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继承创新发展地方志   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地方志工作需要在理论研究、编修方法、思想观念方面进行创新。由于理论研究不深入。首届修志中产生的精品不多。在资料性与著述性的结合方面也有不足。这些都是需要改进和创新的。在新形势下。地方志还要实现由事业向产业的转化。生产者要专业化,观念要更新,要生产出精品。  相似文献   

This is an analysis of the concept of patria in the Castilian sources of the period between the twelfth and the fifteenth centuries. These texts show that, contrary to the opinion of Nieto Soria, patria did not have the same connotations as in other regions of the late medieval west. Until the fifteenth century at least, ‘country' and ‘land' were seen as largely synonymous in Hispanic thought. ‘To die for the land and for the faith' seems to have been the essential ideological justification for those fighting the Muslim enemy.  相似文献   

Re-categorizing innovation policy according to broad-based innovation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study lays the foundations for a theory of broad-based innovation and its potential role in innovation policy. The concept of broad-based innovation and its use in policy documents is discussed, followed by a discussion of the components of such innovation. This article proposes a re-categorization of modes of knowledge production in innovation activities to describe the need to more consistently consider and include different types of innovation activities in innovation policy. The study seeks to outline a novel theoretical structure that bridges a number of separate subfields in the study of innovation, providing a comprehensive treatment of the differential innovation puzzle. The study contributes by providing this novel theoretical framework for future planning and evaluation of innovation and innovation policies, systems and strategies.  相似文献   

开拓创新与时俱进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在首轮修志任务基本完成和全面启动续志工作之际,进行队伍培训具有重要意义。修志队伍的水平决定志书的质量。我们必须认真总结首轮修志的经验,这是全国规模、历时20多年,包括两万多专职人员在内的十万多专兼职人员参加的修志实践,是弥足珍贵的。实践是理论的源泉,这么广泛、丰富的实践,只要认真梳理总结,是能够产生新的理论的。我们还必须深入研究面临的新情况、新问题。续修志书主要记述我国改革开放以来这段历史,这是中国历史上发展最迅速、变化最广泛深刻的历史时期之一。只有提高修志队伍的理论素养和业务能力,才能保证续修新志的高质量。  相似文献   

Abstrakt Obdachlosigkeit, Kriminalit?t, Hunger, Krankheiten, verunreinigtes Wasser und Seuchen sind nur einige Alltagsprobleme fast einer Milliarde Slumbewohner weltweit. Unter ihnen sind zahlreiche Kinder und Jugendliche, die in den Slumgebieten scheinbar ohne Zukunftsperspektiven aufwachsen. Viele haben ihre Familie durch AIDS verloren oder sind selbst infiziert. Ohne Arbeit oder Ausbildungsplatz verbringen sie ihren Alltag auf den Stra?en der Slums. Die extremen Lebensbedingungen erh?hen das gesellschaftliche Konfliktpotenzial erheblich; nicht selten ist der Einstieg der Kinder und Jugendlichen in die Kriminalit?t die Folge. Auch in Kenia ist die Lage auf den ersten Blick trostlos: Der Staat zieht sich aus seiner Verantwortung mehr und mehr zurück, Betroffene sind sich selbst überlassen. Zu ergründen, wie die Jugendlichen selbst L?sungen für ihre Probleme suchen und welche Perspektiven sich ihnen bieten, war Ziel einer Studie von 15 Studierenden der Universit?t Trier im Jahr 2004 unter der Leitung von Dr. Johannes Michael Nebe. Im Rahmen einer mehrw?chigen Feldarbeit in verschiedenen Slumgebieten Nairobis – n?mlich in Kibera, Dandora, Korogocho, Kariobangi und Mathare – konnten die Studierenden ihr literaturbezogenes Hintergrundwissen über die Probleme in Slumgebieten praktisch vertiefen. Unterstützt von der Deutschen Stiftung für Weltbev?lkerung trafen sie vor Ort auf selbst organisierte Jugendclubs und „Community Based Organisation“ (CBOs). Letztere werden von der lokalen Bev?lkerung einer Gemeinde selbst gegründet, organisieren und verwalten sich selbst. Sie zielen dabei auf die Befriedigung von speziellen Bedürfnissen der Bev?lkerung ab. Ihre Arbeit ist nicht an Profit, sondern an der Entwicklung der Gemeinde orientiert (UN-Habitat 2004; WELTBANK 2004). Die ersten CBOs wurden Anfang der 90er Jahre gegründet.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the positioning of actors characterized by different natures in a regional innovation network and explores how these actors improve their innovation capabilities by assuming prominence or brokering positions. Innovation capability is widely seen to be the driving force in building regional competitive advantage, therefore investigating how the positioning of actors improves their innovation-related activities is relevant in terms of regional competitiveness. This paper builds on a survey conducted on the Sicilian regional area in Italy. A questionnaire was used to collect data concerning the relationships established between actors and the extent to which these relationships impact actors’ innovation capability. Results suggest that regional actors cannot be considered as a homogeneous group regarding their positioning in a regional network and that the innovation benefits of assuming different network positions depend on their nature. This paper offers some theoretical implications to the literature on regional innovation network and practical suggestions to organizations and regional policy makers.  相似文献   

