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We report a possible rheumatoid arthritis (RA) case found in a Korean Joseon Dynasty (1392–1910) tomb encapsulated by a lime‐soil mixture barrier (LSMB). The tomb is thought to have been constructed during the 1700s AD (1760 AD by carbon dating). In our anthropological examination, joint destruction, erosion or fusion (signs of polyarthritis) were identified mainly in the peripheral skeleton. Especially in both sides of the wrist bones, severe destruction/joint fusion possibly caused by polyarthritis was observed. A similar polyarthritis pattern also was seen in the right foot bones, even though we failed to confirm this symmetry due to the missing left foot bones. Despite these findings, signs suggestive of polyarthritis are very rarely seen in axial bones, even though bony fusions are found in the atlanto‐occipital joint or thoracic vertebrae (TV) 9–10. By the osteological signs observed in this case, the individual, a female, might have been suffering from a very late stage of RA and died in her 40s, even though other forms of chronic arthritis could not be ruled out completely. Though the current case could not provide evidence to decisively settle the debates on the antiquity of RA, our report could be a stepping stone for forthcoming studies on RA cases found in East Asian countries. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随葬较多兵器的北京昌平白浮西周女性墓葬M2,当属于商遗民性质的燕国墓葬,墓主人可能为燕国女将军.其中随葬的少量北方系兵器可能是其与北方民族打仗时缴获,并不能作为其为狄人女首领的证据.  相似文献   

Skeletal remains of Pazyryk warriors unearthed in a recent archaeological excavation in the Mongolian Altai offer a unique opportunity for verifying ancient histories of warfare and violence given by Herodotus in the fifth century BC. The Pazyryks were Iron Age nomadic groups associated with the eastern Scythians and known from burial site discoveries on the high steppes of the Altai (Central Asia). The aim of this paper is to analyze the evidence for bone trauma provided by the skeletal remains of these Pazyryk warriors with a particular focus on violence-related injuries. The sample consists of 10 individuals, comprising seven adult males, one adult female and two children. Seven individuals exhibited a total of 14 traumatic injuries. Six of these injuries (43%) showed evidence of bone remodelling and eight injuries (57%) were morphologically compatible with a perimortem origin. Twelve injuries (86%) were related to interpersonal violence, most likely caused by weapons similar to those found in Pazyryk tombs (battle-axes, daggers and arrowheads). Five individuals, including the female and one child, exhibited evidence of violent death. Furthermore, one individual also exhibited evidence of scalping. Despite the small number of Pazyryk skeletons analyzed, the pattern of traumatic injuries observed appears to be in agreement with that documented in conflicts related to raids or surprise attacks, and not a result of routinized or ritualized violence. These findings contribute new data to osteological evidence from Scythian burial sites.  相似文献   

Between 1985 and 2007 overall nineteen human skulls dating to the Late Neolithic period were recovered at Kö?k Höyük, which lies within the borders of Bor, a district of the Ni?de Province in Central Anatolia. One of these skulls belongs to a child and the remainder to adult males and females. The plastered skulls may have been laid on or wrapped in mats and exposed either singly or in groups on a plaster surface inside the house. Among thirteen of these skulls the mouths, noses, eyes and ears were depicted with clay and painted with red ochre, while the remaining six were untreated. Two headless skeletons were also found in situ underneath the floor inside the house. One of these skeletons belongs to a child aged approximately 15–16 years old and the other belongs to an adult female. The modeled human skulls were encountered in the second and third cultural levels of the Late Neolithic period indicating that this characteristic mortuary practice lasted for quite a long time and likely disappeared by the Chalcolithic at Kö?k Höyük.  相似文献   

