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《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(2):116-135

Caddo zoomorphic effigy pendants were crafted from a wide variety of raw material, such as freshwater mussel shell, Busycon perversum (whelk) marine shell, animal bone, and various types of soft stone. They have been documented at contemporaneous Late Caddo (A.D. 1400–1700) sites along the Red River in northeast Texas, southwest Arkansas, and northwest Louisiana; the Black Bayou, Big Cypress Bayou, and upper Sabine River basins in northeast Texas; the Ouachita River in south-central Arkansas; and the Arkansas River in central Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma. This paper describes the development of a comprehensive corpus that investigates stylistic groups, differential raw material or medium utilized, and the spatial distribution of zoomorphic effigy pendants throughout the Caddo area. Results reveal north-south heterogeneity, suggesting the presence of broader traditional cultural narratives associated with a complex idea that is manifest regionally in distinct stylistic forms and linked to Caddo beliefs concerning Beneath World themes. Additionally, this stylistic and spatial analysis offers an additional dataset to further explore social, political, and economic linkages among and between contemporary Caddo groups around A.D. 1500.  相似文献   

Benson, R.B.J., Fitzgerald, E.M.G., Rich, T.H. & Vickers-Rich, P., 2013. Large freshwater plesiosaurian from the Cretaceous (Aptian) of Australia. Alcheringa 37, 1–6. ISSN 0311-5518

We report a large plesiosaurian tooth from the freshwater early–middle Aptian (Early Cretaceous) Eumeralla Formation of Victoria, Australia. This, combined with records of smaller plesiosaurian teeth with an alternative morphology, provides evidence for a multitaxic freshwater plesiosaurian assemblage. Dental and body size differences suggest ecological partitioning of sympatric freshwater plesiosaurians analogous to that in modern freshwater odontocete cetaceans. The evolutionarily plastic body plan of Plesiosauria may have facilitated niche differentiation and helped them to exclude ichthyosaurs from freshwater environments during the Mesozoic. However, confirmation of this hypothesis requires the discovery of more complete remains.

Roger B.J. Benson [roger.benson@earth.ox.ac.uk], Department of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3AN, UK; Erich M.G. Fitzgerald [efitzgerald@museum.vic.gov.au], Thomas H. Rich [trich@museum.vic.gov.au], Museum Victoria, GPO Box 666, Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia; Thomas H. Rich and Patricia Vickers-Rich [pat.rich@monash.edu], School of Geosciences, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3800, Australia. Received 30.10.2012; revised 27.1.2013; accepted 31.1.2013.  相似文献   

Diatom and dinoflagellate cyst analysis of a 77 cm long sediment core from Cowan Creek, Hawkesbury River estuary, N.S.W., revealed changes in the catchment hydrology over the last 266 years. High abundances of the freshwater/brackish diatom genus Cyclotella at the base of the core imply sustained periods of reduced salinity that now no longer occur. Reduction of freshwater flow after approximately circa 1800 (60 cm) has allowed the development of marine planktonic diatoms Thalassiosira spp.,Ditylum brightwellii, Rhizosolenia setigera, Pseudo-nitzschia pungens and Chaetoceros spp. Benthic diatom diversity has remained relatively unchanged. The toxic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum, although identified in a cyst survey in April 1995, was not found in the sediment cores. Changes in dinoflagellate assemblage are consistent with the effects of increasing urbanisation and eutrophication.  相似文献   


In 1819, when the French corvette L'Uranie anchored off Apra Harbor in the Micronesian Island of Guam, its captain Louis Claude de Freycinet was told of the former use there of stone fish-weirs. This reference has long puzzled archaeologists and historians who assumed Freycinet was misinformed or such features were no longer in existence, given the frequent typhoons that affect the region. Recent archaeological surveys of Apra Harbor tidal flats, however, have identified low-walled coral enclosures at the mouth of two freshwater estuaries. At first. these were hypothesised to have been built to foster shellfish production under the Japanese occupation of Guam during World War II. However, controlled excavation of small sites adjacent to one of these complexes yielded late Latte Period pottery and wood charcoal radiocarbon dated to AD 1645–1725. This historic timeframe is within the plausible memory of the oldest generation of Freycinet's informants. These archaeological findings, combined with interviews, research of historical accounts and ethnographic comparisons of fishing practices in Micronesia and further afield suggest that Chamorro fishermen may have used the weirs to feed local populations and visiting sailors during the seasonal arrival of the Manila galleons for a long period after Ferdinand Magellan's visit in 1521. This conclusion has practical and contemporary implications for Chamorro today.  相似文献   


