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Ficus has been described as a keystone genus in the tropics. This paper reviews the Quaternary palynology literature, and vegetation research literature in Island Southeast Asia, Australasia and the Western Pacific with the aim of increasing the knowledge of the distribution history for Ficus and related species within this area. Specifically, this paper describes a GIS atlas designed to aid further analysis of the history and spread of Moraceae species. This research project synthesises the knowledge of the distribution and history of Ficus and related species in the greater Australasian area through the production of a GIS atlas, and describes the project, specifically focusing on the data collation and production of the GIS.  相似文献   

For over a century, The Times Atlas of the World has been a trusted and valued guide to study of the world's geography. For eighty of these 100 years, production of this work has been carried out in Scotland, following in the tradition of Scottish cartographic publishing. In relation to other work on the history of the atlas, and the history of geographical publishing in Scotland, this paper examines the development of the Times Atlas from its first edition in 1895 and considers the challenges posed to atlas production and publishing by the digital age.  相似文献   

The paper considers two large sixteenth-century tapestries, originating in a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. It is argued that although they are not paper maps, and were never printed or included in any atlas or map collection, these tapestries ought to be categorized as realistic pilgrimage maps, based on first-hand observation and guided by the unique late medieval Christian geo-religious perception of the Holy Land and the Holy City. Furthermore, the resemblance of the tapestries to printed maps, such as the map included in the book of Bernhard of Breydenbach, and other well-known contemporary paintings of Jerusalem and the Holy Land, such as the one commemorating the pilgrimage of Friedrich the Wise, may hint at the source material used by their creators, who lived in a similar social–cultural milieu.  相似文献   

The analysis of the skeletal remains of Ohalo II man, aged 30–40 years at death and dated to 19 000 years BP, shows advanced and highly unusual ossification of the lower costosternal cartilage; the right humerus is morphologically larger and considerably more robust than the left; degenerative changes were noted unilaterally in the right glenohumeral, acromioclavicular and claviculosternal joints. There is a marked asymmetry of the atlas, axis and occipital condyles. The changes in the costochondral area of the lower anterior rib cage are considered to represent an infectious chronic osteomyelitic process. The marked discrepancy in size between the left and right shoulder girdles and humeri, and the evidence of degenerative disease exclusively on one side only may be the result of a traumatic brachial plexus nerve palsy. The asymmetrical atlas and axis are most probably anatomical variants that do not reflect clinical pathology.  相似文献   

雍正年间黄河河政管理制度的变化,推动了清代黄河图绘制内容和机制的变化;而康熙年间张鹏翮所绘河渠水利图集的内容和形式,也影响了乾隆年间江南黄运河图集的编绘。海内外分别收藏有以江南黄河、运河、洪泽湖、淮河工程为主题的河渠水利图集一"南河图说",经考证均为乾隆十五年(1750年)江南河臣高斌、张师载等人在乾隆帝首次南巡的背景下绘制呈送的定本、副本或后人摹绘本。《南河图说》既是河督高斌反映河情、陈述治河政见、彰显治河政绩的工具,也是乾隆帝确定南巡路线、了解河务、进行河政决策的重要依据。《南河图说》的绘制、呈奏和运用在很大程度上确定了乾隆首次南巡的模式,对研究乾隆南巡和乾隆朝河政运作具有重要价值。  相似文献   

The work of Eugene Romer, founder of Polish geography, was framed by his involvement in the national cause. The Atlas of Poland, a key tool in his political activism, was completed during the First World War under the uncertain circumstances prevailing on the Eastern Front. It focused more on the issue of unification than on boundaries. Skilled in physical geography, Romer made use of a cartographical technique rarely applied to ethnographical maps, that of isopleths. In this article, we address the reasons for this daring innovation and consider Romer’s training in the Austrian and German schools of cartography before examining the reception of the atlas by geographers from the different academic backgrounds.  相似文献   