虞弘墓所谓“夫妇宴饮图”辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对虞弘墓图像中一幅学界一直认为是“夫妇宴饮图”的图像进行了辨析正名。作者列举了多件以“夫妇宴饮图”为主题的图像与虞弘墓这幅图像进行比对,通过男、女主人的排位原则考辨出虞墓图像的女主角不是虞弘夫人,又从其冠服特征、手持之物以及身旁二女伴的身份考定出她是一位天界神灵,即Daena女神。作者又进而指出,此幅图像的主题是表现墓主人灵魂进入天国后的美好情景。  相似文献   

Occipitalization of the atlas was observed in two adult female skeletons from the Greek colonial site of Apollonia Pontica (5th to 3rd centuries BC), located on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Representing a rare congenital anomaly of the atlanto‐occipital junction, this condition has been documented in very few skeletal remains from Classical antiquity. Postmortem damage to one of the specimens prevented an evaluation of its clinical significance. The dimensions of the second specimen, however, suggest that the affected individual may have experienced some neurological symptoms associated with her condition. The burial of the two females in close proximity to one another raises the possibility that they may have been biologically related. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

江苏连云港海州西汉墓发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
武可荣  惠强  马振林  张璞  程志娟  项剑云 《文物》2012,(3):4-17,2,3,97
2002年,连云港市博物馆对海州区双龙村的西汉墓(M1)进行了发掘。M1墓室东西长4.2、南北宽3.6米,内有两个椁室,共放置4具漆木棺。随葬器物有铜器、铁器、玉器、漆木器、角器、木牍等,其中木牍包括名谒和衣物疏。墓主人可能是西汉中后期的地方官员。在M1的三号棺内发现了一具保存完好的女尸,从出土的龟纽铜印看,墓主叫凌惠平,死亡年龄大约55岁,可能是男性墓主人的妻子。  相似文献   

In 1957, a new discovery inside Temple XVIII‐A was made in Palenque, the Mayan archaeological site in Chiapas Mexico, a royal tomb of an original design which proved to be the oldest at the site. Two skeletons were found, the principal (PAL‐44) was at the centre showing red pigmentation on the surface of some bones, personal adornments and offerings, which indicate that he was an early ruler of Palenque. The second (PAL‐45), deposited at the entrance, not in a special mortuary position, without offerings, suggests it was of a lower social status. This research presents a new bioarchaeological analysis with the following results: (i) The result of a direct radiocarbon dating of PAL‐44 by accelerator mass spectrometry is 250–420 cal AD (LTL12759A:1696 ± 30 BP). This means that the personage was buried long before the first designated ruler of Palenque, who, according to the epigraphic record was enthroned in ad 431. (ii) With X‐Ray Fluorescence, the red pigment was identified as cinnabar (HgS). (iii) PAL‐44 is a young adult male with a severe idiopathic scoliosis with a double curvature that affected the ribcage and lower limbs. Such a three‐dimensional deformity resulted in changes to his body mechanics and induced motion asymmetry. Consequently, his health and mobility must have been significantly affected by such a severe condition. (iv) PAL‐45 is an adult female with signs of nutritional problems in childhood and entheseal changes probably related to her activity. Three ante‐mortem traumas are registered: rib fracture, frontal depressed circular fracture and a nasal septal deviation. This traumatic event took place two weeks, approximately, prior to PAL‐45's death. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Documentary evidence reveals that, when in 1395 the Purbeck marble tomb with gilt cast copper-alloy effigies commemorating Richard II and his queen, Anne of Bohemia, was installed in St Edward the Confessor's Chapel in Westminster Abbey, another tomb was moved to make room for it. It has commonly been supposed that the displaced tomb was the Cosmatesque tomb chest now in the south ambulatory, which has traditionally been believed to house the bones of Katherine, daughter of Henry III, and up to eight other royal infants and older children of Henry III and Edward I. Examination of the evidence indicates that neither part of this view is correct. Three other tombs may have been moved from the Confessor's chapel; of these, the highstatus monument to William de Valence is the most likely candidate for the tomb displaced in 1395.  相似文献   

