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The discovery in 1975 of part of Charles Bage's iron framed Castlefields flax mill led the author to study Shropshire's other linen factories and the domestic manufacture of linen and ropes during the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The manufacture of linen by cottagers and farmers from home grown hemp survived, alongside the factories, into the nineteenth century. The hempen cloth produced in Shropshire was rarely sold at markets or fairs, and was made mainly by country families for their own use. The survival of such a cottage industry into the nineteenth century was rare in England, and the existence of a workforce skilled in the preparation and manufacture of hemp and flax was probably one of the factors which influenced Shropshire entrepreneurs to manufacture linen in their factories, rather than cotton.  相似文献   

《Textile history》2013,44(2):239-254

This article explores the use of flax for fibre in Croatia. It concentrates on traditional flax growing and processing techniques being revived through The Flax Project. Traditional flax varieties utilised in Croatia, together with ongoing research to find the most suitable flax cultivars for the Croatian climate today, are discussed. Locally produced flax was widely used to make folk costumes and household linens. The stages of turning the processed flax fibre into linen cloth are described, including spinning, weaving, decorative techniques, bleaching, dyeing, and pleating through to its aftercare including washing, ironing, storage and related issues of conservation.  相似文献   


The results of 46 archaeobotanical samples from the site 'Siedlung Torwiesen II' in the Federseereed, Stadt Bad Buchau, Kreis Biberach are presented here. The dendrochronological datings of the piles from this settlement of the Horgener culture are (placed) between 3293 and 3281 BC. The samples were taken from the refuse areas under or beside of the house forecourts or the entrance areas of the houses. As main crops naked barley (Hordeum vulgare L.ssp. nudum) and a tetraploid naked wheat species Triticum durum Desf./turgidum L.) were found. Emmer (Triticum dicoccon Schübl.) was rarely detected. Further crops were flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) and poppy (Papaver somniferum L.). The spectrum of the cultivated plants show a clear cultural connection with the regions further south, as the Lake Constance and Switzerland. Huge amounts of flax remains suppose that settlements at the lake Federsee were specialised on flax production already during the Late Neolithic period.

Aus der dendrochronologisch auf 3293–3281 BC datierten und damit der frühen Horgener Kultur zuzuordnenden Siedlung Torwiesen II im Federseeried, Stadt Bad Buchau, Kreis Biberach konnten 46 Einzelproben archäobotanisch untersucht werden. Die Proben stammen aus Abfallzonen unterhalb oder seitlich der Hausvorplätze oder Hauseingangsbereiche. Hauptgetreide sind Nacktgerste (Hordeum vulgare ssp. nudum) und ein tetraploider Nachtweizen (Triticum durum vel turgidum). Emmer (Triticum dicoccon) ist selten. Weitere Kulturpflanzen sind Lein (Linum usitatissimum) und Schlafmohn (Papaver somniferum). Hervorzuheben ist eine durch die Anbaupflanzen nachweisbare kulturelle Verknüpfung zu weiter südlich gelegenen Siedlungen am deutschen Bodenseeufer und in der Schweiz. Die große Menge an Leinresten aus endneolithischen Siedlungen am Federsee, lässt eine Spezialisierung auf Leinanbau vermuten.  相似文献   

none 《Textile history》2013,44(1):103-118

Textile fibre aggregates can be extracted from the leaves of Phormium tenax (New Zealand flax), a plant endemic to New Zealand and Norfolk Island. This research note, which was developed from N. M. Cruthers' Masters thesis, aims to review early trade between Māori and western settlers to New Zealand, the industrial development of a mechanised extraction industry and to examine reported reasons for failure of the industry. Hand extraction by Māori produced low volumes of fibre but traditional end uses were for prized cultural items. In comparison, fibre produced industrially was produced in high volume and was intended for commonplace items such as rope and sacking.  相似文献   


