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正博物馆是一种鲜活的机构,能够在世界范围内为不同观众、不同时代和不同文化架起沟通的桥梁。"博物馆藏品架起沟通的桥梁",正是今年5月18日国际博物馆日的主题。这一天,世界各地的博物馆举办了多种形式的宣传、纪念活动。在南京举办的中国主场城市庆祝活动,评选出全国"十大精品陈列展览"和"全国最具创新力博物馆",故宫博物院、南京博物院和宁  相似文献   

精品陈列的标准很难具体量化,但博物馆的差异和展览的多样性、观众数量和门票收入,是精品陈列评选中不可忽视的因素。增加最佳设计、最佳制作等单项奖,有利于调动中小博物馆参与的积极性。只有博物馆的各项基础工作做好了,整体水平提高了,精品陈列的推出才成为可能。  相似文献   

杨恒 《中国钱币》2008,(3):78-78,24,I0004
在今年2月号的<德国钱币杂志>上,公布了读者评选出的2007年度世界和德国名币.该杂志这种一年一度的评选活动,始于上世纪八十年代.其评选程序是:首先,在每个年度末即该杂志的第6期上,公布由编辑部初选的名币全图及相关简要资料,然后由读者自由欣赏比较并进行投票评选,编辑部依据得票率,于次年该杂志第二期上,公布入选的名币正面图案.  相似文献   

在今年2月号的《德国钱币杂志》上,公布了读者评选出的2007年度世界和德国名币。该杂志一年一度的评选活动,兴起于上世纪八十年代。其评选程序是:首先,在每个年度末即该杂志的第6期上,公布由编辑部初选的名币全图及相关简要资料;然后由读者自由欣赏比较并进行投票评选;编辑部依据得票率,于次年该杂志第2期上,公布名币正面图案。这种评选不仅可以为钱币专业人士和广大集币爱好者提供信息资料和观赏把玩的机会,扩大人们的视野.而且对促进钱币文化交流也起到了很好的作用。因此,评选活动广受欢迎并持续二十多年而长盛不衰。  相似文献   

2008年12月4日,省级文物保护单位——浙江海关旧址博物馆开馆,由此拉开文化周的序幕。评选出了2008年度宁波市文物普查十大新发现,举行了国家博物馆水下考古宁波基地挂牌和"丹青桂韵——广西博物馆藏桂籍及旅桂书画名家作品展"等活动。  相似文献   

在2009年第1期的《德国钱币杂志》上,公布了该杂志由读者投票评选出的“2008钱币年”世界和德国名币。该杂志从上世纪八十年代起,就开始了这种深受广大读者欢迎和好评的一年一度的钱币年评选活动。由于评选范围的广泛性,且通过评选能为大家提供信息资料和观赏品味的机会,又能大大扩大人们的视野,  相似文献   

全国博物馆十大陈列展览精品评选活动启动于1997年,至今历时20年,成功举办了14届,总计评选出精品陈列展览150个。十大精品评选活动极大地促进了我国博物馆陈列展览水平的提升。本文拟以从1998年开始评选的第一届(1997年度)到2017年评选的第十四届(2016年度)全国博物馆十大陈列展览精品为例,探讨我国博物馆界陈列展览水平提升的轨迹。主要从陈列主题、展陈理念、陈列形式设计和陈列展览的社会形象四个方面进行论述。  相似文献   

大江东去浪淘沙青年领袖是个伪命题,最关键的一点在于,我们国家对青年的定义始终模糊不清。本刊的青年领袖活动已经评选了将近十届,从今年大规模的评选来看,似乎还要继续下去。  相似文献   

陈进玉 《宁夏史志》2006,(3):10-10,31
今天,全国地方志工作者翘首企盼的全国地方志系统表彰先进会议在北京召开了。这是全国地方志工作者的盛事!2005年,国家人事部、中国地方志指导小组在全国地方志系统开展了评选表彰先进活动,评选出一批全国地方志系统先进集体、先进工作者。同时,中国地方志指导小组还单独评选表彰了一批先进集体、先进工作者。  相似文献   

