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Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions were measured on human and faunal bones, sampled from the Neolithic chambered tomb of Hazleton North, Gloucestershire, UK. The values were used to characterize the diet of the burial community as a whole. Humans were higher in δ15N by 4.5–5.0‰ relative to animal δ15N, from which we conclude that, based on currently accepted interpretations of isotopic data, the humans consumed a diet that was very high in meat or animal products (75% by weight of protein). Comparison was also possible between cortical and cancellous femoral collagen, with the results showing no significant difference for the adult humans. The sample of human isotopic values showed little variability, in contrast to that found in the domestic and wild animals from the site (including cattle, pigs, sheep and deer). We suggest that this is due to local environmental differences, rather than to environmental change over time or physiological differences between individual animals, and that this pattern is likely to hold for many other archaeological sites when analysed with sufficient statistical weight.  相似文献   

This study explores the potential of carbon and oxygen isotope data from human enamel carbonate (n = 50) to contribute to mobility studies in the Caribbean. Most oxygen and carbon isotope results display limited variation, with substantial overlap between islands. However, a few individuals from El Chorro de Maíta, Cuba possess relatively low δ18O and high δ13C. Two of these individuals were previously identified as possible non‐Antillean immigrants on the basis of strontium isotopes, and bioarchaeological and mortuary evidence. The carbon and oxygen isotope results provide additional evidence supporting the proposed non‐local origins of these individuals and contribute to explorations of their potential natal origins.  相似文献   

Trace element and Sr isotope data were obtained by laser ablation‐ and solution mode‐(MC)‐ICP‐MS analysis for tooth enamel from remains excavated at the New Kingdom period Egyptian colonial and Nubian cemetery site of Tombos (Sudan). Elemental abundances determined by both methods of ICP‐MS analysis yielded comparable values; however, 87Sr/86Sr values obtained by laser ablation were higher compared to their solution mode counterparts. This discrepancy is related to the production of a molecular interference—Ca + P + O (overlaps 87Sr); hence the higher 87Sr/86Sr values recorded during ablation analyses. Laser ablation studies of enamel may provide relatively precise 87Sr/86Sr values rather quickly but cannot be used for accurately deciphering historical population migrations.  相似文献   

This study examines the feasibility of using oxygen isotope analysis of tooth carbonate to identify immigrants from the New Kingdom site of Tombos in Nubia (n = 30). In comparison with published data, the results (δ18Oca,VSMOW = 31.4‰) imply a substantial presence of immigrants. However, further analysis of these data strongly suggests the need to consider hydrological and cultural factors such as the contribution of aquifer waters to the Nile, use of groundwater sources, and differences in handling and storage of water. The carbon isotope analysis, in conjunction with published 87Sr/86Sr data, provides additional support for the presence of immigrants at Tombos.  相似文献   

Stable oxygen isotopes from estuarine bivalve carbonate from Saxidomus gigantea were analysed combined with high‐resolution sclerochronology from modern and archaeological shells from British Columbia, Canada, to determine the seasonality of shellfish collection from the archaeological site of Namu. The combination of high‐resolution sclerochronology and a micro‐milled sampling strategy for δ18O analysis permits a precise estimate of archaeological seasonality, because seasonal freshwater influxes and changes in temperature have dual effects on the δ18O value of the shell. Sclerochronological analysis identifies the timing and duration of growth that is temporally aligned to stable oxygen isotope results, since δ18Oshell appears to be strongly influenced by seasonal inputs of very low δ18O snowmelt‐water from adjacent coastal mountain ranges. The results show that shellfish were collected year‐round at this site over a 4000‐year period, and these data combined with other zooarchaeological lines of evidence support the interpretation of year‐round occupation.  相似文献   

A multi‐method approach, based on petrography, stable isotope data and electron spin resonance spectroscopy for assigning the provenance of white marbles, is presented. A total of 11 experimental variables has been used, including the quantitative measurement of the sample colour and its homogeneity. On this basis we attempt to distinguish the three main quarrying basins of the Carrara district, that is, Torano, Miseglia and Colonnata. Such discrimination, extremely uncertain on the basis of the single techniques, may be performed with acceptable confidence’ using a properly selected subset of six petrographic, isotopic and spectroscopic variables. The final resubstitution and jackknifed re‐assignment rates are, respectively, 85% and 81%. Inclusion of the remaining five variables into the classification rule does not improve the results, but simply increases data overinterpretation. The practical possibility of using such an approach for more general provenancing problems is considered.  相似文献   