The Orze? flax spinning industry in Mys?akowice has a manufacturing tradition extending back to 1839 when the Flachsgarn Maschinen Spinnerei und Weberei was set up in Erndmansdorf in Lower Silesia. The development of the works is documented by well-preserved factory buildings in which the same manufacturing process has been taking place for 150 years. The cast iron frame of the spinning mill may also be regarded as a pioneering structure in Silesian industrial buildings.  相似文献   


Diameter measurements of bast fibres from cloth and string with a hoard of bronze age metalwork found in St Andrews, were different from those of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) but comparable with those of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) leading to the suggestion that hemp was used as a textile fibre in Britain much earlier than has been thought.  相似文献   


The author discusses how fieldwork by RCHME and others has refined the typology for the development of the fireproof textile mill first put forward by H.R. Johnson and A.W. Skempton in 1956. Details of cast-iron roof framing, the different styles of supporting columns and the problems created by power transmission are all considered. It is suggested that early examples of fireproofing are generally associated with mechanised flax or cotton spinning, the branch of the industry most at risk.  相似文献   


Considerable changes are observed in the abundance of cultivated plants in the northern Alpine foreland between 3500 and 2400 cal. BC. The importance of tetraploid naked wheat (Triticum durum Desf./turgidum L.) and opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) declines whereas that of glume wheat (mainly emmer, Triticum dicoccum Schübl.) and flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) increases progressively. The hypothesis presented here is that these developments are mainly due to changing cultural spheres of influence. Many of these changes are, however, not fully traceable due to the very heterogeneous and, in part, very poor state of research in this area.  相似文献   

Joshua’s Tomb     

Following the recent excavations of the Jerusalem 'Warren's Shaft System' and its attribution to the Middle Bronze II period, the authors re-evaluate the dating of the Gezer water system. R. A. S. Macalister attributed it to the 'Second Semitic' period, which roughly corresponds to the ME II period. Several scholars challenged this dating, suggesting a lower date in the Late Bronze or the Iron Age. The article draws attention to a detail which escaped the types of scholars, namely that the cave at the bottom of the system has in fact a lower outlet, to the tell's southern perimeter. This detail appears on a plan and section drawn by L Vincent, when visiting the excavation. This explains how the miners knew where to locate the entrance to the system within the city's boundary, and to what direction and angle to aim their tunnel to hit that cave. This increases the similarity between the Jerusalem and the Gezer water systems, and corroborates the MB II dating for the Gezer system, originally suggested by Macalister.  相似文献   


This paper introduces the theme of 'teaching geography to non-geographers'. It is set against the context of learning and teaching with the 'Other' in geography. At the outset a working definition of a 'non-geographer' is provided. The resource and pedagogical implications arising from teaching geography to non-geographers are then outlined. Finally, the contributions to this broader debate from the five case studies that comprise this JGHE symposium are summarised.  相似文献   


The 'doubling of the self' is a phenomenon that appears in entries of private diaries and consists in the division of the diarist's self into two: the self that acts and the self that observes and writes. This phenomenon can be found in Dragoumis' ?υλλα ημ?ρολογιου, Seferis' M?ρ?ζ and Theotokas' T?τραδια ημ?ρολογιου. There are entries where the doubling of the self occurs in practice and entries where it is described, discussed or analysed. All these reveal the three Greek diarists' contradictory feelings about the doubling of the self, but also the latter's significance for the private diary.  相似文献   


Nikos Gatsos' Amorgos is approached here as a polyphonic poem that synthesizes elements of the Greek literary tradition into an intertextual palimpsest of fragments, in the vein of the modernist 'long poem'. The surrealist poet maintains a fine balance between tradition and radical innovation, shaping Amorgos as a place where poetry is created as an interaction of opposing tendencies. The topical character of the poem is underscored by its title: the sea-and-land imagery evokes the island as a literary topos of seclusion and self-sufficiency that lends its characteristics to the composition itself: a 'compendium' of poetic writing and avant-garde aesthetics.  相似文献   


