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ABSTRACT. A survey of regional monetary theory suggests a regional segmentation of financial markets on the basis of differences in portfolio preference, or market imperfections. These possibilities are explored here using post-Keynesian monetary theory. It is concluded that the availability of credit to a region depends more on the (potentially volatile) degree of confidence in the regional economy. The amount of liquidity thus generated depends on the propensity for capital flight due to liquidity preference. The resulting tendency for regions attracting low degrees of confidence to experience liquidity shortage will be greater the more integrated the national banking system.  相似文献   

区域经济地理学与区域经济学是地理科学与经济科学在解决"经济区域(系统)"的发展问题过程中交叉发展的产物。区域经济地理学是一门古老而年轻的学科,区域经济学则是二战后形成的新兴学科,但两门学科有着共同的思想发展特点,与区位论的发展紧密相联,与区域问题相伴而生,并随着相关学科的发展而越发具有生命力。20世纪80年代以来,尽管在思维方法、研究侧面、学科层次等方面仍存在较大差异,但两门学科在研究内容和理论框架上越来越靠拢,在学科性质上也日益走向融合。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT How does the research about rural economies in developed countries compare to urban/regional economics? What can the new generation contribute? This paper briefly reviews modern research concerning rural development in one country, the U.S., and reports indicators of U.S. rural distress. It examines the market forces and market failures that cause rural distress and that may limit the applicability of existing urban/regional theories to rural problems. A feast of uniquely rural issues that require—and should inspire—theoretical innovations in rural, urban, regional, and spatial economics are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this articles:
Henry J. Aaron, Economic Effects of Social Security
Peter J. Ferrara, Social Security; Adverting the Crisis
Carolyn L. Weaver, The Crisis in Social Security; Economic and Political Origins  相似文献   

白谨豪  刘儒  刘启农 《人文地理》2020,35(3):123-130,160
本文构建了区域高质量发展的空间均衡度与空间均衡发展度两个指标,衡量了2017年陕西10个地级市的区域高质量发展水平。结论如下:①陕西经济发展质量呈西安与榆林“两极驱动”的空间格局;社会发展质量呈“中心化”发展空间格局;资源环境发展质量呈南高北低的空间格局。②空间均衡视角下,陕西高质量发展呈现以西安为增长极,西安以东以南地区空间均衡发展度低,西安以西以北地区空间均衡发展度高的空间格局。在发展意义上能达到空间均衡状态的只有西安,其他地级市均处于不同程度失衡状态。  相似文献   

国外区域经济研究的一个新趋势——区域经济网络研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代区域经济发展呈现出网络化的趋势。国外区域经济学者将复杂网络理论和方法引入到区域经济学中,逐渐开拓出区域经济网络研究这个新领域,形成了解释区域经济现象和揭示区域经济规律的网络分析路径。目前,国外的研究工作主要是运用复杂网络理论和分析方法,对区域经济中的各类网络进行规范的定义和描述,研究这些网络的形成与演化,揭示区域经济增长和发展中的网络效应,分析知识、技术等要素在网络中的流动和扩散。  相似文献   

The present boundaries of Moscow's suburban zone are tested by delineating a so-called zone of active influence of Moscow city based on demographic structure and the significance of commuting to work in the city. The most favorable age-sex structure, with a high percentage of population in the working age groups and a relatively high percentage of children, is found in a zone within 50 to 60 kilometers from the city limits. This zone generates a daily flow of more than 500,000 commuters to places of employment in Moscow, 90 percent of whom spend less than 110 to 120 minutes traveling each way. These commuters represent about 2 percent of the total working-age population in the suburban zone. On the basis of the demographic structure and commuting linkages, Moscow's zone of active influence is therefore defined as the zone within which 90 percent of the commuters reside, or within 52 kilometers of the city limits. This conforms roughly to the present definition of the suburban zone.  相似文献   

区域市场营销与区域经济学拓展理论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
成伟光 《人文地理》2001,16(4):62-66
区域市场的存在是营销行为区域化的必然结果。环境本底差异加上劳动地域分工出现了区域产品,各种类型区域产品空间分布在不同的地域单元,由此带来商品的市场流通,这就要求针对不同区域特点,制定企业的营销策略。区域市场营销理论是对区域市场、市场缺口理论、区际贸易理论以及市场区位论的拓展。企业在不同区域的营销行为,受区际因素和区际关系的影响使营销策略、营销效果发生变化。本文通过深入研究,揭示这些现象存在的本质问题。  相似文献   

试论区域文化对区域经济发展的影响   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
本文探讨文化和经济的关系,重点论述了区域文化对区域经济发展的滞缓或促进作用,并以宁夏的区情进行了例证。  相似文献   

Starting with the aggregate demand model of economics, a model of demand for intercity air travel is developed which contains the gravity model as a less general submodel. The more general model is referred to as the alternative opportunities model since it takes account of alternative destinations open to travelers, not just origin and destination as does the gravity model. The demand model approach has the virtue of providing a theoretical basis for understanding and analyzing the gravity model. The gains from treating alternative locations and demand motivation variables are a substantial increase in explanatory power over that yielded by the gravity model, the identification of statistically significant determinants of air travel, and better measurement of the coefficients of population and distance by taking account of these other variables and somewhat better forecasts. A shortcoming of procedures used here is aggregation of air trips with different purposes and thus lack of clear specification of the size of effects of different variables on different types of travel. Overcoming this difficulty must await origin-destination data listed by trip purpose.  相似文献   

G. K. WARD 《Archaeometry》1974,16(1):41-53
This paper argues the importance of the contribution that multivariate statistical techniques can make to the analysis of data from trace element characterization of sources of raw material and of artefacts. A threephase analysis is outlined: for the delimitation of sources of the raw material; the representation of the interrelationships of these sources; and the systematic and explicit allocation of artefactual material within the available universe of source groups. A model is developed using obsidian from New Zealand sources and presented as an example of the method.  相似文献   

试论中国地域文化的地理特征   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
本文提出中国地域文化形成于春秋战国时期,经过长期发展演变,至今可以分为十六个地域文化区,文章概括了各区的地理特征,并分析其形成原因,对弘扬传统文化,热爱乡土,开展文化交流有重要意义。  相似文献   

For many policy considerations it is assumed that the convergence of regional mean income will improve national equity by reducing overall inequality. The literature on decomposability of social welfare functions implies that this assumption is unwarranted. This paper develops a notion of optimal regional convergence. In general, the point of optimal convergence depends on the shapes of the regional income distributions, the inequality index used, and the rule for distributing interregional transfers. These concepts are illustrated with data on the regional income distributions of the Southern and Northern United States.  相似文献   

税伟 《人文地理》2010,25(1):60-65
区域竞争力具有多维的地理层次,可以从国家到地方分为不同的区域层次。竞争力概念由来已久,国际上对区域竞争力存在多元化的认识。而且,自国际贸易学者克鲁格曼(Paul Krugman)于1994年质疑区域竞争力的概念以来,引发了关于区域竞争力概念是否有意义的系列讨论。据此,对区域竞争力的国际争论焦点进行述评,进而对区域竞争力重新定义。  相似文献   

区域旅游竞争研究进展   总被引:86,自引:1,他引:85  
本文主要回顾国外区域旅游竞争研究的进展,总结出不同阶段区域旅游竞争研究内容、特点和走向,并简要介绍了国内区域旅游竞争研究的一些代表性观点。在此基础上,作者提出了决定区域旅游竞争优势的图式。  相似文献   

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