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《History and theory》2014,53(3):468-471

《History and theory》2015,54(2):306-309

《History and theory》2015,54(3):471-474

《History and theory》2008,47(2):305-308
Book reviewed in this issue: Nation and History : Polish Historians from the Enlightenment to the Second World War . Edited by Peter Brock, John D. Stanley, and Piotr J. Wróbel. War of No Pity : The Indian Mutiny and Victorian Trauma . by Christopher Herbert. Medieval History Writing and Crusading Ideology . Edited by Tuomas M. S. Lehtonen and Kurt Villads Jensen with Janne Malkki and Katja Ritari. Vitalizing Nature in the Enlightenment . by Peter Hanns Reill. History and Nation . Edited by Julia Rudolph. Women's History in Global Perspective , Volumes 1–3. Edited by Bonnie G. Smith. Haunted by Empire : Geographies of Intimacy in North American History . Edited by Ann Laura Stoler. Writing Early Modern History . Edited by Garthine Walker.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2011,50(1):143-146
Books reviewed in this issue. Memory in Mind and Culture . Edited by Pascal Boyer and James V. Wertsch. Imprisoned by History : Aspects of Historicized Life . By Martin L. Davies. Medievalisms in the Pöstcolonial World : The Idea of “the Middle Ages ”outside Europe . Edited by Kathleen Davis and Nadia Altschul. The Super ‐Enlightenment : Daring to Know Too Much . Edited by Dan Edelstein. Cultural Mobility : A Manifesto . Edited by Stephen Greenblatt. Pragmatism as Transition : Historicity and Hope in James , Dewey , and Rorty . By Colin Koopman. Ecriture de l 'histoire et regard rétrospectif : Clio et Epiméthée . By Fiona McIntosh‐Varjabédian. Multidirectional Memory : Remembering the Holocaust in the Age of Decolonization . By Michael Rothberg.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2005,44(1):149-154
Geography And History : Bridging The Divide . By Alan R. H. Baker. ¿Qué Es La Historia Teórica ? By José Carlos Bermejo Barrera. The Lost Italian Renaissance : Humanists , Historians , And Latin's Legacy . By Christopher S. Celenza. Sozialgeschichte als politische Geschichte : Werner Conze Und die Neuorientierung der westdeutschen Geschichtswissenschaft nach 1945. By Thomas Etzemüller. Was ist Geschichte ? Einführung in die historische Methode . By Norbert Furrer. The New History and the Old : Critical Essays and Reappraisals . By Gertrude Himmelfarb. What History Tells : George L. Mosse and the Culture of Modern Europe . Edited by Stanley G. Payne, David J. Sorkin, and John S. Tortorice. George L. Mosse Series in European and Cultural History. States And Citizens : History , Theory , Prospects . Edited by Quentin Skinner and Bo Stråth.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2005,44(3):477-482
Book reviewed in this articles:
H istory's S hadow : N ative A mericans and H istorical C onsciousness in the N ineteenth C entury . By Steven Conn.
C ynicism from D iogenes to D ilbert . By Ian Cutler.
F rom W ords to N umbers : N arrative , D ata , and S ocial S cience . By Roberto Franzosi.
T ocqueville U nveiled : T he H istorian and H is S ources for T he O ld R egime and the R evolution . By Robert T. Gannett Jr.
S ila mitu : Z ydzi w P oznanskiem w dobie zaborów w pismiennictwie historycznym (The Power of Myth: Jews in Poznania during the Era of the Polish Partitions in Historical Writing). By Krzysztof A. Makowski.
H erbert B utterfield : H istorian as D issenter . By C. T. McIntire.
M ax W eber : A n I ntellectual B iography . By Fritz Ringer.
T heorizing H istorical C onsciousness . Edited by Peter Seixas.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2011,50(3):446-449
Books reviewed in this issue. Historiographie de l'antiquité et transferts culturels : Les histoires anciennes dans l 'Europe des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles . Edited by Chryssanthi Avlami and Jaime Alvar. What Is Migration History ? By Christiane Harzig and Dirk Hoerder. Historical Reenactment : From Realism to the Affective Turn . Edited by Iain McCalman and Paul A. Pickering. When Women Held the Dragon's Tongue and Other Essays in Historical Anthropology . By Hermann Rebel . Virginia Woolf , Modernity and History : Constellations with Walter Benjamin . By Angeliki Spiropoulou. Public Forgetting : The Rhetoric and Politics of Beginning Again . By Bradford Vivian. Constructing the Past : Writing Irish History , 1600–1800. Edited By Mark Williams and Stephen Paul Forrest.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2011,50(2):299-302
Books reviewed in this issue. Historians and Nationalism : East ‐Central Europe in the Nineteenth Century . By Monika Báar. French Historians 1900–2000: New Historical Writing in Twentieth ‐Century France . Edited by Philip Daileader and Philip Whalen. A Passion for History : Conversations with Denis Crouzet . By Natalie Zemon Davis. Work in a Modern Society : The German Historical Experiences in Comparative Perspective . Edited by Jürgen Kocka. Pasados en conflicto : Representación, mito y memoria . Edited by María Inés Mudrovcic. Writing Ancient History : An Introduction to Classical Historiography . By Luke Pitcher. History , Historians, and Conservatism in Britain and America : From the Great War to Thatcher and Reagan . By Reba N. Soffer. Performing the Past : Memory , History, and Identity in Modern Europe . Edited by Karin Tilmans, Frank van Vree, and Jay M. Winter.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2016,55(2):314-317