The enigma in Psedo-Philo Chapter 19: Istic mel, apex magnus, momenti plenitudo, et ciati guttum, is often emended by the commentators. We take it as it stands. As the surrounding texts reflects, Deut 34 and Pseudo-Philo always shows a deep understanding of the biblical text, we find that the often quoted utterings in Deut: ''a land flowing with milk and honey'' and: ''the place which the Lord your God will choose'' make sense for the first two parts of the enigma. The third part points to the coming great achievements: The death of Moses and the immigration to the Holy Land. Only the fourth part is pointing to the end of time.  相似文献   


Cropsey's book, Plato's World, contains his longest and most sustained reflections on a set of Platonic dialogues, but it is not the first work he published on Plato or the last he intended to write. His last collection of essays, On Humanity's Intensive Introspection, shows that in his writings on Plato Cropsey was attempting to answer a broader question: What is philosophy?  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(3):309-318

This article is a response to Section III of Oliver O'Donovan's The Ways of Judgment, addressing his account of the Church's "higher sociality" as the proper context for all theological reflection on politics. In particular, it explores the importance of the theme of communication, affirming many of O'Donovan's central instincts in this area though questioning his emphasis on the role of the individual believing heart as the privileged site of ecclesial transformation of the world.  相似文献   


Distinctive assemblages of Coleoptera (beetles) recovered from seven samples of smoke-blackened thatch (SBT)from a range of late medieval roofs in the south of England are listed. The age, ecology and possible origins of this fauna are discussed. Although its precise origin is known, it is suggested that its occurrence is not limited to thatch, and so cannot be used as a 'finger print' for thatch per se. A find of Sitophilus granarius, the 'granary weevil', suggests that thatch may represent another route by which this species has been incorporated into the archaeological record.  相似文献   


David Walsh is a student of Eric Voegelin's political thought, and this essay evaluates the influence of Voegelin's work on Walsh, while also suggesting how Walsh deviates from Voegelin's philosophy. The analysis is performed in terms of several key concepts from Voegelin's work, including Gnosticism, metaxy, luminosity, equivalences of experience, and history. It is argued that Walsh makes extensive use of Voegelin's ideas of metaxy, luminosity, and the equivalences of experience, but that he transforms these concepts as he moves beyond Voegelin's philosophy of consciousness and turns to a philosophy of existence that is not subject to the epistemological problems that continue to challenge Voegelin's thought. Finally, it is suggested that, in so doing, Walsh is actually continuing Voegelin's philosophical project, rather than undermining it.  相似文献   

AGER, D. Francophonie in the 1990s: Problems and Opportunities Multilingual Matters, 1996 215 pp., £13.95, ISBN 1 85359 323 0

BLANCHOT, M. The Most High translated and with an introduction by Allan Stoekl University of Nebraska Press, 1996 254 pp., £32.95, ISBN 0 8032 1240 2

BLOCH‐LAINÉ, and GRUSON, C. Hauts fonctionnaires sous l'Occupation Odile Jacob, 1996 284 pp, 130 ff., ISBN 2 7381 0419 3

BORREL, M. Conflits du travail: changement social et politique en France depuis 1950 L'Harmattan, 1996 266 pp., 133 F., ISBN 2 7384 4429 5

BROERS, M. Europe after Napoleon MUP, 1996 £14.99, ISBN 0 7190 4723 4

BURCH, N. and SELLIER, G. La drôle de guerre des sexes du cinéma français (1930–1956) Nathan, 1996 400 pp., no price indicated, ISBN 209 190778 2

CAWS, M. A., GREEN, M. J., HIRSCH, M. and SCHARFMAN, R.(eds) Ecritures de femmes: nouvelles cartographies Yale University Press, 1996 413 pp., £20.00, ISBN 0 300 06412 8

CHARON, J.‐M. La presse quotidienne La Découverte, 1996 126 pp., 49 F., ISBN 2 7071 2535 0

CHATEAUVALLON Pour une utopie réaliste. Autour d'Edgar Morin Arléa, 1996 228 pp., no price indicated, ISBN 2 86959 319 8

CHOINEL, A. and ROUYER, G. Le Système bancaire français PUF, 1996 127 pp., 42 F., ISBN 2 13 047826 3

