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从卖身契中,可以看出明清时期的徽州存在着不少的人口买卖行为,这与当时徽州存在着为数众多的贱民阶层是相一致的,卖身在承担服役义务的同时也被给予了婚配的预期,这亲就有了婚配的可能。通过多种多样的灵活性的两性结合,被卖获得了婚配,这种卖身和婚配反映了明清时期的徽州社会存在着生存压力以及因性别失衡和婚龄女性缺乏所引起的性别紧张。通过这种卖身和婚配,在一定程度上缓解了生存压力和性别紧张。  相似文献   

徐彬 《安徽史学》2010,(3):68-72
史学与家谱关系密切,历史意识和历史编撰理论对明清徽州家谱深远影响。"以稽先世,以贻将来"的历史传承思想是明清徽州家谱发展的动力。"大有关于家教者"的历史借鉴思想是明清徽州家谱努力的方向。史学编撰理论对明清徽州家谱编写有明显的影响,其中正史的史表影响了家谱体例,信史原则对明清徽州家谱编修者的态度有直接影响。  相似文献   

徽州女校述略江巧珍明清时期,徽商富甲天下;在徽商资助下,徽州教育很发达。清朝嘉庆后,由于徽商的衰落,社学逐渐消失,私塾不断兴起。当时虽然受“女子无才便是德”思想的束缚,但徽州名门盛族的大家闺秀,一般从6岁到13岁,还是不同程度地受过教育。女子受教育是...  相似文献   

明清时期徽州文化表现出典型性、丰富性和完整性,其形成和发展与发生的各种要素流动有着密切联系。要素的流动改变了区域的地理环境,影响地域文化的发展进程和速度。移民导致徽州人口数量增加和素质提高,为文化发展奠定人口基础;人口增多,为了生存徽州人普遍选择外出经商生存之道,成功后将大量的利润用于家乡建设,为文化发展提供了经济基础。文章以发生在徽州人口流动和其它要素流动对明清时期高度发达的徽州文化的影响进行分析,寻求两者之间的关系,探究地域文化形成和发展的机制。  相似文献   

年龄悬殊导致的感情生活不和谐。年龄悬殊表现在男大女小和女大男小两种情况。男大女小年龄悬殊主要由女子早婚造成。山西是全国平均婚龄最低的地区之一,而“早婚早得子”、“早嫁少赔钱”是早婚流行的主要原因。  相似文献   

要对明清徽州人地矛盾有深入认识,必须把它和安徽与全国做比较分析。首先,明清徽州人地矛盾不断加剧主要表现在人口总量、人口增长率和人口密度上。明代徽州人口不断增加,与全国和后来隶属安徽的其他府州相比,到中后期人口压力已相当大;到清中前期,徽州人口压力持续加大,人口总量、人口增长率和人口密度急剧增加,到太平天国战争后这种状况才得以改变。其次,明清徽州人地矛盾还突出表现在人均占有田地少、能生产粮食的田地少和田硗地瘠。上述诸多因素叠加作用,使明清徽州人地矛盾不断加剧,成为迫使徽人大量经商的基本原因。不过,在不同时期和不同县域它所产生的作用不同,对此应作历史的和具体的分析。  相似文献   

明清徽州宗族对乡村统治的加强   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
明清徽州宗族对乡村统治的加强陈柯云历史上,宗族制度和宗族思想,对徽州的政治、经济、思想文化、以及社会生活、风俗民情等诸方面都产生过深刻影响,因此对明清徽州宗族社会的真实状况做一深入的探讨,是很必要的。从明中叶到清中叶,是徽州宗族对乡村的统治不断加强的...  相似文献   

解华顶 《沧桑》2009,(1):22-23
明清时代,徽州经济文化发达,宗族发展到鼎盛阶段。聚族而居的宗族村落已经遍布徽州全境,徽州宗族对村落内宗族成员思想文化方面的控制别具特色。徽州宗族作为一种社会组织形态,主要通过对农村思想道德、社会舆论、农村习俗、宗教信仰等的控制,实现了对徽州农村思想文化的控制,在一定程度上维护了明清时期徽州宗族社会秩序的稳定。  相似文献   