《History and theory》2013,52(2):300-303
Books reviewed in this issue. Isaiah Berlin : The Journey of a Jewish Liberal . By Arie Dubnov. Remembering Katyn . By Alexander Etkind, Rory Finnin, et al. Thucydides and Herodotus . Edited by Edith Foster and Donald Lateiner. Tolstoy on War : Narrative Art and Historical Truth in “War and Peace .” Edited by Rick McPeak and Donna Tussing Orwin. The Oxford History of Historical Writing , Vol . 3: 1400–1800. Edited by Jose Rabasa, Masayuki Sato, Edoardo Tortarolo, and Daniel Woolf. Courtly Encounters : Translating Courtliness and Violence in Early Modern Eurasia . By Sanjay Subrahmanyam. British Abolitionism and the Question of Moral Progress in History . Edited by Donald A. Yerxa. Jews : The Making of a Diaspora People . By Irving M. Zeitlin.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2017,56(1):160-162

《History and theory》2017,56(2):331-334

《History and theory》2006,45(1):147-152
Sublime Historical Experience . By Frank Ankersmit La Escritura De La Memoria : De Los Positivismos A Los Postmodernismos . By Jaume Aurell The Tragedy of Finitude : Dilthey's Hermeneutics of Life . By Jos de Mul The Invention of The Eyewitness : Witnessing & Testimony in Early Modern France . By Andrea Frisch Looking Backward and Looking Forward : Perspectives on Social Science History . Edited by Harvey J. Graff, Leslie Page Moch, and Philip McMichael The Strangeness of Gods : Historical Perspectives on The Interpretation of Athenian Religion . By S. C. Humphreys La Storia : Teoria E Metodi . By Marcello Mustè The Philosophy of History: A re ‐Examination . Edited by William Sweet  相似文献   