COMITÉ D'HISTOIRE DU MINISTÈRE DE LA CULTURE Les Affaires culturelles au temps d'André Malraux 1959–1969 La Documentation Française, 1996 508 pp., 140 F., ISBN 2 11003674 5

CORRÉARD, M.‐H. and GRUNDY, V. (eds) The Concise Oxford‐Hachette French Dictionary Oxford University Press/Hachette Livre, 1995 1447 pp., £15.99, ISBN 0 19 864329 2

DJIAN, J.‐M. La Politique culturelle Marabout/Le Monde Éditions, 1996 282 pp., 38 F., ISBN 2 501 02451 6

DOMPNIER, N. Vichy à travers chants Nathan, 1996 160 pp., no price indicated, ISBN 2 09 177833 8

FERRET, J. Paroles d'élus, le travail politique au quotidien Erès, 1996 243 pp., 100 F, ISBN 2 86586 409 X

FISHMAN, S. Femmes de prisonniers de guerre 1940–1945 L'Harmattan, 1996 280 pp., no price indicated, ISBN 2 7384 4051 7

FREREJEAN, A. and HAYMANN, E. Les Maîtres des forges: la saga d'une dynastie lyonnaise, 1736–1886 Albin Michel, 1996 363 pp., 130 F, ISBN 2 226 08478 9

GAILLARD, J‐M. L'ENA, miroir de l'Etat: de 1945 à nos jours Editions Complexe, 1995 239 pp., no price indicated, ISBN 2 87027 563 3

GORDON, C. The Business Culture in France Butterworth‐Heinemann, 1996 172 pp., No price indicated, ISBN 0 7506 1832 9

GUINNOT, C. (préface by Pierre Rosanvallon) L'Apprentissage de la politique moderne; les élections municipales sous la monarchie de juillet L'Harmattan, 1997 326 pp., 170 F., ISBN 2 7384 5151 9

HAWKINS, R. and TOWELL, R. French Grammar and Usage Arnold, 1996 425 pp., £17.99, ISBN 0 340 59142 0

HIGGINS, L. A. New Novel, New Wave, New Politics. Fiction and the Representation of History in Postwar France University of Nebraska Press, 1996 260 pp., £38, ISBN 0 8032 2377 3

IRIGARAY, L. (translated from the French by Alison Martin) I Love to You: Sketch of a Possible Felicity in History Routledge, 1996 150 pp., £10.99, IBSN 0 415 90733 0

JONES, M. A. Foundations of French Syntax Cambridge University Press, 1996 259 pp., £17.95, ISBN 0 521 388058

JUES, J.‐P. L'emploi des jeunes en France PUF, 1996 127 pp., 45 F., ISBN 2 1304 75876

KEENOY, L., LALUYAUX, L. and STAN‐TON, G. The Babel Guide to French Fiction in Translation Boulevard, 1996 252 pp., £9.95, ISBN 1 899460 10 1

KEIGER, J. F. V. Raymond Poincaré CUP, 1997 413 pp., £60, ISBN 0 521 57387 4

LEFEBVRE, D. L'Affaire de Suez Bruno Leprince, 1996 175 pp., 98 FF., ISBN 2 909634 13 2

MAYEUR, J.‐M. and CORBIN, A. (eds) Les Immortels du Sénat 1875–1918. Les cent seize inamovibles de la Troisième République (Publications de la Sorbonne, 1995) 512 pp., 150 F., ISBN 2 85944 273 1

MERMET, G. Tendances 1996. Le nouveau consommateur Larousse, 1996 286 pp., no price indicated, ISBN 2 03 504095 7

MORRIS, A. Patrick Modiano Berg, 1996 228 pp., £14.95, ISBN 1 859730 043

NOIRIEL, G. Sur la ‘crise’ de l'histoire Belin, 1996 343 pp., no price indicated, ISBN 2 7011 1799 2

OXENHANDLER, N. Looking for Heroes in Postwar France: Albert Camus, Max Jacob, Simone Weil University Press of New England, 1996 234 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0 87451 731 1