Occipitalisation of the atlas is one of the most frequent osseous anomalies of the atlas. It is characterised by the adhesion of the first cervical vertebra with the basilar part of the occipital bone. The most probable cause of the occipitalisation is a congenital disorder. The atlanto‐occipital fusion may lead to narrowing of the space for medulla oblongata, spinal cord and vertebral artery. This in turn may lead to many physiological symptoms. The skull from Twardogóra, Southern Poland, showed partial atlanto‐occipital fusion and presented an asymmetry in structure and shape of apertures for the vessels and nerves around the foramen magnum. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Maps act not only as the carrier of the geographical information but also as the symbolic expression of particular cultural and political concepts, by which we can understand those people’s knowledge about themselves as well as about others. The maps drawn by the Europeans from the 16th to the 18th centuries vividly express the self-centeredness of the Europeans influenced by both the Christian and modern civilization concepts, and the maps also expressed their comments on the other parts of the world in such a mentality. Some characteristic maps and illustrations in the atlas of European history demonstrated how the Europeans formed and expressed their hierarchical perspective of the world geography. The position of China in the hierarchical world is one of the most important expressions of the European concept of China, and well served the purpose of our reflection on the cultural intercommunion.  相似文献   

Reef, range and red dust are the ‘three Rs’ which sum up the geography of Queensland. The recently-completed state atlas, a joint venture of the Premier's and Lands Departments, was charged with capturing the physical and human aspects of this vast area. This paper recounts the background, decisions, controversies and some technicalities inherent in its production. No human hands, save those of graphic artists, touched the paper of the atlas: it was completely computer drawn and composed. Over 80 external authors were involved. The project took four and a half years and follows a series of other Australian state atlases. In a departure from their tradition, it adopts a ‘popular’ format using techniques more commonly associated with business magazines.  相似文献   

National Atlases     
The concept of national atlas is reviewed in light of experience gained since such a specific category of cartographic production was first suggested in 1958 by K. A. Salishchev. On the basis of analysis of the structure and content of 14 atlases, a set of definitions and criteria is drawn up that would qualify an atlas as truly national. Aside from being limited to the territory of a single country, such an atlas should devote roughly 70 to 85 percent of its total space to maps of the physical environment, population and ecomnomy. The atlas content should be on a scholarly level reflecting the state of the art, for use principally as an aid in the evaluation of territory, of the production base and of manpower resources for purposes of economic and social planning. Among the principal map sections, greater weight given to economic maps is justified in highly developed, industrial countries, while more attention to the physical base tends to be given in countries where agriculture is still the basis of the nation's economy. The atlases of Colombia and Kenya devote less than 50 percent of their space to environment, population and economy and therefore would not qualify. Neither, in the author's view, does the atlas of Salvador, which allocates 68 percent of space to agriculture and only 12 percent to the physical base.  相似文献   

A skull is described from the St Bride's collection in which the atlas is fused to the occiput. The mechanism of occipitalization or assimilation is described in the light of the embryological development of the upper axial skeleton.  相似文献   

There have been a number of important efforts to map out the languages of Iran, but until now no language atlas, or even a comprehensive and detailed country-level language map, has been produced. One of the recent initiatives which aims to fill this gap is the online Atlas of the Languages of Iran (ALI) (http://iranatlas.net). This article delineates objectives of the ALI research programme, atlas architecture, research methodology, and preliminary results that have been generated. Specific topics of interest are the structure and content of the linguistic data questionnaire; the handling of contrasting perspectives about the status of “languages” and “dialects” through a flexible multi-dimensional classification web; and the role of ongoing comparisons between language distribution assessments and hard linguistic data.  相似文献   


The twenty-one maps of Spain that comprise the Escorial atlas (El atlas de El Escorial) and the later notebook compiled by Pedro de Esquivel for another map of Spain have long been confused. Recently identified documents in the Royal Library, Stockholm, have allowed us to recognize the two works as completely separate and to shed new light on each. In this article we describe their respective histories, starting with the Escorial atlas, now known to have been commissioned by Emperor Charles V from the Sevillian cosmographer Alonso de Santa Cruz, who between c.1538 and 1545 produced an index map and 20 regional sheets drawn to the scale of 1:400 000. We then go on to show how, later in the century (between c.1552 and 1565), Pedro de Esquivel was using a version of the topographical methods described in Peter Apian’s Cosmographia to assemble data for the map of Spain commissioned by Philip II before and just after he became king in 1556. Esquivel died in 1565 before all the data had been collected, his map was never drawn, and his notebooks, with all his astronomical measurements and calculations of angles and distances, took a curious journey that ended in Stockholm in the archives of the Royal Library of Sweden.  相似文献   

