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Major Mineral ResourcesMajorMineralResources¥//Largechromiumreservesofhighquality,whicharescatteredinthreelocationsandaccount...  相似文献   

Tapping of Mineral Resources in TibetTappingofMineralResourcesinTibet¥byGelal;ZhangShuminandXiLiSincethepeacefulliberationofT...  相似文献   

Two Norwegian researchers examine the forces alternatively driving and hindering offshore hydrocarbon development in the Russian sector of the Barents Sea. The paper describes exploration activities beginning during the Soviet period and extending to the present, the status of the major development projects financed in part with foreign capital, and conflicting regional and central government interests involved in such development. Coverage includes the emergence of Rosshelf, an oil/gas conglomerate formed to facilitate defense conversion activities of major naval shipyards. Critical to analysis of the projects' potential is assessment of alternative gas supplies and energy development strategies. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: O13, Q40, R10. 3 figures, 1 table, 63 references.  相似文献   

The media team on the 2004 Deep Gulf Wrecks mission fulfilled three video-related functions: documentation, preservation, and outreach. Instead of looking at the media team as witnesses to the scientific events or as video tourists, the mission leadership integrated the video, backup, and Internet work into the scientific process carried out in the Gulf of Mexico. While not the first time this kind of cooperation has occurred in deep sea exploration work, the extent of media-scientific collaboration was exceptional in an age of soundbites and formulaic scientific filmmaking. The key strategic and technical lessons learned from the mission are summarized.  相似文献   

民俗旅游资源深度开发刍议   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
民俗旅游资源是具有强大吸引力的旅游产品,善于开发、综合性开发,才能发挥其历史功能、教化功能、娱乐功能。  相似文献   


The authors review expected water requirements within the Volga-Caspian basin for industry, agriculture, fisheries and municipal uses and plans for the diversion of the streams of northern European Russia to the south to support the level of the Caspian Sea. They suggest that the diversion of part of the flow of the northern streams and isolation of the natural evaporation basin of the Kara-Bogaz-Gol will be sufficient to maintain the Caspian Sea level at ?28 meters. Previous articles on the Caspian problem appeared in Soviet Geography, September 1961, January 1962, and June 1963.  相似文献   

"金马碧鸡"是我国西南地区重要的地方传说。关于"金马碧鸡"传说的由来,以往研究者提出的自然现象说、矿产说虽有合理之处,但忽略了地理环境和西汉社会动因对该传说的塑造作用,未能解析这一传说的形成轨迹。笔者从多维贯通的视角出发,研究认为:云南大姚一带山区的云象奇观和丰富的铜、碧矿藏资源是该传说生成的基础,在西汉"崇祥重祀"的社会背景下,望气之术则成为贯通二者的思想纽带,并将之解释为一种"金碧其质、鸡马其形",代表金玉之气的祥瑞吉兆。  相似文献   

The Dead Sea     

The Dead Sea     


The US Middle Atlantic region, known for its rich archaeological record and diverse topographic settings, is experiencing a range of climate change impacts, most notably: sea level rise and coastal erosion in its tidal zones. Documented palaeostratigraphic and palynological studies throughout the region provide a record of late Pleistocene/Holocene environmental response to changing climate, confirming observations from other disciplines that the magnitude of modern impacts exceeds past temporal and spatial patterns. The corresponding impact on archaeological resources is great, requiring a renewed effort to document threatened sites while also working with local and state governments to develop mitigation strategies. The Middle Atlantic Archaeological Conference (MAAC) created the Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge Committee to promote regional partnerships in site impact assessment and mitigation strategies. The network highlights the predicament of archaeology in this time of climate change: accelerated research and discovery in the face of catastrophic loss.  相似文献   

李志国 《人文地理》1993,8(2):89-95
本文分析了日本海自然环境的主要特点,论述了日本海生物资源的现状及其开发利用方面的问题。  相似文献   

<正>在动物界,无论是灵长类还是其他兽类抑或是鸟类,哺育、抚养后代多由雌性承担,这种特性在灵长类动物中显得更为突出。黑叶猴的婴猴从出生到亚成体,几乎生活在母亲的怀抱里。滇金丝猴也是如此,从母体内的脐带相连,到断脐后的胸背相依,很少见到父亲关爱婴猴的行为。在湖北神农架和四川做川金丝猴观察时,我发现,父亲直接携带、背负、教导婴猴的情况只是偶有发生,的确不多见。但周至的川金丝猴却是常见父亲背着婴猴行走,特别是遇到危险或有外群侵入的时刻,经常是家庭中的雄性冲锋在前,护妻庇子,一副舍我其谁、大义凛然的气度。2018年春秋两季,我在周至做观察时,曾  相似文献   

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