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In his series of lectures, Le pouvoir psychiatrique, Michel Foucault employs concepts from the military field of knowledge in order to analyse the founding scenes of psychiatry. I focus on three issues connected to Foucault's use of these military terms. Firstly, I examine why Foucault was reluctant to use concepts from sociology and psychology in Le pouvoir psychiatrique and how this affects the notions that he had formulated in his earlier work, Histoire de la folie. Secondly, I show how he challenges traditional understandings of the founding scenes of psychiatry by using concepts from a different field of knowledge. In doing this, he creates metaphors, and this is something that he himself had previously been critical of doing. Thirdly, I reflect upon the fact that Foucault's creative use of concepts from different disciplines and examples from different historical times can be related to episodes in his own life; I argue why it is important to supplement a structural analysis with linguistic, phenomenological and hermeneutical ones.  相似文献   


The progress of galactochemistry over the past two decades has been rapid and controversial. Using the concepts and methodologies of several disciplines, galactochemistry is concerned with the genesis and probable reactions of molecules in space, in galaxies at different stages of development and, by extension, with the prebiotic stage of a just-cooled planet. The present article reviews the current state-of-the-art and indicates probable future developments.  相似文献   


Space in literary texts has been widely studied but poorly systematized. There is no valid method of analysis that gives space a critical meaning. For instance, critics have eluded the fact that time and space cannot be considered separately. On the other hand, they have used concepts or methods from disciplines aside literature such as anthropology, biology, psychology, or geography that do not help clarify the meaning or signification of a literary text. We begin this article by giving a review of the main theoretical and critical positions regarding space in literature from the second half of the twentieth century. We do this in order to evaluate the main results those studies have attained. Later on, we propose a methodology that may clarify the significance of space in a literary text. The concept topoiesis (as far as we know, it has not been used in the humanities) represents for us a key word. It helps us to distinguish one main process where space can turn from a signification practice to the production of meaning in a literary text.  相似文献   


This paper reviews the evidence of desertification as reported in the scientific literature by ecologists, meteorologists, hydrologists, archeologists and various other disciplines. There is not as yet full agreement as to the extent and causes of this phenomenon. World wide climatic changes have been cited as causative factors, but the influence of man is still considered by most investigators as the dominant cause, possibly exacerbating cyclic climatic changes. Deserts, semi-arid and marginally productive areas vary greatly in extent and for different reasons.

Results of research and development have indicated that the enlightened intercession of man can contain and reverse this process. Sound management and conservation of existing land and water resources seem to be the basic needs and are perhaps the easiest technology to transfer to the desert farmer and nomad. The introduction of drought-hardy tree and bushes of economic value to bind drifting sand dunes and to regenerate overgrazed pastures have also proven their value. Recent research has shown the possibility for better utilization of water resources including brackish water for irrigation of agricultural crops.

Many other fields of technology are being applied to this problem, but the major focus will undoubtedly have to be on man himself and there has been some research on social organization, nomadism and sedentarization, technology transfer, population control, directions of education and a host of similar problems. Much more work will have to be channelled into this direction, however, if real progress is to be attained.  相似文献   


In the second half of the twentieth century, ethnomusicologists assembled a collection of more than 7000 field recordings of Dutch ballads. Collectively known as Onder de groene linde, these recordings are preserved at the Meertens Institute in Amsterdam. Because of its size, composition and quality of metadata, Onder de groene linde is a unique resource for studying the musical properties of folksongs. For such study, it would be essential to search and order the songs automatically, not just using the metadata, but especially their musical content. It is the aim of the WITCHCRAFT project to design and implement methods for processing the musical content of the songs. Such a project involves two disciplines, musicology and computer science, that have different goals and methodologies. Such differences can lead to unproductive tensions, but can also be exploited in order to attain new insights that could not have been attained by the separate disciplines.  相似文献   


Although academic disciplines are given to mythologising their own histories, corrective historicisation is no straightforward matter. Anachronisms are most difficult to avoid where our own tacit understandings of the world are used to help structure contexts that are themselves often unstable and indeterminate. This is often the case in attempts to relate agents and propositions to a context of pre-existing problems. Propositions and concepts that are the result of satiric reduction, or unintended consequence, disrupt narrative sequences that lead directly and neatly to present disciplinary identities.  相似文献   


