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从总体上来说,黑人是一个在美国受压迫、受歧视的种族,但他们的处境并不都是一样的。他们中有一部分人在林肯政府颁布《解放黑人奴隶宣言》之前已获得自由,成为了自由人。本文就这部分黑人在南北战争之前是如何获得自由这一主题,围绕奴隶主为什么释放这部分黑人奴隶以及奴隶主更有可能释放哪些奴隶这两个问题进行了分析和回答。  相似文献   

赫斯顿的代表作《他们眼望上苍》首次塑造了黑人文学史上具有独立意志和自觉行动力的黑人女性新形象。本文通过分析她对于爱情婚姻、妇女团结、性别与种族问题的思考,试论蕴含在作品中的黑人女性主义思想。  相似文献   

试论美国奴隶制时期的黑人家庭   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈志杰 《史学集刊》2006,1(1):53-59,96
生活在美国奴隶制下的黑人奴隶被看作主人的财产,其婚姻和家庭没有法律保障,但黑人在特殊的生存环境中并未放弃这种最基本的权利,他们建立了属于自己的家庭生活并形成了奴隶制度下特有的家庭观念。黑人在家庭中找到一种群体归宿感和个体身份,家庭生活是黑人奴隶在奴役和剥削下得以生存的重要策略。  相似文献   

陈奕平 《史学月刊》2001,(5):124-127
20世纪七八十年代美国黑人政治力量的崛起,是美国政坛一个令人瞩目的现象。究其原因,是黑人大规模城市化、黑人中产阶级力量壮大、黑人政治意识增强及黑人合法主义传统等多方面因素综合作用的结果。当然,黑人政治力量的崛起只是初步性的,其实质是黑人中产阶级政治地位的提高。  相似文献   

黑人在美国历史上起过非常重要的作用,也对美国经济文化的发展做出了巨大的贡献。20世纪60年代后,黑人走上电影银幕,走进歌坛,在美国文化的发展中进行着不懈努力,黑人在文化的各个领域发挥着越来越重要的作用。这一过程不仅仅是证明自身价值的历史,也是黑人不断争取平等、捍卫肤色荣誉的历史。  相似文献   

二战后美国马克思主义史学及其特点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
20世纪60-70年代美国的大众民主运动促成了马克思主义史学的热潮,一批新马克思主义史学家开辟了社会生活史、劳工史、黑人史等下层人民史研究的新领域,在工人阶级史、奴隶制史和黑人史研究中取得了丰硕的成果;伊曼纽尔.沃勒斯坦的世界体系理论产生了巨大的影响。他们倡导总体史观、坚持“自下向上看”的研究视角、重视文化研究以及地区和地方社区的研究,他们充分利用社会科学其他学科的理论和方法,通过自己的史学研究实践发展了美国的马克思主义史学。  相似文献   

星期四晚上,上千民众存联合广场为密苏里被警察枪杀的黑人少年布朗默哀,他们还沿着百老汇大道一直走到了时代广场,为男孩和最近被纽约警察施行锁喉致死的黑人小贩加纳示威游行。  相似文献   

宝汉直街地处广州市小北路和环市路交界,非常有意思的是虽然这里距离广东省委、广州市委等国家政府单位仅仅几百米,但近年来却吸引了大量外国人。特别是来自非洲的黑色皮肤人群在此长期聚居,让这里有了“羊城黑人街”的美誉。这些外国人在远离家乡万里之外的广州寻找商业机会、追逐成功梦想,他们的欢喜与哀愁都在黑人街发酵着,孕育出一种独特的魅力。2012年我搬进了黑人街,开始慢慢品味其中的精彩。  相似文献   

从英文原意上看,片名"the Help"意指片中那群黑人女佣,翻译成《相助》,有点望文生义,但也歪打正着,吻合了片中白人女子和黑人女性互相帮助的主题。本片的原著小说在国内翻译出版时,用的也是这一书名。影片的背景是1960年代的美国密西西比州。这个地区有着强大的种族歧视传统,黑人的生活长期笼罩在作威作福的白人阴影下,各种带有种族歧视色彩的法律  相似文献   