Archaeological mussel shell rarely has been employed beyond paleodietary analysis in eastern North America, and most published work is site-specific in nature. Broad-scale syntheses of data on freshwater mussel shells are needed to realize the research potential of this common archaeological material. Such syntheses should also reveal gaps in our knowledge and perhaps illuminate reasons for why such gaps exist. In this paper, data on freshwater mussel shells from sites in Mississippi are gathered, and broad patterns in temporal and spatial distributions as well as site structure are discussed. The spatial data clearly suffer from survey, recovery, analytical and reporting biases, while data on temporal trends and site structure are lacking or are available at only gross levels. Given that shell data can be used in a number of research areas (e.g., biogeography, paleoenvironment, chemical sourcing, measurement of environmental disturbance), such unsystematic treatment of shell remains is unwarranted and should be corrected.  相似文献   

Uncertainties regarding the magnitude of freshwater radiocarbon reservoir effects can introduce random errors into dates on archaeological freshwater carbonates. As a result, many archaeologists avoid dating freshwater shells unless no other datable materials are available. The chronology of prehistoric occupation of the former Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 (NPR-1) at Elk Hills, Kern County, has been established with 50 radiocarbon dates on freshwater mussels (Gonidea and Anodonta sp.). Characterization of any freshwater radiocarbon reservoir effect is crucial for the accurate interpretation of inferred settlement and subsistence changes on the Elk Hills. Paired charcoal and freshwater mussels sampled from closely associated contexts were dated to identify a freshwater reservoir effect. Paired Anodonta and Gonidea sp. shells were dated to investigate interspecific differences in fractionation. Results indicate that a 340 ± 20 14C yr correction should be applied to conventional 14C dates on freshwater carbonates in the Buena Vista Basin before calendar calibration. Evidence of interspecific differences is inconclusive. Dates recalibrated with the reservoir correction indicate that widespread occupation of the Elk Hills is correlated with increasing precipitation towards the end of the Medieval Climatic Anomaly and during the Little Ice Age, suggesting that slough resource exploitation may have been driven by regional population pressure rather than drought-related declines in aquatic productivity.  相似文献   


Diameter measurements of bast fibres from cloth and string with a hoard of bronze age metalwork found in St Andrews, were different from those of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) but comparable with those of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) leading to the suggestion that hemp was used as a textile fibre in Britain much earlier than has been thought.  相似文献   

Offshore fresh or brackish groundwater has been observed around the globe and represents an interesting but unusual freshwater reserve. Formation waters in sedimentary basins evolve at geological time through fluid–rock interactions and water movements in aquifers. However, the mechanism and timing of freshwater displacing and mixing with pre‐existing formation water offshore under the seafloor has not been investigated in many cases. The growing need for developing freshwater resources in deeper parts of sedimentary basins that have not been economic or technically feasible in the past, may potentially lead to an increasing conflict with petroleum production or injection of carbon dioxide. For being able to assess and mitigate possible impacts of fluid production or injection on groundwater flow and quality, a better understanding of the natural history of the interaction between fresh meteoric water and deep basin formation water is necessary. A low‐salinity wedge of meteoric origin with less than 5000 ppm currently extends to about 20 km offshore in the confined Latrobe aquifer in the Gippsland Basin (Australia). The Latrobe aquifer is a freshwater resource in the onshore, hosts major petroleum reservoirs and has been considered for carbon dioxide storage in the offshore parts of the basin. The objective of this study is to constrain the evolution of formation water in the Latrobe aquifer by investigating the water naturally trapped in fluid inclusions during burial. The measured palaeo‐salinities from onshore and offshore rock samples have a minimum of about 12 500 ppm (NaCl equivalent) and a maximum of about 50 000 ppm. Most of the salinities are in the 32 000–35 000 ppm range. There is no evidence for freshwater in fluid inclusions and the variation in palaeo‐salinity across the basin is consistent with the palaeogeography of deposition of the sedimentary rocks. The current low‐salinity water wedge must have started to form recently after most of the diagenetic processes that led to the trapping of water in fluid inclusions happened. The minimum homogenisation temperatures (Th) recorded are consistent with current formation temperature. However, they are generally higher than present day suggesting that hotter temperatures were attained in the past. The Th and salinity data together suggest that the fluid inclusions record the diagenetic modification of connate water to higher salinities over a time period that was accompanied by an increase in temperature, consistent with a westward palaeo‐fluid flow from the deeper part of the basin through the aquifer. Subsequent pore‐water evolution from palaeo‐ to current day conditions is consistent with an influx of fresher and cooler meteoric water into the Latrobe Group. The meteoric recharge originates from the area of the Baragwanath anticline in the onshore part of the basin where the Latrobe Group subcrops at high elevations.  相似文献   


