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一、叶尔羌局的设立及其铸钱 (一)叶尔羌局的设立 叶尔羌铸钱局是清政府在新疆设立的最早的铸钱局,于清朝统一新疆后的第二年即乾隆二十五年(1760)经定边将军兆惠奏准设立。但是叶尔羌本地并不产铜,在叶尔羌设局的主要目的是为收缴并销毁原准噶尔普尔钱,这在兆惠于乾隆二十四年七月给乾隆皇帝的一份奏折中,说得很明确:  相似文献   

一、库车局的设立及其铸钱 (一)库车局的设立 库车局何时设立,文献中并无明确记载。但可以肯定的是,最迟在咸丰六年(1856)库车局是存在的。这与目前所见实物也是相符的。但咸丰六年是始设局还是此前就早已设立了,则众说纷纭,莫衷一是。  相似文献   

一、宝伊局的设立过程清代文献中关于宝伊局的记述非常简单。《新疆图志》卷三十四《钱法》部分对迪化、阿克苏(附库车)、喀什噶尔等铸钱局的设立及运行都有专节叙述,叶尔羌、乌什两铸钱局虽未作专节叙述,但也都有交代,惟对宝伊局只字未提。《西域图志》卷三十五《钱法》中关于宝伊局仅简单记有一句“伊犁于乾隆四十年设局”。《总统伊犁事宜》及《西陲总统事略》虽有记述,但也很简单。①实际上清政府对设立宝伊局是很重视的,自始至终都是在乾隆皇帝的亲自过问下筹划的,这在清代档案中都有具体而详细的记载。其中曾担任过阿克苏参赞大臣,对…  相似文献   

相对于宝伊局和南疆的叶尔羌局、阿克苏局、乌什局等铸钱局来说,宝迪局开炉铸钱的时间要晚得多。根据咸丰四年(1854年)十二月二十五日赓福奏章中这段文字的记载:“当地以钱八百文为一两,钱八文为一分,因地制宜,铸当八大钱。”宝迪局筹建时间应该不早于公元1855年,  相似文献   

<正>清代从乾隆至宣统年间,新疆先后在叶尔羌、阿克苏、乌什局、库车、喀叶噶尔、伊犁、迪化七处设立铸钱局铸造红钱,宝伊局便是其中之一,先后铸有乾隆、嘉庆、道光、咸丰、同治共5个年号的制钱,并铸造了一批当十、当百的大钱,前后共铸钱91年。咸丰四年(1854年),宝伊局铸有当五十、当百、当五百等大钱,分别重八  相似文献   

叶尔羌局是清政府重新统一新疆后的第一个铸钱局,先后在乾隆、咸丰、同治年间铸造过铜钱。笔者把集藏多年的叶尔羌局所铸的红钱精选若干,介绍如下:  相似文献   

叶尔羌局是清代新疆红钱铸钱局中开设最早的铸钱局,所铸红钱大都规整精美、足重大气,少有残次品面世,因此颇受红钱爱好者的喜爱。笔者在二十年前,在老家新疆哈密曾收到一枚别样的叶尔羌局铸乾隆通宝小平钱,特介绍给大家,望同道赏评。  相似文献   

清代咸丰钱鼓铸之滥.可以和王莽时期相比。自顺治起,康熙、雍正、乾隆、嘉庆、道光各朝都没有当二以上大钱(除阿克苏局铸“道光八年十”外).唯咸丰朝铸大钱.且广设铸钱局。据统计.全国久废重建的铸钱局和奏准新建的铸钱局共32个,鼓铸各种大钱,品种复杂,形形色色,无奇不有。新疆叶尔羌局铸咸丰大钱更具特色,存世又极为稀见,深得收藏者珍视。  相似文献   

清咸丰年间,新疆地区共有宝迪、宝伊、阿克苏、叶尔羌、库车和喀什克尔六家铸钱局,占当时全国钱局的六分之一。新疆钱币大多数使用当地产红铜制作,故称之为红钱。其特点是版别众多、汉字钱稚拙、制作粗犷,在众多咸丰  相似文献   

乌什是清代新疆南疆八城之一。乾隆三十年(1765年),清政府在镇压了乌什维吾尔族人民反压迫斗争后,将南疆的政治、军事重心移向乌什,次年(1766年)阿克苏铸钱局迁往乌什,建立了乌什铸钱局,嘉庆四年(1799年)乌什局重新迁回阿克苏。乌什局存在了33年,有近30年是南疆唯一钱局,  相似文献   

本文主要考释了清华简《耆夜》、《金縢》、《皇门》、《楚居》中的四个字。本文认为《耆夜》中的■,应隶定为"■",释为"游";《金縢》中的■,应释为"坛";《皇门》中的■,应隶定为"■",释为"■","■夫"应读为"鞫夫";《楚居》中的■,应隶定为"■",释为"鄩"。  相似文献   

