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本文据《册府元龟》《东观奏记》及《全唐文》等,补入清人徐松《登科记考》失收、后世学者未补及之唐代进士一十三人,订正《登科记考》卷十九徐氏关于钱徽下进士及第人数、重试及第人数、重试驳落人数辨正之误,并移正该书卷二十明经王淑之顺序。  相似文献   

Comparatively little work has been done on how Abraham Lincoln has been represented in American cinema. Yet movies have been a major – and during the first half of the twentieth century probably the major – influence on how his memory has been constructed in American popular culture. This article analyzes changing representations of Lincoln on screen, showing that differing cinematic constructions of the sixteenth president were shaped by a range of factors, including popular biographies and the biases of directors. They also echoed salient issues of the era in which they were produced and more general changes in American attitudes.  相似文献   

It has been said that only Jesus and Shakespeare have been the subject of more works than Abraham Lincoln. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't still keep trying to get things right. I am going to be adding to that body of literature, on the relationship between Lincoln, the Supreme Court, and the Civil War.  相似文献   

NATO has been a source of influence on British nuclear policy and strategy since the 1950s. The nature and extent of its influence has, however, been kept limited by successive British governments. This article considers how and why this has happened. It discusses evolving British attitudes towards NATO command and planning, and shows how these were reflected with regard to strategic nuclear issues from the late 1950s. The evolution of the key notion that the United Kingdom is a second centre of nuclear decision within NATO is traced, and both its utility and contradictions are examined. Overall it is argued that, both during and since the Cold War, NATO has neither been a central factor in shaping British nuclear strategy and policy, nor have British nuclear weapons been other than of limited importance and relevance for most NATO members.  相似文献   

新乡市博物馆所藏《孙壁造像碑》原以为是唐碑,但作者认为该碑阴下半部分为宋代重刻。碑文对唐代邮驿及宋代的户籍制度也有所反映。  相似文献   


Stride lengths have been measured from dinosaur footprints, preserved as impressions in rock, and have been used to calculate the speeds at which the animals walked or ran. The dimensions of dinosaur leg bones have been measured and have been used to calculate an index that relates bone strength to body weight and indicates their likely athletic ability. Both studies depend on the concept of dynamic similarity, and are firmly based in physical sciences, but their conclusions should be treated cautiously because they depend on questionable assumptions and are subject to many potential sources of error.  相似文献   

日本是吉林省的主要经贸伙伴,自2000年起日本成为吉林省的第二大出口市场,发展同日本的经贸关系对吉林省具有十分重要的意义。本文通过对吉林省同日本经贸合作的现状及双方经贸合作的有利和不利因素的分析,提出了促进吉林省对日经贸进一步发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

none 《Textile history》2013,44(2):217-238

The social bearing of the Arts and Crafts movement in our country has certainly been perceived, and it has been the focus of a great amount of effort and energy…. Yet in England, which has been generally regarded as the cradle of this revival, it seems strange that there has been as yet no effective disposition, as in other countries, to treat the Arts and Crafts of Design as matters of National concern; or to establish a permanent organization or institution upon a substantial basis for their better care and fostering. At least, beyond the limited introduction as subjects of study in technological institutes, municipal and county council schools, and the Royal College of Art, it has been left to private effort, and the enthusiasm of groups of individuals or societies, mainly of hard-working artists and craftsmen, at their own risk and cost to endeavour to maintain a high standard of these arts by means of such exhibitions as those of our society.  相似文献   

It has been claimed that Australian and New Zealand voters have followed parallel paths since the Second World War. A comparison of the patterns of net vote movement at contemporaneous Australian and New Zealand elections since 1965 reveals that most have not been alike, although there were some remarkably similar patterns in the 1970s. Most Australian elections have been dominated by movement to the Opposition, but this is not true of New Zealand elections. At New Zealand elections, movements to minor parties have been as common.  相似文献   

For as long as there has been technology (the application of science and innovation) and for as long as there has been strategy (the use of forces and resources to achieve political goals) there has been a relationship of sorts between these two preoccupations. This article inquires into the nature of the technological–strategic relationship which governments, such as that in the UK, draw upon as they confront international terrorism. To what extent has the historical technostrategic dynamic remained relevant and useful, and where has new thinking been required? The article suggests that a new and more complex understanding of the technology–strategy relationship is emerging in the context of counterterrorism. The challenge facing government is to maintain a technological edge against its terrorist adversary, without exaggerating the adversary's capability, and while ensuring that its counterterrorism strategy pursues a coherent and persuasive political goal.  相似文献   

从我国实际情况出发、维护绝大多数中国人民的根本利益、建设富强民主文明的社会主义国家,是我国宪法内容变动的基本思路;经济制度和公民权利是我国宪法变动中的重要内容;非公有制经济地位由降低变为不断提高、坚持公有制由社会经济主体变为全部又变为主体、坚定不移地捍卫社会主义的基本原则、公民权利不断加强,是我国宪法内容变动的四大显著特点。我国宪法内容的历次变动,反映了社会主义革命与建设实践的要求,是对国情和社会主义建设规律认识的不断深化,是马克思主义理论探索的具体体现。  相似文献   

