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Summary.   This paper considers the evidence for the origins and development of the lake settlement tradition of Scotland and Ireland in the Late Bronze and Iron Ages. Considering a crannog 'event horizon' around the mid-first millennium BC, dating and structural evidence are compared and contrasted, and the evidence for non-domestic activity including ritual and votive deposition is contextualized. It is argued that the concurrent appearance of crannogs with the flourish of domestic monumentality in Scotland and Ireland can be seen as a consequence of the fusion of ritual and domestic spheres of life in the later first millennium BC, integrating the themes of architectural monumentality and the Iron Age reverence of water.  相似文献   

The early medieval weapons [of sixth to ninth centuries] which have been found in cemeteries in the northern Caucasus are given a preliminary classification. The implications for the contacts between peoples and for their changing mode of warfare are discussed.  相似文献   


The application of Bayesian models to suites of radiocarbon dates can provide important refinements over standard approaches toward calibration and seriation of dated feature contexts. We have modeled a number of older radiocarbon dates submitted in the 1980s along with a recent set of accelerator mass spectrometry dates from the Averbuch site (40DV60), a Mississippian village in the Middle Cumberland Region of Tennessee occupied in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries A.D. The results of these analyses demonstrate that even within its short lifespan of ca. 200 years, the village underwent fundamental organizational changes. These shifts appear to be responses to climatic deterioration and an upsurge in regional violence.  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has the most lakes of any area in China. The total surface area of the modern plateau lakes accounts for 52 percent of the total surface area of lakes in China. There are countless smaller lakes around the Serling Tso, which somehow unexpectedly became the biggest lake in Tibet after the sudden rise of the water level in 2004. One of them, Tsongo, has a shoreline shaped like a dancing fairy with curvy lines,  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(2):185-206

Radiocarbon dates are an independent source of data for constructing temporal relationships. Too often dates are shoehorned by preconceptions and hobbled by casual sample selection, reporting, and interpretation. Several authors have established quality-control criteria for evaluating and cleansing regional radiocarbon databases. Recent applications of such temporal hygiene practices in paleoecology and archaeology have resulted in significant reinterpretations of the sequence, timing, and tempo of change. Further, a new appreciation is often gained of the extent of synchronic variability. I apply a minimal hygienic protocol based on three criteria: material dated, method of age estimation, and when the sample was run. I illustrate both the value of and the need for such analyses by cleaning up a small sample of dates (N = 125) from 11 Fort Ancient sites. The single largest problem for determining occupation timing is the use of wood samples. Nearly 80 percent of the assays are unacceptable for use in reconstructing occupation history, except to frame the maximal age of occupation. The modifications to the timing and duration of occupation for these 11 sites significantly undermine the logical inferential structure of current reconstructions of change and difference in the middle Ohio River valley.  相似文献   

<正>目次一地面封土与陵园建筑二墓道及过洞天井三墓室结构四随葬品组合五墓主身份六结语北魏由拓跋鲜卑建立,墓葬体现了多民族文化融合的特征。随着考古材料不断积累,纪年墓的资料日渐丰富,为探讨北魏中后期墓葬等级、丧葬制度提供了直接证据。目前发现的北魏墓葬近两千座,经考古发掘的不到一半,其中纪年墓信息较完整者有七十四座(附表)。纪年墓主要分布于平城和洛阳地区,墓葬年代则集中于北魏中晚期,其中最早的为太延元年(435年)破多罗太夫人墓,最晚是永熙三年(534年)李仲胤夫妇墓。本文主要通过墓葬地面封土、墓道规模、墓室结构、随葬品组合、墓主身份等反映的文化因素讨论北魏中后期墓葬的等级规制,  相似文献   

For the well‐known early Mesolithic site of Star Carr, dating of organic artefacts by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) has been hampered by treatment of bone and antler recovered during the original excavations with preservatives. Some, untreated, artefacts were, however, collected after Clark's excavation in 1950. Four of these artefacts were AMS dated in 1995, but two of the dates were significantly younger than the others, and were questionable due to their low collagen yields. These suspect samples have now been re‐analysed, demonstrating that all four artefacts are of similar date. The significance of these dates for the chronology of Star Carr is discussed.  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(1):111-128