A recurrent topic in ethnographic, historical and archaeological research has been the origins of Sámi reindeer pastoralism. The article discusses how prevailing theories have been influenced by general conceptual schemes, apriori constructed models and an extensive use of taxonomies. The debate has centered around how and when domestication took place, presupposing a paradigmatic change from hunting to pastoralism. However, there has probably never been an abrupt change; hunting and herding have both been parts of a multifaceted adaption existing up to the nineteenth century. What did change was the social organization of herding when a pastoral economy became the norm at that time. Such a change also had qualitative consequences in terms of new values and economic strategies.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Aldeghi, I., et al., Vécu et devenir des chômeurs de longue durée (La Documentation Française, 1992), 123pp., 100F., ISBN 2 11 002644 8

Baker, K.M., Inventing the French Revolution (Cambridge University Press, 1990), 372pp., £32.50 hbk., £11.95 pbk., ISBN 0 521 34618 5 and 0 521 38578 4

Blancquart, M.‐C., and Cahne, P., Littérature française du XXe (PUF, 1992), 564pp., ISBN 2 130 44810 0

Brunet, P., ed., France et Grande‐Bretagne rurales. Rural France and Great Britain (Centre de Recherches sur l'Evolution de la Vie Rurale, Université de Caen, 1991), 510pp., 180F., ISBN 2 905 46162 4

Caune, J., La Culture en action. De Vilar à Lang: le sens perdu (Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 1992), 368pp., 130F.

Coleman, J., and Parker, G., French and the Enterprise Path (AFLS‐CILT, 1992), 200pp., £8.95

Collot, S., Les Lieux de désir: topologie amoureuse de Zola (Hachette Université, 1992), 192pp., 150F., ‘Recherches Littéraires’ Collection, ISBN 2 010 18816 0

Coutel, C., ed., La République et l'école; une anthologie (Presses‐Pocket, 1992), 288pp., ISBN 2 266 04474 5

Crosland, M., Science under control: the French Academy of Sciences, 1795–1914 (Cambridge University Press, 1992), 454pp., £60.00, ISBN 0 521 41373 7

David, M., Le Printemps de la Fraternité: genèse et vicissitudes, 1830–1851 (Aubier, 1992), 396pp., 180F., ISBN 2 700 72237 X

Debray, R., Vie et mort de l'image (Gallimard, 1992), 140F., 412pp., ISBN 2 070 72816 1

Drieu la Rochelle, P., Journal 1939–1945 (Gallimard, 1992), 521pp., 140F., ISBN 2 070 72307 0

Durand, J.‐D. et al., Cent ans de catholicisme social à Lyon et en Rhône‐Alpes. Actes du Colloque de Lyon, 18–19 janvier 1991 (Les Editions Ouvrières, 1992), 566pp., 170F., ISBN 2 708 22954 0

Estienne, P., Les régions françaises (Masson, 1991), 2 vols, 264pp., 272pp., 180F., 190F., ISBN 2 225 82509 2, 2 225 82590 4 respectively

Fougeyrollas, P., L'Attraction du futur: un essai sur la signification du présent (Méridiens Klincksieck), 274pp., 140F., ISBN 2 865 63299 7

Gaillac, H., Les Maisons de correction 1830–1945 (Editions Cujas, 1991), 464pp., 120F., ISBN 2 254 92404 X

Genet‐Delacroix, M.‐C., Art et Etat sous la IIIe République. Le Système des Beaux‐Arts 1870 (Publications de la Sorbonne, 1992), lviii+433pp., 190F., ISBN 2 859 44219 7

Hagège, C., Le Souffle de la Langue (Odile Jacob, 1992), 286pp.+9pp. of maps, 130F., ISBN 2 738 10182 8

Hancock, M.D. et al., Politics in Western Europe (Macmillan, 1993), 526pp., £14.99, ISBN 0 000 00000 0

Hardman, J., Louis XVI (Yale University Press, 1993), 264pp., £25.00, ISBN 0 300 05719 9