Using evidence from a number of sources (including the 1981 and 1991 censuses of India, prior research, and NGO reports), this article examines whether bias against girl children persists during periods of development and fertility decline, whether prenatal sex selection has spread in India as elsewhere in Asia, and whether female vs. male child mortality risks have changed. The authors present estimated period sex ratios at birth (SRBs) calculated by reverse survival methods along with reported sex ratios among infants aged 0 and 1, as well as sex ratios of child mortality probabilities (q5), from the two censuses. The findings show an increase in ‘masculine’ SRBs and persistent (or even worsening) female mortality disadvantage, despite overall mortality decline, due to selective neglect and the spread of female infanticide practices in some areas. Research and reports indicate the increasing use of prenatal sex selection in some regions. In India, preference for sons appears to be undiminished by socio-economic development, which interacts with cultural sources of male bias. The increased masculinity of period SRBs in some areas, together with persistent excess female child mortality and female infanticide, creates a ‘double jeopardy’ for girl children. Legislation curbing prenatal sex determination and policy measures addressing societal female devaluation have had little impact, suggesting that female demographic disadvantage is unlikely to improve in the near future.  相似文献   

While historical documents indicate that complications during pregnancy, labour or soon after birth was a common cause of death in past populations, to date only a few archaeological cases have been reported. Here we present an example, unearthed in a small Portuguese churchyard, of an adult female buried with an infant at her pelvis. The pair appear to have died during labour, as the infant's estimated age at death corresponds to a full term pregnancy, while the distribution of the bones at the adult's pelvic girdle is consistent with birth positioning. The association between the skeletons and their cause of death is analysed, discussed and compared with similar archaeological evidence. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

董仲舒墓址辨惑   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
关于董仲舒的墓址问题 ,学术界一直众说纷纭 ,莫衷一是。在这篇文章中 ,作者根据文献记载和实地考察 ,否定了“西安交通大学董墓”说和“和平门城内董墓”说 ,肯定了董仲舒陪葬茂陵的说法  相似文献   

江西靖安县李洲坳东周墓葬   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李洲坳东周墓葬位于江西靖安县水口乡水口村李家自然村,是在2006年12月30日偶然发现的。在报经国家文物局批准后,江西省文物考古研究所对这座墓葬进行了抢救性发掘,田野工作于2007年1月6日正式开始,至10月25日基本结束。目前,墓葬出土文物的清理工作还在继续。现将该墓发掘的基本情况和一些初步认识简要介  相似文献   

This study is based on the paleaopathology of leprosy on human skeletal remains and the detection of ancient Mycobacterium leprae DNA. Two cases of childhood leprosy were recognized. The first case was in a Roman necropolis at Martellona (Rome, Central Italy), dated to the 2nd to 3rd centuries ce . The skeleton of a child aged 4–5 years, from tomb 162, is the youngest individual in Italy from this time period, with the clear rhino‐maxillary syndrome and other bony changes indicative of leprosy. The second case from a burial at Kovuklukaya, in the Sinop region of Northern Turkey, was from the 8th to the 10th centuries, during the Byzantine era. The endocranium of a 4–5‐month‐old infant with new bone formation—an indication of chronic inflammation—was positive for M. leprae DNA. Infant and childhood leprosy is uncommon today, and there is a scarcity of information in the osteoarchaeological literature of leprosy in the past, especially in children. The significance of these cases is that it adds to an understanding of the history of the disease in the former Roman Empire. It is hoped that over time sufficient data can be obtained to understand the epidemiological dynamics and clinical evolution of leprosy from the ancient period until today. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The transitional agro‐ecological zone of Ghana, located between the richly endowed south and the impoverished north, has attracted seasonal and permanent farm migrants, mainly from northern Ghana, who now live side by side with the indigenous people. While migrants have higher numbers of Muslims, indigenous people are mainly Christians. Although the majority of the migrants live in migrant quarters with less favourable socio‐economic conditions, they are more successful farmers and therefore wealthier. The objectives are to examine the varying effect of fertility determinants among migrants and indigenous females. This paper uses data collected in 2002 among 194 females aged 15 to 49 years. Multiple regression models are used to assess fertility determinants. Results show that although migrant households were wealthier, migrant females were more traditional. They had more children living in foster care, and a lower proportion of them approved of men participating in household activities. In addition, they were less well educated, recorded higher infant mortality, gave birth earlier and used less contraception. Furthermore, while a female's migration status is statistically significant so far as non‐proximate determinants of fertility are concerned, the same variable is not significant with respect to proximate determinants. In addition, a married female migrant would on average have almost one more child compared to her indigenous counterpart, and migrant females who had experienced the loss of a child would on average have 2.5 more children compared to their indigenous counterparts. Finally, more affluent migrant females have 0.08 fewer children compared to their indigenous counterpart.  相似文献   