Bioarchaeological investigations of subsistence and health were conducted on a skeletal population from the Lake George site (22YZ557), a large prehistoric settlement in the lower Yazoo basin of west-central Mississippi. Subsistence is inferred from oral health indicators (including dental caries, calculus, periodontal disease, abscesses, antemortem tooth loss, and macrowear) and stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios from bone collagen and apatite. Health is inferred from nonspecific indicators (including cranial porous lesions, enamel hypoplasias, and Harris lines). The sample includes 25 adults and 25 subadults, all of which date to the Coles Creek period (A.D. 700–1200). Frequencies of all pathological conditions are reported for the entire sample and divided by sex and age for adults. Results indicate a heavy pathology load at Lake George, but one that is not dissimilar to other Coles Creek populations. Isotope values indicate a diet that included primarily C3 plants (δ13CCol = ?21.03‰, δ13CAp-Diet = ?22.06) and terrestrial protein (δ15N = 9.72‰). The sources of nonspecific pathologies are attributed to stressors associated with increasing population density and cultural complexity that occurred during the Coles Creek period.  相似文献   

Summary.   In the context of territorial analyses in archaeology, the visual attributes of sites play a key role in the definition of location strategies. This paper studies the Neolithic evidence from the south-western Morbihan area in Brittany (France) from a visual point of view, integrating the previous Mesolithic and the later Bronze Age occupation of the region in order to understand the diachronic evolution of the visual settlement patterns. The role played by the sea seems to be significant throughout the entire occupation of the area, but differences in both intervisibility of sites and the extension of visual areas allow us to make particular observations regarding different cultural uses of the landscape through time.  相似文献   

二十世纪八九十年代,为配合陕西神木至山西朔县(今朔州市朔城区)的输煤铁路建设,1990年,陕西省考古研究所(即今陕西省考古研究院)陕北考古队对该线域的遗址进行了调查,并于1993年下半年对寨峁遗址进行了发掘.  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(2):365-376

The Mann site (12PO2), most noted for its large Hopewellian mound complex, is a little studied but significant archaeological site in southwestern Indiana. Non-mound habitation areas at both the Mann and nearby Mann phase Grabert site were the sole source of archaeobotanical information for these sites prior to the current macrobotanical analysis of two newly available and fairly large (55–60 g of charred material each) samples collected from Mann site mound pit features. Analysis of the macrobotanical material from these pits, in the context of what is already known from both the Mann and Grabert sites, provides additional evidence that plant resources were being used in the Mann phase subsistence system consistent with interregional Hopewellian influences. Data indicate that the inhabitants were using some form of seed storage and may have been participating in non-burial-related ceremonial feasting.  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(2):261-278

The Terán-Soule model provides a testable means to establish if the prehistoric settlement pattern of the Caddo in the Great Bend region of the Red River consists of vacant mound centers with associated dispersed farmsteads. To evaluate the model, a geophysical survey of the Crenshaw site (3MI6) mound center was conducted in off-mound areas to determine if structures were present there. The 3.2-ha survey identified over 100 geometric anomalies, of which more than 50 are possibly structures associated with either Late Fourche Maline or Early Caddo occupations. Several possible structures were found in linear rows, including an oval series of possible structures 90 × 85 m in diameter. Additional finds include large circular anomalies between 25 and 48 m in diameter, sometimes around possible structures, suggesting the presence of compound fences, as shown in the Terán map.  相似文献   

The River Styx site was an important Middle Woodland ceremonial center in north-central Florida that included a horseshoe-shaped earthen embankment, a burial mound containing only cremations, and diverse nonlocal artifacts. The site was recorded more than forty years ago but a report was never written. This article presents a summary of excavation results at River Styx and analysis of the pottery assemblage based on archived notes and collections at the Florida Museum of Natural History. From the pottery assemblage, 24 vessel lots, consisting of mostly partially reconstructed vessels, are described in terms of form, surface treatment, and mineralogical constituents characterized by petrographic analysis. The provenance of each vessel is inferred, and more than half of the analyzed assemblage is judged to be nonlocal.  相似文献   

Sets of 20 soda ash, 16 soda lime and 23 wood ash glasses mainly from excavations in Europe were analysed by microprobe and LA–ICP‐MS for 61 elements and are presented as average concentrations with standard deviations. Concentrations of sodium, potassium and magnesium allow the major glass type to be identified. Specific compositions of the raw materials of glass production indicate certain sources, technical processes and ages. Heavy minerals etc. of quartz sands contain rare earth elements (REE) from crustal fractionations that are different for the three major glass types. Accumulations of P, B, Ba, Mn and K in wood from soils by organic processes can characterize glass from certain regions.  相似文献   

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