美国黑人的取名与黑人文化身份   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国黑人奴隶同他们的非洲祖先一样赋予名字以重要的文化内涵,因此,虽然奴隶主试图剥夺黑人奴隶的姓名权和他们为子女命名的权利,使他们与自己的过去割裂开来,但是黑人并非消极地屈从于主人的意志,而是努力为自己争取这项做人的基本权利.在北美奴隶制的特殊社会环境和语言环境中,黑人对传统的非洲命名习俗进行了改造,力图以有自身特色的取名方式强调自己的文化身份.黑人的名字既体现出他们对美国黑人作为一个族裔群体的历史延续性,也体现出其文化发展的历史差异性.  相似文献   

Although the American literature on "war neuroses" expanded during World War II, psychiatrists remained more interested in dramatic instances of "combat fatigue" than in the problems of soldiers who broke down far from the field of battle. This bias in the medical literature shaped both diagnosis and treatment. It had an especially powerful effect on African American soldiers who, in the "Jim Crow" army of World War II, were assigned in disproportionate numbers to service units. When military neuropsychiatrists did write about troubled young African Americans, many revealed a racial conservatism that was surprising given the liberal environmentalist paradigm of the day. (Here, a particularly useful source is the two-volume history of Neuropsychiatry in World War II, produced by the Medical Department of the U.S. Army.) The major challenge to such views came from the National Medical Association (NMA). Despite its many criticisms of military medicine, the NMA argued that African American soldiers and veterans needed more, not fewer, psychiatric services. NMA members also joined their white counterparts in the campaign to diminish the stigma of mental illness, especially among the families of soldiers returning home. We need more investigation of the subsequent history of race and psychiatry, especially within the Veterans Administration.  相似文献   


Is there a connection between war and madness? How have psychiatrists responded to the problem of those ‘driven mad by war’? This article tries to answer these questions by drawing on clinical records for three Italian psychiatric hospitals in the period from 1940 to 1950. While these problems have been researched and debated for combatants during the World War I, in the case of the World War II, as this article shows, it is necessary to take into account the impact of war not only on soldiers but also on civilians who were equally involved in the trauma of war.  相似文献   

The present article aims to contribute to the global history of the First World War and the history of ‘imperial humanitarianism’ by taking stock of the Indian Young Men's Christian Association's Army Work schemes in South Asia, Europe and the Middle East. The outbreak of the war was hailed by some American secretaries of the Y.M.C.A. working in India as presenting overwhelming opportunities for their proselytising agenda. Indeed, the global conflict massively enlarged the organisation's range of activities among European soldiers stationed in South Asia and for the first time extended it to the ‘Sepoys’, i.e. Indian and Nepalese soldiers serving in the imperial army. Financially supported by the Indian public as well as by the governments of Britain and British India, the US-dominated Indian Y.M.C.A. embarked on large-scale ‘army work’ programmes in the Indian subcontinent as well as in several theatres of war almost from the outset, a fact that clearly boosted its general popularity. This article addresses the question of the effects the Y.M.C.A.'s army work schemes had for the imperial war effort and tries to assess their deeper societal and political impact as a means of educating better citizens, both British and Indian. In doing so, the article places particular emphasis on the activities of American Y-workers, scrutinising to what extent pre-existing imperial racial and cultural stereotypes influenced their perception of and engagement with the European and South Asian soldiers they wanted to transform into ‘better civilians’.  相似文献   

Employing phenomenological theory, this paper argues that German World War I soldiers’ introduction to the gas mask represents a salient historical moment in the human relationship to modern chemical technology. As a protective device, the gas mask was intended to save soldiers from a horrible death by asphyxiation. In doing so, it forced soldiers to directly confront the new technological landscape of the modern World War I battlefield. While the mask proved genuinely effective in its ability to filter poison gases, it required constant vigilance from gas-weary soldiers. This so-called ‘gas discipline’ would allow men to survive and even thrive in a newly dangerous modern world. However, the physical and mental stress of this existence, often led to breakdowns in soldier discipline and failures in gas protection. Thus, the soldiers’ relationship to the gas mask revealed the limits of technological trust for the earliest ‘chemical subjects’ of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

