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From day to day or month to month, the price of gold can swing violently. But over much longer time spans, gold holds its real value rather well. This paradox is explored in this paper; it is explained by the notion that a well informed market should overreact to news about the fundamentals governing its long run value; and then, in the absence of further shocks, the price and stock of gold in use should tend to drift in opposite directions until the long run point of balance is attained. The paper also investigates other issues concerning gold, including the suggestion that paper currency should be backed by gold.  相似文献   


After a brief introduction to the role of gold as a monetary agent in history, the classical gold standard and the Bretton Woods agreement and its failure are discussed. Since then the price of gold has fluctuated widely and has only recently steadied. The monetary role of gold at present is then considered. Gold stocks, their supply and demand and various economic factors playing a role in price formation are mentioned in detail. Inflation and countercyclicality in relation to the Morgan Stanley Index of World Equities are the final subjects of this review.  相似文献   

刘大庆 《旅游纵览》2016,(11):92-97
正当我驾车行驶在美国加州1号公路"17英里"(17-mile Drive),这条蜿蜒于太平洋与北美大陆茂密丛林间的临海岩岸,那"世界上陆地与海洋最佳连接处"的无敌风景之路深深将我吸引。壮丽的海景,悠闲的田园,茂密的雨林,可爱的生物,满眼的奇花异草,静谧的海边小镇、宁静优雅的城市海滩……"17英里"无疑是加州1号公路皇冠上那颗最耀眼的明珠。  相似文献   


As with any work of art or industrial product, good design of jewellery is essential if it is to appeal to its owner. In the field of gold jewellery, the World Gold Council is playing a leading role and its efforts are here reviewed by commenting on the taste in British and Continental design of gold jewellery. Consumer preference, whether organic, symbolic or elementary jewellery is preferred, and the growth of the market are here discussed.  相似文献   

在全球第一届“国际花园社区”人文类金奖的名单中,滨江·金色海岸以其天然的山水环境、尊重城市文化脉络、提倡科技节能概念、强调人与自然的完美结合而忝列其中。是杭州不可多得的富于设计内涵的楼盘。  相似文献   

楚金币的发现与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文概述了楚国金币的发现情况,对楚金币的种类、形制、印记、重量与刻文诸问题加以探讨,对楚金币出土情况进行剖析,认为,楚金币是流通中的秤量货币,它与铜贝是主币与辅币的关系;并对楚金币的币材产地、冶炼技术与铸造年代等进行研究。  相似文献   

This study focuses on microinclusions of platinum group minerals (PGMs) in gold objects from the South Urals and North Black Sea archaeological sites. We demonstrate for the first time that melting of gold during archaeometallurgical work affects PGM microinclusions. Desquamation of primary PGM microinclusions with 28–55 wt% Os in the melt and their oxidation by hot air microbubbles results in the formation of secondary particles with 1–20 wt% Os around the primary inclusions. We conclude that the composition only of primary PGM microinclusions in ancient gold products is comparable to the composition of those from natural sources.  相似文献   

<正>芬兰拉普兰的"黄金村",是世界著名的黄金主题旅游地。这座小镇曾是淘金者的天堂,小镇的建筑淳朴而乡味十足,在这里还看到以黄金为主题的纪念品与餐厅。当然,最让游客们感兴趣的当然是亲手淘金了,小镇上会有专业指导来传授游客们淘金秘法,然后,你就可以到小河中去一试身手和运气了。1黄金真的只能放在柜台里卖吗?在这个小镇上,在这家可以说是世界上最简陋的"金店"里,任何人都可享受自助购买黄金。放在玻璃瓶中的  相似文献   

<正>芬兰拉普兰的"黄金村",是世界著名的黄金主题旅游地。这座小镇曾是淘金者的天堂,小镇的建筑淳朴而乡味十足,在这里还看到以黄金为主题的纪念品与餐厅。当然,最让游客们感兴趣的当然是亲手淘金了,小镇上会有专业指导来传授游客们淘金秘法,然后,你就可以到小河中去一试身手和运气了。1黄金真的只能放在柜台里卖吗?在这个小镇上,在这家可以说是世界上最简陋的"金店"里,任何人都可享受自助购买黄金。放在玻璃瓶中的  相似文献   

<正>远古时期的人类对太阳充满了狂热的崇拜,在他们看来,只有太阳才能给人带来光明、温暖和幸福。而黄金散发着和太阳一样神秘的光芒,被人类当作太阳的化身,认为拥有了黄金也就拥有了太阳,拥有了至高无上的权力和财富。这种观念始于古代红海沿岸崇拜太阳的闪米特人,而今延伸至世界各个角落。各种黄金、金色的景观、生物也因此深受人们的偏爱。本期杂志,我们以黄金为线索,为您推荐了多处迷人的金色风景。在深度  相似文献   

Auburn, Alabama, independent researcher Karni R. Perez's veryreadable book takes readers on a behind the scenes tour of therise of the state's catfish industry. She crafts her narrativefrom interviews she conducted, making the book especially relevantfor oral historians. She interviewed over forty people involvedin Alabama's catfish industry, from those involved in its ratherinauspicious beginnings to  相似文献   

International development is increasingly financed and implemented by a nexus of billionaires and corporate foundations known as ‘philanthrocapitalism’. This article develops a critique of this paradigm, focusing on the case of the Millennium Villages Project (MVP), and its implementation in Bonsaaso, Ghana. The author interprets the MVP as a staging of the neoliberal fantasy of origins — an imagined history of the spontaneous emergence of capitalism in the frugal activities of smallholder farmers. In Bonsaaso, this fantasy has been shattered by the violence of primitive accumulation — the separation of the peasantry from the land through which capitalist social relations are actually established. Drawing on fieldwork conducted in Bonsaaso, the author describes how an influx of foreign gold miners has plunged the region into a profound socio‐ecological crisis. Despite producing several internal reports on this crisis, the MVP has failed to respond to it, and has instead sought to restage its fantasy in a new Village in the north of the country. Yet an analysis of its background documents and financial networks demonstrates the complicity of the MVP in the political economy of primitive accumulation underway in Bonsaaso. The case provides a cautionary tale against the promise of a good and pure capitalism.  相似文献   

王长启 《文博》2003,(1):F002-F004
2002年春,西安市公安部门移交给文物部门唐代金银器等文物共27件,据调查这批金银器在长安区祝村乡羊村唐墓出土,现整理介绍如下: (1)银杯,通高9.5、口径13.6、足径6.2厘米,重464克。敞口,唇外卷,深腹,下弧形  相似文献   

张春生 《南方文物》2003,(3):69-71,86
金是贵重的稀有金属。截至1995年底,中国各类金矿累计探明储量6000吨,保有储量才4.500多吨。由于金不会氧化,有绚丽的黄色金属光泽,很容易被人发现;又由于它可塑性好,便于加工,所以金很早就被人类利用。  相似文献   

吴景平  龚辉 《史学月刊》2007,14(10):63-72
海关金单位制度是南京国民政府成立初期财金领域内一系列重要项改革之一,从制度层面有效地制止了金贵银贱风潮给中国关税收入所带来的风险,有助于维持南京国民政府的内外债信,对债赔各款偿付方式作出必要的改革;另外,海关金单位的制度设计还直接包含或涉及到了黄金外汇市场运作、中央银行和货币发行等领域,为这些领域的制度改革提供了必要性和可行性。南京国民政府所属的各相关机构部门,如行政院、财政部、海关总税务司、中央银行等各司其职、通力合作,也是海关金单位制度得以有效实施的重要原因。  相似文献   

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