Political philosophy is a discipline related to all other disciplines in a manner that prevents it from becoming autonomous but at the same time not absorbed into other disciplines. When political philosophy ceases to be itself, other disciplines rush in to take its place and thereby themselves undermine their own being.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(2):156-166

The paper argues that ideas emanating from the speculative realists can inform a new approach to public theology, one that is broadly consistent with Christian realism and opposed to that of radical orthodoxy. Linking the two disciplines through an exploration of the ethical consequences of speculative realism, it takes in particular the work of Latour, his concept of the "gathering," his distinction between matters of fact and matters of concern, and his questioning of the fact-value distinction, and through a lived example shows how the language of human and non-human offers a critique of reductionist approaches to the political.  相似文献   


The received understanding of interdisciplinarity in environmental higher education depends on constructions of the environmental agenda which tacitly privilege positivistic assumptions associated with the physical and biological sciences. If, however, we take seriously the heuristic force of the key humanities disciplines in regard to our environmental situation, precisely this privileging will be at issue. This suggests that collaboration across the full range of intellectual disciplines is needed not just to solve but to frame environmental problems. This requirement, however, may have to be met at the institutional level rather than at that of individual teachers and learners.  相似文献   


The epistemological basis of the participatory action-research (PAR) methodology in the so-called 'paradigm of complexity' is plagued with misconceptions, imprecision and significant omissions. The appropriate and contextualised translation of concepts from the natural sciences for use in the social sciences is particularly necessary in qualitative-structural and participatory-dialectic methodological trends. This paper focuses on the concepts of 'entropy', 'complexity' and 'strategic action'. Based on a general notion of complexity relating to the consideration of uncertainty, innovation and the contextualisation of systems, performance-related aspects indicative of actions implied by this paradigm may be highlighted. Thus, it is argued that the conceptualisation of operations such as 'acting in order to know' and 'act knowing/know by acting', encompassed in the notion of 'strategic invention', complement and exceed the scope of typical planning operations and even self-planning ('knowing in order to act'). In short, these definitions are coherent with an ecosystemic perspective of social and natural reality, in which it is necessary to contextualise what is more or less complex in the world, in our knowledge of the world and in our practical actions when acting in the world. Consequently, participatory action-research methodologies should adopt this complex ecosystemic epistemological perspective, and be designed through a 'strategic invention' approach, in order to clarify the concepts imported from other scientific disciplines.  相似文献   


A student-led mini-conference has been used as a means of developing employer links. The one-day conference forms part of a final-year module in the Department of Geography at Edge Hill and involves the participation of external agencies. Links with the world of work, the enhancement of student learning and the promotion of regional research are reported. It is suggested that the conference could be used successfully in a variety of subject disciplines.  相似文献   


Ecological biogeography, defined here as the ecological study of man‐managed communities, is essentially experimental: practical work therefore should play an important role in teaching this specialism. In Britain, lowland agricultural land has attracted little ecological investigation but falls within the scope of geography; characteristics of the farmland habitat combine to make it especially suitable for biogeographical field study. Field work, varying in form from day visits to projects spanning several years, may illustrate many biogeographical concepts introduced in lectures.  相似文献   


In the late nineteenth century in France, a division arose between two concepts of poetry: poetry as a distinct form of expression, and poetry as a distinct form of perception. In the former the musicality of the poem was a primary feature: in the latter the aural value of the text was relatively unimportant.  相似文献   


The idea of interdisciplinarity can be articulated in different ways. The aim of the article is to criticise the view that interdisciplinarity is to be treated as a quality of the historian's approach to his subject-matter, and to argue for a constructivist interpretation of that notion. A constructivist account of interdisciplinarity relies on the thesis that the latter is one of the manifold ways in which it is possible to give sense to the historical records of which the historian wants to gain knowledge. In the paper it is maintained that the function of the notion of interdisciplinarity is to account for the clash of languages that can be found when disciplines converge. This new paradigm is highlighted by taking into consideration the history of American pragmatism.  相似文献   