Hargreaves, A.G., Voices from the North African immigrant community in France. Immigration and identity in Bear fiction (Berg, 1991), 175pp., £29.50, ISBN 0 854 96649 8

Harpaz, E., Benjamin Constant et Madame Récamier (lettres 1807–1830) (Honoré Champion, 1992), 362pp., 140F., ISBN 2 852 03706 8

Hudson, J., and Tosser, N., Business French (Made Simple, 1992), 426pp., £8.95, ISBN 0 730 60299 6

Jones, H.S., The French State in Question. Public Law and Political Argument in the Third Republic (CUP, 1993), 231pp., £30., ISBN 2 521 43149 2

Kolebka, G., Dépressions sur une partie de la France (Seghers, 1991), 164pp., 100F., ISBN 2 232 10341 2

Lagrée, M., and Roche, J., Tombes de mémoire: le dévotion populaire aux victimes de la Révolution dans l'Ouest (Rennes Apogée, 1993), 148pp., 125F., ISBN 2 909 27512 4

Lefebvre, D., Guy Mollet: Le mal aimé (Plon, 1992), 545pp., 149F., ISBN Z 259 02465 3

Lemalet, M., Lettres d'Algérie, 1954–1962: La guerre des appelés, la mémoire d'une génération (Jean‐Claude Lattès, 1992), 360pp., 139F., ISBN 2 709 61145 7

Lyotard, J.‐F., The inhuman (Polity Press, 1991), 216pp., £35, ISBN 0 745 69772 1

Michel, P., and Nivet, J.‐F., Octave Mirbeau; l'imprécateur au c?ur fidèle (Librarie Séguier, 1990), 1019pp., ISBN 2 877 36162 4

Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle, Le Tourisme Social et Familial (La Documentation Française, 1992), 333pp., 180F., ISBN 9 782 11002757 3

Oriol, P., Les immigrés devant les urnes: le droit de vote des étrangers (CIEMI/L'Harmattan, 1992), 223pp., 120F., ISBN 2 738 41246 7

Remond, R., et al., Paul Touvier et l'Eglise. Rapport de la Commission historique instituée par le cardinal Decourtray (Fayard, 1992), 418pp., 130F., ISBN 2 213 02880 X

Richardot, J.‐P., Le peuple protestant français aujourd'hui (Laffont, 1992), 388pp., ISBN 2 221 07364 9

Sainteny, G., Les Verts (PUF, 1991), 127pp., ISBN 2 130 44491 1

Sainte‐Beuve, C.‐A., La Vie des lettres (Hermann, 1992), 4 vols. I: Moyen‐#afAge et Renaissance, 184pp., ISBN 2 705 66176 X; II: Le Siècle de Versailles, 240pp., ISBN 2 705 66177 8; III: Les Lumières et les salons, 192pp., ISBN 2 705 66178 6; IV: Le Siècle du progrès, 212pp., ISBN 2 705 66179 4, 60F. each.

Scientrier, P., Tester et enrichir ses connaissances en littérature (Marabout, 1992), 287pp., ISBN 2 501 01757 9

Scriven, M., and Wagstaff, P., eds., War and society in twentieth‐century France (Berg, 1991), xii+304pp., ISBN 0 854 96292 1

Servent, P., Le Mythe Pétain. Verdun ou les tranchées de la mémoire (Editions Payot, 1992), 283pp., 120F., ISBN 2 228 88500 2

Sowerwine, C., and Magnien, C., Madeleine Pelletier, une féministe dans l'arène politique (Editions Ouvrières, 1992), 250pp., 125F., ISBN 2 708 22960 5

Stanley, J.L., ed., From Georges Sorel, vol. 2: Hermeneutics and the Sciences, translated by John and Charlotte Stanley. (New Brunswick and London, Transaction Books, 1990), 219pp., ISBN 0 887 38304 1  相似文献   


In this issue of Norwegian Archaeological Review the article Hein 33 ‐ En steinalderboplass på Hardangervidda. Fors?k på kronologisk og kulturell analyse by Svein Indrelid (1973) has been chosen for discussion. The research into the Norwegian Stone Age has always been dependent on the results obtained by studies of the South Scandinavian material. Indrelid's main goal has been to free himself from this dependence when trying to establish local southwest Norwegian chronology. This new approach has given important results also for the understanding of the South Scandinavian Stone Age.