标准营造事务所设计的雅鲁藏布大峡谷艺术馆刚刚获得2013年第二届UED博物馆建筑设计杰出奖,这也是本次评选的最高奖项。《西藏人文地理》选取了“标准营造”阐述的部分文字,在介绍“雅鲁藏布大峡谷艺术馆”的同时,也探讨了在西藏这样的特殊文化背景下当代建筑得以产生和发展的关键。  相似文献   

It is now three decades since Waterbolk introduced evaluation criteria to 14C chronology. Despite this, and other subsequent attempts to introduce quality control in the use of 14C data, no systematic procedure has been adopted by the archaeological community. As a result, our databases may be significantly weakened by questionable dates and/or questionable associations between dated samples and the archaeological phenomena they are intended to represent. As the use of chronometric data in general becomes more ambitious, we must pause and assess how reliable these data are. Here, we forward a set of evaluation criteria which take into account archaeological (e.g. associational, stratigraphic) and chronometric (e.g. pre-treatment and measurement) criteria. We intend to use such criteria to evaluate a large 14C dataset we have assembled to investigate Late Glacial settlement in Europe, the Near East and North Africa, supported by the Leverhulme Trust. We suggest that the procedure presented here may at least form the basis of the development of more rigorous, scientific use of 14C dates.  相似文献   

Approaching property as social practice, and native title as a confluence of indigenous, ethnographic, and legal discourses, we address two themes: firstly, the ethnocentrism of the state's division of ‘property’ from ‘jurisdiction,’; applied to deny indigenous societies' practice of the latter; and secondly, the contradictions inherent in judicial evaluation of continuity and discontinuity in indigenous law and custom. We explore the relationship of ‘home place’ to tenure at Erub, where island, reef and ocean comprise a cultural and experiential continuum. Rights across a full spectrum of material/symbolic resources involve a dynamic tension between principles of exclusion and incorporative reciprocity. The issue of how to balance more particular against more collective rights is at play with each nesting of more local into more inclusive socio-territorial identities: from households and lineages, through island communities, sub-regional island groups, and Torres Strait regionally, to the encapsulating state and evolving international orders. At Erub, an island community long regarded as a vanguard of creolization for Torres Strait, newcomers have by-and-large been assimilated to indigenous systems of land- and sea-holding and authority. The connection between people and territory is a complex practice of social identities and interests responding to political opportunity, according to cultural forms that manifest substantial and traceable continuities to indigenous arrangements, as innovation has proceeded. The continuities appear sufficient to satisfy criteria for native title recognition as articulated in the Mabo decision, but the criteria themselves are too narrowly based to accommodate the processual dynamics of evolving culture and tradition. A reordering of territorial jurisdiction, predicated on the principle of Islander consent to development activities in their homelands/seas, would provide more authentic conditions for cultural autonomy.  相似文献   

The present practice of economic and technological evaluation of a territory for development purposes is found to be inadequate because the evaluation made by Soviet planning and design agencies does not always coincide with the perception of particular places by individual citizens. As a result, the outflow from rural areas has been particularly heavy in areas where agricultural labor is especially short, and the predominant direction of interregional migration has been southward rather than to the east, where it is most needed. It is therefore suggested that spatial planning is based on a social evaluation of territory that would eliminate the present conflicts in perception and bring the interests of society more into line with the interests of individual citizens. Social evaluation is based on two value indicators: (1) the uniqueness of the creative process localized in a particular place, tending to make that place attractive; (2) accessibility of the place from surrounding areas. One possible approach to measuring the social attractiveness of a place is the extent to which individuals strive to establish direct contact (visits, direct dealings) or indirect contacts (eliciting of information) with that place.  相似文献   