The burial of a child of two years of age from the 4th century site of Lisieux‐Michelet (Calvados, France) was examined for bone hyperplasia and a variety of mechanical deformations recognized in association with skeletal trauma. Results of DNA analysis of bone using the PCR method identified this child as female. Microscopic features of the teeth (interglobular dentine) and a sample taken from the tibia conclusively determined that this child suffered from vitamin D‐resistant rickets and possibly X‐linked hypophosphataemic rickets as its most common form of occurrence. In addition, evidence for child abuse is suspected based on the presence of cranial and tooth fractures and the appearance of successive plaque‐like endocranial (meningeal) appositions. This is the first palaeopathological report of child abuse in antiquity. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Humor in Anne of Green Gables serves the novel’s realism, establishing the perspective of a child. The humanistic humor and overblown, imaginative realism in Montgomery’s work is both a burlesque on Romantic attitudes and a vehicle for her social outlook, an outlook which is decidedly conservative. Like Thomas Carlyle in Past and Present, Montgomery creates in Avonlea an idealized past that serves (in part) as a moral standard from which she can gauge modernity. Anne’s optimism, her “ambitions,” humanizes Marilla’s Calvinism, Marilla’s tendency toward emotional austerity. But from the mid-point of the novel onwards, the humor is made increasingly at Anne’s expense as Montgomery satirizes Romantic pretensions and steers her heroine away from the extremes of childhood into an adult sense of individual balance and duty.  相似文献   

邿召簠出土于山东仙人台周代邿国贵族墓中的M3,由其铭文可知,此器为男性贵族邿召的自作器,用于宴飨"诸母"、"诸兄"等亲族成员。而M3墓主为成年女性,其身份应为邿召的妻子、宗族的宗妇,此器应为其生前所用并随葬墓中。该器的出土一方面体现了两周时期宗妇在家族中的职责与权力,也从另一方面表明除宗妇外,家族内的"诸母"即各小宗宗族长之妇也有权力参与家族内的宴飨活动。  相似文献   

The case reported here refers to the skeletal remains of a mature adult male found in a collective grave known as ‘Giant's tomb’ located near Donori (Sardinia) and dating to the end of the Bronze Age. The skeleton showed bilateral shortening of the forearm associated to radial bowing, marked deformations at the radio‐ulnar distal joints and subsequent posterior dislocation of both ulnae. The whole alterations fit well with a diagnosis of Madelung's deformity, a rare form of mesomelic dysplasia. At present, this case is the most ancient evidence of Madelung's deformity. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

江苏高邮龙虬庄史前墓葬人口状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夏寒 《江汉考古》2006,(2):40-46
本文利用江苏高邮龙虬庄史前墓地发掘材料探讨了龙虬庄史前人口的性别比例、平均年龄和死亡高峰、人口规模等问题。笔者认为史前龙虬庄人们可能有意控制了女性人口的数量。艰苦的生活、繁重的劳动、危险的生育过程都是导致人们过早死亡的原因。最后笔者通过静止人口模式和新石器人口增长模式两种方法探讨了龙虬庄当时大致的人口规模以及可能的增长过程。  相似文献   

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