Over the past few years a remarkable research project has been undertaken by Australian and international curators and scholars which resulted in the staging of two highly successful exhibitions. While most audiences would only have seen one or the other, a small number of people have been privileged to see both. This review provides an analysis of the two exhibitions, a rare opportunity to consider how the same story has been told in different hemispheres.  相似文献   

北宋对外交往活动中,与西夏王朝维持着一种特殊的政治经济关系。双方官方的贡赐交往,在宋都开封与夏都兴庆之间架起了一座桥梁。两个城市之间相互学习,取长补短,使夏化得以长足发展,同时也使宋化广为传播。开封、兴庆之间的影响是相互的,而开封对兴庆的影响则是主要的。  相似文献   

加拿大和美国对古巴政策的分歧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于加拿大与美国的特殊关系 ,使得它在处理战后一些重大的国际事务时不得不与美国保持一致 ,但惟独在古巴问题上与美国相悖。美国一贯视拉美为后院 ,视古巴为共产主义在拉美的桥头堡。加拿大公开反对美国对古巴的封锁政策。古巴问题显示出加美对外政策的纠葛  相似文献   

Interpretation of San rock art has been heavily dependent on the various San ethnographies, particularly those of the /Xam, who inhabited the northern Cape Province, South Africa, until the early 20th century. A different reading of these ethnographies enables another avenue of interpretation: the interlinked themes of gender, sexuality, and rain appear to be as important in the art as shamanistic elements (reference to which has been a key development in understanding the art). While interpretation centering on the trance dance, recorded ethnographically from recent and contemporary San groups, has been most productive, many features of the art may be related to other aspects of San culture—to the female initiation ceremony, social organization, and the complex of notions and practices surrounding feminine gender and female sexuality.  相似文献   

On a global scale, the region which not only defines economic but also social unity has been brought once again to the agenda in a manner unlike those of the past, both as a result of globalization and localization tendencies, and with arguments towards formulating a more democratic administrative structure. Conversely, although regional planning and administrative pursuits and debates have ensued in Turkey since its foundation, regional plans have never been effectively administered, a regional administrative structure requiring continuity has not been established and problems requiring solutions at the regional level have increasingly continued their presence. In this study, proposals have been developed for regional planning and regional administration in Turkey, taking into consideration not only global tendencies but also the country's related experiences along with the current circumstances, and spatial unities that would form a basis for these have been defined.  相似文献   

作为完整言语行为的一个重要组成部分,取效行为研究长期被边缘化,得不到研究者应有的重视,甚至将其排斥在语言学研究的视野之外,有时又把它与取效效果混为一谈。本文对取效行为的概念进行了梳理,对其实质和内涵进行了阐释和界定,并对取效行为的类型及其表达手段进行了翔实的分析,以期从新的视角考察取效行为的理论价值及实践意义。  相似文献   

本文包括两部分,一是归纳了中国史学史学科自20世纪90年代以来的新进展,主要表现在:对中国传统史学理论进行自觉研究,并取得切实的成绩;20世纪史学成为研究热点;史学史分支学科的建设取得了进展;研究范围有了明显的扩大。二是对新世纪中国史学史学科的建设提出设想和建议。即继续扩展研究内容;更加关注现实史学的发展;加强研究机构和队伍的建设;在历史学专业的范围内普及中国史学史的教学;保持严谨扎实的学风。  相似文献   

This article considers the changing nature of France's relationship with the EC/EU. It looks at how France's ability to define the shape and direction of integration for much of the postwar period has been eroded since the implementation of the Single European Act, and how German unification has altered the balance of power within the Franco‐German alliance, so precipitating a crisis in France about ‘Europe’. Though the impact of the EU has often been exaggerated, the consequences of European action have been significant, contributing to the change in French economic policy and the transformation of the capacities of the French state.  相似文献   

Nicola Mai 《Modern Italy》2013,18(1):77-93
This article analyses the shifting ways in which Italy has been strategically represented in Albania during the different key passages of the latter's relatively recent history as a sovereign independent state. As a parallel narrative, the article also examines the way Albania has been equally strategically represented in Italy before and during the two periods in which Italy has been militarily involved in Albania, and the way this has been consistent with an attempt to elaborate and sustain a politically strategic definition of Italian identity and culture. The history of the asymmetrical relationship between Albania and Italy is deeply embedded in the social, cultural and political environments that are on the two shores of the Adriatic Sea. The cultural construction of Albania in Italy and vice versa of Italy in Albania should be linked to seemingly independent instances of domestic reforms. The dynamics of projective identification or dis-identification stemming from these instances should be seen as intertwined within two parallel processes of mutual definition encompassing both the colonial and the postcolonial relations between and within the two countries.  相似文献   

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