沈昕 《安徽史学》2011,(3):83-87
宗族结构是徽州宗族研究的重要问题。祁门善和程氏是明清徽州望族之一,在徽州宗族研究中具有重要地位。本文从谱系结构、权力结构、祭祀结构、财产结构、社团结构五个视角研究祁门善和程氏的宗族结构,藉以反映明清徽州宗族结构的风貌和特点。  相似文献   

陈瑞 《安徽史学》2001,(3):13-17
明清时期,由于徽州经济、文化的发达昌盛,各类望族星罗棋布于徽州社会.本文认为,衡量明清徽州望族是有一定标准的:第一,家族培养出的登科入仕者的多寡是最重要的衡量标准;第二,家族财雄人繁、经济地位的崇高是衡量望族的又一重要标准;第三,科甲与商游结合、贾儒兼融型家族是微州望族的最佳形态;第四,以手工技艺擅名的家族也是徽州望族之林中不容忽视的重要成员.与衡量望族的标准相对应,明清徽州望族大致可分为官宦型、商贾型、官商结合型、手工技艺型四种类型.明清徽州望族类型具有多样性,衡量标准呈现出多元化特征,研究徽州望族应坚持动态的发展的观点.  相似文献   

《UN chronicle》1994,31(3):47
The draft action plan of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) calls for enhancing women's participation in all levels of the political process and public life, promoting women's education and employment with attention to alleviation of poverty and illiteracy, halting discriminatory practices against women, establishing women's rights, and improving women's ability to earn income and achieve economic self-reliance. The document specifically refers to the importance of girls beyond their traditional roles as potential childbearers and caretakers. The action plan requests actions to enforce minimum marriage age laws and to assure women's choice in spouse selection. Female genital mutilation is prohibited. Preventive efforts are to be directed to infanticide, prenatal sex selection, trafficking in girls, female prostitution, and pornography. The men who are in positions of power have a particular responsibility to bring about gender equality and to focus on men's responsibility in parenthood and child support. Fertility is related to women's paid employment and higher educational levels. The longterm success of population programs is dependent on women's ability to make informed decisions at all levels and in all spheres of life.  相似文献   

This article revisits child‐marriage legislation in colonial India between 1891 and 1929 to re‐envision the ‘child’ as a subject constituted by laws governing sex, rather than as an a priori object requiring protection from patriarchal sexual norms. Focusing on the digital construction of the child in the twentieth century, this essay introduces a new angle from which to examine recent conclusions regarding child‐marriage reform in India. By drawing attention to an understudied figure, this article demonstrates the ways in which the problem of the child might transform understandings of the nation and its women; the universe of rights and the location of culture and the place of age as number in the formulation of legal subjectivities, colonial governmentality and humanitarian accounting in late colonial India.  相似文献   

明清徽州家谱与徽州社会风俗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明清徽州社会是具有典型特征的区域社会,盛行"仁让之风"、重视血缘关系、重视婚姻门第是其中主要的几种社会风俗。这些社会风俗的形成是多种因素共同作用的结果,而明清徽州家谱在其中所起的作用则不可低估。明清徽州社会利用家谱宣扬了"仁让"之风,通过家谱保持血缘纯洁性,也利用家谱维持婚姻的门第等级。  相似文献   

The preference for sons in China and discrimination against girls have resulted in a male marriage squeeze. This paper develops two new indices of the sex ratio among potential first marriage partners by normalising first marriage frequencies and by eliminating the tempo effect in first marriage. Using two newly developed indices and two existing ones, the authors predict China's marriage squeeze for the period 2000–2100. The authors find that the new indices produce almost the same results as the existing ones when measuring the sex ratios of marriageable males to females. For the years 2015 to 2050, the sex ratio of potential males to females is over 1.15, and then fluctuates around 1.1 after 2060. From 2015 to 2045, China will face an annual surplus of one million males. However, if the high sex ratio at birth cannot be controlled, the male marriage squeeze will be much more severe.  相似文献   