Incremental dentine analysis utilizes tissue that does not remodel and that permits comparison, at the same age, of those who survived infancy with those who did not at high temporal resolution. Here, we present a pilot study of teeth from a 19th‐century cemetery in London, comparing the merits of two methods of obtaining dentine increments for subsequent isotope determination. Covariation in δ13C and δ15N values suggests that even small variations have a physiological basis. We show that high‐resolution intra‐dentine isotope profiles can pinpoint short‐duration events such as dietary change or nutritional deprivation in the juvenile years of life.  相似文献   

In order to explore the possibility that intramolecular differences in the δ13C value of bone collagen can provide useful infomation for isotopic dietary analysis, a method for reliably measuring the δ13C value of the peptide-bonded carboxyl carbons in collagen was developed and applied to a wide range of modem and ancient species, including humans. Carboxyl carbons were selectively removed as CO2 by decarboxylation of collagen hydrolysates with ninhydrin (2,2-dihydroxy-l,3-indanedione). Carboxyl carbons were usually isotopically heavier than the total carbon in the collagen, with differences ranging from -0.9 to 4.0%c. Animals at higher trophic levels and with more positive δ15N values usually had smaller differences than the lower animals while humans had the largest range, reflecting their larger range of diets.  相似文献   

As evidence concerning human mobility during the transition to agriculture in central Europe, we present the results of strontium isotope analysis of human skeletons from the Neolithic village of Vaihingen, Germany. We find significantly more ‘non‐local’87Sr/86Sr values from humans buried in a Neolithic ditch surrounding Vaihingen than from those buried within the settlement. These results fit with previous studies showing a correlation between burial circumstances and strontium isotope signatures from LBK cemeteries of southwestern Germany ( Price et al. 2001 ; Bentley et al. 2002 ). A pilot study of Neolithic animal teeth from Vaihingen suggests that either ‘local’87Sr/86Sr signatures were more variable than the analysed human bones suggest, or that these domestic animals themselves were mobile, perhaps ranged by mobile pastoralists.  相似文献   

To understand biogenic collagen type I decomposition and to establish how diagenesis may bias archaeometric data, modern mammalian bone was inoculated with a selection of ubiquitous soil bacteria. The presence of exogenous microbial biomass in the inoculated specimens was then checked microscopically prior to collagen extraction. The experimentally degraded bone collagen showed altered amino acid compositions, attributable to the selective breakdown of certain amino acids by the bacteria. While both the bulk collagen extract and the single amino acids exhibited shifts to more negative δ13 C-values, enrichment was recorded for general δ13 N, and a depletion trend relative to unaltered collagen was observed for individual amino acid δ13 N. One explanation for the enrichment of the global δ15N-values is cleavage of peptide bonds, which leaves 15 N within the substrate, while the change of 13C is mostly due to the altered amino acid composition. On the other hand, possible repolymerization of cleavage products under experimental conditions may also be responsible for the depletion trend of individual amino acid δ13C- and δ15 N-values. This paper discusses the results as a basis for the development of a method for the reconstruction of the isotopic abundance of the original collagen, using the amino acid composition of the degraded product, the contribution of individual amino acids to its global δ-values and of isotope discriminations implied in the microbial decomposition.  相似文献   

Contrasting lifestyles are recorded by the isotope composition of Bronze Age Beaker people (c. 2500–2000 bc ) from three burial sites (Boscombe Down, Normanton Down and the ditch around Stonehenge) at or near to the Stonehenge monument in Wiltshire, southern England. Seven individuals (three adults, a sub‐adult, two juveniles and an infant) were recovered from a single grave at Boscombe Down. Strontium and oxygen isotope analysis of tooth enamel from two teeth (a premolar and third molar) from each of three of the adults in this grave (referred to as Boscombe Bowmen) show that they had all shared a pattern of mobility and migration during their lives. The three adult males spent their early childhood (as represented by data from the premolar teeth) in an area with a radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr isotope signature of around 0.7135. They each then moved, during early adolescence (as represented by the third molar results), to a less radiogenic area, where they acquired an 87Sr/86Sr signature of around 0.7112. This implies that they must then have travelled to the Stonehenge area of Wiltshire at a later time in their lives. Wales provides the closest area with rocks that supply suitable 87Sr/86Sr ratios and δ18O isotope compositions for these individuals, although other areas of Palaeozoic rock, such as Scotland and parts of Europe, cannot be ruled out. Enamel from the two juveniles from the Boscombe Down burial yields 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7098 and 0.7099, and strontium concentrations for both of 55 ppm. The very close match of the data for the two juveniles supports the possibility that they were raised in the same environment. The difference in strontium isotope data between the juveniles and three adult males described above shows that the children did not come from the same homeland as the adults with whom they share a grave. The two adult males from the single burials at Normanton Down, and from Stonehenge itself, had static lifestyles and show no evidence of migration, in contrast to the Boscombe Bowmen. Their oxygen and strontium data are consistent with a childhood in the Stonehenge area.  相似文献   

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