本文介绍了清代宫廷建筑的管理机构与官员状况、宫廷建筑工程的各项管理制度,并列举了内阁、军机处、宫中、内务府、工部等处的部分档案,这些档案内容涉及紫禁城宫殿楼阁、苑囿行宫、陵寝、坛庙寺观、盛京皇宫及与宫殿建筑有关的河道、沟渠、园林、道路等的兴建和维修状况。这些清代档案是我们现今研究清代宫廷建筑的第一手资料,也是我们保护维修现存宫殿建筑的可靠依据,有着重要的史料价值。  相似文献   

This article analyses the history of Italian energy policy as well as that of Europe from the beginnings of co-operation until the bust of the first oil crisis. The difficulties in realising a united policy as well as the energy status of Italy and Europe until the eve of the 1973 oil shock are underlined. Then, the answers to the crisis as well as the attempts to address the energy difficulties in a united way are analysed.  相似文献   

This article examines Winston Churchill's biography of his ancestor, John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough, as a character study and as a statement of Churchill's own fundamental political wisdom. It argues that Marlborough's capacity for friendship is key not only as a tool for statecraft, but as its very purpose. It examines Marlborough's friendship with Eugene of Savoy as the backbone of the alliance against Louis XIV. It also considers Churchill's purpose of writing the biography as an expression of friendship as the fundamental purpose of politics.  相似文献   

When Hans-Jörg Rheinberger proposed the concept of epistemic things, he drew inspiration from the art historian George Kubler, who had considered the aesthetic object as resulting from problem-solving processes in The Shape of Time (1962). Kubler also demonstrated that a sequence of objects could retrace the progress that led to a solution that was afterwards accepted as the most classical. Parallel to Kubler, Rheinberger demonstrates how temporally extended activities of experimentation are condensed in the object, revealing the moments of innovation that lead to it. In the history of science as well as in art history, various trajectories can thus be grasped in the materially given. Rheinberger conceives of an object as a network of heterogeneous time strings. However, these are manifold: they cannot be thought of as making up a homogeneous temporality encompassing all the others as a temporal container and synchronizing them within it. Since the discovery of the Anthropocene, we no longer separate natural from cultural time, and no hegemonic historical narrative can be taken as unifying all the others. Historical epistemology as proposed by Rheinberger will be read as a contribution to constructing new models of natural as well as of cultural time.  相似文献   

洪武初年,朱元璋进兵贵州,在民族关系、文化教育、道路驿传建设、屯垦等方面措施得当有力,为平定云南和贵州建省夯实基础。  相似文献   

This article brings an anthropological approach to bear on the question of ‘children's voices’ and, particularly, on the stories told by some young migrants about their recent arrival as asylum-seekers in Britain. Young migrants' narratives are examined as situated and self-conscious claims to a certain identity as child refugee. The question of why a particular narrative of ‘arrival in Britain’ was offered by a diverse group of young migrants and asylum seekers is discussed. These stories present a view of their tellers as alone and irreconcilably detached from past lives and relationships. These narrative repertoires as well as their telling draw from and elaborate certain views of the ‘proper refugee child’ that circulate through various regimes of immigration, welfare and emancipatory community work that all involved these young people. An approach to the stories as accomplished as well as situated performances that collapse the ordinary division between stories as ‘facts’ or ‘fictions’ is introduced. In this sense, the ‘children's voices’ heard in this study are recognised as situated and interested products of a research relationship.  相似文献   

Analysis by X-ray fluorescence of 53 obsidian artifacts the main source of obsidian for the workshops in Kul Tepe was Syunik but obsidian sources as far as west as the Lake Van region (Nemrut Da? and Meydan Da?) and as far north as Gutansar were also utilized. These new results indicate a broad network of trade and exchange.  相似文献   

Astronomical data issued from observatories find multiple uses on land, as well as on sea. Due to their structure and periodicity, scientific reviews are particularly adapted to peer review and sharing of data between astronomers as well as between astronomers and hobbyists. During the 19th century regional observatories first gather together professionals interested in the practical applications of the observations and later, under the influence of personalities such as Camille Flammarion, they bring together a larger non-professional audience. Being the epicentre of scientific exchange, the reviews have in the 20th century found their place on the websites of academic institutions as well as users forums.  相似文献   

This article examines the British involvement in the reorganisation of the Ottoman Empire's customs service. The study focuses particularly on the role of Sir Richard Crawford, who was appointed as a consultant to the Ottoman customs administration in 1909. In doing so, the article sheds fresh light on the position of European advisers as well as on British commercial diplomacy in the Ottoman Empire during the years preceding the First World War. This topic warrants further historical research as previous studies have not considered Crawford's position and the progress of the customs reform in detail. He introduced some important reforms, but proved unable to solve the complex question over the porterage service or to increase customs revenue as much as had been anticipated. War and revolution as well as the consequent disruption of trade; the vast geographical scope of the Ottoman Empire; and opposition from local and international stakeholders to his reforms explain to some extent why Crawford was unable to modernise the customs service as effectively as had been planned. In addition, Crawford's professional background and his personal characteristics were in some ways incompatible with the requirements of the demanding diplomatic world of Constantinople.  相似文献   

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