县域主体功能区划分研究——以广东省云安县为例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
陈敏 《人文地理》2008,23(6):55-59
采用GIS,以云安县为例,以100m×100m格网作为评价单元,根据格网内的环境特征,选用对区域开发建设影响较大的自然生态、生态服务、灾害风险等作为生态敏感性评价条件,约束区域的发展;在分析经济社会发展空间格局的基础上,采用资源承载力、社会支撑力、经济发展力、集聚辐射力、区位支撑力和外部推动力综合评价了经济社会综合发展潜力,作为区域发展的推动力,综合考虑生态敏感性和社会经济综合发展力,划分了主体功能区,并分析了各区的发展方向主要功能和管制措施。  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to provide a reply to the following question: What is the most suitable way of tackling evaluation of new regional policies? Regional development has moved today to new arenas. Here, we are discussing learning communities and regions that are able to adapt themselves to the new competitive conditions. SMEs policies at the regional level have also changed. New regional policies devote much of their attention to networks of inter-firm and inter-institutional cooperation - clusters - and to regional innovation systems. As a consequence, evaluation methodologies are also changing looking for more creative ways of assessing the impact of these new policies. In our opinion, participatory evaluation seems to be more appropriate to the specific characteristics of new regional policies and more suitable for sorting out the problems posed by their evaluation. In addition, under this approach, evaluation can turn into a useful tool to mobilize communities for regional action , empower local agents and enhance learning capacity.  相似文献   

In 2004 the South African Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) introduced a Film and Television Production Rebate Programme. In order to qualify for the rebate, certain criteria have to be met including success in job creation and skills development within the industry, alongside a particular focus on the percentage of ‘historically disadvantaged individuals’ employed. This study sets out the issues associated with evaluating success in meeting these various criteria and is, to the best of our knowledge, the first study to apply multi-criteria visualization techniques to inform the evaluation of public subsidy effectiveness. The ‘PROMETHEE’ method is applied and apart from presenting project performance in a visually intuitive manner, the approach helps to clarify patterns of relative success, show where policy objectives are competing, and to identify project exemplars for more efficiently guiding future public support in the sector.  相似文献   

大都市边缘区住宅开发是大多数开发商的可能选择。此类开发区的土地利用性质和利用强度、地域空间结构及地理景观等方面都与城市中心区有着根本的区别,其价值处于高度动态发展中,地价迅速提升成为必然。本文首先剖析大都市边缘住宅区土地价值提升的可能性,并探讨了该类型的小区土地价值提升的评价思路、方法、对象及其参评指标体系确定等问题,最后将评估方法应用于广州市南村开发区进行了实例研究。  相似文献   

Numerous authors have put forth criteria for distinguishing between assemblages collected by hyenas and hominins. Of the seven most recognised criteria used to distinguish hyenid from hominin assemblages, it has recently been suggested that four be rejected and three retained. The four rejected criteria are: an excessive proportion of horns and horn cores in hyena accumulated assemblages; the absence of small, hard, compact bones; mortality profiles; and the ratio of cranial bones to postcranial bones. The three criteria previous researchers suggested be retained are: a carnivore MNI ratio of ≥20%; an abundance of cylinder fragments; and hyena‐inflicted damage upon the bones. In this examination of over 27,000 faunal remains associated with all three species of extant bone‐collecting hyenids from four countries and two continents, six of the seven previously established criteria and reconsiderations of criteria have been evaluated. The results of the present study indicate that of the six criteria examined, none, as written, are indicative of hyenid activity on bone assemblages of unknown origin. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

城镇化水平差异的模糊综合评价——以西安市临潼区为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在制定城乡发展规划时需评估区域内不同乡镇城镇化水平差异,而单一人口城镇化指标不能满足城镇化水平差异分析的要求,特别难于评价农业人口比重较大的小城镇之间城镇化水平的真实差异。采用模糊综合评价的方法,针对人口、产值、产业发展和交通设施等指标及其相应的二级指标进行城镇化水平差异综合评价。在评价过程中,利用相关统计数据,来比较西安市临潼区内各乡镇城镇化水平的差异。通过结果划分得到具有相对比较意义的核心城区、中心城镇、重点乡镇和一般乡镇四级的城镇体系。为临潼区城镇体系发展规划等工作提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

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