Gavin Daly 《War & society》2016,35(4):242-258
This article explores British soldiers’ reactions to the violence that Iberian soldiers, guerrillas and civilians perpetrated against wounded French soldiers and prisoners of war during the Peninsular War. Whilst they saw this violence as retaliatory, and sympathized with the suffering of the occupied, British soldiers were shocked, disturbed and outraged, often leading them to self-identify with their very enemy — the French. On one level, this violence was seen as a fundamental violation of customary rules of war. Yet further, in British minds it revealed a deeper Iberian culture of violence and way of war, which set the Iberian peoples apart from ‘civilized’ nations.  相似文献   

This study explores the attitude of Anzac soldiers to the compulsory Church Parades, drawing evidence from a reading of the diaries and letters of over a thousand soldiers. It examines the complex reactions to Church Parade and draw conclusions about the varied attitudes of soldiers who recorded attending Church Parades in their letters and diaries. Far from producing definitive evidence for the irrelevance of religion to Australian soldiers during the Great War, the study highlights the range of religious attitudes, including the surprising number of soldiers who recorded positive responses to these parades. Even negative attitudes to Church Parades could stem not just from the secular soldiers, but also from the disappointment which religiously committed soldiers felt during times of forced religious activity. Responses to compulsory religious activities in the army do not uniformly support the irreligious nature of the Anzacs. Rather they show that a significant minority — larger and more expressive than generally imagined, and not all of them devout — valued religion and recorded their sentiments about it in their personal writings.  相似文献   

This article explores the resonances of objects that travelled between continents and the entangled imaginaries tied to them – here a 30-tonne German military tank captured by Australian soldiers during the First World War in France and shipped to Brisbane to be exhibited at the Queensland Museum. The author ‘reads’ the tank, intriguingly named ‘Mephisto’, as the apotheosis of nature/culture divide entrenched in nineteenth-century colonialism, which exported the taxonomies of the Enlightenment to the antipodes and in return repatriated objects of flora and fauna all over Europe. Mephisto thus also marks the manifestation of a German–Australian modernity: developed from the agricultural tractor, the tank remains a brutal and clumsy device designed purely to subdue and conquer territory.  相似文献   

Race correction is a common practice in contemporary pulmonary medicine that involves mathematical adjustment of lung capacity measurements in populations designated as "black" using standards derived largely from populations designated as "white." This article traces the history of the racialization and gendering of spirometry through an examination of the ideas and practices related to lung capacity measurements that circulated between Britain and the United States in the nineteenth century. Lung capacity was first conceptualized as a discrete entity of potential use in the diagnosis of pulmonary disease and monitoring of the vitality of the armed forces and other public servants in spirometric studies conducted in mid-nineteenth-century Britain. The spirometer was then imported to the United States and used to measure the capacity of the lungs in a large study of black and white soldiers in the Union Army sponsored by the U.S. Sanitary Commission at the end of the Civil War. Despite contrary findings and contestation by leading black intellectuals, the notion of mean differences between racial groups in the capacity of the lungs became deeply entrenched in the popular and scientific imagination in the nineteenth century, leaving unexamined both the racial categories deployed to organize data and the conditions of life that shape lung function.  相似文献   

A stereotypical image of the nation's First World War soldiers—and a conventional understanding of their war experience and its meaning—is not a concept unique to the British Empire's former Pacific Dominions, but is also promulgated in other parts of the Empire. During the First World War and interwar period, Canada also saw the emergence of a ‘Myth of the Soldier’ that paralleled the Anzac legend in many ways. This article focuses on some of the similarities and differences in Australia and Canada's mythologising of their First World War soldiers, proposing that this process reflects aspects of identity formation common to settler societies within the British world.  相似文献   

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