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尹新华 《安徽史学》2018,(1):62-69,161
一战是中国较全面参与战争法公约后面临的首场重大国际战争,战争法公约也是民初北京政府因应一战时局的重要工具。在民初中国与战争法公约关系发展进程中,北京政府逐步朝参战之路迈进。一战爆发前,北京政府决定补签一些战争法公约,借此平等融入国际社会和维护国家利权,这构成了其走向参战的重要背景。宣告完全中立之初,北京政府指望通过积极履行战时中立公约来避免战祸和维护利权,但强权挑战的危机为其转向参战埋下了伏笔。日本对华提出"二十一条"要求后上述希望彻底落空,北京政府转而趋向参战,试图借此参与战后和会。它一方面同作战规则方面的战争法公约积极接轨,另一方面通过暗中违背中立公约而朝参战迈出实质性步伐。最后,北京政府利用德国无限制潜艇战的契机,援用战争法公约正式宣战。北京政府走向参战不失其必然性和主动因应之特征,亦不乏文明和正义的色彩,而其参战政策的推进也影响到中国与战争法公约关系本身的发展。  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(3):335-351

This article assesses the recent application of "just war" criteria by Charles Reed. It is clear Reed has uncritically supported Anglo-American power by omitting a great deal of counter evidence and by misrepresenting opposing views. Some consideration is given to the ways in which intellectuals can unintentionally support violence and power.  相似文献   

14–18: U nderstanding T he G reat W ar . By Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau and Annette Becker.  相似文献   

When it comes to rape in war, evocative language describing rape as a ‘weapon of war’ has become commonplace. Although politically important, overemphasis on strategic aspects of wartime sexual violence can be misleading. Alternative explanations tend to understand rape either as exceptional — a departure from ‘normal’ sexual relationships — or as part of a continuum of gendered violence. This article shows how, even in war, norms are not suspended; nor do they simply continue. War changes the moral landscape. Drawing on ethnographic research over 10 years in northern Uganda, this article argues for a re‐sexualization of understandings of rape. It posits that sexual mores are central to explaining sexual violence, and that sexual norms — and hence transgressions — vary depending on the moral spaces in which they occur. In Acholi, moral spaces have temporal dimensions (‘olden times’, the ‘time of fighting’ and ‘these days’) and associated spatial dimensions (home, camp, bush, village, town). The dynamics of each help to explain the occurrence of some forms of sexual violence and the rarity of others. By reflecting on sexual norms and transgressions in these moral spaces, the article sheds light on the relationship between ‘event’ and ‘ordinary’, rape and war.  相似文献   

This article examines the intersections of gender, wartime nationalist rhetoric and the production of ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ bodies in both the Canadian workplace and the home during the Second World War. Analysing government, industry and media discourses in relation to oral history interviews with thirty‐eight women aircraft workers, we discuss women's distinctive role in shaping the health and morale of the social body during wartime, to ensure the maintenance of family, nation and the Allied war effort. While health in wartime was defined in terms of worker productivity for both men and women, anxiety about women's expanded roles heightened the emphasis on moral respectability as a marker of the ‘healthy’ female body. This was further complicated by the wartime emphasis on women's responsibilities to boost morale as part of their role in maintaining health and productivity for both men and women. Through such examples as workplace regulations and domestic advice, we examine the increased monitoring of women's individual and collective bodies and the intensified demands on female war workers as they crossed between the public and private spheres. We use our oral histories to examine women's embodied memories of ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ bodies within a regional context and their responses to government, industry and media discourses.  相似文献   

This study explores the link between religious identity and conflict in contemporary Turkey by examining the dramatic reversals in the relations between the country’s two prominent Islamic social forces, the ruling party AKP and the Gülen Organization. It shows how a particular trajectory of power and identity between the two religious forces transformed into a brutal security competition in the Turkish society and polity. It puts the analytical foci on the following puzzle: how did the Gülen community — once a confidential ally of AKP — turn into a coup plotter in the Turkish military to bring down the elected government? In order to explore the puzzle, the study offers significant departures from the standard approaches to religious identity and conflict by employing a distinct concept — the inter‐societal security dilemma.  相似文献   