Ecosystem management (EM) is a process for addressing environmental problems. It draws on research from multiple disciplines in order to ensure long-term maintenance of socio-ecological systems. The present study evaluates the definition of interdisciplinary work among researchers involved in generating data use (EM). The goal is twofold: to generate further discussions in research supporting EM, and to better situate this research in the broader context of interdisciplinary science. Using an online questionnaire, data was collected from 119 researchers. A cluster analysis identified both distinct and shared understandings of the concept. A logistic regression analysis identified the extent to which personal characteristics and researchers’ understandings of interdisciplinary theory determine definitions of interdisciplinary work. Researchers differ on the terminology but share an understanding about what it is: both a ‘way to do research’ and a ‘way of thinking about research’. Differences between researchers suggest a growing interest in developing deeper engagements with theoretical discussions of interdisciplinarity. Results are discussed in the context of the current state of development of research for EM and its contributions to sustainability.  相似文献   


This work examines two related armour types unique to Ireland and found only on tomb effigies dating to the late medieval period. The aim of this paper is to establish how the armour may have been constructed, whether it was practical and usable compared to better-known armour types, and how it may have fitted into the Irish style of warfare. Within this work the most likely construction methods and layout of the armour have been tested by making armour segments, using modern materials, to test the ability of the armour to move at joints and rivets, while retaining its protective functions. With documentary sources these results make it possible to come to conclusions as to the armour’s use on the battlefield. The paper also aims to show the contribution that can be made to academic research with the incorporation of experiential knowledge gained from disciplines such as Combat Re-enactment and Western Martial-Arts.  相似文献   

War on the Mind     

The new biology, a formidable triad of the disciplines of biochemistry, genetics and cell biology, has given an entirely new insight into disease processes. It is forcefully argued here that this interdisciplinary approach should be applied to tropical diseases. The detailed strategy and possible engineering of a malaria vaccine, as developed at the author's Institute, are cited as an example. But finally, society must decide if the new biology is to be used for research on the diseases of the rich or the poor peoples of this planet.  相似文献   


In an earlier issue (CMAS 1 (3), 191-193), we summarized highlights from new statements of ethical practice for archaeologists produced by the Society for American Archaaeology (SAA), the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) and the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR). We now publish a note about the Society for Historical Archaeology from its President, Dr Glenn Farris. In it he draws attention to a statement of the Society's ethical position that was made in 1989.

Since our publication of the earlier note, the question has been raised as to how effective are ‘statements of ethical practice’ in governing conduct. It should be stressed that acceptance of a professional society's statement on ethics is normally a condition of membership in that society. This is the case in a large number of organizations, both national and international, in the area of archaeology, conservation and museums. There is no doubt that Codes of Ethics have a strong impact on professional conduct in these disciplines.  相似文献   

Geography's Place in Higher Education in Singapore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Despite efforts by the United Kingdom Government, the Teacher Training Agency and other organisations to address the problem of teacher shortages in geography within English schools, the subject is still failing to attract sufficient students into the profession. Whilst the impact of this has yet to be felt fully in higher education, it is only a matter of time before university geography departments may find it increasingly difficult to recruit quality students onto their undergraduate courses. By sampling three distinct populations, geography teachers, geography undergraduates and sixth formers [1] , this research presents evidence of the recruitment problem, seeks to understand its nature and suggests strategies for addressing the underlying issues.  相似文献   


Major astronautical endeavors like the Space Shuttle Program apply the current state of progress in engineering, technology and art, as well as today s sophisticated administrative, economic and pOlitical systems. This review discusses the scope of scientific and engineering disciplines involved in the design and construction of the Space Shuttle – the world's first reusable space transportation system — now approaching flight readiness. Some background material is presented describing early concepts that led to the Shuttle design — the evolution of rocketry and manned orbital vehicles. Next, Shuttle operations and capabilities are explained. Shuttle system development is used to illustrate how the diverse technological disciplines were integrated — a function that has been maturing over the year into the process of systems engineering. Some of the Shuttle's complex subsystems and challenging requirements are discussed in detail to exemplify the coordination of elements associated with systems engineering: aerodynamics, propulsion structural design, data processing and software, simulation exercises, crew training, verification testing and mission control. Future space programs are discussed, including concepts for extending Shuttle usage and capabilities, and some long-range ideas for exploiting the space frontier. (An alphabetic listing of acronyms used in this review is added as an appendix.)  相似文献   

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