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Tibetan MedicineTibetan medicine has a history of morethan 2,000 years, drawing on traditionalChinese medicine and ancient indianand Arabic medicine.It boasts good theoretical theory andsound clinical experience. "The outsideworld does not know that Tibetan medicine revealed the mystery of humanembryology as early as the 12th century," said Qamba Chilai, a noted Tibetanmedicine expert.According to Renwang, Deputy Directorof the Beijing Tibetan Medicine Hospitaland a noted expert in heart…  相似文献   

李抒望 《攀登》2009,28(6):1-4
所谓党的执政能力,其本质就是为人民服务的本领。一切能力,都是为人民执政;一切能力,都要为人民执政。归根到底,党的执政能力要从人民群众的历史创造中来,要在与群众密切联系的实践中历练,要在严酷的反腐败斗争中提升,最终还要由人民群众来断定。加强党的执政能力建设,意义重大,任务艰巨,过程艰苦。  相似文献   

Conserving built heritage involves competition for land and ongoing costs. The incentive to preserve is thus particularly low in areas where economic considerations prevail and conservation mechanisms are centralised. This used to be the case in Hong Kong. However, a series of civil conservation efforts since 2003, featuring judicial review, civil disobedience and private donation, have contested the official definition of monument and highlighted the values of local heritage in the public discourse. A recent case, namely the campaign to save Dragon Garden through private donations, reveals the roles of voluntarism in built heritage conservation when neither the state nor the market has the incentive or commitment to do so. Based on this case study, this article also examines the sustainability of civil action in an unfavourable institutional setting, which only managed to evoke perfunctory conservation measures from the government.  相似文献   

White, Philip, and Nancy Selvey, eds. Current Topics in Nutrition and Disease, Volume 10: MalnutritionDeterminants and Consequences. New York: Alan R. Liss, 1984. xvi + 494 pp. including references, index. $96.00 cloth.

Robson, John R. K., ed. Famine: Its Causes, Effects, and Management. New York: Gordon and Breach, 1981. x + 170 pp. including photographs, references, index. $30.95 cloth.  相似文献   

(2005年5月12日,由北京社科院李宝臣研究员陪同,在西三旗北京丝绸总厂宿舍采访了华君愈先生。华君愈先生是多铎之后,今年86岁。同年6月5日,再次采访华先生。)华君愈:从什么地方开始说呢?李宝臣:您就从小时候在大甜水井胡同时开始讲吧。华君愈:我是民国八年也就是1919年生人,满族,今年已经86岁了。我的祖上多铎的府邸就是现在的协合医院,分府时就分到了大甜水井,和协和医院那儿就隔着一条马路,是四层院子,前院在一个胡同,后门也在一个胡同,一般都是这样。第二层是正房,第三层是排房,最后一层也是排房。这种院子,有的有花园。我们家的花园不大…  相似文献   

猎猎罡风在青藏高原吹拂千年,星移斗转,一代代藏医探究人与自然深层次的关系,将高原食物与药学建立起微妙的关联。人们世代口耳相传的食疗养生法背后,是藏医药学幽深精微的世界。今天,在藏式美食中加入藏药材共同烹煮,已经成为了一种保健趋势,松茸石锅鸡、萝卜炖牛肉、天麻羊肉汤是藏餐馆中的明星菜肴。  相似文献   

This article examines the changes in the nature and quantity of food consumption in India during the reform decade of the 1990s, and analyses their implications for calorie intake and undernourishment. The study documents the decline in cereal consumption, especially in the urban areas, and provides evidence that suggests an increase in the prevalence of undernourishment over the period 1987/88 to 2001/2002. The results also point to a significant number of households, even in the top expenditure decile, suffering from undernourishment. This calls for a reassessment of the current strategy of directing the Targetted Public Distribution System (TPDS) exclusively at households ‘below the poverty line’. This study shows that, both as a source of subsidized calories and as a poverty reducing instrument, the PDS is of much greater importance to female‐headed households than it is to the rest of the population. Another important result is that, notwithstanding the sharp decline in their expenditure share during the 1990s, rice and wheat continue to provide the dominant share of calories, especially for the rural poor. The overall message is that, especially in a period of significant economic change, one needs to go beyond the standard expenditure‐based money metric measures to assess the changes in the living standards of households.  相似文献   

The authors look at how family income depends on family structure. Using data from the 1973, 1979, and 1987, Current Population Survey, the authors examine four income sources (earnings, property, child support, and government transfers) among seven family types for all families and for Latino, black, and white householder families. The authors find large income differences among families–primarily due to differences in earnings–but little change within family types over time. Increasing the work hours of adult members or relying on income support from nonresident family members is unlikely to substantially remedy the differences in income among family types, and specifically to improve the very low income of single-mother families. Other family policies are suggested.  相似文献   

Archaeological database management systems serve the basic and important functions of ordering, archiving, and disseminating archaeological data. The increased availability of computers and data storage over the past two decades has enabled the exponential growth of archaeological databases and data models. Despite their importance and ubiquity, archaeological database systems are rarely the subject of theoretical analysis within the discipline due to their “black box” nature and the perceived objectivity of computerized systems. Inspired by H. Martin Wobst’s meditations on materiality and disciplinary ethics, in this paper I explore how archaeological database systems structure archaeological interpretation and disciplinary practice. In turn, I offer suggestions for how archaeological database systems can better support pressing anthropological research topics of the 21st century including multivocality, participatory research and ethics, social memory, and social complexity studies.  相似文献   

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