Comments by Egil Bakka, Carl Cullberg, Arne B. Johansen, and Egil Mikkelsen are followed by a reply from Svein Indrelid.  相似文献   


This essay presents a brief introduction to and an edition of Nicholas of Ockham’s Leccio at Oxford, which begins with the biblical verse, O altitudo diviciarum sapiencie et sciencie Dei (Romans 11. 33). This leccio may have been Nicholas’s inaugural sermon as a Master of Theology at Oxford and therefore dates to 1286. Whatever the precise genre of Nicholas’s leccio, the text is also important because much of it copies entire sections of St Bonaventure’s (d. 1274) Collationes in Hexaëmeron. Nicholas’s text is therefore a witness to Oxford University practices of the late thirteenth-century and to the late thirteenth-century reception of Bonaventure.  相似文献   


The site of Nydam Mose saw the beginning of systematic research into in situ preservation of waterlogged archaeological sites on land at the National Museum of Denmark. In the past fifteen years a generic approach to in situ preservation of archaeological sites has been developed based on this research. This article is primarily a review of this generic approach, summarizing the methods and results with particular reference to the published results from the investigations in Nydam Mose.  相似文献   

《War & society》2013,32(1):37-51

Australia has been re-echoing the alarm of Britain at finding herself out-Dreadnoughted by Germany, while Patriots … have waved cheques at club dinners … and Lord Mayors have intervened to save Great Britain.

Bulletin, 1 April 1909  相似文献   


Generally, two main opinions have been maintained concerning the age of the markets in northern Fenno‐Scandinavia: One asserting that the markets have their origins well before A.D. 1600, and possibly are dating from the Middle Ages; and the other suggesting that the markets may be constructions of the 18th century. The majority of studies relevant to the question of the markets have, however, been confined within strict geographical limits. Few efforts have been made to view the markets in a broader context, comprising the totality of the trade relations of northern Fenno‐Scandinavia. While giving the written evidence a critical and chronological sifting, the author of this paper stresses this perspective on the markets, as instruments of mediation between what is conceived as the three great trade systems embracing the northern part of Fenno‐Scandinavia.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Advielle, V., Histoire de Gracchus Babeuf et du babouvisme (2 vols) (Editions de CTHS, 1990) 322, 264pp., 100F. per volume, ISBN 2 7355 0205 8 and 2 7355 0206 6

Ageron, C.‐R. and Michel, M., eds., L'Afrique noire française: l'heure des Indépendances (CNRS Editions, 1992), 729pp., 360F., ISBN 2 222 04712 9

Aldridge, M. and Hewitt, N., eds., Controlling broadcasting. Access policy and practice in North America and Europe (Manchester University Press, 1994), xvi+264pp., £41

Ben Jelloun, T., L'Homme rompu (Seuil, 1994), 223pp., 95F.

Buller, H. and Hoggart, K., International counterurbanization. British migrants in rural France (Aldershot, Avebury, 1994), 144pp., ISBN 1 85628 508 1

Buton, P., Les Lendemains qui déchantent. Le Parti Communiste Français a la Liberation (Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, 1993), 345pp., 180F., ISBN 2 7246 0636 1

Cayrol, R., Le Grand malentendu (Seuil, 1994), 186pp., 110F., ISBN 2 02 021064 9

Chateaubriand, Grands écrits politiques, ed. J.‐P. Clement, Imprimerie Nationale, 1993, 2 vols, 796pp., (170F. each), ISBN 2 081264 8

Coffineau, M., Les lois Auroux, dix ans après (La Documentation Française, 1993), 181pp., 95F., ISBN 2 11 002980 3

Conte, A., L'Epopée coloniale de la France (Pion, 1992), 545pp., 145F., ISBN 2 259 02536 6

Coward, D., ed., Pagnol: La gloire de mon père; Le château de ma mère (Grant and Cutler, 1992), 96pp., £4.50, ISBN 0 7293 0347 0

Deligeorges, S. and Deschamps, J., Lyon (Hazan, 1993), 200pp., 245F., ISBN 2 8025 339 1

Dobson, A., Jean‐Paul Sartre and the Politics of Reason: A Theory of History (CUP, 1993), xii+199pp., £30.00

Fallaize, E., French Women's Writing: Recent Fiction (Macmillan, 1993), 182pp., £35 hbk, ISBN 0 333 49004 5 and £11.99 pbk, ISBN 0 333 49005 3

Gervereau, L. and Prochasson, C., L'Affaire Dreyfus et le tournant du siècle (1894–1910) (BDIC, 1994), 287pp., 600 illustrations, 285F., ISBN 2 901658 26 1