“侨乡社会资本”解读:以当代福建跨境移民潮为例   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文以当代福建跨境移民潮为研究实例,提出并梳理"侨乡社会资本"命题的理论意义,力图赋予侨乡文化以新的理论视角.本文提出跨国民间网络是侨乡社会资本的基本载体,跨国互惠期望是侨乡社会资本的运作机制,跨国链接增殖是侨乡社会资本的效益特性.侨乡通过已定居移民、信息网络和人情互惠提高移民操作的成功率及获益率的能力,是一种社会资本.这种资本有望转化为经济资本、文化资本乃至政治资本,但这种转化只有在如愿跨境输出人力资源的条件下才能实现.侨乡社会资本的特殊性体现在它与发达国家劳动力市场的链接,其效益通过其投资对象--"移民"进入发达国家劳动力市场而实现转换与增值.当移民作为一种投资途径并且存在有效运作空间时,移民行为必然生生不息,而侨乡社会资本正是通过一次次诸如此类的跨国运作不断增殖.  相似文献   

方勇 《安徽史学》2016,(2):85-96
全面抗战爆发后,蒋介石对物价问题的认识经历了一个不断深化的演变过程。他对通货膨胀和物价问题的公开表述与私人记述及内部指示之间有不一致之处。在公共场合或公开讲话中,蒋介石对经济形势的看法总是比较乐观,对抑制通胀、平定物价显得充满信心。实际上,蒋介石对战时物价问题的严重性始终具有非常清醒的认识,他全面介入战时物价管制政策的制定与实施,对抗战前期的物价平定与抗战后期的物价管制发挥了不可或缺的重要作用。从宏观层面而言,蒋介石对战时物价管制成败得失应负主要领导责任。由此,亦可窥见他对经济抗战所起的复杂主导作用。  相似文献   

STANLEY KARNOW. Vietnam, A History. New York: Penguin, 1984. Pp. xi, 752. $10.95 (US); GABRIEL KOLKO. Anatomy of a War: Vietnam, The United States, and the Modern Historical Experience. New York: Pantheon Books, 1985. Pp. xvi, 628. $25.00 (US); TIMOTHY J. LOMPERIS. The War Everyone Lost-and Won: America's Intervention in Vietnam's Twin Struggles. Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1985. Pp. x, 192. $22.50 (US); R.B. SMITH. An International History of the Vietnam War: The Kennedy Strategy. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. Pp. xii, 429. $25.00 (US); HARRY O. SUMMERS, Jr. On Strategy: A Critical Analysis of the Vietnam War. New York: Dell, 1984. Pp. 288. $3.95 (US).  相似文献   

日本对战时中国的认识——满铁的若干对华调查及其观点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪30年代以来满铁的若干对华调查,反映了日本对战时中国的认识和侵华政策意向。满铁经调会的“特殊调查”和个人调查偏重于农业与农村。中心人物大上末广坚持中国社会封建性固定论,目的在于尽快利用中国社会既有结构,推行日本备战的“总力战”体制。冀东、江南农村实态调查和无锡工业调查,都是与日本对沦陷区军政统治相衔接的“把握社会结构基础实态”之举。同时也贯穿着调查始作俑者伊藤武雄所说的“三角地带论”,即在与共产竞新四军相对抗的同时,对长江三角洲采取某种怀柔政策,并“不战而取”全华中。中国抗战力调查的主导者是中西功等左翼调查员,由于他们把中国抗日战争性质和中国社会性质联系起来,深刻分析了中国抗战力的消长变化。所以他们的调查作为日本对华诱降急需的战略情报而备受军部关注。也正因为它只是情报,所以不具有改变侵略国策的回天之力。  相似文献   

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