This article's focus is on the role of mothers in Simbo, one of the New Georgia islands in the western Solomon Islands. Mother's role is examined from the standpoint of the actual experiences of motherhood and mother's perceptions and reactions to child rearing, child care, burdensome tasks, and social participation. Anthropological studies emphasize non-Western notions of maternity or romanticize the primitive. Obscured in the process is who these women really are. Western feminist accounts of Third World women emphasize the oppression and uniformity of the "natural" mother. This characterization of Simbo women is presented as a single non-Western view and is unrelated to a global vision. Simbo women as mothers feel oppressed and are envious of Western notions of parenting, yet at the same time feel that Western child rearing deprives the child. Maternity is a state of ambivalence, where women feel both love for and oppression by children, spouses, and other women. The tasks and responsibilities of childbearing are more difficult because of increased fertility and changes in social practices. Women without children are viewed with sympathy and mild condescension. Changes in social practices are in part due to the presence of missionaries after 1903 and the over 200 year involvement of the islands in world trading. The most significant impact on women post-Christianity is the change from the emphasis on female-child relationships to male-female relationships. Pre-Christianity, marriage ceremonies stressed equality of spouses and their kin groups. New customs emphasize brideprice and the husband's authority over women's bodies. The change in power affects fertility levels, child care, women's work, and contraception. Men today do less labor relative to women and, when husbands are absent due to temporary labor migration, women may not have any help. The nuclear family is responsible for all labor. Women specifically tend the gardens and house, care for children, and care for ill members of the family. The concept of maternity changes with the stage in the life cycle. The first child is the easiest because grandmothers help with infant care. Children are both indulged and then resented when the demands interfere with activities or the children are too difficult.  相似文献   

This article suggests that marriageable young upper-class women can be taken as indicators of the longue durée of the ancien régime mentality and the stepwise advancement of the bourgeois mentality. This is so because of factors that made such women particularly prone not to break with established conventions. Source materials in this analysis are taken from contemporary non-fiction texts in which 19th-century St Petersburg and Helsinki serve as the scenes and in which marriageable young women feature as the protagonists or objects of appraising gazes. It is suggested that the differences emerging around the mid-19th century between the two societies with regards to the habitus and education of upper-class girls and marriageable women can at least in part be explained by different institutional settings vis-à-vis land, labour and the status of the bourgeoisie.  相似文献   

姚旸 《收藏家》2010,(7):58-60
近年来,徽州文献的搜集利用呈现出多样化特点,与民俗文化、社会生活相关的文书史料愈益受到人们的关注。这些文书为研究者提供了众多具体、生动的原始资料,极大丰富了人们对于明清时期徽州社会的认识。天津博物馆现藏有清代道光时期徽州邵氏嫁女所录收支帐册一部。  相似文献   

Between 1902 and 1972, Norway was the only country in Western Europe in which cohabitation without marriage was forbidden by law ("the concubinage clause"). Thirteen years after his arguably repressive clause was written into the criminal code, the Children Acts were introduced, giving Norwegian children born out of wedlock stronger social rights than in any other country at the time. Norway thus granted strong protection for children born outside marriage while extramarital sex in itself-in some circumstances- was forbidden. How can this paradox be understood? It has been argued that the Children Acts presupposed the concubinage clause, that the silk glove of the welfare state was only made possible by the iron fist of criminal law. This article studies the political debates preceding the two provisions and argues that both grew out of a particular understanding of the relationship between men and women. Extramarital sex was seen as something men did to women; thus, it could be argued that strengthening women's position in relation to that of men would lead to less immorality. Both the concubinage clause and the Children Acts were seen as means to this end.  相似文献   

梁仁志 《安徽史学》2016,(5):131-137
准确判定商人身份,是商帮史研究立论的前提和基础。在以往的徽商研究中,对徽商身份的判定存在三个值得注意的普遍性问题:一是将"徽商之子"视作"徽商",其结果是对明清士商关系和商人社会地位变化的讨论失去了应有的意义;二是"徽商"概念扩大化,即将历史上的宁国商人等其他地域商人纳入徽商研究范畴,或将非徽商资料误为徽商资料,从而模糊了徽商研究的学术边界;三是将"徽商"与"徽州籍商人"等同起来,从而忽视了商人的自我认同,或将"徽商"概念推及长期与徽州几无联系的徽商后裔,从而无助于揭示徽商问题的本质。在今后的商帮史研究中,研究者应高度重视对商人身份的判定,严格恪守史学的求真原则和历史原则,同时也应注意制度与"人"的结合。  相似文献   

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