PAPAYANIS, N. Horse‐drawn cabs and omnibuses in Paris. The idea of circulation and the business of public transit Louisiana State University Press, 1996 218 pp., £47.50, ISBN 0 8071 2043 X

PFAFF, F. Conversations with Maryse Condé University of Nebraska Press, 1996 189 pp., £32.50 hbk, ISBN 0 8032 3713 8; £14 pbk, ISBN 0 8032 8743 7

PHILPOTT, W.J. Anglo‐French Relations and Strategy on the Western Front, 1914–18 Macmillan, 1996 227 pp., £40, ISBN 0 312 12944 0

PINOL, J.‐L. Atlas historique des villes de France Hachette, 1996 318 pp., 395 F., ISBN 2 0123 5192 1

REED‐DANAHAY, D. Education and Identity in Rural France: the Politics of Schooling CUP, 1996 237 pp., £37.50, ISBN 0 521 48312 3

SARTRE, J.‐P. and LÉVY, B. (translated by Adrian van den Hoven, with an Introduction by Ronald Aronson) Hope Now. The 1980 Interviews University of Chicago Press, 1996 141 pp., £15.95, ISBN 0 226 47630 8

SAY, J.‐B. Cours d'économie politique et autres essais Flammarion, 1996 450 pp., 60 F., No ISBN available

SHERZER, D (ed.) Cinema, Colonialism, Postcolonialism. Perspectives from the French and Francophone Worlds University of Texas Press, 1996 257 pp., $20, ISBN 0 292 77703 5

SINGLY, F. De Modern Marriage and its Cost to Women, a Sociological Look at Marriage in France University of Delaware Press, 1996 246 pp., £30, ISBN 0 87413 572 9

STARR, P. Logics of Failed Revolt: French Theory after May ‘68 Stanford University Press, 1995 268 pp., no price indicated, ISBN 0 8047 2445 8

TACKETT, T. Becoming a Revolutionary. The Deputies of the French National Assembly and the Emergence of a Revolutionary Culture (1789–1790) Princeton University Press, 1996 355 pp., £29.95, ISBN 0 691 04384 1

TURCEY, V. Le Prince et ses Juges—Vers un nouveau pouvoir judiciaire Editions Plon, 1997 243 pp., 125 F., ISBN 2 259 18676 9

URFALINO, P. L'Invention de la politique culturelle La Documentation Française, 1996 361 pp., 120 F., ISBN 2 11 003600 1

WIEVIORKA, M. Commenter la France Editions de l'Aube, 1997 190 pp., 130 F., ISBN 2 87678 320 7

WOLIKOW, SERGE Le Front populaire en France Editions Complexe, 1996 320 pp., 115 F., ISBN 2 87027 628 1  相似文献   


The Mandragola is a microcosm of Machiavelli's thought. As a comedy, every detail is under Machiavelli's control, and there are no losers: private vices yield public benefits. All Machiavelli's characters are not equal in either the choice worthiness of their goals or abilities. Who is the hero of this comedy? Machiavelli's clues prompts exploring his allusions to classical and patristic sources but, most importantly, to Livy. Parallels in The Mandragola and Livy connect Nicia with the Roman founder, Brutus. In his ambitious goal, freedom from conventional shame, and consequent triumph over misfortune, Nicia emerges as exemplifying Machiavellian virtue.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(4):425-431

In 2008, Rowan Williams sparked a huge controversy in Britain by pleading for more recognition of shari'a law. The present paper aims to explore Mike Higton's suggestion that this plea actually results from Williams's defence of the Enlightenment. The paper will first show that Williams's plea for increased recognition of shari'a is in line with the Enlightenment ideal of sociability. It will subsequently show that this does not mean that Williams gives up on the importance of the secular law. Special attention will be given to the two fundamental principles behind Williams's views on shari'a and these principles will be developed with the help of Edward Schillebeeckx's view of ‘the humanum’. Finally, the paper will also indicate that Williams's two fundamental principles offer a way to better understand the biblical commandment to love one's neighbour—a view that will be developed with reference to the work of Slavoj Zizek.  相似文献   

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