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This essay serves to introduce the collection of articles in the present issue on the subject of the ‘History of Early Modern Masculinities’. It addresses the place of masculinity in early-modern historiography, highlights neglected areas of research, outlines methodological challenges and suggests new directions in the study of gender.  相似文献   

Observers of the digital humanities often see them as shifting literary study away from close reading. However, the digital humanities also present opportunities to refine our capabilities for close reading. These digital reading tools, often useful to scholars, may be just as helpful in the classroom. Students working on long Victorian texts often resist close reading. Ideally, they will have multiple low-pressure opportunities to practice this skill. Open annotation provides a frequent, collegial assignment to help students gain the habit of turning to specific moments in the text for their examples. Hypothes.is is an open-source project facilitating group annotation of any online text; it requires users to anchor any comment in a specific text passage while enabling privacy, conversation threads, and easy grading. This essay offers a commentary on open annotation in the classroom, growing out of the particular challenges and rewards of the course where it was used. Students’ experiences of the text were indisputably enriched by their work with Hypothes.is, but the assignment works best with careful framing and support due to students’ unfamiliarity with the technology.  相似文献   

日本《杏雨书屋藏敦煌秘笈》新公布的敦煌文书有不少社会文书,本文对其中六件作了释录、考订。其中《敦煌县龙勒乡都乡里天宝六载籍》,是罗振玉旧藏13行天宝六载籍前面紧连的部分。对《仓史令狐良嗣状》作了重新释读和订名。对《癸未年史喜酥买马契》契文作出考释,指出咸通七年表奏朝廷的米怀玉是敦煌的米都头。对广顺二年的《赵盐久户状》作出考释,确定此文书是由县一级统一抄写成册拟呈报给归义军使衙的"都受田簿"。考订了《驿程记》产生的背景及沙州专使的进京路线。通过对开元年间的《沙州会计历》考订,发现本卷实属法藏敦煌卷P.3841号《唐开元廿三年(735)沙州会计历》尾部的接续部分。  相似文献   

《漫步江南:走过水乡的十四帧风景》继《漫步厦门》之后,旅行作家黄橙再度出发,这一次,他来到水乡江南。从鲁迅路到平江路,从安昌到南浔,从西湖到秦淮河,走过小街走过古镇,走过江南的十四帧风景画。西湖边、鉴湖上、太湖深处、秦淮河两岸……水乡泽国成为上演诸多才子佳人传奇故事的绮丽背景。  相似文献   

韩岩 《攀登》2011,30(2):130-132
开架借阅是图书馆工作的发展方向,它使图书馆在服务社会方面发挥了积极的作用,但是开架借阅所带来的诸多问题是图书馆管理工作的一大难题。本文通过对存在问题的分析,提出了一些具体的对策。  相似文献   

Reading Thatcher     
Shirley Letwin, The Anatomy of Thatcherism (London: Fontana, 1992) pp.377 $16.95 ISBN 0 00686243.

Margaret Thatcher, The Downing Street Years (London: Harper Collins, 1993) pp.914 $49.95 0 00 255049 0.

David Willetts, Modern Conservatism (London: Penguin, 1992) pp.216 $16.95 ISBN 0 14 015477 9.  相似文献   

Reading Barthes     
The Fédération des syndicats libres des travailleurs de la terre (FSLTT) was a trade union for farm workers established by the Christian confederation (CFTC) during the French Popular Front. Supported by two rural catholic action movements, the JAC and UCFA, it was a response to the wave of strikes in agriculture and viewed as a means to counter the perceived threat of communism in the countryside. Although the FSLTT remained small, its establishment and subsequent evolution is significant. Firstly, the union represented a break within social catholic thinking towards the rural world. Until the early 1930s, all wings of rural social catholicism supported the principle of syndicats mixtes—associations uniting workers, farmers and proprietors. The resulting clash between supporters of the FSLTT and the UNSA, the main association of agricultural syndicalism, whose leaders were also inspired by social catholic doctrine, left its mark on the future organisation of French agriculture under Vichy and during the Fourth Republic. Secondly, the FSLTT illustrates the contradictory nature of Christian trade unionism during the Popular Front period. During a decisive stage in its history, the CFTC's doctrinal and material link to social catholicism conflicted with the influence of pressures arising from the mass social movement. The article surveys the FSLTT from a national perspective, though much of the focus is on the Nord department, its strongest base.  相似文献   

叮研‘夕’丫》疑二”多尽甲移钾林耳‘呐娜办笋甸藏犷)沪务勺:气ir霜气侵窗秋有声墨香此夜笼孤灯千峰疑雾迷神矢一页轻风动心挂隔岸已觉花慧眼近山更喜景夺人忽闻云外天鸡唱苍茫红尘梦正深认娜掩价︸笼场彭.i’︵闭林︸盈喃歧攀认别︸口,乃旅.从鉴资i和笼御德导致萝已邵翻琪岁﹃…矛相拿俊寒耘办必译尸渗东连执舒器作子礴吹粼出华勺叫补牲令军.一北漆井卜。毛亡·惫酥乙角次燕冻礴人办守考劣丁鹅喀关?压产声被今少渗声久津无,·性.伙阵,·扣‘冲考︸.神浅毋J磷江尸魂革浑卜杖再淤︸待少.脸衬︸,冲﹃鱿绪很哭夜读@王文泸 @马虎城…  相似文献   

民国时期的行政督察专员制度及其知识背景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
翁有为 《史学月刊》2006,37(6):37-45
行政督察专员制度是南京政府于20世纪30年代初所创设、后逐渐在国共各治区推行和实施的地方层级制度,对当代中国地方政府制度也产生重要影响。该制在民国时期随着国内局势的重大变化,在抗战以前、抗战时期和抗战胜利以后,相继发生了相应的变迁,在国共各治区也有不同的特征和命运。在行政督察专员制创设和演变的过程中,也不应忽视其与学术界流行的相关知识、观念的关联。  相似文献   

甲申年(1644年)八旗入关,从而影响了中国历史发展近三百年之久。八旗人关给中国社会带来了一系列变化,首先八旗在清初多种势力角斗中控制了局势,实现了统一。其次八旗成为维护国家统一的基本力量。第三八旗打破了中原“华夷之防”思想。第四八旗成为多民族友好相处的典型。第五八旗中涌现出众多人才。为社会进步做出了贡献。第六八旗对其他民族化极以尊重态度,使各民族化得以传承。当然八旗制度也存在着弊病,这也是清代中叶以后八旗衰落的主要原因。  相似文献   

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