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This article examines the attempts by the Dundee jute industryto recruit women workers in the years circa 1945–1954.It locates its discussion of these attempts in the literatureon the impact of the Second World War on the participation ofwomen in the British labour market more generally, and the forcesdetermining that participation. It stresses the peculiaritiesof jute as a traditional major employer of women operating invery specific market conditions, but suggests that this casestudy throws light on the broader argument about the impactof war and early post-war conditions on women's participationin paid work.  相似文献   

达力扎布教授《明代漠南蒙古历史研究》已由内蒙古化出版社出版。这是近年来我国蒙古史研究方面取得的新成果。它的问世,不仅将明代蒙古史的研究引向深入,而且通过此书也可以使我们结识这位优秀的学人。  相似文献   

赵展 《满族研究》2005,(1):40-41
中国民族村寨调查丛书已由云南大学出版社陆续出版了。这套丛书的出版为民族研究工作提供了崭新的调查资料,更有利于民族部门了解民族的社会现状和发展趋势,以便制定相应的民族政策,使中国的民族工作更上一层楼,走在世界的前列。  相似文献   

The Lion Salt Works are the last standing buildings of the open-pan salt industry that dominated the mid-Cheshire valleys of the rivers Weaver and Wheelock in North-West England. The site had been in the hands of the Thompson family from 1856, when the first works the Alliance Salt Works began. The Lion Salt Works occupied an adjacent land plot and ran from 1894 until their closure in 1986. The site opened with a small museum, but despite the continued campaigning of the Lion Salt Works Trust over the next 25 years the majority of the buildings remained in a dilapidated state. The site was closed between 2009 and 2015 as the buildings were restored and reopened as a museum, conference facilities and café as part of a project funded by a combination of the Heritage Lottery Fund, Cheshire West and Chester Council, Manage+, WREN and Historic England. Archaeological and historical research was conducted as part of the project. This paper describes the results of this research, detailing how salt was made at the site, the development of salt-making in Cheshire, the archaeology uncovered on site and the Thompson family business. It finally concludes by examining the Lion Salt Works place in a wider landscape of the Cheshire salt industry and the chemical industry in North-West England.  相似文献   

在姚绶存世及见于著录的作品中,存在着若干需要解决的问题。笔者通过对其中几件作品的考证、分析,得出结论,认为姚绶《行书诗笺》是从钱选《浮玉山居图》卷中散佚出去的一段题跋,《吴山归老图》卷是后人拼配之作。此外,本文还通过对姚绶生平部分内容的考察,确定了3件见于著录的姚绶作品为伪迹。  相似文献   

以朝鲜殖民地时期华侨制造业中最具代表性的铸造业作为研究对象,对华侨铸造工厂诞生的背景、同乡网络及其生产体制进行了阐述;分析了华侨制造业在朝鲜烧锅制造领域里取得垄断性地位的原因,一是华侨铸造工厂里中国劳动者较低的工资及技术开发的进行;二是全国的华侨铸造工厂形成了以河北省交河县为中心的同乡网络并进行协力合作。中日战争爆发后,日本政府谋求战时经济的强化,朝鲜总督府也加强了战时统治经济,生铁原料的配给发生困难,华侨铸造工厂因而纷纷倒闭,走向衰退。  相似文献   

本文从战争防御和聚落形态角度讨论防御设施的军事和社会意义。环壕设施在聚落的基本防御单位中是最好的防御体系。另一方面 ,社会集国不断的扩张和防御体系逐渐复杂化 ,方形或长方形城址就是在这种背景下出现的。  相似文献   

彭晓静 《丝绸之路》2010,(14):27-29
《青史》一向被推崇为研究藏族史的翔实材料,是史册类、教法类著作二者结合的代表作之一,代表着文献创作的进步趋势。本文以阐述《青史》的史学价值为主旨,分析了作者著书的社会背景与叙事风格;与史学名著《贤者喜宴》中有关噶举派的记载作了对比研究,从历史学角度解析了《青史》的史料价值及其在藏族史学著作中的重要地位。  相似文献   

20世纪的中国村落研究--一个以著作为线索的讨论   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文所谓的村落,通常指农村的社区、聚落或者地方,是相对于城市社区的特定生活空间。它是农村广阔地域上和历史渐变中的一种实际存在的最稳定的时空坐落,作为紧密联系的小群体,它也是在内部互动中构成的一个个有活力的传承文化和发挥功能的社会有机体。在过去一个世纪的发展进程中,  相似文献   

