑战之一。解决贫困问题因此成为发展问题的重要组成部分。本文通过对分布于不同地区的同一民族在接受国家缓贫与发展扶助过程中的不同反应与结果的实地调查与分析,论述了贫困并不是单一资源因素短缺造成的,而是能动性机制、发展资源与求变能力等方面的欠缺性因素发生“选择性亲和”互动作用而形成的。因此缓解贫困、实现少数民族地区的发展关键在于如何构建主体发展的能动性机制,以及如何实现少数民族文化与现代文化的对接。  相似文献   

The authors derive the components of the radiation balance of a corn crop either by direct observation or by computational methods. These components include the heat circulating in the soil and in the corn plant cover, and the turbulent heat exchange between the corn crop and the atmosphere.  相似文献   

虞山是一个国家森林公园,尚湖是城市湿地公园。生态是它的本色。事实上,很多游客来到这里,是因为这里有长三角难得的生态环境。首届江苏森林生态旅游节、常熟虞山森林旅游生态观光节、宝岩杨梅节、尚湖牡丹花会、观鸟节等活动,也让越来越多的人认识了虞山尚湖。  相似文献   

刘会军 《史学集刊》2003,2(2):51-56
抗日战争爆发后到太平洋战争爆发前,国民政府一直没有放弃争取和平解决的努力。在与日本政府通过各种途径直接进行谈判的同时,并请其它国家出面调停,极力呼吁国际社会采取行动,其目的是争取以和平途径制止日本的侵略。与此同时,国民政府还设法争取各国对中国抗战的支援。除了争取与美国建立政治、军事和经济合作及获得美国的财政和军事援助外,还向英国和法国求援。在此期间,苏联结予中国以很多援助,包括提供大量的借款,派遣大批军事顾问和技术人员,派遣空军帮助中国作战等。国民政府的对日和谈和对外求援都是其抗战战略的一部分。国民政府以和平途径制止日本侵略的目的未能实现,但其对外求援对抗战起到了有利作用。  相似文献   

清季至民国华北的水旱灾害与作物选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清以来 ,针对华北地区频发的水旱灾害 ,人们采取了许多积极有效的农业措施。相应作物的选择 ,加之不同的抗涝、抗旱技术 ,一定程度上改变了华北的微观作物布局。水灾环境下 ,选择抗涝性强的作物 ,如水稻、高粱等 ;而干旱环境下 ,则选择抗旱性强的作物 ,如豌豆、甘薯等。总之 ,相关作物的选择种植 ,处处显示出对灾荒环境的适应性  相似文献   

The extreme salinity and temperature fluctuations of the Persian Gulf waters have created unique marine and coastal ecosystems, with numerous benefits to Iran and neighboring countries. However, human activities, including rapid coastal development, land-based pollution, oil and gas extraction, and shipping, are threatening the survival of these ecosystems. With long shorelines, a large coastal population, and locally important fisheries and tourism-related jobs, Iran has a lot at stake in the degradation of its marine and coastal environments. However, it is not too late to put a stop to further degradation. This article recommends a number of targeted actions at the local, national, and regional levels to address the threats to the Persian Gulf ’s environment and protect this important renewable resource.  相似文献   

刘琨  李群 《安徽史学》2017,(2):53-62
1905—1918年,弗兰克·迈耶作为美国农业部派驻中国的植物猎人,组织开展了多次植物和作物采集活动,仅邮寄到美国的作物品种就有2500余种,其中包括粮食、蔬菜、果树、饲料等经济作物的种子或插条样本。本文以美国农业部《新作物引种公告》为分析素材,考证迈耶在华作物采集活动的主要路线、代表性成果、采集作物的具体性状等,在此基础上,尝试归纳迈耶采集活动给美国农业带来的深远影响,以及对中国现代农业的启示意义。  相似文献   

This article looks at the shifting position of the ‘Iranian diaspora’ in relation to Iran as it is influenced by online and offline transnational networks. In the 1980s the exilic identity of a large part of the Iranian diaspora was the core factor in establishing an extended, yet exclusive form of transnational network. Since then, the patterns of identity within this community have shifted towards a more inclusive network as a result of those transnational connections, leading to more extensive and intense connections and activities between the Iranian diaspora and Iranians in Iran. The main concern of the article is to examine how the narratives of identity are constructed and transformed within Iranian (charity) networks and to identify the factors that contribute to this transformation. The authors use the transnational lens to view diasporic positioning as linked to development issues. New technological sources help diaspora groups, in this case Iranians, to build virtual embedded ties that transcend nation states and borders. Yet, the study also shows that these transnational connections can still be challenged by the nation state, as has been the case with recent developments in Iran.  相似文献   

Urban Political Ecology, Justice and the Politics of Scale   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This and the subsequent papers in this special issue set out the contours of Marxian urban political ecology and call for greater research attention to a neglected field of critical research that, given its political importance, requires urgent attention. Notwithstanding the important contributions of other critical perspectives on urban ecology, Marxist urban political ecology provides an integrated and relational approach that helps untangle the interconnected economic, political, social and ecological processes that together go to form highly uneven and deeply unjust urban landscapes. Because the power-laden socioecological relations that shape the formation of urban environments constantly shift between groups of actors and scales, historical-geographical insights into these ever-changing urban configurations are necessary for the sake of considering the future of radical political-ecological urban strategies. The social production of urban environments is gaining recognition within radical and historical-materialist geography. The political programme, then, of urban political ecology is to enhance the democratic content of socioenvironmental construction by identifying the strategies through which a more equitable distribution of social power and a more inclusive mode of environmental production can be achieved.  相似文献   

Soil chemistry provides the potential for interpreting the archaeological record without necessarily resorting to artifacts, historical documents, ethnoarchaeological observations, or experiments. The range of studies incorporating new technological developments, such as mass spectrometry and multi-element analyses, for analyzing and interpreting the chemical residues found at archaeological sites or modern contexts are increasing in the literature. However, the dilemmas of interpretation concentrate on evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of different techniques. Analytical approaches to how scientists make use of chemical residues to make statements about the past, discussed here, expand the potential of the breadth of techniques to investigate daily life activities and further our understanding of the materiality of social life.  相似文献   

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