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文章依据相关档案及文献资料,从制度史研究的角度,对国民政府侨务委员会的沿革、机构设置、职能以及人事和经费等方面进行了考察。结果显示,相对于晚清与北洋政府而言,南京国民政府的侨务机构设置比较健全,在侨务工作的开展、协助政府积极利用海外侨力、保侨护侨等方面发挥了一定的积极作用,也为抗战期间海外华侨为祖国做出巨大贡献奠定了行政基础。但与此同时,机构的不断调整、人员配置的不到位,特别是经费上的捉襟见肘,成为困扰侨委会工作的主要问题。  相似文献   

After the First World War, Canada's immigration policy became more restrictive and immigration more controlled. For English Canadians, immigration of the "right type" of people—those from the British Isles—remained vital to strengthening the nation. This article examines the 3,000 Family Scheme, a joint British-Canadian settlement project in which British families, comprised of over 18,000 individuals, were relocated to homesteads as colonizers of Canada's remote areas. There, many endured isolation and hardship, and were largely blamed for their own plight. A nation-building project that failed, the 3,000 Family Scheme reveals the connections among several enduring national myths in the interwar years: the potential for agricultural expansion, British superiority, and the capabilities of a maturing Canadian state to control the settlement process.  相似文献   

1918~1932年间,辽宁、热河两省曾爆发过多次大规模瘟疫,与此有关的档案材料大多保留在辽宁省档案馆,兹特选辑刊布,供研究者参考。  相似文献   

In the year 1900, Sweden probably had the oldest population in the contemporary world. It was also the first nation to implement a universal pension system in 1913. The universal character in early social legislation has certainly been decisive for the development of the Swedish welfare state. This alternative has not been self-evident. Why did the reforms turn universal, when the continental model, the Bismarck social security system, was exclusively directed at industrial workers? Research has concentrated on demographic factors and growing demands for social security, or on the fact that Sweden was still a predominantly rural society with about 2,400 local authorities. This article examines the development of social legislation in the light of local government expenditures and incomes, and suggests an overlooked possibility: the formulation of the first universal national social security reform was a redistributional response to uneven distribution of incomes and general expenditures among the rural districts in Sweden.  相似文献   

This article analyses the national strike in Ecuador in June 2022, which paralysed most of its cities and roads for 18 days. The uprising has relevance for understanding the historical path of Indigenous movements in Latin America. We address two main questions. First, we analyse the 2022 uprising in the context of the extended timeframe of Indigenous revolts stretching back to 1990, considering what this popular mobilization tells us about recent highs and lows of Indigenous organizations and their relationship with current government regimes. Second, we delve into a tactical aspect of the uprising, exploring how the Indigenous population, among the most impoverished sectors in Ecuador, could block and freeze the country’s economic and commercial activity for so long.  相似文献   

The People’s Party toppled the Siamese absolute monarchy and introduced constitutional democracy in Thailand in June 1932. Scholars have generally denied that the revolution had any popular resonance, but this article shows that in Buddhism, the country’s premier cultural form, democratic rhetoric in the 1930s resonated among young monks marginalised by the ecclesiastical hierarchy. A group of young monks within the Mahanikai, or Great Order, rebelled against the palace-established Thammayut order that exercised the most power in institutional Buddhism. A “thin” or formal democracy established in 1932 – one displaying the main trappings of a regime of popular sovereignty but purposefully limited in scope by the People’s Party – thus inspired an assertion of a “thick” democracy, or democracy as a much older social value that governed both the Sangha internally and its relations with local communities, which the Mahanikai activists claimed was the core of original Buddhism.


Rebecca Hall 《对极》2013,45(2):376-393
Abstract: The Canadian diamond industry has been lauded as a new approach to resource extraction, one whose institutions are characterized by a greater attention to Indigenous rights and the environment. However, an institutional analysis obfuscates the terrain of unequal relations that is the context for the Canadian diamond boom; an analysis of the effectiveness of social and environmental policies in relation to the extraction of diamonds in the Canadian North suggests that there is an intent on the part of those instigating this extraction (that is, the Canadian state, Canadian capitalist interests and international capitalist interests) to protect the Northern environment and to provide economic benefits to Northern Indigenous communities. This piece argues, instead, that this assumption is erroneous and that the Northern mining industry is part of Canada's project of internal colonization of Indigenous communities, a project that has intensified and expanded in the neoliberal era.  相似文献   

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