The skeletal elements of mountain gazelle (Gazella gazella) have proven difficult to sex with statistical confidence due to wide overlap in the body size of the two sexes. We studied a sample of 53 modern mountain gazelle skeletons to determine which character traits and metric measurements best predict sex. The success of the character traits was determined using blind tests while the metrics were examined using discriminant function analysis. The most useful elements include the previously identified horn core, pubis and atlas, but also some new bone portions that preserve well in the archaeological record (e.g., distal tibia, distal metacarpal and metatarsal, and second phalanx). Surprisingly, two elements commonly used in sexing analyses (distal humerus and astragalus) were not among the most effective elements. Although cutting points and discriminant functions for sexing gazelle bone portions are presented here, they do not account for potential body size change and thus are not suited for direct application to archaeological assemblages. Instead, we provide guidelines for application to archaeological gazelle assemblages, most importantly a regression analysis that considers the sex ratios obtained from multiple measurements to predict the sex ratio of archaeological gazelle populations.  相似文献   


At the end of the eighteenth century Boston, Massachusetts, emerged as a centre of chart publishing in the United States. With little cartographic experience among them, Bartholomew Burges, John Norman and, later, Matthew Clark undertook a publishing venture that resulted in the first atlas of sea charts made in the United States. The research presented here redefines the roles of the principals and examines the atlas's relationship to other Boston publications.  相似文献   

林宏 《历史地理研究》2021,41(1):117-140
近代欧洲刊行的第一部中国分省地图集《中国新图志》(Novus Atlas Sinensis)1655年在阿姆斯特丹出版,对当时欧洲人对中国的认知产生重大影响。《中国新图志》的地图与图说主要是由耶稣会士卫匡国(Martino Martini)基于返欧时随身携带的《广舆记》编制的。通过解读现存于梵蒂冈图书馆的《广舆记》“工作本”上的卫匡国亲笔批注,结合适当推理,可以尝试重构卫匡国在工作本分省图上推定城址经纬度的方法与过程。卫匡国仅以极少量控制点的实测或预设经纬度值为基础,为其余一千七百多个城址做了经纬度赋值,这是其制图的核心步骤。虽不具备充分“准确性”,却成功地将中文分省舆图有效地转化成符合当时欧洲制图业标准的西式地图集。  相似文献   


From measurements of the graticules on Saxton's two general maps of England and Wales—the atlas map Anglia and the wall map Britannia—together with other evidence, it is argued that neither map was drawn according to any specific projection, but that both were effectively produced as ‘flat-earth’ maps with the graticules superimposed afterwards. Digital versions of Saxton's maps and of a modern map, the 1:1 million Ordnance Survey transport map, are used in a number of comparisons by means of the computer program MapAnalyst. These comparisons allow the scales of the two Saxton maps to be determined. They also show that the maps are of almost the same accuracy in terms of the positioning of settlements, typically within about 4.6 kilometres, in spite of a difference in scale of a factor of about 3.6. This fact and the direct comparison of the two Saxton maps in MapAnalyst show that they are basically the same map, and it is concluded that a version of the wall map was the first to be drawn and that Anglia is a reduced copy prepared for the atlas. The lengths of Saxton's miles as used on the two maps are calculated and compared with other determinations. The relationship between the two general maps and the county maps is briefly considered, and it is provisionally concluded that the relationship is a close one.  相似文献   

1982、1987年出版的《中国历史地图集》是广受学术界赞誉的高水平的历史地图集,有关十六国时期的地图,经考证研究,有7处的绘法可以改绘得更加准确。  相似文献   

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