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Books reviewed in this articles:
Ian F. W. Beckett and John Gooch (eds.), Politicians and Defense; Studies in the Formulation of British Defense Policy
Gavin Kennedy, Defense Economies  相似文献   

深圳市“城中村”非正规住房的形成与演化机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵静  闫小培 《人文地理》2012,26(1):60-65
非正规住房是发展中国家普遍存在的城市现象。快速城市化背景下,大量村庄被纳入城市并以"城中村"的方式成为我国城市的非正规居住空间。"城中村"非正规住房作为规划外的住房发展方式,在承担特殊的住房供应职能的同时带来各种环境、经济、社会和管理问题。论文在梳理深圳市"城中村"非正规住房发展演化过程的基础上,从制度—市场—社会的视角剖析"城中村"非正规住房形成与演化的影响因素,并运用"结构—能动性"理论总结"城中村"非正规住房形成演化的内在机理。在此基础上,提出"城中村"非正规住房的管治方向与措施。  相似文献   

What happens to history as a set of practices and intellectual protocols when the assumed subject of our historical narratives is not a product of the European Enlightenment? Such has been the question motivating much of Dipesh Chakrabarty's work for almost thirty years. This essay offers a largely chronological account of Chakrabarty's major works. It begins with his first book, published in 1989, which provided a culturalist account of working‐class history in Bengal. It then tracks his movement in the early 1990s toward a position positing radical disjuncture and even incommensurability between the worlds of Indian subalterns and Western moderns, and his subsequent attempts to soften and blur precisely this kind of disjuncture. Meditating on the problems posed by the experiences of subjects who did not live within the time of history led him to answer in the affirmative the question of whether there are experiences of the past that history could not capture. Soon thereafter, however, he drew back from the most extensive articulation of this claim, suggesting that the experiences of the non‐Enlightenment subject could function as a positive resource and not merely as the source of a profound and destabilizing critique. I argue here that this solution to the problem of incommensurability is not entirely satisfactory, for it relies implicitly on precisely the kinds of argumentative asymmetries of which his earlier analysis taught us to be wary. Chakrabarty himself, meanwhile, has continued to step further away from the radicalism of the early 1990s; his most recent book may be read as a defense of rationalist history in the face of contemporary threats posed by the rise of a politics of identity in India.  相似文献   

长期以来,我国租赁住房市场被严重边缘化,“十三五”规划明确提出建立租购并举的住房制度,彰显了让住房回归“居住属性”特征。住房租赁市场成为研究热点,而居民的租赁住房可支付能力是其关键。本文将保障性租赁住房与商品性租赁住房合为一体作为研究对象,从我国住房租赁市场的现状出发,客观评价不同人群的家庭可支配收入、最低非住房消费标准、住房补贴比例等指标,在此基础上定义人均租赁住房可支付能力指数,用于评估不同人群的可支付能力。结合目前的租赁住房市场的供给情况,运用GIS软件分析居民可支付能力的空间特征,分析北京市现有租赁住房与居民租房可支付能力匹配情况,对于合理制定多层次租赁住房市场政策具有参考意义。  相似文献   

This article argues that the inherent directedness of attention is a central and pervasive condition of politics across a wide range of social fields. The subfield of landscape geography serves as an occasion to illustrate what can be gained by attending to attention. The argument begins by reflexively placing the problematic of attention within a brief genealogy of constructions of modern perception. Within this frame, the article takes a closer look at the ambivalent and hesitant response to the problem of attention in phenomenology. This field is best positioned to give a foundational account of the political character of attention and to explain the sense in which its relevance transcends the era in which it was first clearly formulated. However, a strong upsurge of phenomenological interest in attention has only appeared in recent years. A review of this work, particularly in the writings of Bernhard Waldenfels, shows how attending to attention can deepen critical analyses of capitalism and spectacle offered by Benjamin, Debord, Rancière and Beller. The final section of the article illustrates key points by staging an imaginary trip through the corporate agricultural landscapes of California.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A two period consumer choice model is presented in which housing is treated as a quality differentiated good. The short-run comparative static response of rental housing to a price change is examined via an example, an exogenous increase in the inflation rate. Two stylized facts are alternately used; interest income is taxed, and interest rate ceilings are imposed on small savings deposits. The partial equilibrium distributional impact of inflation, in the context of rental housing markets, is also discussed.  相似文献   

住宅优势度的理论与评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王洋 《人文地理》2016,31(4):66
在总结已有城市住宅价格空间分异相关理论体系的基础上,提出了住宅优势度的概念和理论,认为在城市内部,某住宅相对于其他住宅所具有的优势及其量化程度称为住宅优势度,是住宅相对优势的度量。住宅优势度决定住宅价格,住宅价格是住宅优势度的货币体现。构建了住宅优势度研究的基本框架,阐述了其假设前提,提出了其基本构成要素和综合评价体系。将该视角应用于扬州市的案例研究,结果表明其住宅优势度与住宅价格存在显著的正相关关系。证明本文构建的住宅优势度理论及其评价体系具有合理性和可行性,为城市住宅价格的构成要素与影响机理分析提供一个可供选择的新视角。  相似文献   

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