There has been increased attention to the importance of knowledge in economic success. The ability of a region to develop learning capabilities has been linked to knowledge-based success. However, conflicting perspectives exist about whether and how it is possible for policies and institutions in a lagging location to foster a learning region. This article examines this debate in the context of an effort to develop a second region of innovation (outside of Atlanta) in the US state of Georgia through a learning network called the Midsize Cities Technology Development Initiative. This initiative partnered four midsized cities in Georgia with four European midsized cities to stimulate benchmarking and learning. While traditional perspectives on economic development persist, some learning and reorientation of strategy was evident in the participating US cities. In stimulating these changes, significant roles were played by outsiders in brokering interaction and imparting fresh ideas, in strengthening ties to research and innovation capabilities in the core Atlanta metropolis, and in building new local institutions. A major new state-sponsored programme (the Centers of Innovation) with local presence in each of the four cities resulted from the effort. Still, it remains to be seen how learning will continue and whether a fully fledged second region of innovation will emerge in Georgia.  相似文献   

Methods are described for modelling both the speeds and the driving forces of innovation processes, namely Critical Path Schedules and Cash Flow Curves respectively. The differences between innovations in modern industrial conditions and simpler societies are discussed, and the models applied to early innovations, but the data are too fragmentary to make quantitative models, although they can be used qualitatively to show general trends. In early societies the speeds were very slow but benefit/cost ratios very high, whereas the reverse tends to be true on average for modern innovations. Long delay times are often found in early innovation processes and these are determined by a wide variety of cultural factors. Seldom has the progress of the technology itself been on the “Critical Path” of innovation processes. The “Critical Path” and “Cash Flow” methods can also be used to study other, non-innovative, complex processes.  相似文献   

The theoretical concepts of industrial district and regional innovation system though closely related, capture different aspects of regional economic development. Given the “nestedness” of a system in other systems, one regional innovation system can support several districts. However, in some cases, districts may be considered as local innovation systems with independent innovation patterns. In fact, the socio-economic characters of industrial districts can be so specific that the region's size and institutional framework may be inadequate in fully describing their innovation processes. In the case of the Italian region of Lombardy, this “autonomous” local innovation system model proliferates.  相似文献   

The paper, based on extensive field interviews in 2009, examines regional investment policies in Russia, focusing on the Novgorod and Kaluga regions. The author, a Finland-based geographer specializing in Russia's economy, argues that some Russian regions (including the ones not well endowed with natural resources) can succeed in promoting investments despite the generally unfavorable economic environment. He also questions the ability of so-called regional "growth machines" to be sustained over the long term, by contrasting the cases of Novgorod and Kaluga, whereby Novgorod represents a region transformed from a leader in promoting investment into a corrupted autarchic regime. Kaluga, on the other hand, is presented as a successful region on the basis of an innovative but somewhat risky investment promotion strategy.  相似文献   


Representations of urban Africans in ‘black films’ have kept pace with changing apartheid policies and legislation governing the migration of Africans to South African urban centres. ‘Black films’ have gone from depicting Africans in urban centres as an undifferentiated mass to more nuanced and complex representations that reflect a changing society. However, what has remained constant in all the films discussed in this paper is the thematic preoccupation with African crime and criminality, as well as the compulsion to moralise that crime doesn't pay.  相似文献   


In a number of low-income countries the fisheries sector has been shown to be instrumental in meeting key development goals, specifically in combating malnutrition, but the crucial contribution of women within this sector has been largely overlooked. This is particularly true in Sierra Leone, despite gender featuring prominently in the country's poverty reduction strategy. This article therefore examines the history of female involvement in the sector, how this involvement was transformed by the civil war, and assesses whether the various current initiatives to support women in the post-harvest sector offer a realistic ‘pathway out of poverty’.  相似文献   

The article discusses Thomas S. Kuhn's impact on the history of science, especially in the United States of America. First, the state of the history of science in the fifties is sketched. Second, Kuhn's particular contribution to the emerging new historiography of science is presented. Third, Kuhn's role in the m‐stitutionalization of the history of science in the USA is considered. Finally, some remarks are made on the relation between Kuhn's historiographic work and his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.  相似文献   

In his carrier as physician, Sigmund Freud claimed various and surprising successes in healing patients. An evaluation of those cases in which evidence independent of Freud's publications has been discovered reveals a lifelong pattern of Freud claiming successes, patients, however, not being cured, and Freud being aware of this. The elements of this pattern are matched with the components of the legal definition of fraud.  相似文献   

The communication of new ideas is synonymous with Henry Mayer and his contribution to Australian political studies. As a teacher and communicator, Henry is the acknowledged source of the idea for numerous books and articles. As a researcher, it is the ‘new’ that has attracted him into a variety of areas. As a writer on a range of diverse topics, the presentation of new ideas and approaches has been a persistent theme. As an editor, it was always the fresh approach and the new slant that interested him most. And, as a colleague, he can be as stimulating, and as irritating, as any process of innovation and social change.  相似文献   

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