《History and theory》2007,46(2):308-308
Book reviewed in this articles. Storia universale e patologia dello spirito : saggio su croce . By Domenico Conte Europe (in Theory ). By Roberto M. Dainotto. Numbered Days : Diaries and e olocaust . By Alexandra Garbarini. The Rise and Fall of Soul and Self : An Intellectual History of Personal Identity . By Raymond martin and John Barresi. The Uses of History : From Athens to Auschwitz . By Christian Meier. Translated by Deborah Lucas Schneider. The Endurance of Nationalism : Ancient Roots and Modern Dilemmas . By Aviel Roshwald. The Natural Origins of Economics . By Margaret Schabas. Practicing History : New Directions in Historical Writing After the Linguistic Turn . By Gabrielle M. Spiegel.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2012,51(1):147-150
Books reviewed in this issue. Michael Oakeshott's Skepticism . By Aryeh Botwinick. The Future of Memory . Edited by Richard Crownshaw, Jane Kilby, and Antony Rowland. Nationalizing the Past : Historians as Nation Builders in Modern Europe . Edited by Chris Lorenz and Stefan Berger. History and Neorealism . Edited by Ernest R. May, Richard Rosecrance, and Zara Steiner. Vico and Naples : The Urban Origins of Modern Social Theory . By Barbara Ann Naddeo. Populäre Geschichtsschreibung: Historiker, Verleger und die Deutsche Offentlichkeit (1848–1900). By Martin Nissen. Apologia and Criticism : Historians and the History of Spain , 1500–2000. By Gonzalo Pasamar. Atlas of European Historiography : The Making of a Profession 1800–2005. Edited by Haria Porciana and Lutz Raphael.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2008,47(3):472-476
Book reviewed in this issue. Narratives Unbound : Historical Studies in Post ‐Communist Eastern Europe. Edited by Sorin Antohi, Balázs Trencsényi, and Péter Apor. Disputed Histories : Imagining New Zealand's Past. Edited by Tony Ballantyne and Brian Moloughney. Creative Pasts : Historical Memory and Identity in Western India , 1700–1960. By Prachi Deshpande. Lost Worlds : The Emergence of French Social History , 1815–1970. By Jonathan Dewald. Memory Against Culture : Arguments and Reminders. By Johannes Fabian. Ethnography as Commentary : Writing from the Virtual Archive. By Johannes Fabian. Viêt Nam : Borderless Histories. Edited by Nhung Tuyet Tran and Anthony Reid. Narrative and History in the Early Medieval West. Edited by E. M. Tyler and R. Balzaretti. Les songes de Clio: fiction et histoire sous l'ancien régime. Compiled and edited by Sabrina Vervacke, Éric Van der Schueren, and Thierry Belleguic.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2010,49(2):310-313
Books reviewed in this issue. Discourses of Tolerance and Intolerance in the European Enlightenment . Edited by Hans Erich Bödeker, Clorinda Donato, and Peter Hanns Reill. The Annales School : An Intellectual History . By André Burguière. A History of Histories : Epics , Chronicles , Romances , and Inquiries from Herodotus and Thucydides to the Twentieth Century . By John Burrow. Liberalism and Hegemony : Debating the Canadian Liberal Revolution . Edited by Jean‐François Constant and Michel Ducharme. Der Fortchrittsglaube : Geschichte einer Europaïschen Idee . By Bedrich Loewenstein. Il Reich di Bismarck : Storia e storiografia . By Anna Maria Voci. Contested Histories in Public Space : Memory , Race , and Nation . Edited by Daniel J. Walkowitz and Lisa Maya Knauer. The Purpose of the Past : Reflections on the Uses of History . By Gordon Wood.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2007,46(1):92-97
Books reviewed in this article. Ciencia , ideología y Mercado . By José Carlos Bermejo Barrera. Digital History : A Guide to Gathering , Preserving , and Presenting the Past on the Web . By Daniel J. Cohen and Roy Rosenzweig. Time's Visible Surface : Alois Riegl and the Discourse on History and Temporality in Fin ‐ de ‐Siècle Vienna . By Michael Gubser. Historia , Narración y Memoria : Los Debates actuales en Filosofía de la Historia . By María Inés Mudrovcic. Alexander von Humboldt : A Metabiography . By Nicolaas A. Rupke. Hiding from History : Politics and Public Imagination . By Meili Steele. Historians in Public : The Practice of American History , 1890–1970. By Ian Tyrrell. El Texto Historico como artefacto literario . By Hayden White. Translated by Verónica Tozzi.  相似文献   

《History and theory》2014,53(4):625-628

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