博物馆工作必须由封闭型向开放型转变,这是由博物馆的基本职能决定的,也是客观形势发展的需要。我国博物馆工作目前还处在由封闭型或半封闭型向开放型的转变阶段。博物馆工作者要进一步更新观念,加速这一转变过程。  相似文献   

屈原和沈从文两位文学大家生活于不同时代的同一片蓝天下,楚地的自然环境因素必然投影到他们的文学创作中。本文从两位作家的作品中找出一些典型的、共同的生态环境因素,以探寻楚文化中特有的民族生态原型寓意。  相似文献   

Since the coming to power in 1973 of the military dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet, neoliberalism in Chile has been discursively tied to the goal of “modernizing” Chilean society. This discourse of modernization has relied for its articulation upon another important discourse, that of “cleanliness” as a marker of progress: clean spaces are seen as those of modernity whereas dirty spaces are taken to represent social and economic “backwardness”. In this paper, then, we explore how spaces which are considered emblematic of the modern economy—shopping malls, giant office complexes, university campuses—are maintained as clean spaces. However, in order for the discourse of cleanliness as modernity to work, it is crucial that the corridors of mobility—train routes, subways, city streets—which allow passage between these nodes of the modern economy also be maintained as sanitary spaces. The result is the construction discursively of an almost seamless nexus of hygienic spaces, one which stands in contrast to the dirty spaces of the “other” Chile. The paradox in all of this, however, is that the workers who are crucial to this project—janitors—have suffered greatly as a result of neoliberalism.  相似文献   

在罗尔纲先生诞辰110周年之际,中国社会科学院批准出版《罗尔纲全集》。这是学术界盼望许久的事,也是我国学术文化宝库建设中十分有意义的事。罗尔纲先生生于1901年1月,卒于1997年5月,终年97岁。生前是中国社会科学院近代史  相似文献   

目前,关于祝允明著述的考辨还存在以下问题:一、著述实同名异或者内容存在交叠、包含问题,需要说明;二、部分著述归属问题有待商榷;三、著述考辨的完整性问题,就某单个考证结果而言,仍存在或误增或遗漏等问题.本文拟就以上问题作一些修正和补充,以对祝氏著述作一个整体的考辨.  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of the Hemerdon China Clay Works, 6 miles north-east of Plymouth (Devon), active from c.1860 to 1942. Based on research commissioned in advance of an extension to Headon West Quarry, it describes the development of the clay works and the methods of clay extraction and processing. Archaeological survey recorded a broad range of structures, features, earthworks and artefacts. They included the remains of an engine house of c.1907, two large masonry bases (probably associated with the flat rod system that transferred power from the engine) and a rocker beam. The article also describes a group of mica drags and settling tanks built c.1907. Combining this evidence with that gleaned from documentary sources, notably the large-scale Ordnance Survey mapping, an exceptionally detailed narrative has been constructed of the work's development through time. It has a relevance beyond the particular, and will help the future interpretation and management of the china clay extraction sites that are so characteristic of the region.  相似文献   


Opportunities to make first-hand records of industry should be grasped whole-heartedly by archaeologists. By taking a saddlery manufacturer in Walsall as an example, this article outlines some of the benefits of documenting working practices. It emphasizes that a first-hand knowledge of manufacturing techniques can assist archaeological interpretation, and shows that processes rarely proceed in a 'text book' manner, usually allowing for empirical adaptations. Process recording can also be used as a critical tool in the understanding of archaeological sites where the techniques employed are now extinct. The article concludes by considering two accounts of the iron trade written in the 18th century, which are compared with the results of process recording in the 20th to offer new insights into industrial archaeology as the archaeology of work.  相似文献   

赵永刚 《古籍整理研究学刊》2009,(2):94-96,F0003,42
卞孝萱、胡阿祥主编的《国学四十讲》,收录国学门类四十种,由国内老中青学者分别撰述。该书推源溯流,正名国学;拓其堂庑,宏收博取;重在实用,指示门径。是迄今为止最全面、最系统的国学著作,也是嘉惠学林、功在千秋的巨著。  相似文献   

陈晓亮 《东南文化》2016,(6):95-101
中国近代始有机制币,铸造机制币的核心技术部件是铸币模具,包括祖模(亦称原模、母模)及工作模。由于多种原因,铸币模具存世量稀少,历来为研究者所重视。南京博物院藏有十八件近代铸币钢模,是目前已知世界范围收藏中数量最大的,为研究中国近代经济、货币史提供了重要的资料。  相似文献   

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