Gratton, J., and Le Juez, B., Modern French short fiction (Manchester University Press, 1994), 204pp., £29.99 hbk, ISBN 0 7190 4210 0 and £7.99 pbk, ISBN 0 7190 4211 9

Groux, G., and Lévy, C., La possession ouvrière: du taudis à la propriété (XIXe‐XXe siècle) (Editions Ouvrières, 1993), 247pp., 140F., ISBN 2 7082 3019 0

Günther, R., Duras: ‘Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein’ and ‘L'Amant’ (Grant &; Cutler, 1993), 87pp., £4.50, Critical Guides to French Texts, 99, ISBN 84 599 3330 X

Haegel, F., Un Maire à Paris: Mise en seine d'un nouveau rôle politique (Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, 1994), 261pp., 200F.

Harvey, R., Search for a Father: Sartre, Paternity and the Question of Ethics (University of Michigan Press, 1991), 217pp., $36.50 hbk

Hirschhorn, M., L'ère des enseignants (PUF, 1993), 301pp., 168F., ISBN 2 13 045336 8

Kettle, M., De Gaulle and Algeria, 1940–1960 (Quartet, 1993), 666pp., £45, ISBN 0 7043 7023 9

Le Pors, A., Pendent la mue, le serpent est aveugle (Albin Michel, 1993), 264pp., 98F., ISBN 2 226 06735 3

Lewis, G., The French Revolution. Rethinking the Debate (Routledge, 1993), 131pp., £5.99

Michel, M., L'aménagement régional en France. Du territoire aux territoires (Masson, 1994), 236pp., 125F., ISBN 2 225 84417 8

Nicault, C., La France et le sionisme 1897–1948 (Calmann‐Lévy, 1992), 319pp., 160F., ISBN 2 7021 1962 X

The Oxford‐Hachette French Dictionary (Oxford University Press, 1994), 2016pp., £19.95, ISBN 0 19 864195 8

Rebérioux, M., and Candar, G., eds., Jaurès et les intellectuels (Editions de l'Atelier/Editions Ouvrières, 1994), 326pp., 150F.

Richardson, M., Georges Bataille (Routledge, 1994), 148pp., £11.99., ISBN 0 415 09842 4. Georges Bataille. The Absence of Myth. Writings on Surrealism, translated and introduced by Michael Richardson (Verso, 1994), 211pp., £18.95, ISBN 0 86091 419 4

Rigoulet, P., Les Enfants de l'épuration (Plon, 1993), 533pp., 145F., ISBN 2 259 02467 X

Schmidt, N., Victor Schoelcher et l'abolition de l'esclavage (Fayard, 1994), 440pp., 150F.

Schneidermann, D., Arrêts sur images (Fayard, 1994), 240pp., 89F.

Stone, A., The Birth of Judicial Politics in France: the Constitutional Council in Comparative Perspective (Oxford University Press, 1992), 312pp., £35, ISBN 0 19 507034 8

Trochet, J.‐R., Aux origines de la France rurale: outils, pays et paysages (CNRS, 1993), 168pp., 220F, ISBN 2 271 05097 9

Varda, A., Varda par Agnès (Cahiers du Cinéma, 1994), 286pp., 250F., ISBN 286642 145 0

Villa, P., Une analyse macro‐économique de la France au XXe siècle (CNRS Editions, 1994), 409pp., 380F.

Windebank, J., The Informal Economy in France (Avebury, 1991), 244pp., £32.50, ISBN 1 85628 191 4  相似文献   


The author reviews over a decade of science and the arts programming he and his colleagues have produced and disseminated. The programs have been supported by the National Science Foundation, the American Physical Society, the Graduate Center of the City University of New York and various foundations and corporations. The author gives detailed examples of using science and the arts to reach the public and students with respect to programming related to the play Copenhagen, the opera Doctor Atomic, the Science & the Arts Series, a major international conference on Communicating Science to the Public, and many other outreach efforts.  相似文献   


This paper is a comparison between two books, each dealing with the history of a different rural community in Northern Norway. These are Fjordfolket i Kvænangen and Balsfjorden og Malangens historie (Volume 1) written by the social anthropologist Ivar Bjørklund and the historian Anders Ole Hauglid respectively. In this comparison, two main points are emphasized: (1) To what extent can knowledge about ethnic processes of categorization, which has been acquired through contemporary research in the social sciences, be of use in the writing of the history of minorities? (2) Should the history of a minority only be a history of ethnic relations'?  相似文献   

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